

Functional and flexible multimethods for Clojure. Nondestructive multimethod construction, CLOS-style aux methods and method combinations, partial-default dispatch, easy next-method invocation, helpful debugging tools, and more.

(this space intentionally left almost blank)
(ns methodical.profile
  (:require [criterium.core :as criterium]
            [methodical.core :as m]
            [methodical.impl :as impl]))
(m/defmulti ^:private methodical-multifn
(m/defmethod methodical-multifn :default
  (assoc m :called :default))
(m/defmethod methodical-multifn :amazing
  (assoc m :called :amazing))
(defmulti ^:private clojure-multimethod :type)
(defmethod clojure-multimethod :default
  (assoc m :called :default))
(defmethod clojure-multimethod :amazing
  (assoc m :called :amazing))
(defn- plain-fn-1 [m] (assoc m :called :amazing))
(defn- plain-fn-2 [m] (assoc m :called :default))
(def ^:private m  {:type :amazing})
(def ^:private m2 {:type :wow})
(defn- profile []
  (assert (= (methodical-multifn m)  (clojure-multimethod m)  (plain-fn-1 m)))
  (assert (= (methodical-multifn m2) (clojure-multimethod m2) (plain-fn-2 m2)))
  (println "\n\nProfiling plain fns...")
     (plain-fn-1 m)
     (plain-fn-2 m2)))
  (println "\n\nProfiling methodical...")
   (do (methodical-multifn m)
       (methodical-multifn m2)))
  (println "\n\nProfiling vanilla clojure multimethod...")
     (clojure-multimethod m)
     (clojure-multimethod m2))))
(def ^:private big-hierarchy
  (let [relationships
        (for [child       [:a :b :c :d :e :f]
              parent      [:g :h :i :j :k :l]
              grandparent [:m :n :o :p :q :r]]
          [child parent grandparent])]
     (fn [h [child parent grandparent]]
       (-> h
           (derive child parent)
           (derive parent grandparent)))
(defmulti big-hierarchy-vanilla
  :hierarchy #'big-hierarchy)
(prefer-method big-hierarchy-vanilla :o :p)
(defmethod big-hierarchy-vanilla :p [_] :p)
(m/defmulti big-hierarchy-methodical
  :hierarchy #'big-hierarchy)
(m/defmethod big-hierarchy-methodical :p [_] :p)
(def big-hierarchy-methodical-clojure
  (impl/multifn (impl/clojure-multifn-impl keyword :hierarchy #'big-hierarchy)))
(m/defmethod big-hierarchy-methodical-clojure :p [_] :p)
(defn profile-big-hierarchy []
   (= (big-hierarchy-vanilla :b)
      (big-hierarchy-methodical :b)
      (big-hierarchy-methodical-clojure :b)
  (println "\n\nvanilla clojure")
  (criterium/bench (big-hierarchy-vanilla :b))
  (println "\n\nmethodical")
  (criterium/bench (big-hierarchy-methodical :b))
  (println "\n\nmethodical clojure")
  (criterium/bench (big-hierarchy-methodical-clojure :b)))
(defn -main []
  (println "(profile)")
  (println "(profile-big-hierarchy)")
(ns user
   [environ.core :as env]
   [humane-are.core :as humane-are]
   [pjstadig.humane-test-output :as humane-test-output]))
(when-not (get env/env :inhumane-test-output)

Combined interface to everything in Methodical you'd normally want to use.

(ns methodical.core
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [defmulti defmethod methods get-method remove-method
                            remove-all-methods prefer-method prefers])
  (:require methodical.impl
            [potemkin :as p]))

fool cljr-clean-ns and the namespace linter so it doesn't remove these automatically


  ;; MethodCombination
  ;; MethodTable
  ;; Dispatcher
  ;; MultiFnImpl

  ;; method combinations
  ;; dispatchers
  ;; method tables
  ;; caches
  ;; multifn impls
  ;; multifn

  ;; destructive ops




Convenience constructors for various implementations of the different component parts of a Methodical multifn.

(ns methodical.impl
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [prefers])
  (:require [methodical.impl.cache.simple :as cache.simple]
            [methodical.impl.cache.watching :as cache.watching]
            [methodical.impl.combo.clojure :as combo.clojure]
            [methodical.impl.combo.clos :as combo.clos]
            [methodical.impl.combo.operator :as combo.operator]
            [methodical.impl.combo.threaded :as combo.threaded]
            [methodical.impl.dispatcher.everything :as dispatcher.everything]
            [methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi-default :as dispatcher.multi-default]
            [methodical.impl.dispatcher.standard :as dispatcher.standard]
            [methodical.impl.method-table.clojure :as method-table.clojure]
            [methodical.impl.method-table.standard :as method-table.standard]
            [methodical.impl.multifn.cached :as multifn.cached]
            [methodical.impl.multifn.standard :as multifn.standard]
            [methodical.impl.standard :as impl.standard]
  (:import methodical.impl.standard.StandardMultiFn
           [methodical.interface Cache Dispatcher MethodCombination MethodTable MultiFnImpl]))
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me)

Method Combinations

Simple method combination strategy that mimics the way vanilla Clojure multimethods combine methods; that is, to say, not at all. Like vanilla Clojure multimethods, this method combination only supports primary methods.

(defn clojure-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []

Method combination strategy that mimics the standard method combination in the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). Supports :before, :after, and :around auxiliary methods. The values returned by :before and :after methods are ignored. Primary methods and around methods get an implicit next-method arg (see Methodical dox for more on what this means).

(defn clos-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []

Similar the the standard CLOS-style method combination, but threads the result of each :before and :after auxiliary methods, as well as the primary method, as the first arg of subsequent method invocations.

(defn thread-first-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.threaded/threading-method-combination :thread-first))

Similar the the standard CLOS-style method combination, but threads the result of each :before and :after auxiliary methods, as well as the primary method, as the last arg of subsequent method invocations.

(defn thread-last-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.threaded/threading-method-combination :thread-last))

CLOS-Inspired Operator Method Combinations

These combinations all work more or less the same way: they invoke all applicable primary methods, in order from most-specific to least specific, reducing the results using the function matching their name, e.g.

(reduce + (method-1) (method-2) (method-3)) ; + method combination

The following combinations all share the same constraints: they all support :around and :primary methods, but not :before or :after methods. (The only reason this is the case is because that's how it is in CLOS; there's no reason they can't support :before, :after, :between, :around-each, :or any other insane auxiliary method type; these may be added at some point in the future.

Because all of these combinations automatically invoke all relevant primary methods, like CLOS, their primary methods do not get an implicit next-method arg; however, :around methods still get it (and are still required to call it.)

Based on the CLOS progn method combination. Sequentially executes all applicable primary methods, presumably for side-effects, in order from most-specific to least-specific; returns the value returned by the least-specific method. do method combinations support :around auxiliary methods, but not :before or :after methods.

(defn do-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :do))

Based on the CLOS method combination of the same name. Executes all applicable primary methods, returning the minimum value returned by any implementation. Like do method combinations, min supports :around auxiliary methods, but not :before or :after.

(defn min-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :min))

Executes all applicable primary methods, and returns the maximum value returned by any one implementation. Same constraints as other CLOS operator-style method combinations.

(defn max-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :max))

Executes all applicable primary methods, returnings the sum of the values returned by each method. Same constraints as other CLOS operator-style method combinations.

(defn +-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :+))

Executes all applicable primary methods, from most-specific to least-specific; returns a sequence of results from the method invocations. Inspired by CLOS nconc and append method combinations, but unlike those, this combination returns a completely lazy sequence. Like other CLOS-operator-inspired method combinations, this combination currently supports :around methods, but not :before or :after methods.

(defn seq-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :seq))

Like the seq-method-combination, but concatenates all the results together.

seq-method-combination : map :: concat-method-combination : mapcat

(defn concat-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :concat))

Invoke all applicable primary methods, from most-specific to least-specific; reducing the results as if by and. Like and, this method invocation short-circuits if any implementation returns a falsey value. Otherwise, this method returns the value returned by the last method invoked.

(defn and-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :and))

Like the and combination, but combines result as if by or; short-circuits after the first matching primary method returns a truthy value.

(defn or-method-combination
  ^MethodCombination []
  (combo.operator/operator-method-combination :or))


Create a stanadrd Methodical multifn dispatcher. The standard dispatcher replicates the way vanilla Clojure multimethods handle multimethod dispatch, with support for a custom hierarchy, default-value and map of prefers.

(defn standard-dispatcher
  ^Dispatcher [dispatch-fn & {:keys [hierarchy default-value prefers]
                              :or   {hierarchy     #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy
                                     default-value :default
                                     prefers       {}}}]
  {:pre [(ifn? dispatch-fn) (instance? clojure.lang.IDeref hierarchy) (map? prefers)]}
  (dispatcher.standard/->StandardDispatcher dispatch-fn hierarchy default-value prefers))

A Dispatcher that always considers all primary and auxiliary methods to be matches; does not calculate dispatch values for arguments when invoking. Dispatch values are still used to sort methods from most- to least- specific, using hierarchy and map of prefers.

(defn everything-dispatcher
  ^Dispatcher [& {:keys [hierarchy prefers]
                  :or   {hierarchy #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy
                         prefers   {}}}]
  {:pre [(instance? clojure.lang.IDeref hierarchy) (map? prefers)]}
  (dispatcher.everything/->EverythingDispatcher hierarchy prefers))

Like the standard dispatcher, with one big improvement: when dispatching on multiple values, it supports default methods that specialize on some args and use the default for others. (e.g. [String :default])

(defn multi-default-dispatcher
  ^Dispatcher [dispatch-fn & {:keys [hierarchy default-value prefers]
                              :or   {hierarchy     #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy
                                     default-value :default
                                     prefers       {}}}]
  {:pre [(ifn? dispatch-fn) (instance? clojure.lang.IDeref hierarchy) (map? prefers)]}
  (dispatcher.multi-default/->MultiDefaultDispatcher dispatch-fn hierarchy default-value prefers))

Method Tables

Create a new Clojure-style method table. Clojure-style method tables only support primary methods.

(defn clojure-method-table
  (^MethodTable  []
   (clojure-method-table {}))
  (^MethodTable [m]
   {:pre [(map? m)]}
   (method-table.clojure/->ClojureMethodTable m)))

Create a new standard method table that supports both primary and auxiliary methods.

(defn standard-method-table
  (^MethodTable []
   (standard-method-table {} {}))
  (^MethodTable [primary aux]
   {:pre [(map? primary) (map? aux)]}
   (method-table.standard/->StandardMethodTable primary aux)))


Create a basic dumb cache. The simple cache stores

(defn simple-cache
  (^Cache []
   (simple-cache {}))
  (^Cache [m]
   (cache.simple/->SimpleCache (atom m))))

Wrap cache in a WatchingCache, which clears the cache whenever one of the watched references (such as vars or atoms) changes. Intended primarily for use with 'permanent' MultiFns, such as those created with defmulti; this is rarely needed or wanted for transient multifns.

(defn watching-cache
  ^Cache [cache references]
  (cache.watching/add-watches cache references))

MultiFn Impls

Create a basic multifn impl using method combination combo, dispatcher dispatcher, and method-table. See [[default-multifn-impl]] for the defaults that are normally used if you don't specify otherwise.

(defn standard-multifn-impl
  ^MultiFnImpl [combo dispatcher method-table]
  {:pre [(instance? MethodCombination combo)
         (instance? Dispatcher dispatcher)
         (instance? MethodTable method-table)]}
  (multifn.standard/->StandardMultiFnImpl combo dispatcher method-table))

Create a basic multifn impl using default choices for method combination, dispatcher, and method table.

(defn default-multifn-impl
  {:arglists '([dispatch-fn & {:keys [hierarchy default-value prefers]}])}
  ^MultiFnImpl [dispatch-fn & dispatcher-options]
   (apply multi-default-dispatcher dispatch-fn dispatcher-options)

Create a mulitfn impl that largely behaves the same way as a vanilla Clojure multimethod.

(defn clojure-multifn-impl
  {:arglists '([dispatch-fn & {:keys [hierarchy default-value prefers method-table]}])}
  ^MultiFnImpl [dispatch-fn & {:keys [method-table], :or {method-table {}}, :as options}]
  (let [dispatcher-options (apply concat (select-keys options [:hierarchy :default-value :prefers]))]
     (apply standard-dispatcher dispatch-fn dispatcher-options)
     (clojure-method-table method-table))))

Convenience for creating a new multifn instances that for the most part mimics the behavior of CLOS generic functions using the standard method combination. Supports :before, :after, and :around auxiliary methods, but values of :before and :after methods are ignored, rather than threaded. Primary and :around methods each get an implicit next-method arg.

(defn clos-multifn-impl
  {:arglists '([dispatch-fn & {:keys [hierarchy default-value prefers primary-method-table aux-method-table]}])}
  ^MultiFnImpl [dispatch-fn & {:keys [primary-method-table aux-method-table],
                                     :or   {primary-method-table {}, aux-method-table {}}
                                     :as   options}]
  (let [dispatcher-options (apply concat (select-keys options [:hierarchy :default-value :prefers]))]
     (apply standard-dispatcher dispatch-fn dispatcher-options)
     (standard-method-table primary-method-table aux-method-table))))

Wrap a MultiFnImpl in a CachedMultiFnImpl, which adds caching to calculated effective methods. The cache itself is swappable with other caches that implement different strategies.

(defn cached-multifn-impl
  (^MultiFnImpl [impl]
   (cached-multifn-impl impl (simple-cache)))
  (^MultiFnImpl [impl cache]
   (multifn.cached/->CachedMultiFnImpl impl cache)))

Standard MultiFn

Create a new Methodical multifn using impl as the multifn implementation; impl itself should implement MultiFnImpl. DOES NOT CACHE EFFECTIVE METHODS -- use multifn instead, unless you like slow dispatch times.

(defn uncached-multifn
  (^StandardMultiFn [impl]
   (uncached-multifn impl nil))
  (^StandardMultiFn [impl mta]
   (impl.standard/->StandardMultiFn impl mta)))

Create a new cached Methodical multifn using impl as the multifn implementation.

(defn multifn
  (^StandardMultiFn [impl]
   (multifn impl nil))
  (^StandardMultiFn [impl mta]
   (multifn impl mta (simple-cache)))
  (^StandardMultiFn [impl mta cache]
   (uncached-multifn (cached-multifn-impl impl cache) mta)))

Create a new Methodical multifn using the default impl.

(def ^{:arglists (:arglists (meta #'default-multifn-impl))}
  (comp multifn default-multifn-impl))

A basic, dumb cache. SimpleCache stores cached methods in a simple map of dispatch-value -> effective method; it offers no facilities to deduplicate identical methods for the same dispatch value. This behaves similarly to the caching mechanism in vanilla Clojure.

(ns methodical.impl.cache.simple
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface Cache)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me)
(deftype SimpleCache [atomm]
  (pretty [_]
  (cached-method [_ dispatch-value]
    (get @atomm dispatch-value))
  (cache-method! [_ dispatch-value method]
    (swap! atomm assoc dispatch-value method))
  (clear-cache! [this]
    (reset! atomm {})
  (empty-copy [_]
    (SimpleCache. (atom {})))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class (class this)
     :cache @atomm})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It caches methods using a `%s`." (.getCanonicalName (class this)))))

A [[methodical.interface/Cache]] implementation that wraps any other cache, watching one or more references (such as an atom or var), calling [[methodical.interface/clear-cache!]] whenever one of those references changes.

WatchingCaches can be created by calling [[add-watches]] on another cache. [[add-watches]] is composable, meaning you can thread multiple calls to it to build a cache that watches the entire world go by. You could, for example, use this to build a multifn that supports a dynamic set of hierarchies, letting you add more as you go. The world's your oyster!

WatchingCaches' watch functions weakly reference their caches, meaning they do not prevent garbage collection of potentially large method maps; they also automatically clear out their watches when they are garbage collected and finalized (which, of course, may actually be never -- but worst-case is that some unneeded calls to [[methodical.interface/clear-cache!]] get made).

(ns methodical.impl.cache.watching
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [clojure.datafy :as datafy]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (java.lang.ref WeakReference)
   (methodical.interface Cache)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(declare add-watches remove-watches)
(deftype WatchingCache [^Cache cache watch-key refs]
  (pretty [_]
    (concat ['watching-cache cache 'watching] refs))
  (finalize [this]
    (remove-watches this))
  (cached-method [_ dispatch-value]
    (.cached-method cache dispatch-value))
  (cache-method! [this dispatch-value method]
    (.cache-method! cache dispatch-value method)
  (clear-cache! [this]
    (.clear-cache! cache)
  (empty-copy [_]
    (add-watches (i/empty-copy cache) refs))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class (class this)
     :cache (datafy/datafy cache)
     :refs  refs})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It caches methods using a `%s`." (.getCanonicalName (class this)))))
(defn- cache-watch-fn [cache]
  (let [cache-weak-ref (WeakReference. cache)]
    (fn [_ _ old-value new-value]
      (when-let [cache (.get cache-weak-ref)]
        (when-not (= old-value new-value)
          (i/clear-cache! cache))))))
(defn- new-cache-with-watches
  ^WatchingCache [^Cache wrapped-cache watch-key refs]
  (let [cache    (WatchingCache. wrapped-cache watch-key (set refs))
        watch-fn (cache-watch-fn cache)]
    (doseq [reference refs]
      (add-watch reference watch-key watch-fn))

Create a new cache that watches refs (such as vars or atoms), clearing the cache it wraps whenever one of the watched refs changes.

