Utility code for dealing with visualization settings, from cards, dashboard cards, etc.

There are two ways of representing the same data, DB form and normalized form. DB form is the "legacy" form, which uses unqualified keywords, which map directly to column names via Toucan. Normalized form, on the other hand, uses namespaced keywords and generally "unwraps" the semantic structures as much as possible.

In general, operations/manipulations should happen on the normalized form, and when the DB form is needed again (ex: for updating the database), the map can be converted back. This can be done fairly easily with the threading macro, ex:

``` (-> (mb.viz/db->norm (:visualization_settings my-card)) tweak-viz-settings tweak-more-viz-settings mb.viz/norm->db) ```

In general, conversion functions in this namespace (i.e. those that convert various pieces from one form to the other) will be prefixed with either db->norm or norm->db, depending on which direction they implement.

(ns metabase.models.visualization-settings
      [clojure.set :as set]
      [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
      [medley.core :as m]
      [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
      [metabase.util.json :as json])]
      [clojure.set :as set]
      [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
      [medley.core :as m]
      [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize])]))

-------------------------------------------------- Main API --------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------- Specs --------------------------------------------------

(s/def ::field-id integer?)
(s/def ::column-name string?)

a field reference that is a string, which could be a reference to some named field (ex: output of an aggregation) or to a fully qualified field name (in the context of serialization); we won't attempt to interpret it here, only report that it's a string and set it in the ref map appropriately

(s/def ::field-str string?)
(s/def ::field-metadata (s/or :nil? nil? :map? map?))
(s/def ::column-ref (s/keys :opt [::field-id ::column-name ::field-str ::field-metadata]))
(s/def ::column-settings (s/keys))
(s/def ::click-behavior (s/keys))
(s/def ::visualization-settings (s/keys :opt [::column-settings ::click-behavior]))
(s/def ::field-id-vec (s/tuple #{"ref"}
                               (s/tuple #{"field"}
                                        (s/or :field-id int? :field-str string?)
                                        (s/or :field-metadata map? :nil nil?))))
(s/def ::expression-vec (s/tuple #{"ref"} (s/tuple #{"expression"} string?)))
(s/def ::db-column-ref-vec (s/or :field ::field-id-vec
                                 :expression ::expression-vec
                                 :column-name (s/tuple (partial = "name") string?)))
(s/def ::click-behavior-type keyword? #_(s/or :cross-filter ::cross-filter
                                              :link         ::link))
(s/def ::click-behavior (s/keys :req [::click-behavior-type]
                                :opt [::link-type ::parameter-mapping ::link-template ::link-text ::link-target-id]))

TODO: add more specific shape for this one

(s/def ::parameter-mapping (s/or :nil? nil? :map? map?))

target ID can be the auto generated ID or fully qualified name for serialization

(s/def ::link-target-id (s/or :int int? :fully-qualified-name string?))
(s/def ::link-template string?)
(s/def ::link-text-template string?)
(s/def ::column-title string?)
(s/def ::date-style #{"M/D/YYYY" "D/M/YYYY" "YYYY/M/D" "MMMM D, YYYY" "D MMMM, YYYY" "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY"})
(s/def ::date-abbreviate boolean?)
(s/def ::date-separator #{"/" "-" "."})
(s/def ::time-style #{"HH:mm" "h:mm A" "h A"})
(s/def ::time-enabled #{nil "minutes" "seconds" "milliseconds"})
(s/def ::decimals pos-int?)
(s/def ::number-separators #(or nil? (and string? (= 2 (count %)))))
(s/def ::number-style #{"decimal" "percent" "scientific" "currency"})
(s/def ::prefix string?)
(s/def ::suffix string?)
(s/def ::view-as string?)
(s/def ::link-text string?)
(s/def ::param-mapping-id string?)
(s/def ::param-ref-type #{"column" "dimension" "variable" "parameter"})
(s/def ::param-ref-id string?)
(s/def ::param-ref-name string?)
(s/def ::param-mapping-source (s/keys :req [::param-ref-id ::param-ref-type] :opt [::param-ref-name]))
(s/def ::param-mapping-target ::param-mapping-source)
(s/def ::db-column-ref (s/or :string? string? :vector? vector? :keyword? keyword?))