  • If refs is empty (i.e., there's nothing to watch), or cache is already watching the same set of refs, this function this function returns cache as-is.

  • If cache is a WatchingCache with a different set of refs, this returns a flattened WatchingCache that both the original refs and the new ones. The original cache is unmodified.

(defn add-watches
  ^Cache [^Cache cache refs]
  {:pre [(every? (partial instance? clojure.lang.IRef) refs)]}
    (empty? refs)
    (and (instance? WatchingCache cache)
         (= (set refs) (set (.refs ^WatchingCache cache))))
    (instance? WatchingCache cache)
    (let [^WatchingCache cache cache]
      (recur (.cache cache) (into (set (.refs cache)) refs)))
    (new-cache-with-watches cache (gensym "watching-cache-") refs)))

Recursively removes all watches from cache, and returning the cache it wrapped (in case you want to thread it into [[add-watches]] to watch something else). If cache is not an instance of WatchingCache, returns the cache as-is.

(defn remove-watches
  (if-not (instance? WatchingCache cache)
    (let [^WatchingCache cache cache
          watch-key            (.watch-key cache)]
      (doseq [reference (.refs cache)]
        (remove-watch reference watch-key))
      (recur (.cache cache)))))

Simple method combination strategy that mimics the way vanilla Clojure multimethods combine methods; that is, to say, not at all. Like vanilla Clojure multimethods, this method combination only supports primary methods.

(ns methodical.impl.combo.clojure
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface MethodCombination)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me)
(deftype ClojureMethodCombination []
  (pretty [_]
  (equals [_ another]
    (instance? ClojureMethodCombination another))
  (allowed-qualifiers [_]
    #{nil})                             ; only primary methods
  (combine-methods [_ [primary-method] aux-methods]
    (when (seq aux-methods)
      (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Clojure-style multimethods do not support auxiliary methods.")))
  (transform-fn-tail [_this _qualifier fn-tail]
  (datafy [this]
    {:class (class this)})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the method combination `%s`." (.getCanonicalName (class this)))))

Method combination strategy that mimics the standard method combination in the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). Supports :before, :after, and :around auxiliary methods. The values returned by :before and :after methods are ignored. Primary methods and around methods get an implicit next-method arg (see Methodical dox for more on what this means).

(ns methodical.impl.combo.clos
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.impl.combo.common :as combo.common]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface MethodCombination)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me)

TODO - I'm 90% sure we can leverage the reducing-operator stuff in combo.operator to implement this

(defn- apply-befores [combined-method befores]
  (if (empty? befores)
       (doseq [before befores]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (before a))
       (combined-method a))
      ([a b]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (before a b))
       (combined-method a b))
      ([a b c]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (before a b c))
       (combined-method a b c))
      ([a b c d]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (before a b c d))
       (combined-method a b c d))
      ([a b c d e]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (before a b c d e))
       (combined-method a b c d e))
      ([a b c d e f]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (before a b c d e f))
       (combined-method a b c d e f))
      ([a b c d e f g]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (before a b c d e f g))
       (combined-method a b c d e f g))
      ([a b c d e f g & more]
       (doseq [before befores]
         (apply before a b c d e f g more))
       (apply combined-method a b c d e f g more)))))
(defn- apply-afters [combined-method afters]
  (if (empty? afters)
    (let [afters          (reverse afters)
          apply-after-fns (fn [result]
                            (doseq [f afters]
                              (f result))
      (comp apply-after-fns combined-method))))
(deftype CLOSStandardMethodCombination []
  (pretty [_]
  (equals [_ another]
    (instance? CLOSStandardMethodCombination another))
  (allowed-qualifiers [_]
    #{nil :before :after :around})
  (combine-methods [_ primary-methods {:keys [before after around]}]
    (some-> (combo.common/combine-primary-methods primary-methods)
            (apply-befores before)
            (apply-afters after)
            (combo.common/apply-around-methods around)))
  (transform-fn-tail [_ qualifier fn-tail]
    (combo.common/add-implicit-next-method-args qualifier fn-tail))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class (class this)})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the method combination `%s`." (.getCanonicalName (class this)))))

Utility functions for implementing method combinations.

(ns methodical.impl.combo.common
  (:require [methodical.util :as u]))

[[clojure.core/partial]] but with more direct arities.

(defn partial*
  ([inner] inner)
  ([inner a]
     ([]                          (inner a))
     ([p]                         (inner a p))
     ([p q]                       (inner a p q))
     ([p q r]                     (inner a p q r))
     ([p q r s]                   (inner a p q r s))
     ([p q r s t]                 (inner a p q r s t))
     ([p q r s t u]               (inner a p q r s t u))
     ([p q r s t u v]             (inner a p q r s t u v))
     ([p q r s t u v x]           (inner a p q r s t u v x))
     ([p q r s t u v x y]         (inner a p q r s t u v x y))
     ([p q r s t u v x y & z]     (apply inner a p q r s t u v x y z))))
  ([inner a b]
     ([]                          (inner a b))
     ([p]                         (inner a b p))
     ([p q]                       (inner a b p q))
     ([p q r]                     (inner a b p q r))
     ([p q r s]                   (inner a b p q r s))
     ([p q r s t]                 (inner a b p q r s t))
     ([p q r s t u]               (inner a b p q r s t u))
     ([p q r s t u v]             (inner a b p q r s t u v))
     ([p q r s t u v x]           (inner a b p q r s t u v x))
     ([p q r s t u v x y]         (inner a b p q r s t u v x y))
     ([p q r s t u v x y & z]     (apply inner a b p q r s t u v x y z))))
  ([inner a b c]
     ([]                          (inner a b c))
     ([p]                         (inner a b c p))
     ([p q]                       (inner a b c p q))
     ([p q r]                     (inner a b c p q r))
     ([p q r s]                   (inner a b c p q r s))
     ([p q r s t]                 (inner a b c p q r s t))
     ([p q r s t u]               (inner a b c p q r s t u))
     ([p q r s t u v]             (inner a b c p q r s t u v))
     ([p q r s t u v x]           (inner a b c p q r s t u v x))
     ([p q r s t u v x y]         (inner a b c p q r s t u v x y))
     ([p q r s t u v x y & z]     (apply inner a b c p q r s t u v x y z))))
  ([inner a b c d]
     ([]                          (inner a b c d))
     ([p]                         (inner a b c d p))
     ([p q]                       (inner a b c d p q))
     ([p q r]                     (inner a b c d p q r))
     ([p q r s]                   (inner a b c d p q r s))
     ([p q r s t]                 (inner a b c d p q r s t))
     ([p q r s t u]               (inner a b c d p q r s t u))
     ([p q r s t u v]             (inner a b c d p q r s t u v))
     ([p q r s t u v x]           (inner a b c d p q r s t u v x))
     ([p q r s t u v x y]         (inner a b c d p q r s t u v x y))
     ([p q r s t u v x y & z]     (apply inner a b c d p q r s t u v x y z))))
  ([inner a b c d e]
     ([]                          (inner a b c d e))
     ([p]                         (inner a b c d e p))
     ([p q]                       (inner a b c d e p q))
     ([p q r]                     (inner a b c d e p q r))
     ([p q r s]                   (inner a b c d e p q r s))
     ([p q r s t]                 (inner a b c d e p q r s t))
     ([p q r s t u]               (inner a b c d e p q r s t u))
     ([p q r s t u v]             (inner a b c d e p q r s t u v))
     ([p q r s t u v x]           (inner a b c d e p q r s t u v x))
     ([p q r s t u v x y]         (inner a b c d e p q r s t u v x y))
     ([p q r s t u v x y & z]     (apply inner a e b c d p q r s t u v x y z))))
  ([inner a b c d e f]
     ([]                          (inner a b c d e f))
     ([p]                         (inner a b c d e f p))
     ([p q]                       (inner a b c d e f p q))
     ([p q r]                     (inner a b c d e f p q r))
     ([p q r s]                   (inner a b c d e f p q r s))
     ([p q r s t]                 (inner a b c d e f p q r s t))
     ([p q r s t u]               (inner a b c d e f p q r s t u))
     ([p q r s t u v]             (inner a b c d e f p q r s t u v))
     ([p q r s t u v x]           (inner a b c d e f p q r s t u v x))
     ([p q r s t u v x y]         (inner a b c d e f p q r s t u v x y))
     ([p q r s t u v x y & z]     (apply inner a e f b c d p q r s t u v x y z))))
  ([inner a b c d e f & more]
   (fn [& args]
     (inner a b c d e f (concat more args)))))

Combine all primary-methods into a single combined method. Each method is partially bound with a next-method arg.

(defn combine-primary-methods
  (when (seq primary-methods)
     (fn [next-method primary-method]
       (u/fn-with-meta (partial* (u/unwrap-fn-with-meta primary-method) next-method)
                       (meta primary-method)))
     (reverse primary-methods))))

Combine around-methods into combined-method, returning a new even-more-combined method. Each around method is partially bound with a next-method arg. Normally, this applies around methods least-specific-first (e.g. Person before Child).

(defn apply-around-methods
  [combined-method around-methods]
   (fn [combined-method around-method]
     (u/fn-with-meta (partial* (u/unwrap-fn-with-meta around-method) combined-method)
                     (meta around-method)))

Helpers for implementing `transform-fn-tail`

Transform fn-tail using f, a function that operates on a single ([params*] expr*) form. For single-arity functions, this applies f directly to fn-tail; for functions overloaded with multiple arities, this maps f across all arities.

(defn transform-fn-tail
  [f fn-tail]
  {:pre [(sequential? fn-tail)]}
    (vector? (first fn-tail))
    (apply f fn-tail)
    (vector? (ffirst fn-tail))
    (map (partial* transform-fn-tail f) fn-tail)
    (throw (ex-info (format "Invalid fn tail: %s. Expected ([arg*] & body) or (([arg*] & body)+)"
                            (pr-str fn-tail))
                    {:f f, :fn-tail fn-tail}))))

Add an implicit arg to the beginning of the arglists for every arity of fn-tail.

(defn add-implicit-arg
  [arg fn-tail]
   (fn [bindings & body]
     (cons (into [arg] bindings) body))

Add an implicit next-method arg to the beginning of primary and :around fn tails; :before and :after tails are left as-is.

(defn add-implicit-next-method-args
  [qualifier fn-tail]
  (case qualifier
    nil     (add-implicit-arg 'next-method fn-tail)
    :before fn-tail
    :after  fn-tail
    :around (add-implicit-arg 'next-method fn-tail)))

Method combinations strategies based on the non-default method combination types in CLOS. All non-default method combinations follow the same basic pattern:

```clj (operator (primary-method-1 args) (primary-method-2 args) (primary-method-3 args))) ```

(Example from "Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp", Keene 1988.)

The non-default method combinations each support primary methods and :around methods, but not :before or :after. Unlike the standard combination, primary methods do not support call-next-method (next-method in Methodical).

There are 9 built-in method combinations types in CLOS, excluding standard: progn, append, list, nconc, and, or, max, min, and +. These are mostly the same in the implementation below, with the following exceptions:

  • The progn combo is instead named do, which you probably could have guessed.

  • list has been replaced by seq, which returns a lazy sequence -- a very Clojurey improvement.

  • Both nconc and append concatenate lists, but nconc does it destructively; append copies all arguments except the last. The Clojure equivalent of either is concat which is what I have named the method combination below. We actually do one better than CLOS and return a lazy sequence, but lazy-cat seemed like a cumbersome name for the combo.

One last difference: unlike CLOS operator method combinations, primary method implementations are not qualified by their operator.

```clj ;; CLOS (defmethod total-electric-supply + ((city city)) ...)

;; Methodical (defmethod total-electric-supply :city [city] ...) ```

(ns methodical.impl.combo.operator
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [methods])
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
   [methodical.impl.combo.common :as combo.common]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface MethodCombination)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment clojure.core.specs.alpha/keep-me ; for the specs

Define a new operator that can be used as part of an OperatorMethodCombination. See examples below for more details. Prefer using the defoperator macro to adding a method to this directly.

(defmulti operator
  {:arglists '([operator-name])}
(defn- invoke-fn
  ([]               (fn [method] (method)))
  ([a]              (fn [method] (method a)))
  ([a b]            (fn [method] (method a b)))
  ([a b c]          (fn [method] (method a b c)))
  ([a b c d]        (fn [method] (method a b c d)))
  ([a b c d & more] (fn [method] (apply method a b c d more))))
(defn- reducing-operator
  (comp reducer invoke-fn))

Part of the impl for [[defoperator]].

(defn ^:no-doc combine-methods-with-operator
  (fn combine*
     (when (seq primary-methods)
       (reducing-operator (f primary-methods))))
    ([primary-methods {:keys [around]}]
     (combo.common/apply-around-methods (combine* primary-methods) around))))

Define a new operator that can be used as part of an OperatorMethodCombination. See examples below for more details.

(defmacro defoperator
  [operator-name [methods-binding invoke-binding] & body]
  `(let [fn# (combine-methods-with-operator
              (fn [~methods-binding]
                (fn [~invoke-binding]
     (defmethod operator ~(keyword operator-name)
(s/fdef defoperator
  :args (s/cat :operator-name keyword?
               :bindings      (s/spec (s/cat :methods :clojure.core.specs.alpha/binding-form
                                             :invoke  symbol?))
               :body          (s/+ any?))
  :ret any?)

Predefined operators

(defoperator :do [methods invoke]
  (loop [[method & more] methods]
    (let [result (invoke method)]
      (if (seq more)
        (recur more)
(defoperator :seq [methods invoke]
  ((fn seq* [[method & more]]
       (invoke method)
       (when (seq more)
         (seq* more)))))
(defoperator :concat [methods invoke]
  ((fn seq* [[method & more]]
       (invoke method)
       (when (seq more)
         (seq* more)))))
(defoperator :and [methods invoke]
  (loop [[method & more] methods]
    (let [result (invoke method)]
      (if (and result (seq more))
        (recur more)
(defoperator :or [methods invoke]
  (loop [[method & more] methods]
    (or (invoke method)
        (when (seq more)
          (recur more)))))
(defoperator :max [methods invoke]
  (loop [current-max nil, [method & more] methods]
    (let [result  (invoke method)
          new-max (if current-max
                    (max result current-max)
      (if (seq more)
        (recur new-max more)
(defoperator :min [methods invoke]
  (loop [current-min nil, [method & more] methods]
    (let [result  (invoke method)
          new-min (if current-min
                    (min result current-min)
      (if (seq more)
        (recur new-min more)
(defoperator :+ [methods invoke]
  (loop [sum 0, [method & more] methods]
    (let [sum (+ (long (invoke method)) sum)]
      (if (seq more)
        (recur sum more)


(deftype OperatorMethodCombination [operator-name]
  (pretty [_]
    (list 'operator-method-combination operator-name))
  (equals [_ another]
    (and (instance? OperatorMethodCombination another)
         (= operator-name (.operator-name ^OperatorMethodCombination another))))
  (allowed-qualifiers [_]
    #{nil :around})
  (combine-methods [_ primary-methods {:keys [around]}]
    (when (seq primary-methods)
      (combo.common/apply-around-methods ((operator operator-name) primary-methods)
  (transform-fn-tail [_ qualifier fn-tail]
    (if (= qualifier :around)
      (combo.common/add-implicit-next-method-args qualifier fn-tail)
  (datafy [this]
    {:class    (class this)
     :operator operator-name})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the method combination `%s`\nwith the operator `%s`."
            (.getCanonicalName (class this))
            (pr-str operator-name))))

Create a new method combination using the operator named by operator-name, a keyword name of one of the defoperator: forms above or defined externallly.

(operator-method-combination :max)

(defn operator-method-combination
  (assert (operator operator-name)
          (format "Invalid operator method combination: %s" operator-name))
  (OperatorMethodCombination. (keyword operator-name)))
(ns methodical.impl.combo.threaded
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [methods])
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.impl.combo.common :as combo.common]
   [methodical.util :as u]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface MethodCombination)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me)

Combine primary and auxiliary methods using a thread-first threading type.

(defn combine-methods-thread-first
  [primary-methods {:keys [before after around]}]
  (when-let [primary (combo.common/combine-primary-methods primary-methods)]
     (if (and (empty? before) (empty? after))
       ;; If there is only the combined primary method, skip the wrapping dance and just return it.
       (let [methods       (concat before [primary] (reverse after))]
         (-> (reduce
              (fn [current nxt]
                (let [nxt (u/unwrap-fn-with-meta nxt)]
                  (fn combined-method-thread-first
                    ([]                     (current) (nxt))
                    ([a]                    (nxt (current a)))
                    ([a b]                  (nxt (current a b) b))
                    ([a b c]                (nxt (current a b c) b c))
                    ([a b c d]              (nxt (current a b c d) b c d))
                    ([a b c d e]            (nxt (current a b c d e) b c d e))
                    ([a b c d e f]          (nxt (current a b c d e f) b c d e f))
                    ([a b c d e f g]        (nxt (current a b c d e f g) b c d e f g))
                    ([a b c d e f g & more] (apply nxt (apply current a b c d e f g more) b c d e f g more)))))
              (u/unwrap-fn-with-meta (first methods))
              (rest methods))
             (u/fn-vary-meta assoc :methodical/combined-method? true))))

Combine primary and auxiliary methods using a thread-last threading type.

(defn combine-methods-thread-last
  [primary-methods {:keys [before after around]}]
  (when-let [primary (combo.common/combine-primary-methods primary-methods)]
     (if (and (empty? before) (empty? after))
       ;; If there is only the combined primary method, skip the wrapping dance and just return it.
       (let [methods (concat before [primary] (reverse after))]
         (-> (reduce
              (fn [current nxt]
                (let [nxt (u/unwrap-fn-with-meta nxt)]
                  (fn combined-method-thread-last
                    ([]                     (current) (nxt))
                    ([a]                    (nxt (current a)))
                    ([a b]                  (nxt a (current a b)))
                    ([a b c]                (nxt a b (current a b c)))
                    ([a b c d]              (nxt a b c (current a b c d)))
                    ([a b c d e]            (nxt a b c d (current a b c d e)))
                    ([a b c d e f]          (nxt a b c d e (current a b c d e f)))
                    ([a b c d e f g]        (nxt a b c d e f (current a b c d e f g)))
                    ([a b c d e f g & more] (apply nxt a b c d e f g (concat (butlast more) [(apply current a b c d e f g more)]))))))
              (u/unwrap-fn-with-meta (first methods))
              (rest methods))
             (u/fn-vary-meta assoc :methodical/combined-method? true))))
(deftype ThreadingMethodCombination [threading-type]
  (pretty [_]
    (list 'threading-method-combination threading-type))
  (equals [_ another]
    (and (instance? ThreadingMethodCombination another)
         (= threading-type (.threading-type ^ThreadingMethodCombination another))))
  (allowed-qualifiers [_]
    #{nil :before :after :around})
  (combine-methods [_ primary-methods aux-methods]
    (case threading-type
      :thread-first (combine-methods-thread-first primary-methods aux-methods)
      :thread-last (combine-methods-thread-last primary-methods aux-methods)))
  (transform-fn-tail [_ qualifier fn-tail]
    (combo.common/add-implicit-next-method-args qualifier fn-tail))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class          (class this)
     :threading-type threading-type})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the method combination `%s`\nwith the threading strategy `%s`."
            (.getCanonicalName (class this))
            (pr-str threading-type))))

Create a new ThreadingMethodCombination using the keyword threading-type strategy, e.g. :thread-first or :thread-last.

(defn threading-method-combination
  {:pre [(#{:thread-first :thread-last} threading-type)]}
  (ThreadingMethodCombination. threading-type))

Utility functions for implementing Dispatchers.

(ns methodical.impl.dispatcher.common)

True if x or one of its ancestors is preferred over y or one of its ancestors.

(defn prefers?
  [hierarchy prefs x y]
   ;; direct preference for x over y
   (contains? (get prefs x) y)
   ;; direct preference for x over one of y's parents (or ancestors, recursively)
    #(prefers? hierarchy prefs x %)
    (parents hierarchy y))
   ;; direct preference for one of x's parents (or ancestors, recursively) over y
    #(prefers? hierarchy prefs % y)
    (parents hierarchy x))))

True if dispatch value x should be considered more specific for purposes of method combination over dispatch value y, e.g. because x derives from y, or because x (or one of its ancestors) has been explicitly preferred over y (or one of its ancestors).

4-arity version does not take the default-dispatch-value into account, but 5-arity version does.

(defn dominates?
  ([hierarchy prefs x y]
   (assert (:parents hierarchy) (format "Not a valid hierarchy: %s" (pr-str hierarchy)))
    (not= x y)
    (or (prefers? hierarchy prefs x y)
        (isa? hierarchy x y))))
  ([hierarchy prefs default-dispatch-value x y]
   (or (dominates? hierarchy prefs x y)
       (and (not= x y)
            (not= x default-dispatch-value)
            (= y default-dispatch-value)))))

Given a hierarchy and prefs return a function that can be used to sort dispatch values from most-specific to least-specific.

(defn domination-comparator
   (fn [x y]
       (= x y)               0
       (dominates?-pred x y) -1
       (dominates?-pred y x) 1
       :else                 0)))
  ([hierarchy prefs]
   (domination-comparator (partial dominates? hierarchy prefs)))
  ([hierarchy prefs dispatch-value]
   (let [f (domination-comparator hierarchy prefs)]
     (fn [x y]
       (condp = dispatch-value
         x -2
         y 2
         (f x y))))))

True if neither dispatch-val-x nor dispatch-val-y dominate one another, e.g. because they are the same value or are both equally-specific ancestors.

(defn ambiguous?
  [hierarchy prefs dispatch-value dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
  (zero? ((domination-comparator hierarchy prefs dispatch-value) dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y)))

Like distinct, but uses value of (f item) to determine whether to keep each item in the resulting collection.

(defn distinct-by
   (fn [rf]
     (let [seen (volatile! #{})]
         ([] (rf))
         ([result] (rf result))
         ([result input]
          (let [v (f input)]
            (if (contains? @seen v)
              (do (vswap! seen conj v)
                  (rf result input)))))))))
  ([f coll]
   (into [] (distinct-by f) coll)))
(ns methodical.impl.dispatcher.everything
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [methods])
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.impl.dispatcher.common :as dispatcher.common]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util :as u]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface Dispatcher)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(deftype EverythingDispatcher [hierarchy-var prefs]
  (pretty [_]
      (when (not= hierarchy-var #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy)
        [:hierarchy hierarchy-var])
      (when (seq prefs)
        [:prefers prefs]))))
  (equals [_ another]
     (instance? EverythingDispatcher another)
     (let [^EverythingDispatcher another another]
        (= hierarchy-var (.hierarchy-var another))
        (= prefs (.prefs another))))))
  (dispatch-value [_]                            nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a]                         nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a _b]                      nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a _b _c]                   nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a _b _c _d]                nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a _b _c _d _e]             nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a _b _c _d _e _f]          nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a _b _c _d _e _f _g]       nil)
  (dispatch-value [_ _a _b _c _d _e _f _g _more] nil)
  (matching-primary-methods [_ method-table _]
    (let [primary-methods (i/primary-methods method-table)
          comparatorr     (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator (deref hierarchy-var) prefs)]
      (for [[dispatch-value method] (sort-by first comparatorr primary-methods)]
        (u/fn-vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-value))))
  (matching-aux-methods [_ method-table _]
    (let [aux-methods (i/aux-methods method-table)
          comparatorr (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator (deref hierarchy-var) prefs)]
      (into {} (for [[qualifier dispatch-value->methods] aux-methods]
                 [qualifier (for [[dispatch-value methods] (sort-by first comparatorr dispatch-value->methods)
                                  method                   methods]
                              (u/fn-vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-value))]))))
  (default-dispatch-value [_]
  (prefers [_]
  (with-prefers [_this new-prefs]
    (EverythingDispatcher. hierarchy-var new-prefs))
  (dominates? [_ x y]
    (dispatcher.common/dominates? (deref hierarchy-var) prefs x y))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class     (class this)
     :hierarchy hierarchy-var
     :prefs     prefs})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the dispatcher `%s`\nwith hierarchy `%s`\nand prefs `%s`."
            (.getCanonicalName (class this))
            (pr-str hierarchy-var)
            (pr-str prefs))))

A single-hierarchy dispatcher similar to the standard dispatcher, with one big improvement: when dispatching on multiple values, it supports default methods that specialize on some args and use the default for others. (e.g. [String :default]

(ns methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi-default
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.impl.dispatcher.common :as dispatcher.common]
   [methodical.impl.dispatcher.standard :as dispatcher.standard]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface Dispatcher)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn- partially-specialized-default-dispatch-values* [dispatch-value default-value]
  ;; The basic idea here is to count down from (2^(count dispatch-value) - 2) to 0, then treat each bit as whether the
  ;; value at the corresponding position in `dispatch-value` should be included (if the bit is `1`) or if
  ;; `default-value` should be included in its place (if the bit is `0`). e.g. for
  ;;     (partially-specialized-default-dispatch-values [:x :y] :default)
  ;; then
  ;;     (count dispatch-value)` is 2
  ;;     2^count = 4
  ;; i.e., count from 2 down to 0. The table below illustrates how this works:
  ;;     i | binary | corresponding dispatch val
  ;;     --+--------+---------------------------
  ;;     2 | 10     | [:x :default]
  ;;     1 | 01     | [:default :y]
  ;;     0 | 00     | [:default :default]
  (let [cnt (count dispatch-value)]
    (mapv (fn [i]
            (mapv (fn [j]
                    (if (pos? (bit-and i (bit-shift-left 1 j)))
                      (nth dispatch-value (- cnt j 1))
                  (range (dec cnt) -1 -1)))
          (range (- (int (Math/pow 2 cnt)) 2) -1 -1))))