(s/def ::entity-type #{::card ::dashboard})

----------------------------------------------- Parsing fns -----------------------------------------------

Creates a normalized column ref map for the given field ID. This becomes a key in the ::column-settings map.

If passed, field-metadata is also included in the map (but not interpreted).

(defn field-id->column-ref
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  [field-id & [field-metadata]]
  (cond-> {::field-id field-id}
    (some? field-metadata) (assoc ::field-metadata field-metadata)))
(s/fdef field-id->column-ref
  :args (s/cat :field-id int? :field-metadata (s/? ::field-metadata))
  :ret  ::column-ref)

Creates a normalized column ref map for the given col-name. This becomes a key in the ::column-settings map.

(defn column-name->column-ref
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  {::column-name col-name})
(s/fdef column-name->column-ref
  :args (s/cat :col-name string?)
  :ret  ::column-ref)

Creates a normalized column ref map for the given field string (which could be the name of a "synthetic" field, such as the output of an aggregation, or a fully qualified field name in the context of serialization. The visualization settings code will not make any attempt to interpret this string. It becomes the key in the ::column-settings map.

If passed, field-metadata is also included in the map (but not interpreted).

(defn field-str->column-ref
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  [field-qualified-name & [field-metadata]]
  (cond-> {::field-str field-qualified-name}
    (some? field-metadata) (assoc ::field-metadata field-metadata)))
(s/fdef field-str->column-ref
  :args (s/cat :field-qualified-name string? :field-metadata (s/? ::field-metadata))
  :ret ::column-ref)

Returns the full string name of the keyword kw, including any "namespace" portion followed by forward slash.

From https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/name#example-58264f85e4b0782b632278bf Clojure interprets slashes as keyword/name separators, so we need to do something hacky to get the "full" name here because our "keyword value" (as parsed from JSON/YAML/etc.) might actually look like the string version of a Clojure vector, which itself can contain a fully qualified name for serialization

(defn- keyname
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  (str (when-let [kw-ns (namespace kw)] (str kw-ns "/")) (name kw)))
(s/fdef keyname
  :args (s/cat :kw keyword?)
  :ret  string?)

Parse the given json-str to a map. In Clojure, this uses Cheshire. In Clojurescript, it calls .parse with js/JSON and threads that to js->clj.

(defn- parse-json-string
  #?(:clj  (json/decode json-str)
     :cljs (-> (.parse js/JSON json-str)
(s/fdef parse-json-string
  :args (s/cat :json-str string?)
  :ret  (s/or :map map? :seq seqable?))

Encode the given obj map as a JSON string. In Clojure, this uses Cheshire. In Clojurescript, it uses cljs.core.clj->js in conjunction with cljs.js.

(defn- encode-json-string
  #?(:clj  (json/encode obj)
     :cljs (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js obj))))
(s/fdef encode-json-string
  :args (s/cat :obj (s/or :map map? :seq seqable?))
  :ret  string?)

Converts a (parsed, vectorized) DB-form column ref to the equivalent normal form.

Does the opposite of norm->db-column-ref

(defn db->norm-column-ref
  (let [parsed (s/conform ::db-column-ref-vec column-ref-vec)]
    (if (s/invalid? parsed)
      (throw (ex-info "Invalid input" (s/explain-data ::db-column-ref-vec column-ref-vec)))
      (let [[m parts] parsed]
        (case m
          (let [[_ [_ [_ [id-or-str v] [_ field-md]]]] parsed]
            (cond-> (case id-or-str
                      :field-id {::field-id v}
                      :field-str {::field-str v})
              (some? field-md) (assoc ::field-metadata field-md)))
          {::column-name (nth parts 1)}
          (let [[_expression [_ref [_expression column-name]]] parsed]
            {::column-name column-name}))))))
(s/fdef db->norm-column-ref
  :args (s/cat :column-ref ::db-column-ref-vec)
  :ret  ::column-ref)

Parses the DB representation of a column reference, and returns the equivalent normal form.

The column-ref parameter can be a string, a vector, or keyword.

If a string, it is parsed as JSON, and the value is passed to db->norm-column-ref for conversion.