Return a sequence of all partially-specialized default dispatch values for a given dispatch-value and default-value, in order from most-specific to least-specific.

```clj (default-dispatch-values [:x :y] :default) -> ([:x :default] ; if no method for [:x :y] exists, look for [:x :default]... [:default :y] ; or [:default :y] ... [:default :default]) ```

(defn partially-specialized-default-dispatch-values
  [dispatch-value default-value]
  (when (and (sequential? dispatch-value)
             (not (sequential? default-value)))
    (partially-specialized-default-dispatch-values* dispatch-value default-value)))

Return pairs of [dispatch-value method] for all matching partially-specialized default methods, sorted from most-specific to least-specific

(defn matching-partially-specialized-default-primary-method-pairs
  ;; TODO - this is too many args!
  [opts standard-dispatch-vals]
  (let [{:keys [default-value dispatch-value unambiguous-pairs-seq-fn]
         :or   {unambiguous-pairs-seq-fn dispatcher.standard/unambiguous-pairs-seq}} opts]
    (into []
          (comp (mapcat (fn [partial-default]
                          (let [pairs (dispatcher.standard/matching-primary-pairs-excluding-default
                                       (assoc opts :dispatch-value partial-default))]
                            (unambiguous-pairs-seq-fn opts pairs))))
                (dispatcher.common/distinct-by first)
                (remove (fn [[dispatch-val]] (contains? standard-dispatch-vals dispatch-val))))
          (partially-specialized-default-dispatch-values dispatch-value default-value))))

Return a lazy sequence of applicable priamry methods for dispatch-value, sorted from most-specific to least-specific. Similar to the implementation in [[methodical.impl.dispatcher.standard]], but supports partially-specialized default methods; see explanation in ns docstring.

(defn matching-primary-methods
  [{:keys [default-value method-table unambiguous-pairs-seq-fn]
    :or   {unambiguous-pairs-seq-fn dispatcher.standard/unambiguous-pairs-seq}
    :as   opts}]
  {:pre [(some? method-table)]}
  ;; this is basically the same logic as the version in `standard`, but instead `matches + default` we return
  ;; `matches + partial-defaults + default`
  (let [primary-methods        (i/primary-methods method-table)
        opts                   (assoc opts :method-map primary-methods)
        standard-pairs         (dispatcher.standard/matching-primary-pairs-excluding-default opts)
        ;; filter out any partially-specialized default methods that already appear in the standard matches, e.g. if
        ;; dispatch value is something like [:x :default]
        standard-dispatch-vals (set (map first standard-pairs))
        partial-default-pairs  (matching-partially-specialized-default-primary-method-pairs opts standard-dispatch-vals)
        default-pair           (when-not (or (contains? standard-dispatch-vals default-value)
                                             (contains? (set (map first partial-default-pairs)) default-value))
                                 (when-let [default-method (get primary-methods default-value)]
                                   [default-value default-method]))
        pairs                  (concat
                                (unambiguous-pairs-seq-fn opts standard-pairs)
                                (when default-pair [default-pair]))]
    (map second (dispatcher.common/distinct-by first pairs))))
(defn- aux-dispatch-values [qualifier {:keys [default-value method-table dispatch-value hierarchy prefs]}]
  (let [comparatorr (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator hierarchy prefs dispatch-value)]
      (for [dispatch-value (concat [dispatch-value]
                                   (partially-specialized-default-dispatch-values dispatch-value default-value)
            dv             (keys (get (i/aux-methods method-table) qualifier))
            :when          (isa? hierarchy dispatch-value dv)]
(defn- matching-aux-methods*
  [qualifier {:keys [method-table] :as opts}]
  (let [method-map (i/aux-methods method-table)]
    (for [dispatch-value (aux-dispatch-values qualifier opts)
          m              (get-in method-map [qualifier dispatch-value])]

Impl of Dispatcher matching-aux-methods for the multi-default dispatcher.

(defn matching-aux-methods
  [{:keys [method-table] :as opts}]
  (into {} (for [[qualifier] (i/aux-methods method-table)]
             [qualifier (matching-aux-methods* qualifier opts)])))
(deftype MultiDefaultDispatcher [dispatch-fn hierarchy-var default-value prefs]
  (pretty [_]
    (concat ['multi-default-dispatcher dispatch-fn]
            (when (not= hierarchy-var #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy)
              [:hierarchy hierarchy-var])
            (when (not= default-value :default)
              [:default-value default-value])
            (when (seq prefs)
              [:prefers prefs])))
  (equals [_ another]
     (instance? MultiDefaultDispatcher another)
     (let [^MultiDefaultDispatcher another another]
        (= dispatch-fn   (.dispatch-fn another))
        (= hierarchy-var (.hierarchy-var another))
        (= default-value (.default-value another))
        (= prefs         (.prefs another))))))
  (dispatch-value [_]                    (dispatch-fn))
  (dispatch-value [_ a]                  (dispatch-fn a))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b]                (dispatch-fn a b))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c]              (dispatch-fn a b c))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d]            (dispatch-fn a b c d))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e]          (dispatch-fn a b c d e))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f]        (dispatch-fn a b c d e f))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f g]      (dispatch-fn a b c d e f g))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f g more] (apply dispatch-fn a b c d e f g more))
  (matching-primary-methods [_ method-table dispatch-value]
     {:hierarchy      (deref hierarchy-var)
      :prefs          prefs
      :default-value  default-value
      :method-table   method-table
      :dispatch-value dispatch-value}))
  (matching-aux-methods [_ method-table dispatch-value]
     {:hierarchy      (deref hierarchy-var)
      :prefs          prefs
      :default-value  default-value
      :method-table   method-table
      :dispatch-value dispatch-value}))
  (default-dispatch-value [_]
  (prefers [_]
  (with-prefers [_this new-prefs]
    (MultiDefaultDispatcher. dispatch-fn hierarchy-var default-value new-prefs))
  (dominates? [_ x y]
    (dispatcher.common/dominates? (deref hierarchy-var) prefs default-value x y))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class         (class this)
     :dispatch-fn   dispatch-fn
     :default-value default-value
     :hierarchy     hierarchy-var
     :prefs         prefs})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the dispatcher `%s`\nwith hierarchy `%s`\nand prefs `%s`.\n\nThe default value is `%s`."
            (.getCanonicalName (class this))
            (pr-str hierarchy-var)
            (pr-str prefs)
            (pr-str default-value))))

A single-hierarchy dispatcher that behaves similarly to the way multimethod dispatch is done by vanilla Clojure multimethods, but with added support for auxiliary methods.

(ns methodical.impl.dispatcher.standard
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [prefers methods])
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.impl.dispatcher.common :as dispatcher.common]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util :as u]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface Dispatcher)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Return a sequence of pairs of [dispatch-value method] for all applicable dispatch values, excluding the default method (if any); pairs are sorted in order from most-specific to least-specific.

(defn matching-primary-pairs-excluding-default
  [{:keys [hierarchy prefs method-map dispatch-value]}]
  {:pre [(map? method-map)]}
  (let [matches        (for [[a-dispatch-val method] method-map
                             :when                   (isa? hierarchy dispatch-value a-dispatch-val)]
                         [a-dispatch-val method])]
    (when (seq matches)
      (sort-by first (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator hierarchy prefs dispatch-value) matches))))
(defn- ambiguous-error-fn [dispatch-val method-1 dispatch-val-1 method-2 dispatch-val-2]
  (fn [& _]
    (let [multimethod-name (or (some-> (:multifn (meta method-1)) symbol)
                               (some-> (:multifn (meta method-2)) symbol)
                               ;; if we don't have the multimethod name for whatever reason then just use 'Multimethod'
                               ;; as a placeholder. The error message will still make sense.
       (ex-info (format "%s: multiple methods match dispatch value: %s -> %s and %s, and neither is preferred."
                        multimethod-name dispatch-val dispatch-val-1 dispatch-val-2)
                {:method-1 (assoc (select-keys (meta method-1) [:ns :file :line])
                                  :dispatch-value dispatch-val-1)
                 :method-2 (assoc (select-keys (meta method-2) [:ns :file :line])
                                  :dispatch-value dispatch-val-2)})))))

Given a sequence of [dispatch-value primary-method] pairs, return a sequence that replaces the method in each pair with one that will throw an Exception if the dispatch value in the following pair is equally specific.

(defn unambiguous-pairs-seq
  [{:keys [hierarchy prefs dispatch-value ambiguous-fn]
    :or   {ambiguous-fn dispatcher.common/ambiguous?}
    :as   opts}
   [[this-dispatch-val this-method :as _this-pair]
    [next-dispatch-val next-method :as next-pair]
    & more-pairs :as pairs]]
  {:pre [(every? sequential? pairs)]}
  (when (seq pairs)
    (let [this-pair [this-dispatch-val
                     (if (and next-pair
                              (ambiguous-fn hierarchy prefs dispatch-value this-dispatch-val next-dispatch-val))
                       (ambiguous-error-fn dispatch-value this-method this-dispatch-val next-method next-dispatch-val)
      (cons this-pair (when next-pair
                        (unambiguous-pairs-seq opts (cons next-pair more-pairs)))))))

Return a lazy sequence of applicable primary methods for dispatch-value, sorted from most-specific to least-specific. Replaces methods whose dispatch value is ambiguously specific with the next matching method with ones that throw Exceptions when invoked.

(defn matching-primary-methods
  {:arglists '([{:keys [hierarchy prefs default-value method-table dispatch-value]}])}
  [{:keys [hierarchy default-value method-table dispatch-value], :as opts}]
  {:pre [(map? hierarchy) (some? method-table)]}
  (let [opts           (assoc opts :method-map (i/primary-methods method-table))
        pairs          (unambiguous-pairs-seq opts (matching-primary-pairs-excluding-default opts))
        default-method (when (not= dispatch-value default-value)
                         (get (i/primary-methods method-table) default-value))]
     (for [[dispatch-value method] pairs]
       (u/fn-vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-value))
     (when (and default-method
                (not (contains? (set (map first pairs)) default-value)))
       [(u/fn-vary-meta default-method assoc :dispatch-value default-value)]))))

Return pairs of [dispatch-value method] of applicable aux methods, excluding default aux methods. Pairs are ordered from most-specific to least-specific.

(defn- matching-aux-pairs-excluding-default
  [qualifier {:keys [hierarchy prefs method-table dispatch-value]}]
  {:pre [(map? hierarchy)]}
  (let [pairs           (for [[dv methods] (get (i/aux-methods method-table) qualifier)
                              :when        (isa? hierarchy dispatch-value dv)
                              method       methods]
                          [dv method])]
    (sort-by first (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator hierarchy prefs dispatch-value) pairs)))

Return pairs of [dispatch-value method] of applicable aux methods, including default aux methods. Pairs are ordered from most-specific to least-specific.

(defn matching-aux-pairs
  [qualifier {:keys [default-value method-table dispatch-value], :as opts}]
  (let [pairs           (matching-aux-pairs-excluding-default qualifier opts)
        default-methods (when-not (contains? (set (map first pairs)) dispatch-value)
                          (get-in (i/aux-methods method-table) [qualifier default-value]))
        default-pairs   (for [method default-methods]
                          [default-value method])]
    (concat pairs default-pairs)))

Return a map of aux method qualifier -> sequence of applicable methods for dispatch-value, sorted from most-specific to least-specific.

(defn matching-aux-methods
  [{:keys [method-table] :as opts}]
  (into {} (for [[qualifier] (i/aux-methods method-table)
                 :let        [pairs (matching-aux-pairs qualifier opts)]
                 :when       (seq pairs)]
             [qualifier (for [[dispatch-value method] pairs]
                          (u/fn-vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-value))])))
(deftype StandardDispatcher [dispatch-fn hierarchy-var default-value prefs]
  (pretty [_]
    (concat ['standard-dispatcher dispatch-fn]
            (when (not= hierarchy-var #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy)
              [:hierarchy hierarchy-var])
            (when (not= default-value :default)
              [:default-value default-value])
            (when (seq prefs)
              [:prefers prefs])))
  (equals [_ another]
     (instance? StandardDispatcher another)
     (let [^StandardDispatcher another another]
        (= dispatch-fn   (.dispatch-fn another))
        (= hierarchy-var (.hierarchy-var another))
        (= default-value (.default-value another))
        (= prefs         (.prefs another))))))
  (dispatch-value [_]                    (dispatch-fn))
  (dispatch-value [_ a]                  (dispatch-fn a))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b]                (dispatch-fn a b))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c]              (dispatch-fn a b c))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d]            (dispatch-fn a b c d))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e]          (dispatch-fn a b c d e))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f]        (dispatch-fn a b c d e f))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f g]      (dispatch-fn a b c d e f g))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f g more] (apply dispatch-fn a b c d e f g more))
  (matching-primary-methods [_ method-table dispatch-value]
     {:hierarchy      (deref hierarchy-var)
      :prefs          prefs
      :default-value  default-value
      :method-table   method-table
      :dispatch-value dispatch-value}))
  (matching-aux-methods [_ method-table dispatch-value]
     {:hierarchy      (deref hierarchy-var)
      :prefs          prefs
      :default-value  default-value
      :method-table   method-table
      :dispatch-value dispatch-value}))
  (default-dispatch-value [_]
  (prefers [_]
  (with-prefers [_this new-prefs]
    (StandardDispatcher. dispatch-fn hierarchy-var default-value new-prefs))
  (dominates? [_ x y]
    (dispatcher.common/dominates? (deref hierarchy-var) prefs default-value x y))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class         (class this)
     :dispatch-fn   dispatch-fn
     :default-value default-value
     :hierarchy     hierarchy-var
     :prefs         prefs})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the dispatcher `%s`\nwith hierarchy `%s`\nand prefs `%s`.\n\nThe default value is `%s`."
            (.getCanonicalName (class this))
            (pr-str hierarchy-var)
            (pr-str prefs)
            (pr-str default-value))))
(ns methodical.impl.method-table.clojure
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.impl.method-table.common :as method-table.common]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface MethodTable)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me)
(deftype ClojureMethodTable [m]
  (pretty [_]
    (if (seq m)
      (list 'clojure-method-table (count m) 'primary)
  (equals [_ another]
    (and (instance? ClojureMethodTable another)
         (= m (.m ^ClojureMethodTable another))))
  (primary-methods [_]
  (aux-methods [_]
  (add-primary-method [this dispatch-val method]
    (let [new-m (assoc m dispatch-val method)]
      (if (= m new-m)
        (ClojureMethodTable. new-m))))
  (remove-primary-method [this dispatch-val]
    (let [new-m (dissoc m dispatch-val)]
      (if (= m new-m)
        (ClojureMethodTable. new-m))))
  (add-aux-method [_ _ _ _]
    (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Clojure-style multimethods do not support auxiliary methods.")))
  (remove-aux-method [_ _ _ _]
    (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "Clojure-style multimethods do not support auxiliary methods.")))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class   (class this)
     :primary (method-table.common/datafy-primary-methods m)})
  (describe [this]
    (format "It uses the method table `%s`. These primary methods are known:\n\n%s"
            (.getCanonicalName (class this))
            (method-table.common/describe-primary-methods m))))
(ns methodical.impl.method-table.common
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn- datafy-method [f]
  (let [mta (meta f)]
    (cond-> mta
      (:ns mta)
      (update :ns ns-name)
      (and (:name mta)
           (:ns mta))
      (update :name (fn [fn-name]
                      (symbol (str (ns-name (:ns mta))) (str fn-name))))
      (dissoc :dispatch-value :private) ; we already know dispatch value. Whether it's private is irrelevant)))

Helper for datafying a map of dispatch value -> method.

(defn datafy-primary-methods
  (into {}
        (map (fn [[dispatch-value f]]
               [dispatch-value (datafy-method f)]))
(defn- datafy-methods [fns]
  (mapv datafy-method fns))

Helper for datafying a map of qualifier -> dispatch value -> methods.

(defn datafy-aux-methods
  (into {}
        (map (fn [[qualifier dispatch-value->fns]]
               [qualifier (into {}
                                (map (fn [[dispatch-value fns]]
                                       [dispatch-value (datafy-methods fns)]))
(defn- describe-method
   (let [{method-ns :ns, :keys [line file doc]} (meta f)]
      [(when method-ns
         (format "defined in [[%s]]" (ns-name method-ns)))
         (and file line)
         (format "(%s:%d)" file line)
         (format "(%s)" file))
       (when doc
         (format "\n\nIt has the following documentation:\n\n%s" doc))])))
  ([dispatch-value f]
   (format "* `%s`, %s" (pr-str dispatch-value) (str/join
                                                 "\n  "
                                                 (str/split-lines (describe-method f))))))

Helper for [[methodical.util.describe/describe]]ing the primary methods in a method table.

(defn describe-primary-methods
  ^String [dispatch-value->method]
  (when (seq dispatch-value->method)
     "\n\nThese primary methods are known:\n\n%s"
      (for [[dispatch-value f] dispatch-value->method]
        (describe-method dispatch-value f))))))

Helper for [[methodical.util.describe/describe]]ing the aux methods in a method table.

(defn describe-aux-methods
  ^String [qualifier->dispatch-value->methods]
  (when (seq qualifier->dispatch-value->methods)
     "\n\nThese aux methods are known:\n\n%s"
      (for [[qualifier dispatch-value->methods] (sort-by first qualifier->dispatch-value->methods)]
         "`%s` methods:\n\n%s"
         (pr-str qualifier)
          (for [[dispatch-value fns] dispatch-value->methods
                f                    fns]
            (describe-method dispatch-value f)))))))))
(ns methodical.impl.method-table.standard
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [methodical.impl.method-table.common :as method-table.common]
   [methodical.util :as u]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface MethodTable)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me)

Create a representation of primary and aux methods using their dispatch values for pretty-printing a method table.

(defn- dispatch-value-map
  [primary aux]
    (when-let [dvs (not-empty (vec (sort (keys primary))))]
      {:primary dvs})
    (when-let [aux-methods (not-empty
                            (into {} (for [[qualifier dv->fns] aux
                                           :let                [dvs (for [[dv fns] dv->fns
                                                                          _f       fns]
                                           :when               (seq dvs)]
                                       [qualifier (vec (sort dvs))])))]
      {:aux aux-methods}))))
(deftype StandardMethodTable [primary aux]
  (pretty [_]
    (if-let [m (not-empty (dispatch-value-map primary aux))]
      (list 'standard-method-table m)
      (list 'standard-method-table)))
  (equals [_ another]
    (and (instance? StandardMethodTable another)
         (= primary (.primary ^StandardMethodTable another))
         (= aux (.aux ^StandardMethodTable another))))
  (primary-methods [_]
  (aux-methods [_]
  (add-primary-method [this dispatch-val method]
    (let [new-primary (assoc primary dispatch-val (u/fn-vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-val))]
      (if (= primary new-primary)
        (StandardMethodTable. new-primary aux))))
  (remove-primary-method [this dispatch-val]
    (let [new-primary (dissoc primary dispatch-val)]
      (if (= primary new-primary)
        (StandardMethodTable. new-primary aux))))
  (add-aux-method [this qualifier dispatch-value method]
    (let [new-aux (update-in aux
                             [qualifier dispatch-value]
                             (fn [existing-methods]
                               (if (contains? (set existing-methods) method)
                                 (conj (vec existing-methods)
                                       (u/fn-vary-meta method assoc :dispatch-value dispatch-value)))))]
      (if (= aux new-aux)
        (StandardMethodTable. primary new-aux))))
  (remove-aux-method [this qualifier dispatch-value method]
    (let [xforms  [(fn [aux]
                     (update-in aux [qualifier dispatch-value] (fn [defined-methods]
                                                                 (remove #(or (= % method)
                                                                              (= (u/unwrap-fn-with-meta %) method))
                   (fn [aux]
                     (cond-> aux
                       (empty? (get-in aux [qualifier dispatch-value]))
                       (update qualifier dissoc dispatch-value)))
                   (fn [aux]
                     (cond-> aux
                       (empty? (get aux qualifier))
                       (dissoc qualifier)))]
          new-aux (reduce (fn [aux xform] (xform aux)) aux xforms)]
      (if (= aux new-aux)
        (StandardMethodTable. primary new-aux))))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class   (class this)
     :primary (method-table.common/datafy-primary-methods primary)
     :aux     (method-table.common/datafy-aux-methods aux)})
  (describe [this]
    (str (format "It uses the method table `%s`." (.getCanonicalName (class this)))
         (method-table.common/describe-primary-methods primary)
         (method-table.common/describe-aux-methods aux))))
(ns methodical.impl.multifn.cached
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [clojure.datafy :as datafy]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (clojure.lang Named)
   (methodical.interface Cache MultiFnImpl)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(deftype CachedMultiFnImpl [^MultiFnImpl impl ^Cache cache]
  (pretty [_]
    (list 'cached-multifn-impl impl cache))
  (equals [_ another]
    (and (instance? CachedMultiFnImpl another)
         (= impl  (.impl ^CachedMultiFnImpl another))
         ;; TODO - does this make sense?
         (= (class cache) (class (.cache ^CachedMultiFnImpl another)))))
  (getName [_]
    (when (instance? Named impl)
      (name impl)))
  (getNamespace [_]
    (when (instance? Named impl)
      (namespace impl)))
  (method-combination [_]
    (i/method-combination impl))
  (dispatcher [_]
    (.dispatcher impl))
  (with-dispatcher [this new-dispatcher]
    (let [new-impl (i/with-dispatcher impl new-dispatcher)]
      (if (= impl new-impl)
        (CachedMultiFnImpl. new-impl (i/empty-copy cache)))))
  (method-table [_]
    (i/method-table impl))
  (with-method-table [this new-method-table]
    (let [new-impl (i/with-method-table impl new-method-table)]
      (if (= impl new-impl)
        (CachedMultiFnImpl. new-impl (i/empty-copy cache)))))
  (effective-method [_ dispatch-value]
     (.cached-method cache dispatch-value)
     ;; just like vanilla multimethods, we will add a new entry for every unique dispatch value we encounter, so
     ;; there's an implicit assumption that dispatch values are bounded
     ;; build the effective method for dispatch value. We may end up throwing this out, but we currently need to build
     ;; it to determine the effective dispatch value.
     (let [method                     (i/effective-method impl dispatch-value)
           effective-dispatch-value   (:dispatch-value (meta method))
           ;; If a method with the same effective dispatch value is already cached, add the existing method to the
           ;; cache for dispatch value. This way we don't end up with a bunch of duplicate methods impls for various
           ;; dispatch values that have the same effective dispatch value
           cached-effective-dv-method (.cached-method cache effective-dispatch-value)
           method                     (or cached-effective-dv-method method)]
       ;; Make sure the method was cached for the effective dispatch value as well, that way if some less-specific
       ;; dispatch value comes along with the same effective dispatch value we can use the existing method
       (when-not cached-effective-dv-method
         (i/cache-method! cache effective-dispatch-value method))
       (i/cache-method! cache dispatch-value method)
  (datafy [this]
    (assoc (datafy/datafy impl)
           :class (class this)
           :cache (datafy/datafy cache)))
  (describe [_this]
    (str (describe/describe cache)
         \newline \newline
         (describe/describe impl))))

Standard Methodical MultiFn impl.

(ns methodical.impl.multifn.standard
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [clojure.datafy :as datafy]
   [methodical.impl.dispatcher.common :as dispatcher.common]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util :as u]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (methodical.interface Dispatcher MethodCombination MethodTable MultiFnImpl)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

"composite dispatch value" below just means a dispatch value consisting of multiple parts e.g. [:x :y] as opposed to a single value like :x.

Sort dispatch values in order from most-specific-overall to least-specific-overall.

(defn sort-dispatch-values
  [dispatcher dispatch-values]
   (dispatcher.common/domination-comparator (partial i/dominates? dispatcher))

Operates only on non-composite dispatch values. Determine the effective (most-specific) dispatch value that will be used when dispatching on actual-dispatch-value. If there is a dispatch value in method-dispatch-values that dominates all other method dispatch values, that is the effective dispatch value. Otherwise the actual dispatch value will be used.

Example. Suppose a ::toucan is a ::can, and a ::toucan is a ::bird. If we dispatch off of ::toucan and only have a method for ::bird, then ::bird is the effective dispatch value, because there are no other dispatch values that are more specific that would cause other methods to be used; the result is the same as if we had dispatched off of ::bird in the first place. However, if we add a ::can method, the effective dispatch value for ::toucan can no longer be ::bird, because a ::bird is not necessarily a ::can. Thus our effective dispatch value would become ::toucan, since out of the three possibilities only a ::toucan is both a ::bird and a ::can.

(defn non-composite-effective-dispatch-value
  [dispatcher actual-dispatch-value method-dispatch-values]
  (let [[most-specific-dispatch-value & more-dispatch-values] (distinct (sort-dispatch-values dispatcher method-dispatch-values))
        ;; do not take preferences into account when calculating the effective dispatch value. Aux methods are applied
        ;; to *all* matching dispatch values, which means that one aux method should not be considered unambiguously
        ;; dominant over another based on preferences alone; we should only consider a method to be dominant over
        ;; another for effective dispatch value purposes if its dispatch value ISA all of the other matching dispatch
        ;; values.
        ;; Example: if a `:toucan` ISA `:can` and a `:toucan` ISA `:bird`, and we have `:before` methods for both
        ;; `:can` and `:bird`, and a preference for `:bird` over `:can`, we cannot consider `:bird` to be the
        ;; effective dispatch value for `:toucan`, because a `:toucan` ISA `:can`, but a `:bird` is not a `:can`.
        dispatcher                                            (i/with-prefers dispatcher nil)]
    (if (every? (fn [another-dispatch-value]
                  (i/dominates? dispatcher most-specific-dispatch-value another-dispatch-value))

Combine multiple composite dispatch values into a single composite dispatch value that has the overall most-specific arg for each position, e.g.

```clj ;; String is more specific than Object; ::parrot is more specific than ::bird (composite-effective-dispatch-value [[Object ::parrot] [String ::bird]]) ; -> [String ::parrot] ```

If the most-specific dispatch value is not composite, it returns it directly.

(defn composite-effective-dispatch-value
  [dispatcher actual-dispatch-value method-dispatch-values]
  ;; sort the values so in cases where there's ambiguity we take the keep the value in the overall-most-specific
  ;; dispatch value.
  (let [[most-specific-method-dispatch-value :as method-dispatch-values] (sort-dispatch-values dispatcher method-dispatch-values)]
    ;; if the most-specific dispatch value is not composite, we can return it as-is -- there's no need to build a
    ;; composite dispatch value.
    (if-not (sequential? most-specific-method-dispatch-value)
      (non-composite-effective-dispatch-value dispatcher actual-dispatch-value method-dispatch-values)
      ;; otherwise we need to combine stuff
      (mapv (fn [i]
              (non-composite-effective-dispatch-value dispatcher
                                                      (nth actual-dispatch-value i)
                                                      (map #(nth % i)
                                                           (filter sequential? method-dispatch-values))))
            (range (count actual-dispatch-value))))))

Given matching primary-methods and aux-methods for the actual-dispatch-value, determine the effective dispatch value.

(defn effective-dispatch-value
  [dispatcher actual-dispatch-value primary-methods aux-methods]
  (let [dispatch-values (transduce
                         (comp cat
                               (map meta)
                               (filter #(contains? % :dispatch-value))
                               (map :dispatch-value))
                         (cons primary-methods (vals aux-methods)))]
    (composite-effective-dispatch-value dispatcher actual-dispatch-value dispatch-values)))

Build an effective method using the 'standard' technique, taking the dispatch-value-method pairs in the method-table, finiding applicable ones using dispatcher, and combining them using method-combination.

(defn standard-effective-method
  [method-combination dispatcher method-table dispatch-value]
  (let [primary-methods (i/matching-primary-methods dispatcher method-table dispatch-value)
        aux-methods     (i/matching-aux-methods dispatcher method-table dispatch-value)]
    (some-> (i/combine-methods method-combination primary-methods aux-methods)
            (u/fn-with-meta {:dispatch-value (effective-dispatch-value dispatcher dispatch-value primary-methods aux-methods)}))))
(deftype StandardMultiFnImpl [^MethodCombination combo
                              ^Dispatcher dispatcher
                              ^MethodTable method-table]
  (pretty [_this]
    (list 'standard-multifn-impl combo dispatcher method-table))
  (equals [_ another]
    (and (instance? StandardMultiFnImpl another)
         (let [^StandardMultiFnImpl another another]
           (and (= combo (.combo another))
                (= dispatcher (.dispatcher another))
                (= method-table (.method-table another))))))
  (method-combination [_this]
  (dispatcher [_this]
  (with-dispatcher [this new-dispatcher]
    (if (= dispatcher new-dispatcher)
      (StandardMultiFnImpl. combo new-dispatcher method-table)))
  (method-table [_this]
  (with-method-table [this new-method-table]
    (if (= method-table new-method-table)
      (StandardMultiFnImpl. combo dispatcher new-method-table)))
  (effective-method [_this dispatch-value]
    (standard-effective-method combo dispatcher method-table dispatch-value))
  (datafy [this]
    {:class        (class this)
     :combo        (datafy/datafy combo)
     :dispatcher   (datafy/datafy dispatcher)
     :method-table (datafy/datafy method-table)})
  (describe [_this]
    (str (describe/describe combo)
         \newline \newline
         (describe/describe dispatcher)
         \newline \newline
         (describe/describe method-table))))
(ns methodical.impl.standard
   [clojure.core.protocols :as clojure.protocols]
   [clojure.datafy :as datafy]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]
   [pretty.core :as pretty])
   (clojure.lang Named)
   (methodical.interface Dispatcher MethodCombination MethodTable MultiFnImpl)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn- maybe-name [^MultiFnImpl impl]
  (if-let [nm (and (instance? Named impl) (name impl))]
    (str " " nm)))
(defn- handle-effective-method-exception [^Exception e mta]
  (if-let [dispatch-val (::unmatched-dispatch-value (ex-data e))]
    (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.
             (format "No matching%s method for dispatch value %s" (if-let [nm (:name mta)]
                                                                    (str " " nm))
                                                                  (pr-str dispatch-val))))
    ;; this wasn't an :unmatched-dispatch-value situation; just rethrow it
    (throw e)))
(defn- ^:static effective-method [^MultiFnImpl impl dispatch-value]
  (or (.effective-method impl dispatch-value)
       (ex-info (format "No matching%s method for dispatch value %s" (maybe-name impl) (pr-str dispatch-value))
                {::unmatched-dispatch-value dispatch-value}))))

Utility macro for finding the effective method of impl, given the args, then catching an Exception on invoking the effective-method, where we look for the special case of ::unmatched-dispatch-value. If we find that, we rethrow a regular UnsupportedOperationException including the method name and pr-str of the unmatched dispatch value. If not, we simply rethrow the exception since it's not ours to handle.

(defmacro ^:private invoke-multi
  [impl mta & args]
     (let [em# (effective-method ~impl (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher ~impl) ~@args))]
       (em# ~@args))
     (catch Exception e#
       (handle-effective-method-exception e# ~mta))))
(defn- ^:static invoke-multifn
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta]
   (invoke-multi impl mta))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a]
   (invoke-multi impl mta a))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a b]
   (invoke-multi impl mta a b))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a b c]
   (invoke-multi impl mta a b c))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a b c d]
   (invoke-multi impl mta a b c d))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a b c d e]
   #_(println "invoke-multifn 5-arity")
   (invoke-multi impl mta a b c d e))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a b c d e f]
   (invoke-multi impl mta a b c d e f))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a b c d e f g]
   (invoke-multi impl mta a b c d e f g))
  ([^MultiFnImpl impl mta a b c d e f g & more]
   ;; TODO: possible to use the macro somehow in this case?
   (try (apply (effective-method impl (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b c d e f g more))
               a b c d e f g more)
        (catch Exception e
          (handle-effective-method-exception e mta)))))
(deftype StandardMultiFn [^MultiFnImpl impl mta]
  (pretty [_]
    (list 'multifn impl))
  (equals [_ another]
    (and (instance? StandardMultiFn another)
         (= impl (.impl ^StandardMultiFn another))))
  (getName [_] (some-> (:name mta) name))
  (getNamespace [_] (some-> (:ns mta) ns-name name))
  (meta [_]
  (withMeta [this new-meta]
    (if (= mta new-meta)
      (StandardMultiFn. impl new-meta)))
  (allowed-qualifiers [_]
    (i/allowed-qualifiers (i/method-combination impl)))
  (combine-methods [_ primary-methods aux-methods]
    (i/combine-methods (i/method-combination impl) primary-methods aux-methods))
  (transform-fn-tail [_ qualifier fn-tail]
    (i/transform-fn-tail (i/method-combination impl) qualifier fn-tail))
  (dispatch-value [_]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl)))
  (dispatch-value [_ a]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b c))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b c d))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b c d e))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b c d e f))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f g]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b c d e f g))
  (dispatch-value [_ a b c d e f g more]
    (.dispatch-value ^Dispatcher (.dispatcher impl) a b c d e f g more))
  (matching-primary-methods [_ method-table dispatch-value]
    (i/matching-primary-methods (.dispatcher impl) method-table dispatch-value))
  (matching-aux-methods [_ method-table dispatch-value]
    (i/matching-aux-methods (.dispatcher impl) method-table dispatch-value))
  (default-dispatch-value [_]
    (i/default-dispatch-value (.dispatcher impl)))
  (prefers [_]
    (i/prefers (.dispatcher impl)))
  (with-prefers [this new-prefers]
    (i/with-dispatcher this (i/with-prefers (.dispatcher impl) new-prefers)))
  (dominates? [_ dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
    (i/dominates? (.dispatcher impl) dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y))
  (primary-methods [_]
    (i/primary-methods (i/method-table impl)))
  (aux-methods [_]
    (i/aux-methods (i/method-table impl)))
  (add-primary-method [this dispatch-val method]
    (i/with-method-table this (i/add-primary-method (i/method-table impl) dispatch-val method)))
  (remove-primary-method [this dispatch-val]
    (i/with-method-table this (i/remove-primary-method (i/method-table impl) dispatch-val)))
  (add-aux-method [this qualifier dispatch-val method]
    (i/with-method-table this (i/add-aux-method (i/method-table impl) qualifier dispatch-val method)))
  (remove-aux-method [this qualifier dispatch-val method]
    (i/with-method-table this (i/remove-aux-method (i/method-table impl) qualifier dispatch-val method)))
  (method-combination [_]
    (i/method-combination impl))
  (dispatcher [_]
    (.dispatcher impl))
  (with-dispatcher [this new-dispatcher]
    (assert (instance? Dispatcher new-dispatcher))
    (if (= (.dispatcher impl) new-dispatcher)
      (StandardMultiFn. (i/with-dispatcher impl new-dispatcher) mta)))
  (method-table [_]
    (i/method-table impl))
  (with-method-table [this new-method-table]
    (assert (instance? MethodTable new-method-table))
    (if (= (i/method-table impl) new-method-table)
      (StandardMultiFn. (i/with-method-table impl new-method-table) mta)))
  (effective-method [_this dispatch-value]
    (try (.effective-method impl dispatch-value)
         (catch Exception e
           (handle-effective-method-exception e mta))))
  (call [_]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta))
  (run [_]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta))
  (invoke [_]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta))
  (invoke [_ a]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a))
  (invoke [_ a b]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b))
  (invoke [_ a b c]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c))
  (invoke [_ a b c d]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t]
    (invoke-multifn impl mta  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t))
  (invoke [_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t args]
    (apply invoke-multifn impl mta a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t args))
  (applyTo [_ args]
    (apply invoke-multifn impl mta args))
  (datafy [this]
    (with-meta (merge (datafy/datafy impl)
                      (select-keys mta [:name :arglists :file :column :line])
                      (when (:ns mta)
                        {:ns (ns-name (:ns mta))})
                      (when (and (:ns mta) (:name mta))
                        {:name (symbol (str (ns-name (:ns mta))) (str (:name mta)))})
                      {:class (class this)})
  (describe [_this]
    (let [{mf-name :name, mf-ns :ns, :keys [file line]} mta]
      (str (pr-str mf-name)
           (let [message (str
                          (when mf-ns
                            (format "[[%s]]" (ns-name mf-ns)))
                            (and file line) (format " (%s:%d)" file line)
                            file            (str \space file)
                            :else           ))]
             (when (seq message)
               (format " is defined in %s." message)))
           \newline \newline
           (describe/describe impl)))))

True if x is an instance of StandardMultiFn.

(defn multifn?
  (instance? StandardMultiFn x))
(ns methodical.interface
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [isa? prefers])
  (:require clojure.core))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

this is a dummy dependency until Cloverage 1.3.0 is released -- see

(comment clojure.core/keep-me)

A method combination defines the way applicable primary and auxiliary methods are combined into a single *effective method. Method combinations also specify which auxiliary method *qualifiers (e.g. :before or :around) are allowed, and how defmethod macro forms using those qualifiers are expanded (e.g., whether they get an implicit next-method arg).

(defprotocol MethodCombination
  (allowed-qualifiers [method-combination]
    "The set containing all qualifiers supported by this method combination. `nil` in the set means the method
  combination supports primary methods (because primary methods have no qualifier); all other values refer to auxiliary
  methods with that qualifier, e.g. `:before`, `:after`, or `:around`.
  (allowed-qualifiers (clojure-method-combination)) ;-> #{nil}
  (allowed-qualifiers (clos-method-combination))    ;-> #{nil :before :after :around}
  (allowed-qualifiers (doseq-method-combination))   ;-> #{:doseq}
  (combine-methods [method-combination primary-methods aux-methods]
    "Combine a sequence of matching `primary-methods` with `aux-methods` (a map of qualifier -> sequence of methods)
  into a single effective method. Method includes effective `^:dispatch-value` metadata.")
  (transform-fn-tail [method-combination qualifier fn-tail]
    "Make appropriate transformations to the `fn-tail` of a [[methodical.macros/defmethod]] macro expansion for a
  primary method (qualifier will be `nil`) or an auxiliary method. You can use this method to add implicit args like
  `next-method` to the body of a `defmethod` macro. (Because this method is invoked during macroexpansion, it should
  return a Clojure form.)"))

A method table stores primary and auxiliary methods, and returns them when asked. The default implementation, [[methodical.impl/standard-method-table]], uses simple Clojure immutable maps.

(defprotocol MethodTable
  (primary-methods [method-table]
    "Get a `dispatch-value -> fn` map of all primary methods associated with this method table.")
  (aux-methods [method-table]
    "Get a `qualifier -> dispatch-value -> [fn]` map of all auxiliary methods associated with this method table.")
  (add-primary-method ^methodical.interface.MethodTable [method-table dispatch-value f]
    "Set the primary method implementation for `dispatch-value`, replacing it if it already exists.")
  (remove-primary-method ^methodical.interface.MethodTable [method-table dispatch-value]
    "Remove the primary method for `dispatch-value`.")
  (add-aux-method ^methodical.interface.MethodTable [method-table qualifier dispatch-value f]
    "Add an auxiliary method implementation for `qualifier` (e.g. `:before`) and `dispatch-value`. Unlike primary
    methods, auxiliary methods are not limited to one method per dispatch value; thus this method does not remove
    existing methods for this dispatch value.")
  (remove-aux-method ^methodical.interface.MethodTable [method-table qualifier dispatch-val method]
    "Remove an auxiliary method from a method table. Because multiple auxiliary methods are allowed for the same
    dispatch value, existing implementations of `MethodTable` are currently only able to remove exact matches -- for
    functions, this usually means identical objects.
    In the future, I hope to fix this by storing unique identifiers in the metadata of methods in the map."))

A dispatcher decides which dispatch value should be used for a given set of arguments, which primary and auxiliary methods from the method table are applicable for that dispatch value, and the order those methods should be applied in -- which methods are most specific, and which are the least specific (e.g., String is more-specific than Object).