If a keyword (which is produced by YAML parsing, for instance), it will first be converted to its full name. "Full" means that the portions before and after any slashes will be included verbatim (via the keyname helper fn). This is necessary because our serialization code considers a forward slash to be a legitimate portion of a fully qualified name, whereas Clojure considers it to be a namespace/local name separator. Once converted thusly, that resulting string value will be passed to db->norm-column-ref for conversion, just as in the case above.

If a vector, it is assumed that vector is already in DB normalized form, so it is passed directly to db->norm-column-ref for conversion.

Returns a map representing the column reference (conforming to the normal form ::column-ref spec), by delegating to db->norm-column-ref.

(defn parse-db-column-ref
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  (let [parsed (s/conform ::db-column-ref column-ref)]
    (if (s/invalid? parsed)
      (throw (ex-info "Invalid input" (s/explain-data ::db-column-ref column-ref)))
      (let [[k v]    parsed
            ref->vec (case k
                       :string?  (comp vec parse-json-string)
                       :keyword? (comp vec parse-json-string keyname)
                       :vector?  identity)]
        (db->norm-column-ref (ref->vec v))))))
(s/fdef parse-db-column-ref
  :args (s/cat :column-ref ::db-column-ref)
  :ret ::column-ref)

------------------------------------------------ Builder fns ------------------------------------------------

Creates an empty visualization settings map. Intended for use in the context of a threading macro (ex: with click-action or a similar function following as the next form).

(defn visualization-settings
  {:added "0.40.0"}
(defn- with-col-settings [settings]
  (if (contains? settings ::column-settings)
    (assoc settings ::column-settings {})))
(s/fdef with-col-settings
  :args (s/cat :settings ::visualization-settings)
  :ret  ::visualization-settings)

Creates a crossfilter click action with the given param-mapping, in the normalized form.

(defn crossfilter-click-action
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  {::click-behavior-type ::cross-filter
   ::parameter-mapping   param-mapping})
(s/fdef crossfilter-click-action
  :args (s/cat :param-mapping ::parameter-mapping)
  :ret  ::click-behavior)

Creates a URL click action linking to a url-template, in the normalized form.

(defn url-click-action
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  {::click-behavior-type ::link
   ::link-type           ::url
   ::link-template       url-template})
(s/fdef url-click-action
  :args (s/cat :url-template string?)
  :ret  ::click-behavior)

Creates a click action linking to an entity having entity-type with ID entity-id, in the normalized form. parameter-mapping is an optional argument.

(defn entity-click-action
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  [entity-type entity-id & [parameter-mapping]]
  (cond-> {::click-behavior-type ::link
           ::link-type           entity-type
           ::link-target-id      entity-id}
    (some? parameter-mapping) (assoc ::parameter-mapping parameter-mapping)))
(s/fdef entity-click-action
  :args (s/cat :entity-type ::entity-type :entity-id int? :parameter-mapping ::parameter-mapping)
  :ret  ::click-behavior)

Creates a click action from a given from-field-id Field identifier to the given to-entity-type having ID to-entity-id, and adds it to the given settings. This happens in the normalized form, and hence this should be passed the output of another fn (including, currently, visualization-settings). If the given from-field-id already has a click action, it will be replaced.

(defn with-click-action
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  [settings col-key action]
  (-> settings
      (update ::column-settings assoc col-key {::click-behavior action})))
(s/fdef with-click-action
  :args (s/cat :settings map? :col-key ::column-ref :action ::click-behavior)
  :ret  ::click-behavior)

Creates a click action from a given from-field-id Field identifier to the given to-entity-type having ID to-entity-id. This happens in the normalized form, and hence this should be passed the output of another fn (including, currently, visualization-settings). If the given from-field-id already has a click action, it will be replaced.

(defn with-entity-click-action
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  [settings from-field-id to-entity-type to-entity-id & [parameter-mapping]]
  (with-click-action settings (field-id->column-ref from-field-id) (entity-click-action
(s/fdef with-entity-click-action
  :args (s/cat :settings          map?
               :from-field-id     int?
               :to-entity-type    ::entity-type
               :to-entity-id      int?