(defprotocol Dispatcher
    [dispatcher a]
    [dispatcher a b]
    [dispatcher a b c]
    [dispatcher a b c d]
    [dispatcher a b c d e]
    [dispatcher a b c d e f]
    [dispatcher a b c d e f g]
    [dispatcher a b c d e f g more]
    "Return an appropriate dispatch value for args passed to a multimethod. (This method is equivalent in purpose to
    the dispatch function of vanilla Clojure multimethods.)")
  (matching-primary-methods [dispatcher method-table dispatch-value]
    "Return a sequence of applicable primary methods for `dispatch-value`, sorted from most-specific to
    least-specific. Methods should have the `^:dispatch-value` with which they were defined as metadata. The standard
    dispatcher also checks to make sure methods in the sequence are not ambiguously specific, replacing ambiguous
    methods with ones that will throw an Exception when invoked.")
  (matching-aux-methods [dispatcher method-table dispatch-value]
    "Return a map of aux method qualifier -> sequence of applicable methods for `dispatch-value`, sorted from
    most-specific to least-specific. Methods should have the `^:dispatch-value` with which they were defined as
  (default-dispatch-value [dispatcher]
    "Default dispatch value to use if no other dispatch value matches.")
  (prefers [dispatcher]
    "Return a map of preferred dispatch value -> set of other dispatch values.")
  (^methodical.interface.Dispatcher ^{:style/indent :defn} with-prefers [dispatcher new-prefs]
    "Return a copy of `dispatcher` with its preferences map replaced with `new-prefs`.")
  (dominates? [dispatcher dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
    "Is `dispatch-val-x` considered more specific than `dispatch-val-y`?"))

Protocol for a complete Methodical multimethod, excluding the optional cache (multimethods with caching wrap a MultiFnImpl). Methodical multimethods are divided into four components: a method combination, which implements [[methodical.interface/MethodCombination]]; a method table, which implements [[methodical.interface/MethodTable]]; a dispatcher, which implements [[methodical.interface/Dispatcher]]; and, optionally, a cache, which implements [[methodical.interface/Cache]]. The methods in this protocol are used to access or modify the various constituent parts of a methodical multimethod, and to use them in concert to create an effective method.

(defprotocol MultiFnImpl
  (^methodical.interface.MethodCombination method-combination [multifn]
   "Get the method combination associated with this multifn.")
  (^methodical.interface.Dispatcher dispatcher [multifn]
   "Get the dispatcher associated with this multifn.")
  (^methodical.interface.MultiFnImpl ^{:style/indent :defn} with-dispatcher [multifn new-dispatcher]
   "Return a copy of this multifn using `new-dispatcher` as its dispatcher.")
  (^methodical.interface.MethodTable method-table [multifn]
   "Get the method table associated with this multifn.")
  (^methodical.interface.MultiFnImpl ^{:style/indent :defn} with-method-table [multifn new-method-table]
   "Return a copy of this multifn using `new-method-table` as its method table.")
  (effective-method [multifn dispatch-value]
    "Return the effective method for `dispatch-value`. The effective method is a combined primary method and applicable
    auxiliary methods that can be called like a normal function. [[effective-method]] is similar in purpose
    to [[clojure.core/get-method]] in vanilla Clojure multimethods; a different name is used here because I felt
    `get-method` would be ambiguous with regards to whether it returns only a primary method or a combined effective

A cache, if present, implements a caching strategy for effective methods, so that they need not be recomputed on every invocation.

(defprotocol Cache
  (cached-method [cache dispatch-value]
    "Return cached effective method for `dispatch-value`, if it exists in the cache.")
  (cache-method! [cache dispatch-value method]
    "Cache the effective method for `dispatch-value` in this cache.")
  (clear-cache! [cache]
    "Empty the contents of the cache in-place.")
  (^methodical.interface.Cache empty-copy [cache]
   "Return an empty copy of the same type as this cache, e.g. for use when copying a multifn."))

Methodical versions of vanilla Clojure [[defmulti]] and [[defmethod]] macros.

(ns methodical.macros
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [defmulti defmethod])
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [methodical.impl :as impl]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.macros.validate-arities :as validate-arities]
   [methodical.util :as u])
   (methodical.impl.standard StandardMultiFn)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(comment clojure.core.specs.alpha/keep-me) ; for the specs below
(s/def ::fn-tail
  (s/alt :arity-1 :clojure.core.specs.alpha/params+body
         :arity-n (s/+ (s/spec :clojure.core.specs.alpha/params+body))))
(s/def :methodical.macros.defmulti.attr-map/dispatch-value-spec
  ;; not sure how to validate this. Is there a predicate for something that can be used as a
  ;; spec? [[clojure.spec.alpha/spec]] will happily turn random things into specs for us
(s/def :methodical.macros.defmulti.attr-map/defmethod-arities
  (s/nilable ::validate-arities/arities-set))
(s/def :methodical.macros.defmulti/attr-map
  (s/keys :opt-un [:methodical.macros.defmulti.attr-map/dispatch-value-spec
(s/def ::defmulti-args
  (s/& (s/cat :name-symb   (every-pred symbol? (complement namespace))
              :docstring   (s/? string?)
              :attr-map    (s/? map?)
              :dispatch-fn (s/? any?)
              :options     (s/* (s/cat :k keyword?
                                       :v any?)))
       ;; do a "soft" cut here where any map argument is always interpreted as an attribute map, and only later subject
       ;; it to stricter validation. See my questions in Slack here
       (s/keys :opt-un [:methodical.macros.defmulti/attr-map])))

Impl for the [[defmulti]] macro.

(defmacro ^:no-doc redefine-multimethod
  [name-symb dispatch-fn {:keys [hierarchy dispatcher combo method-table cache default-value]
                          :or   {combo        `(impl/thread-last-method-combination)
                                 method-table `(impl/standard-method-table)
                                 cache        (if hierarchy
                                                `(impl/watching-cache (impl/simple-cache) [~hierarchy])
                                 hierarchy    '#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy}
                          prefs :prefers}]
  (let [dispatch-fn (or dispatch-fn `identity)
        dispatcher  (or dispatcher
                        `(impl/multi-default-dispatcher ~dispatch-fn
                                                        :hierarchy ~hierarchy
                                                        ~@(when default-value
                                                            [:default-value default-value])
                                                        ~@(when prefs
                                                            [:prefers prefs])))
        ;; attach the var metadata to the multimethod itself as well so we can use it for cool stuff e.g.
        ;; `:dispatch-value-spec` or `:arglists`.
        mta         (merge (meta name-symb)
                           {:ns *ns*, :name (list 'quote (with-meta name-symb nil))})]
    `(def ~name-symb
       (let [impl# (impl/standard-multifn-impl ~combo ~dispatcher ~method-table)]
         (vary-meta (impl/multifn impl# ~mta ~cache) merge (meta (var ~name-symb)))))))

Part of the implementation for [[defmulti]]. Don't call this directly.

(defn ^:no-doc update-multimethod-metadata!
  [varr new-metadata]
  (let [new-doc (u/docstring-with-describe-output-appended (:doc new-metadata) (var-get varr))]
    (letfn [(merge-metadata [old-metadata]
              (merge (select-keys old-metadata [:ns :name :file :line :column])
                     {:original-doc (:doc new-metadata)
                      :doc          new-doc}))]
      (alter-meta! varr merge-metadata)
      ;; update the metadata on the multifn itself too.
      (alter-var-root varr (fn [multifn]
                             (vary-meta multifn merge-metadata)))))

Creates a new Methodical multimethod named by a Var. Usage of this macro mimics usage of [[clojure.core/defmulti]], and it can be used as a drop-in replacement; it does, however, support a larger set of options. Note the dispatch-fn is optional (if omitted, then identity will be used). In addition to the usual :default and :hierarchy options, you many specify:

  • :combo - The method combination to use for this multimethods. Method combinations define how multiple applicable methods are combined; which auxiliary methods, e.g. :before or :after methods, are supported; and whether other advanced facilities, such as next-method, are available. There are over a dozen method combinations that ship as part of Methodical; many are inspired by their equivalents in the Common Lisp Object System. The default method combination is the thread-last method combination.

  • :dispatcher - The dispatcher handles dispatch values when invoking a multimethod, and whether one dispatch value (and thus, whether its corresponding method) is considered to be more-specific or otherwise preferred over another dispatch value. The default dispatcher largely mimics the behavior of the Clojure dispatcher, using a single hierarchy augmented by a prefers table to control dispatch, with one big improvement: when dispatching on multiple values, it supports default methods that specialize on some args and use the default for others. (e.g. [String :default])

    Note that the :hierarchy, :default-value and the positional dispatch-fn are provided as conveniences for creating a default dispatcher; if you pass a :dispatcher arg instead, those arguments are not required and will be ignored.

  • :cache - controls caching behavior for effective methods. The default simple cache mimics the behavior of vanilla Clojure multimethods.

  • :method-table - maintains tables of dispatch value -> primary method and auxiliary method qualifier -> dispatch value -> methods. The default implementation is a pair of simple maps.

The above options comprise the main constituent parts of a Methodical multimethod, and the majority of those parts have several alternative implementations available in [[methodical.impl]]. Defining additional implementations is straightforward as well: see [[methodical.interface]] for more details.

Other improvements over [[clojure.core/defmulti]]:

  • Evaluating the form a second time (e.g., when reloading a namespace) will not redefine the multimethod, unless you have modified its form -- unlike vanilla Clojure multimethods, which need to be unmapped from the namespace to make such minor tweaks as changing the dispatch function.

Attribute map options:

defmulti supports a few additional options in its attributes map that will be used to validate defmethod forms during macroexpansion time. These are meant to help the users of your multimethods use them correctly by catching mistakes right away rather than waiting for them to pull their hair out later wondering why a method they added isn't getting called.

  • :dispatch-value-spec -- a spec for the defmethod dispatch value:

    ```clj (m/defmulti mf {:arglists '([x y]), :dispatch-value-spec (s/cat :x keyword?, :y int?)} (fn [x y] [x y]))

    (m/defmethod mf [:x 1] [x y] {:x x, :y y}) ;; => ok

    (m/defmethod mf [:x] [x y] {:x x, :y y}) ;; failed: Insufficient input in: [0] at: [:args-for-method-type :primary :dispatch-value :y] [:x] ```

    Note that this spec is applied to the unevaluated arguments at macroexpansion time, not the actual evaluated values. Note also that if you want to allow a :default method your spec will have to support it.

  • :defmethod-arities -- a set of allowed/required arities that defmethod forms are allowed to have. defmethod forms must have arities that match all of the specified :defmethod-arities, and all of its arities must be allowed by :defmethod-arities:

    ```clj (m/defmulti ^:private mf {:arglists '([x]), :defmethod-arities #{1}} keyword)

    (m/defmethod mf :x [x] x) ;; => ok

    (m/defmethod mf :x ([x] x) ([x y] x y)) ;; => error: {:arities {:disallowed #{2}}}

    (m/defmethod mf :x [x y] x y) ;; => error: {:arities {:required #{1}}}

    (m/defmethod mf :x [x y] x) ;; => error: {:arities {:required #{1 [:>= 3]}, :disallowed #{2}}} ```

    :defmethod-arities must be a set of either integers or [:> n] forms to represent arities with & rest arguments, e.g. [:>= 3] to mean an arity of three or-more arguments:

    ```clj ;; methods must both a 1-arity and a 3+-arity (m/defmulti ^:private mf {:arglists '([x] [x y z & more]), :defmethod-arities #{1 [:>= 3]}} keyword)

    (m/defmethod mf :x ([x] x) ([x y z & more] x)) ;; => ok ```

    When rest-argument arities are used, Methodical is smart enough to allow them when appropriate even if they do not specifically match an arity specified in :defmethod-arities:

    ```clj (m/defmulti ^:private mf {:arglists '([x y z & more]), :defmethod-arities #{[:>= 3]}} keyword)

    (m/defmethod mf :x ([a b c] x) ([a b c d] x) ([a b c d & more] x)) ;; => ok, because everything required by [:>= 3] is covered, and everything present is allowed by [:>= 3] ```

(defmacro defmulti
  {:arglists     '([name-symb docstring? attr-map? dispatch-fn?
                    & {:keys [hierarchy default-value prefers combo method-table cache]}]
                   [name-symb docstring? attr-map? & {:keys [dispatcher combo method-table cache]}])
   :style/indent :defn}
  [name-symb & args]
  (let [varr                                             (ns-resolve *ns* name-symb)
        {:keys [docstring attr-map dispatch-fn options]} (s/conform ::defmulti-args (cons name-symb args))
        options                                          (into {} (map (juxt :k :v)) options)
        metadata                                         (merge {:tag methodical.impl.standard.StandardMultiFn}
                                                                (when docstring {:doc docstring})
        old-val                                          (some->> varr deref (instance? StandardMultiFn))
        old-hash                                         (when old-val
                                                           (-> varr meta ::defmulti-hash))
        ;; hash should not include any metadata... do not redefine a multimethod if only metadata changes
        current-hash                                     (hash {:dispatch-fn dispatch-fn
                                                                :options     options})
        metadata                                         (assoc metadata ::defmulti-hash current-hash)
        name-symb                                        (vary-meta name-symb merge metadata)]
    ;; hashes and the like are expanded out into the macro to make what's going on more obvious when you expand it
    `(let [skip-redef?# (and
                         (let [~'old-hash     ~old-hash
                               ~'current-hash ~current-hash]
                           (= ~'old-hash ~'current-hash))
                         (some-> (ns-resolve *ns* '~name-symb) deref u/multifn?))]
       (if-not skip-redef?#
         (redefine-multimethod ~name-symb ~dispatch-fn ~options)
         (update-multimethod-metadata! (var ~name-symb) ~(merge (meta name-symb) metadata))))))
(s/fdef defmulti
  :args ::defmulti-args
  :ret  any?)


A dispatch value as parsed to [[defmethod]] (i.e., not-yet-evaluated) can be ANYTHING other than the following two things:

  1. A legal aux qualifier for the current method combination, e.g. :after or :around

    It makes the parse for

    ```clj (m/defmethod mf :after "str" [_]) ```

    ambiguous -- Is this an :after aux method with dispatch value "str", or a primary method with dispatch value :after and a docstring? Since there's no clear way to decide which is which, we're going to have to disallow this. It's probably a good thing anyway since you're absolutely going to confuse the hell out of people if you use something like :before or :around as a dispatch value.

  2. A list that can be interpreted as part of a n-arity fn tail i.e. ([args ...] body ...)

    I know, theoretically it should be possible to do something dumb like this:

    ```clj (doseq [i [0 1] :let [toucan :toucan pigeon :pigeon]] (m/defmethod my-multimethod :before ([toucan pigeon] i) ([x] ...))) ```

    but we are just UNFORTUNATELY going to have to throw up our hands and say we don't support it. The reason is in the example above it's ambiguous whether this is a :before aux method with dispatch value ([toucan pigeon] i), or a primary method with dispatch value :before. It's just impossible to tell what you meant. If you really want to do something wacky like this, let-bind the dispatch value to a symbol or something.

Note that if you specify a custom :dispatch-value-spec it overrides this spec. Hopefully your spec is stricter than this one is and it won't be a problem.

(defn- default-dispatch-value-spec
  (fn valid-dispatch-value? [x]
    (and (not (contains? allowed-aux-qualifiers x))
         (or (not (seq? x))
             (not (s/valid? :clojure.core.specs.alpha/params+body x))))))

Generate a name based on a dispatch value. Used by [[method-fn-symbol]] below.

(defn- dispatch-val-name
  (let [s (cond
            (sequential? dispatch-val)
            (str/join "-" (map dispatch-val-name dispatch-val))
            (and (instance? clojure.lang.Named dispatch-val)
                 (namespace dispatch-val))
            (str (namespace dispatch-val) "-" (name dispatch-val))
            (instance? clojure.lang.Named dispatch-val)
            (name dispatch-val)
            (munge (str dispatch-val)))]
    (-> s
        (str/replace #"\s+" "-")
        (str/replace  #"\." "-"))))

Generate a nice name for a primary or auxiliary method's implementing function. Named functions are used rather than anonymous functions primarily to aid in debugging and improve stacktraces.

(defn- method-fn-symbol
  ([multifn qualifier dispatch-val]
   (method-fn-symbol multifn qualifier dispatch-val nil))
  ([multifn qualifier dispatch-val unique-key]
   (let [s (cond-> (format "%s-%s-method-%s" (name multifn) (name qualifier) (dispatch-val-name dispatch-val))
             (str "-" unique-key))]
     (vary-meta (symbol s) assoc :private true, :multifn (when-let [ns-symb (some-> (:ns (meta multifn)) ns-name name)]
                                                           (when-let [symb (some-> (:name (meta multifn)) name)]
                                                             (list 'var (symbol ns-symb symb))))))))

Impl for [[defmethod]] for primary methods.

(defn- emit-primary-method
  [multifn {:keys [multifn-symb dispatch-value docstring fn-tail]}]
  (let [fn-symb (method-fn-symbol multifn "primary" dispatch-value)]
       (defn ~fn-symb
         ~@(when docstring
         ~@(i/transform-fn-tail multifn nil fn-tail))
       (u/add-primary-method! (var ~multifn-symb) ~dispatch-value (u/fn-vary-meta ~fn-symb merge (meta (var ~fn-symb)))))))

Impl for [[defmethod]] for aux methods.