               :parameter-mapping (s/? ::parameter-mapping))
  :ret  ::click-behavior)

Creates a parameter mapping for source-col-name (source-field-id) to target-field-id in normalized form.

(defn fk-parameter-mapping
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  [source-col-name source-field-id target-field-id]
  (let [id         [:dimension [:fk-> [:field source-field-id nil] [:field target-field-id nil]]]
        dimension  {:dimension [:field target-field-id {:source-field source-field-id}]}]
    {id #::{:param-mapping-id     id
            :param-mapping-source #::{:param-ref-type "column"
                                      :param-ref-id   source-col-name
                                      :param-ref-name source-col-name}
            :param-mapping-target #::{:param-ref-type "dimension"
                                      :param-ref-id    id
                                      :param-dimension dimension}}}))
(s/fdef fk-parameter-mapping
  :args (s/cat :source-col-name string? :source-field-id int? :target-field-id int?)
  :ret  map?)

---------------------------------------------- Conversion fns ----------------------------------------------

(def ^:private db->norm-click-action-type
  {"link"        ::link
   "crossfilter" ::cross-filter})
(def ^:private norm->db-click-action-type
  (set/map-invert db->norm-click-action-type))
(def ^:private db->norm-link-type
  {"question"    ::card
   "dashboard"   ::dashboard
   "url"         ::url})
(def ^:private norm->db-link-type
  (set/map-invert db->norm-link-type))
(def ^:private db->norm-click-behavior-keys
  {:targetId         ::link-target-id
   :linkTemplate     ::link-template
   :linkTextTemplate ::link-text-template
   :type             ::click-behavior-type
   :linkType         ::link-type})
(def ^:private norm->db-click-behavior-keys
  (set/map-invert db->norm-click-behavior-keys))
(def ^:private db->norm-column-settings-keys
  {:column_title       ::column-title
   :date_style         ::date-style
   :date_separator     ::date-separator
   :date_abbreviate    ::date-abbreviate
   :time_enabled       ::time-enabled
   :time_style         ::time-style
   :number_style       ::number-style
   :currency           ::currency
   :currency_style     ::currency-style
   :currency_in_header ::currency-in-header
   :number_separators  ::number-separators
   :decimals           ::decimals
   :scale              ::scale
   :prefix             ::prefix
   :suffix             ::suffix
   :view_as            ::view-as
   :link_text          ::link-text
   :link_url           ::link-url
   :show_mini_bar      ::show-mini-bar})
(def ^:private norm->db-column-settings-keys
  (set/map-invert db->norm-column-settings-keys))
(def ^:private db->norm-param-mapping-val-keys
  {:id      ::param-mapping-id
   :source  ::param-mapping-source
   :target  ::param-mapping-target})
(def ^:private norm->db-param-mapping-val-keys
  (set/map-invert db->norm-param-mapping-val-keys))
(def ^:private db->norm-param-ref-keys
  {:type      ::param-ref-type
   :id        ::param-ref-id
   :name      ::param-ref-name
   :dimension ::param-dimension})
(def ^:private norm->db-param-ref-keys
  (set/map-invert db->norm-param-ref-keys))
(def ^:private db->norm-table-columns-keys
  {:name      ::table-column-name
   ; for now, do not translate the value of this key (the field vector)
   :fieldref  ::table-column-field-ref
   :field_ref ::table-column-field-ref
   :fieldRef  ::table-column-field-ref
   :enabled   ::table-column-enabled})
(def ^:private norm->db-table-columns-keys
  (set/map-invert db->norm-table-columns-keys))
(s/def ::table-column-field-ref ::field-id-vec)
(defn- db->norm-param-ref [parsed-id param-ref]
  (cond-> (set/rename-keys param-ref db->norm-param-ref-keys)
    (= "dimension" (:type param-ref)) (assoc ::param-ref-id parsed-id)))
(defn- norm->db-param-ref [id-str param-ref]
  (cond-> (set/rename-keys param-ref norm->db-param-ref-keys)
    (= "dimension" (::param-ref-type param-ref)) (assoc :id id-str)))

Is this a parameter mapping for a dimension? Like when link refers a card getting data from another card.

(defn dimension-param-mapping?
  (= "dimension" (get-in mapping [:target :type])))

Converts a parameter-mapping (i.e. value of :parameterMapping) from DB to normalized form

(defn db->norm-param-mapping
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  (if (nil? parameter-mapping)
    ;; k is "[\"dimension\",[\"fk->\",[\"field-id\",%d],[\"field-id\",%d]]]"
    ;; v is {:id <same long string> :source <param-ref> :target <param-ref>}
    (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
                 (let [[new-k new-v]
                       (if (dimension-param-mapping? v)
                         (let [parsed-id (-> (if (keyword? k) (keyname k) k)
                           [parsed-id (cond-> v
                                        (:source v) (assoc ::param-mapping-source
                                                           (db->norm-param-ref parsed-id (:source v)))
                                        (:target v) (assoc ::param-mapping-target
                                                           (db->norm-param-ref parsed-id (:target v)))
                                        :always     (-> ; from outer cond->
                                                     (assoc ::param-mapping-id parsed-id)
                                                     (dissoc :source :target :id)))])
                         [k (-> v
                                (m/update-existing :source (partial db->norm-param-ref nil))
                                (m/update-existing :target (partial db->norm-param-ref nil))
                                (set/rename-keys db->norm-param-mapping-val-keys))])]
                   (assoc acc new-k new-v))) {} parameter-mapping)))
(defn- norm->db-dimension-param-mapping [k v]
  (let [str-id (encode-json-string k)]
    [str-id (cond-> v
              (::param-mapping-source v) (assoc :source
                                                 (::param-mapping-source v)))
              (::param-mapping-target v) (assoc :target
                                                 (::param-mapping-target v)))
              :always                    (->
                                          (assoc :id str-id)
                                          (dissoc ::param-mapping-id
(defn- norm->db-generic-param-mapping [pm-k pm-v]
  (let [new-v (into {} (remove (fn [[k v]]
                                 ;; don't keep source or target unless not nil
                                 (and (nil? v)
                                      (contains? #{::param-mapping-source ::param-mapping-target} k)))) pm-v)]
    [pm-k (-> new-v
              (m/update-existing ::param-mapping-source (partial norm->db-param-ref nil))
              (m/update-existing ::param-mapping-target (partial norm->db-param-ref nil))
              (set/rename-keys norm->db-param-mapping-val-keys))]))

Converts a parameter-mapping (i.e. value of ::parameter-mapping) from normalized to DB form.

(defn norm->db-param-mapping
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  (if (nil? parameter-mapping)
    (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
                 (let [[new-k new-v]
                       (if (= "dimension" (get-in v [::param-mapping-target ::param-ref-type]))
                         (norm->db-dimension-param-mapping k v)
                         (norm->db-generic-param-mapping k v))]
                   (assoc acc new-k new-v))) {} parameter-mapping)))
(defn- db->norm-click-behavior [v]
  (-> v
       (db->norm-click-action-type (:type v)))
      (dissoc :type)
      (assoc ::link-type (db->norm-link-type (:linkType v)))
      (dissoc :linkType)
      (cond-> ; from outer ->
       (some? (:parameterMapping v)) (assoc ::parameter-mapping (db->norm-param-mapping (:parameterMapping v))))
      (dissoc :parameterMapping)
      (set/rename-keys db->norm-click-behavior-keys)))

Converts the deprecated k:mm format to HH:mm (#18112)

(defn- db->norm-time-style
  (if (= v "k:mm")
(defn- db->norm-table-columns [v]
  (-> v
      (assoc ::table-columns (mapv (fn [tbl-col]
                                     (set/rename-keys tbl-col db->norm-table-columns-keys))
                                   (:table.columns v)))
      (dissoc :table.columns)))

Converts the DB form of a :column_settings entry value to its normalized form. Does the opposite of norm->db-column-settings-entry.

(defn- db->norm-column-settings-entry
  [m k v]
  (case k
    (assoc m ::click-behavior (db->norm-click-behavior v))
    (assoc m ::time-style (db->norm-time-style v))
    (assoc m (db->norm-column-settings-keys k) v)))

Converts the DB form of a map of :column_settings entries to its normalized form.