(defn- emit-aux-method
  [multifn {:keys [multifn-symb qualifier dispatch-value unique-key docstring fn-tail]}]
  (let [fn-symb    (method-fn-symbol multifn qualifier dispatch-value unique-key)
        unique-key (or unique-key (list 'quote (ns-name *ns*)))]
       (defn ~fn-symb
         ~@(when docstring
         ~@(i/transform-fn-tail multifn qualifier fn-tail))
       (u/add-aux-method-with-unique-key! (var ~multifn-symb)
                                          (u/fn-vary-meta ~fn-symb merge (meta (var ~fn-symb)))
(defn- defmethod-args-spec [multifn]
  (let [allowed-qualifiers       (i/allowed-qualifiers multifn)
        primary-methods-allowed? (contains? allowed-qualifiers nil)
        allowed-aux-qualifiers   (disj allowed-qualifiers nil)
        dispatch-value-spec      (or (some-> (get (meta multifn) :dispatch-value-spec) s/spec)
                                     (default-dispatch-value-spec allowed-aux-qualifiers))
        arities-spec             (validate-arities/allowed-arities-fn-tail-spec (:defmethod-arities (meta multifn)))]
    (s/cat :args-for-method-type (s/alt :primary (if primary-methods-allowed?
                                                   (s/cat :dispatch-value dispatch-value-spec)
                                                   (constantly false))
                                        :aux     (s/cat :qualifier      allowed-aux-qualifiers
                                                        :dispatch-value dispatch-value-spec
                                                        :unique-key     (s/? (complement (some-fn string? sequential?)))))
           :docstring            (s/? string?)
           :fn-tail              (s/& (s/+ any?)
                                      (s/nonconforming (s/& ::fn-tail arities-spec))))))
(defn- parse-defmethod-args [multifn args]
  (let [spec      (defmethod-args-spec multifn)
        conformed (s/conform spec args)]
    (if (s/invalid? conformed)
      (throw (ex-info (s/explain-str spec args) (s/explain-data spec args)))
      (let [{[method-type type-args] :args-for-method-type} conformed]
        (-> (merge conformed {:method-type method-type} type-args)
            (dissoc :args-for-method-type))))))
(defn- resolve-multifn [multifn-symb]
  (doto (some-> (resolve multifn-symb) deref)
    (assert (format "Could not resolve multifn %s" multifn-symb))))

Define a new multimethod method implementation. Syntax is the same as for vanilla Clojure [[defmethod]], but you may also define auxiliary methods by passing an optional auxiliary method qualifier before the dispatch value:

```clj ;; define a new primary method (defmethod some-multifn Bird [_] ...)

;; define a new auxiliary method (defmethod some-multifn :before Toucan [_] ...) ```

(defmacro defmethod
  {:arglists     '([multifn-symb dispatch-val docstring? & fn-tail]
                   [multifn-symb aux-qualifier dispatch-val unique-key? docstring? & fn-tail])
   :style/indent :defn}
  [multifn-symb & args]
  (let [multifn     (resolve-multifn multifn-symb)
        parsed-args (assoc (parse-defmethod-args multifn args) :multifn multifn, :multifn-symb multifn-symb)]
    ((case (:method-type parsed-args)
       :aux     emit-aux-method
       :primary emit-primary-method) multifn parsed-args)))
(s/fdef defmethod
  :args (s/& (s/cat :multifn-symb (every-pred symbol? resolve)
                    :args         (s/+ any?))
             ;; not sure if there's an easier way to do this.
             (fn [{:keys [multifn-symb args]}]
               (let [multifn   (resolve-multifn multifn-symb)
                     spec      (defmethod-args-spec multifn)
                     conformed (s/conform spec args)]
                 (when (s/invalid? conformed)
                   (throw (ex-info (s/explain-str spec args) (s/explain-data spec args))))
  :ret any?)

Implementation for defmethod arities validation (see #59).

The arities sets passed around here are sets of numeric arity counts, or [:> n] for arity n that also accepts varargs, i.e.

```clj (fn ([x]) ([x y & more])) ```

has the arities #{1 [:>= 2]}.

(ns ^:no-doc methodical.macros.validate-arities
   [ :as data]
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(defn- int-between-zero-and-twenty-inclusive? [n]
  (and (integer? n)
       (<= 0 n 20)))
(s/def ::arities-set
   (s/or :int      int-between-zero-and-twenty-inclusive?
         :>=-form  (s/spec (s/cat :>=  (partial = :>=)
                                  :int int-between-zero-and-twenty-inclusive?)))
   :kind set?
   :min-count 1))

Determine the arity sets for arglists. Deals with arglists already conformed using the :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list spec.

```clj (arglist-arities (s/conform (s/+ :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list) '([] [x]))) => #{0 1}

(arglist-arities (s/conform (s/+ :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list) '([] [x] [x y z & more]))) => #{0 1 [:>= 3]} ```

(defn- arglist-arities
  (into #{}
        (map (fn [{:keys [params var-params]}]
               (if var-params
                 [:>= (count params)]
                 (count params))))

Determine arity sets for fn-tails. fn-tails should already be conformed using the :methodical.macros/fn-tail spec or similar:

```clj (fn-tail-arities (s/conform :methodical.macros/fn-tail '[([x] x) ([x y & more] x)])) =>

{1 [:>= 2]}


(defn- fn-tail-arities
  [[arity-type x]]
  (set (case arity-type
         :arity-1 (arglist-arities [(:params x)])
         :arity-n (arglist-arities (map :params x)))))

Given an arity like 1 or [:> 3] expand the arity into a flat set of all arities that can be used to invoke a function tail with that specific arity, e.g. [:> 3] can be invoked with 3, 4, 5, or so on arguments.

clojure.lang.IFn/invoke only supports distinct arities between 0 and 20, inclusive; any more than 20 arguments must be invoked with .applyTo, so that's all we need to consider here; we'll use the keyword :more to represent > 20 arguments.

```clj (expand-arity 1) => #{1} (expand-arity [:> 3]) => #{3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... :more} ```

(defn- expand-arity
  (if (integer? arity)
    (sorted-set arity)
    (let [[_ arity] arity]
      (into #{:more} (range arity 21)))))
(defn- expand-arities [arities]
  (into #{} (mapcat expand-arity) arities))

Given a set of required arities (e.g., the :defmethod-arities in the defmulti metadata) and actual arities (e.g. the function tail arities in a defmethod form, as generated by [[fn-tail-arities]]), return a map with any :required arities that are missing and any :disallowed arities that are present. Returns nil if there are no missing required arities or disallowed arities present.

(defn- diff-arities
  [required actual]
  (let [[missing disallowed] (data/diff (expand-arities required) (expand-arities actual))]
     (into {} (for [[k orig expanded] [[:required required missing]
                                       [:disallowed actual disallowed]]
                    :when             (seq expanded)]
                [k (set (for [arity orig
                              :when (not-empty (set/intersection (expand-arity arity) expanded))]

Create a spec for a function tail to make sure it has all of the required-arities, and all of its arities are allowed.

(defn allowed-arities-fn-tail-spec
  (if (empty? required-arities)
    (s/and (s/conformer (fn [fn-tail]
                    (let [arities (fn-tail-arities fn-tail)
                          diff    (diff-arities required-arities arities)]
                      (when (seq diff)
                        {:arities diff}))))

Utility functions for performing additional operations on multifns and their components not specified in one of the interfaces. These functions are compositions of those methods.

(ns methodical.util
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [prefers prefer-method remove-all-methods])
   [methodical.impl.standard :as impl.standard]
   [methodical.interface :as i]
   [methodical.util.describe :as describe]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

True if x is a Methodical multifn (i.e., if it is an instance of StandardMultiFn).

(defn multifn?
  (impl.standard/multifn? x))
(declare unwrap-fn-with-meta)

Generate FnWithMeta deftype declaration.

(defmacro generate-FnWithMeta
  (let [make-args (fn [arity]
                    (mapv #(symbol (str "a" (inc %)))
                          (range 0 arity)))]
    `(deftype ~'FnWithMeta [~(with-meta 'fn {:tag 'clojure.lang.IFn}) ~'mta]
       (~'equals [~'_ ~'o]
        (= ~'fn (unwrap-fn-with-meta ~'o)))
       (~'meta [~'_] ~'mta)
       (~'withMeta [~'_ ~'newMta] (~'FnWithMeta. ~'fn ~'newMta))
       ~@(for [arity (range 0 21)]
           (let [args (make-args arity)]
             (list 'invoke (vec (cons '_ args))
                   (list* '.invoke 'fn args))))
       (~'invoke ~(vec (cons '_ (conj (make-args 20) 'rest)))
        (~'.invoke ~'fn ~(conj (make-args 20) 'rest)))
       (~'applyTo [~'_ ~'arglist]
        (clojure.lang.AFn/applyToHelper ~'fn ~'arglist)))))

If the provided argument is a FnWithMeta object, extract the function it wraps, otherwise return the argument.

(defn unwrap-fn-with-meta
  (if (instance? FnWithMeta fun)
    (.fn ^FnWithMeta fun)

Construct a new FnWithMeta from the provided arguments. Unwrap fun if it an FnWithMeta too.

(defn fn-with-meta
  [fun mta]
  (->FnWithMeta (unwrap-fn-with-meta fun) mta))

Construct a new FnWithMeta with the same underlying function (possibly unwrapped) but with the meta that is the result of (apply f (meta obj) args).

(defn fn-vary-meta
  [fun f & args]
  (fn-with-meta (unwrap-fn-with-meta fun) (apply f (meta fun) args)))

Get the primary method explicitly specified for dispatch-value. This function does not return methods that would otherwise still be applicable (e.g., methods for ancestor dispatch values) -- just the methods explicitly defined for this exact match. (If you want methods that will be used, including those of ancestors dispatch values, you can use [[applicable-primary-method]] or [[effective-primary-method]] instead.)

Note that the primary method will not have any implicit args (e.g. next-method) bound the way it normally would when combined into an effective method; you will need to supply this yourself (or pass nil for no next-method).

(defn primary-method
  [multifn dispatch-val]
  (get (i/primary-methods multifn) dispatch-val))

Return a sequence of applicable primary methods for dispatch-value, sorted from most-specific to least-specific. Methods include the ^:dispatch-value with which they were defined as metadata. The standard dispatcher also checks to make sure methods in the sequence are not ambiguously specific, replacing ambiguous methods with ones that will throw an Exception when invoked.

(defn matching-primary-methods
  ([multifn dispatch-val]
   (i/matching-primary-methods multifn multifn dispatch-val))
  ([dispatcher method-table dispatch-val]
   (i/matching-primary-methods dispatcher method-table dispatch-val)))

Return the primary method that would be use for dispatch-value, including ones from ancestor dispatch values or the default dipsatch value. Method includes ^:dispatch-value metadata indicating the actual dispatch value for which the applicable method was defined.

Like [[primary-method]], the method returned will not have any implicit args (such as next-method) bound.

(defn applicable-primary-method
  [multifn dispatch-val]
  (first (matching-primary-methods multifn dispatch-val)))

Build and effective method equivalent that would be used for this dispatch-value if it had no applicable auxiliary methods. Implicit args (such as next-method) will be bound appropriately. Method has ^:dispatch-value metadata for the dispatch value with which the most-specific primary method was defined.

(defn effective-primary-method
  [multifn dispatch-val]
  (let [[most-specific-primary-method :as primary-methods] (matching-primary-methods multifn dispatch-val)]
    (some-> (i/combine-methods multifn primary-methods nil)
            (fn-with-meta (meta most-specific-primary-method)))))

Get all auxiliary methods explicitly specified for dispatch-value. This function does not include methods that would otherwise still be applicable (e.g., methods for ancestor dispatch values) -- the methods explicitly defined for this exact match.

  • With 1 arg: methods come back as a map of qualifier -> dispatch value -> [method].
  • With 2 args: methods come back as a map of qualifier -> [method].
  • With 3 args: methods come back as sequence of methods.
(defn aux-methods
   (i/aux-methods multifn))
  ([multifn dispatch-val]
   (let [qualifier->dispatch-val->fns (i/aux-methods multifn)]
     (when (seq qualifier->dispatch-val->fns)
       (into {} (for [[qualifier dispatch-val->fns] qualifier->dispatch-val->fns
                      :let                          [fns (get dispatch-val->fns dispatch-val)]
                      :when                         (seq fns)]
                  [qualifier fns])))))
  ([multifn qualifier dispatch-val]
   (get-in (i/aux-methods multifn) [qualifier dispatch-val])))

Return a map of aux method qualifier -> sequence of applicable methods for dispatch-value, sorted from most-specific to least-specific. Methods should have the ^:dispatch-value with which they were defined as metadata.

(defn matching-aux-methods
  ([multifn dispatch-val]
   (i/matching-aux-methods multifn multifn dispatch-val))
  ([dispatcher method-table dispatch-val]
   (i/matching-aux-methods dispatcher method-table dispatch-val)))

Get the default primary method associated with this mutlifn, if one exists.

(defn default-primary-method
  (primary-method multifn (i/default-dispatch-value multifn)))

Get a map of aux qualifier -> methods for the default dispatch value, if any exist.

(defn default-aux-methods
  (aux-methods multifn (i/default-dispatch-value multifn)))

Return the effective (combined) method for the default dispatch value, if one can be computed.

(defn default-effective-method
  (i/effective-method multifn (i/default-dispatch-value multifn)))

Return the least-specific dispatch value that would return the same effective method as dispatch-value. e.g. if dispatch-value is Integer and the effective method is a result of combining a Object primary method and a Number aux method, the effective dispatch value is Number, since Number is the most specific thing out of the primary and aux methods and would get the same effective method as Integer.

(defn effective-dispatch-value
  [multifn dispatch-val]
  (:dispatch-value (meta (i/effective-method multifn dispatch-val))))

Calculate the dispatch value that multifn will use given args.

(defn dispatch-value
  ;; since protocols can't define varargs, we have to wrap the `dispatch-value` method from the protocol and apply
  ;; varargs for > 4 args. The various < 4 args arities are there as an optimization because it's a little faster than
  ;; calling apply every time.
  ([multifn a]                    (i/dispatch-value multifn a))
  ([multifn a b]                  (i/dispatch-value multifn a b))
  ([multifn a b c]                (i/dispatch-value multifn a b c))
  ([multifn a b c d]              (i/dispatch-value multifn a b c d))
  ([multifn a b c d e]            (i/dispatch-value multifn a b c d e))
  ([multifn a b c d e f]          (i/dispatch-value multifn a b c d e f))
  ([multifn a b c d e f g]        (i/dispatch-value multifn a b c d e f g))
  ([multifn a b c d e f g & more] (i/dispatch-value multifn a b c d e f g more)))

Return a function that can be used to calculate dispatch values of given arg(s).

(defn dispatch-fn
  (partial dispatch-value multifn))

Remove all primary methods, for all dispatch values (including the default value), for this multifn or method table.

(defn remove-all-primary-methods
   (keys (i/primary-methods multifn))))

With one arg, remove all auxiliary methods for a multifn. With two args, remove all auxiliary methods for the given qualifier (e.g. :before). With three args, remove all auxiliary methods for a given qualifier and dispatch-value.

(defn remove-all-aux-methods
   (reduce remove-all-aux-methods multifn (keys (i/aux-methods multifn))))
  ([multifn qualifier]
    (fn [multifn dispatch-val]
      (remove-all-aux-methods multifn qualifier dispatch-val))
    (keys (get (i/aux-methods multifn) qualifier))))
  ([multifn qualifier dispatch-val]
    (fn [multifn f]
      (i/remove-aux-method multifn qualifier dispatch-val f))
    (get-in (i/aux-methods multifn) [qualifier dispatch-val]))))

Remove all auxiliary methods for dispatch-value for all qualifiers.

TODO -- consider renaming to remove-all-aux-methods-for-dispatch-val for consistency with everything else

(defn remove-all-aux-methods-for-dispatch-val
  [multifn dispatch-val]
   (fn [multifn qualifier]
     (remove-all-aux-methods multifn qualifier dispatch-val))
   (keys (i/aux-methods multifn))))

Remove an auxiliary method that was added by [[add-aux-method-with-unique-key]], if one exists. Returns multifn.

(defn remove-aux-method-with-unique-key
  [multifn qualifier dispatch-val unique-key]
  {:pre [(some? multifn)]}
  (if-let [method (some
                   (fn [method]
                     (when (= (:methodical/unique-key (meta method)) unique-key)
                   (aux-methods multifn qualifier dispatch-val))]
    (i/remove-aux-method multifn qualifier dispatch-val method)

Adds an auxiliary method with a unique-key stored in its metadata. This unique key can later be used to remove the auxiliary method with [[remove-aux-method-with-unique-key]]. If a method with this key already exists for this qualifier and dispatch value, replaces the original.

(defn add-aux-method-with-unique-key
  [multifn qualifier dispatch-val f unique-key]
  {:pre [(some? multifn)]}
  (-> multifn
      (remove-aux-method-with-unique-key qualifier dispatch-val unique-key)
      (i/add-aux-method qualifier dispatch-val (fn-vary-meta f assoc :methodical/unique-key unique-key))))

Remove all primary and auxiliary methods, including default implementations.

(defn remove-all-methods
  (-> multifn remove-all-primary-methods remove-all-aux-methods))

Add a method preference to prefs for dispatch value x over y. Used to implement [[prefer-method]]. isa?* is used to determine whether a relationship between x and y that precludes this preference already exists; it can be [[clojure.core/isa?]], perhaps partially bound with a hierarchy, or some other 2-arg predicate function.

(defn add-preference
  [isa?* prefs x y]
  (when (= x y)
    (throw (IllegalStateException. (format "Cannot prefer dispatch value %s over itself." x))))
  (when (contains? (get prefs y) x)
    (throw (IllegalStateException. (format "Preference conflict in multimethod: %s is already preferred to %s" y x))))
  ;; this is not actually a restriction that is enforced by vanilla Clojure multimethods, but after thinking about
  ;; it really doesn't seem to make sense to allow you to define a preference that will never be used
  (when (isa?* y x)
    (throw (IllegalStateException.
            (format "Preference conflict in multimethod: cannot prefer %s over its descendant %s."
                    x y))))
  (update prefs x #(conj (set %) y)))

Prefer dispatch-val-x over dispatch-val-y for dispatch and method combinations. You can undo this preference with [[unprefer-method]].

(defn prefer-method
  [multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
  {:pre [(some? multifn)]}
  (when (= dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y)
    (throw (IllegalStateException. (format "Cannot prefer dispatch value %s over itself." dispatch-val-x))))
  (let [prefs (i/prefers multifn)]
    (when (contains? (get prefs dispatch-val-y) dispatch-val-x)
      (throw (IllegalStateException. (format "Preference conflict in multimethod: %s is already preferred to %s"
    (when (i/dominates? (i/with-prefers multifn nil) dispatch-val-y dispatch-val-x)
      (throw (IllegalStateException.
              (format "Preference conflict in multimethod: cannot prefer %s over its descendant %s."
    (let [new-prefs (update prefs dispatch-val-x #(conj (set %) dispatch-val-y))]
      (i/with-prefers multifn new-prefs))))
(defn- remove-preference [preferences dispatch-value-x dispatch-value-y]
  (let [updated-preferences (update preferences dispatch-value-x (fn [x-preferences]
                                                                   (disj (set x-preferences) dispatch-value-y)))]
    (if (empty? (get updated-preferences dispatch-value-x))
      (dissoc updated-preferences dispatch-value-x)

Return a copy of multifn with any preferences of dispatch-val-x over dispatch-val-y removed. If no such preference exists, this returns multifn as-is. Opposite of [[prefer-method]].

To destructively remove a dispatch value preference, use [[unprefer-method!]].

(defn unprefer-method
  [multifn dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
  {:pre [(some? multifn)]}
  (let [preferences         (i/prefers multifn)
        updated-preferences (remove-preference preferences dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y)]
    (if (= preferences updated-preferences)
      ;; return multifn as is if nothing has changed.
      (i/with-prefers multifn updated-preferences))))

Return a copy of multifn with all of its preferences for all dispatch values removed.

To destructively remove all preferences, use [[remove-all-preferences!]].

(defn remove-all-preferences
  {:pre [(some? multifn)]}
  (if (empty? (i/prefers multifn))
    (i/with-prefers multifn {})))

When multifn is invoked with args that have dispatch-val, will we end up using the default effective method (assuming one exists)?

(defn is-default-effective-method?
  [multifn dispatch-val]
  ;; we need to make sure that a default method is present before calculating this stuff,
  ;; otherwise [[i/effective-method]] and [[default-effective-method]] will both return `nil`, giving us a false
  ;; positive here, even if there is an applicable non-default aux method. Also we need to make sure `{:dispatch-value
  ;; nil}` doesn't get confused with `nil` because there is no matching default method.
  (let [multifn (i/add-primary-method multifn (i/default-dispatch-value multifn) (constantly nil))]
    (= (:dispatch-value (meta (i/effective-method multifn dispatch-val)))
       (:dispatch-value (meta (default-effective-method multifn))))))

When multifn is invoked with args that have dispatch-val, will we end up using the default primary method (assuming one exists)?

(defn is-default-primary-method?
  [multifn dispatch-val]
  ;; We need to make sure `{:dispatch-value nil}` for the effective primary method doesn't get confused with `nil`
  ;; if `(default-primary-method multifn)` doesn't return anything because there is no default method.
  (let [multifn (i/add-primary-method multifn (i/default-dispatch-value multifn) (constantly nil))]
    (= (:dispatch-value (meta (effective-primary-method multifn dispatch-val)))
       (:dispatch-value (meta (default-primary-method multifn))))))

Low-level destructive operations

Build a docstring by taking the original user-supplied :doc and the output of [[describe/describe]].

(defn ^:no-doc docstring-with-describe-output-appended
  (^String [varr]
   (let [original-doc  ((some-fn :original-doc :doc) (meta varr))
         updated-value (var-get varr)]
     (docstring-with-describe-output-appended original-doc updated-value)))
  (^String [original-doc updated-value]
    (when (seq original-doc)
      (str original-doc \newline \newline))
    (describe/describe updated-value))))

Like [[clojure.core/alter-var-root]], but handles vars that are aliases of other vars, e.g. ones that have been imported via Potemkin [[potemkin/import-vars]].

(defn alter-var-root+
  [multifn-var f & args]
  (let [{var-ns :ns, var-name :name} (meta multifn-var)
        varr                         (if (and var-ns var-name)
                                       (ns-resolve var-ns var-name)
        original-doc                 ((some-fn :original-doc :doc) (meta multifn-var))]
    (apply alter-var-root varr f args)
    (let [new-doc (docstring-with-describe-output-appended varr)]
      (alter-meta! multifn-var assoc :original-doc original-doc, :doc new-doc))

Destructive version of [[add-primary-method]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn add-primary-method!
  [multifn-var dispatch-val f]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var i/add-primary-method dispatch-val f))

Destructive version of [[methodical.interface/remove-primary-method]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-primary-method!
  [multifn-var dispatch-val]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var i/remove-primary-method dispatch-val))

Destructive version of [[remove-all-primary-methods]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-all-primary-methods!
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-all-primary-methods))

Destructive version of [[methodical.interface/add-aux-method]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn add-aux-method!
  [multifn-var qualifier dispatch-val f]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var i/add-aux-method qualifier dispatch-val f))

Destructive version of [[methodical.interface/remove-aux-method]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-aux-method!
  [multifn-var qualifier dispatch-val f]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var i/remove-aux-method qualifier dispatch-val f))

Destructive version of [[remove-all-aux-methods]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-all-aux-methods!
   (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-all-aux-methods))
  ([multifn-var qualifier]
   (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-all-aux-methods qualifier))
  ([multifn-var qualifier dispatch-val]
   (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-all-aux-methods qualifier dispatch-val)))

Destructive version of [[remove-all-aux-methods-for-dispatch-val]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-all-aux-methods-for-dispatch-val!
  [multifn-var dispatch-val]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-all-aux-methods-for-dispatch-val dispatch-val))

Destructive version of [[add-aux-method-with-unique-key]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn add-aux-method-with-unique-key!
  [multifn-var qualifier dispatch-val f unique-key]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var add-aux-method-with-unique-key qualifier dispatch-val f unique-key))

Destructive version of [[remove-aux-method-with-unique-key]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-aux-method-with-unique-key!
  [multifn-var qualifier dispatch-val unique-key]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-aux-method-with-unique-key qualifier dispatch-val unique-key))

Destructive version of [[remove-all-methods]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-all-methods!
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-all-methods))

Destructive version of [[methodical.interface/with-prefers]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn with-prefers!
  [multifn-var new-prefs]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var i/with-prefers new-prefs))

Destructive version of [[prefer-method]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

Note that vanilla Clojure [[clojure.core/prefer-method]] is actually itself destructive, so this function is actually the Methodical equivalent of that function. prefer-method! is used by Methodical to differentiate the operation from our nondestructive [[prefer-method]], which returns a copy of the multifn with an altered dispatch table.

(defn prefer-method!
  [multifn-var dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var prefer-method dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y))

Destructive version of [[unprefer-method]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn unprefer-method!
  [multifn-var dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y]
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var unprefer-method dispatch-val-x dispatch-val-y))

Destructive version of [[remove-all-preferences]]. Operates on a var defining a Methodical multifn.

(defn remove-all-preferences!
  (alter-var-root+ multifn-var remove-all-preferences))
(ns methodical.util.describe
  (:require [clojure.datafy :as datafy]
            [potemkin.types :as p.types]))
(p.types/defprotocol+ Describable
  (describe ^String [this]
    "Return a Markdown-formatted string description of a Methodical object, such as a multifn."))
(extend-protocol Describable
  (describe [_this]

  (describe [this]
    (pr-str (datafy/datafy this))))

Common dispatch function definitions.

(ns methodical.util.dispatch)

Create a dispatch function this will dispatch on the value of