(defn db->norm-column-settings-entries
  (reduce-kv db->norm-column-settings-entry {} entries))

Converts a :column_settings DB form to its normalized form. Drops any columns that fail to be parsed.

(defn db->norm-column-settings
  (reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
                 (let [k1 (parse-db-column-ref k)
                       v1 (db->norm-column-settings-entries v)]
                   (assoc m k1 v1))
                 (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) _e

Converts a DB form of visualization settings (i.e. map with key :visualization_settings) into the equivalent normalized form (i.e. map with keys ::column-settings, ::click-behavior, etc.).

Does the opposite of norm->db.

(defn db->norm
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  (cond-> vs
          ;; column_settings at top level; ex: table card
    (:column_settings vs)
    (assoc ::column-settings (->> (:column_settings vs)
          ;; click behavior key at top level; ex: non-table card
    (:click_behavior vs)
    (assoc ::click-behavior (db->norm-click-behavior (:click_behavior vs)))
    (:table.columns vs)
    (dissoc :column_settings :click_behavior)))
(defn- norm->db-click-behavior-value [v]
  (-> v
       (norm->db-click-action-type (::click-behavior-type v)))
      (dissoc ::click-behavior-type)
      (cond-> ; from outer ->
       (some? (::parameter-mapping v)) (assoc :parameterMapping (norm->db-param-mapping (::parameter-mapping v))))
      (dissoc ::parameter-mapping)
      (assoc :linkType (norm->db-link-type (::link-type v)))
      (dissoc ::link-type)
      (set/rename-keys norm->db-click-behavior-keys)))
(defn- norm->db-click-behavior [click-behavior]
  (cond-> click-behavior
    (some? (::parameter-mapping click-behavior))
    (-> (assoc :parameterMapping (norm->db-param-mapping (::parameter-mapping click-behavior)))
        (dissoc ::parameter-mapping))
    :always (-> (assoc :type (norm->db-click-action-type (::click-behavior-type click-behavior)))
                (m/assoc-some :linkType (norm->db-link-type (::link-type click-behavior)))
                (dissoc ::link-type ::click-behavior-type ::parameter-mapping)
                (set/rename-keys norm->db-click-behavior-keys))))

Converts a ::column-settings entry from qualified form to DB form. Does the opposite of db->norm-column-settings-entry.

(defn- norm->db-column-settings-entry
  [m k v]
  (case k
    ::click-behavior (assoc m :click_behavior (norm->db-click-behavior v))
    (assoc m (norm->db-column-settings-keys k) v)))

Creates the DB form of a column ref (i.e. the key in the column settings map) for the given normalized args. Either ::field-id or ::field-str keys will be checked in the arg map to build the corresponding column ref map.

(defn norm->db-column-ref
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  [{::keys [field-id field-str column-name field-metadata]}]
  (-> (cond
        (some? field-id) ["ref" ["field" field-id field-metadata]]
        (some? field-str) ["ref" ["field" field-str field-metadata]]
        (some? column-name) ["name" column-name])

Converts an entire column settings map from normalized to DB form.

(defn- norm->db-column-settings
  (->> col-settings
       (m/map-kv (fn [k v]
                   [(norm->db-column-ref k) (reduce-kv norm->db-column-settings-entry {} v)]))))
(defn- norm->db-table-columns [v]
  (cond-> v
    (some? (::table-columns v))
    (assoc :table.columns (mapv (fn [tbl-col]
                                  (set/rename-keys tbl-col norm->db-table-columns-keys))
                                (::table-columns v)))
    (dissoc ::table-columns)))

Converts the normalized form of visualization settings (i.e. a map having ::column-settings into the equivalent DB form (i.e. a map having :column_settings).

Does The opposite of db->norm.

(defn norm->db
  {:added "0.40.0"}
  (cond-> settings
    (::column-settings settings) (-> ; from cond->
                                  (assoc :column_settings (norm->db-column-settings (::column-settings settings)))
                                  (dissoc ::column-settings))
    (::click-behavior settings)  (-> ; from cond->
                                  (assoc :click_behavior (norm->db-click-behavior-value (::click-behavior settings)))
                                  (dissoc ::click-behavior))
    (::table-columns settings)   norm->db-table-columns))