```clj (dispatch-fn ) ```

and ignore all other args.

(defn dispatch-on-first-arg
  (fn dispatch-on-first-arg*
     (dispatch-fn a))
    ([a _b]
     (dispatch-fn a))
    ([a _b _c]
     (dispatch-fn a))
    ([a _b _c _d]
     (dispatch-fn a))
    ([a _b _c _d _e]
     (dispatch-fn a))
    ([a _b _c _d _e & _more]
     (dispatch-fn a))))

Create a dispatch function this will dispatch on the value of

```clj [(dispatch-fn ) (dispatch-fn )] ```

and ignore all other args.

(defn dispatch-on-first-two-args
   (dispatch-on-first-two-args dispatch-fn dispatch-fn))
  ([dispatch-fn-a dispatch-fn-b]
   (fn dispatch-on-first-two-args*
     ([a b]
      [(dispatch-fn-a a) (dispatch-fn-b b)])
     ([a b _c]
      (dispatch-on-first-two-args* a b))
     ([a b _c _d]
      (dispatch-on-first-two-args* a b))
     ([a b _c _d _e]
      (dispatch-on-first-two-args* a b))
     ([a b _c _d _e & _more]
      (dispatch-on-first-two-args* a b)))))

Create a dispatch function this will dispatch on the value of

```clj [(dispatch-fn ) (dispatch-fn ) (dispatch-fn )] ```

and ignore all other args.

(defn dispatch-on-first-three-args
   (dispatch-on-first-three-args dispatch-fn dispatch-fn dispatch-fn))
  ([dispatch-fn-a dispatch-fn-b dispatch-fn-c]
   (fn dispatch-on-first-three-args*
     ([a b c]
      [(dispatch-fn-a a) (dispatch-fn-b b) (dispatch-fn-c c)])
     ([a b c _d]
      (dispatch-on-first-three-args* a b c))
     ([a b c _d _e]
      (dispatch-on-first-three-args* a b c))
     ([a b c _d _e & _more]
      (dispatch-on-first-three-args* a b c)))))

Create a dispatch function this will dispatch on the value of

```clj [(dispatch-fn ) (dispatch-fn ) (dispatch-fn ) (dispatch-fn )] ```

and ignore all other args.

(defn dispatch-on-first-four-args
   (dispatch-on-first-four-args dispatch-fn dispatch-fn dispatch-fn dispatch-fn))
  ([dispatch-fn-a dispatch-fn-b dispatch-fn-c dispatch-fn-d]
   (fn dispatch-on-first-four-args*
     ([a b c d]
      [(dispatch-fn-a a) (dispatch-fn-b b) (dispatch-fn-c c) (dispatch-fn-d d)])
     ([a b c d _e]
      (dispatch-on-first-four-args* a b c d))
     ([a b c d _e & _more]
      (dispatch-on-first-four-args* a b c d)))))
(ns methodical.util.trace
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [methodical.interface :as i]
            [methodical.util :as u]
            [pretty.core :as pretty]
            [puget.printer :as puget]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Whether or not to print the trace in color. True by default, unless the env var NO_COLOR is true.

(def ^:dynamic *color*
  (if-let [env-var-value (System/getenv "NO_COLOR")]
    (complement (Boolean/parseBoolean env-var-value))

Pretty-printer function to use for pretty printing forms in the trace. You can bind this to override the default pretty-printing functions (see below).

(def ^:dynamic *pprinter*

Wrap a String with (->Literal s) to print it literally instead of wrapping in double quotes.

(defrecord Literal [s])
(def ^:private default-print-handlers
  {Literal (fn [_printer literal]
             [:text (:s literal)])})
(defn- default-color-printer [x]
  ;; don't print in black. I can't see it
  (puget/cprint x {:color-scheme   {:nil nil}
                   :print-handlers default-print-handlers}))
(defn- default-boring-printer [x]
  (puget/pprint x {:print-handlers default-print-handlers}))

Pretty print a form x.

(defn- pprint
  ((or *pprinter*
       (if *color*
         default-boring-printer)) x))

Current depth of the trace.

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *trace-level*

Number of spaces to indent lines when printing stuff.

(def ^:private ^:dynamic *trace-indent*
(defn- trace-print-indent []
  (doseq [_ (range *trace-indent*)]
    (print " ")))
(defn- trace-println [& args]
  (let [[first-line & more] (str/split-lines (str/trim (with-out-str (apply println args))))]
    (println first-line)
    (doseq [line more]
      (println line))))
(defn- describe-method [a-method]
  (let [{:keys [qualifier dispatch-value]} (meta a-method)]
    (->Literal (if qualifier
                 (format "#aux-method<%s %s>" (pr-str qualifier) (pr-str dispatch-value))
                 (format "#primary-method<%s>" (pr-str dispatch-value))))))
(defn- describe [x]
    (::description (meta x))                  (::description (meta x))
    (:dispatch-value (meta x))                (describe-method x)
    (:methodical/combined-method? (meta x))   (->Literal "#combined-method")
    (fn? x)                                   (->Literal (pr-str x))
    (instance? pretty.core.PrettyPrintable x) (pretty/pretty x)
    :else                                     x))
(defn- trace-method [m]
  (fn [& args]
    (printf (format "%d: " *trace-level*))
    (binding [*trace-indent* (+ *trace-indent* 3)]
      (trace-println (with-out-str (pprint (map describe (cons m args))))))
    (let [result (binding [*trace-level*  (inc *trace-level*)
                           *trace-indent* (+ *trace-indent* 2)]
                   (apply m args))]
      (printf "%d> " *trace-level*)
      (binding [*trace-indent* (+ *trace-indent* 3)]
        (trace-println (with-out-str (pprint (describe result)))))
(defn- trace-primary-method [primary-method]
  (-> (trace-method primary-method)
      (u/fn-with-meta (meta primary-method))))
(defn- trace-primary-methods [primary-methods]
  (map trace-primary-method primary-methods))
(defn- trace-aux-method [aux-method]
  (-> (trace-method aux-method)
      (u/fn-with-meta (meta aux-method))))
(defn- trace-aux-methods [qualifier->ms]
  (into {} (for [[qualifier aux-methods] qualifier->ms]
             [qualifier (for [aux-method aux-methods]
                          (trace-aux-method (u/fn-vary-meta aux-method assoc :qualifier qualifier)))])))

Function version of [[trace]] macro. The only difference is this doesn't capture the form of multifn passed to [[trace]], and thus can't usually generate a pretty description for the top-level form.

(defn trace*
  [multifn & args]
  (let [dispatch-value  (apply u/dispatch-value multifn args)
        primary-methods (trace-primary-methods (u/matching-primary-methods multifn dispatch-value))
        aux-methods     (trace-aux-methods (u/matching-aux-methods multifn dispatch-value))
        combined        (-> (i/combine-methods multifn primary-methods aux-methods)
                            (u/fn-with-meta (meta multifn))
    (apply combined args)))

Instrument a multimethod multifn, then invoke it; calls to its primary and aux methods and their results are printed to out`. Returns same result as untraced version would have returned. Prints trace in color by default, but you can disable this by binding [[color]] to false.

Method calls are printed with n:, where n is the current depth of the trace; the result of each method call is printed with a corresponding n>:

```clj (trace/trace my-fn 1 {}) ;; -> 0: (my-fn 1 {}) 1: (#primary-method<:default> nil 1 {}) 1> {:x 1} 1: (#aux-method<:after [java.lang.Object :default]> 1 {:x 1}) 1> {:object? true, :x 1} 0> {:object? true, :x 1} ```

(defmacro trace
  [multifn & args]
  `(trace* (vary-meta ~multifn assoc ::description '~multifn)