The Metabase Hierarchical Type System (MHTS). This is a hierarchy where types derive from one or more parent types,
which in turn derive from their own parents. This makes it possible to add new types without needing to add
corresponding mappings in the frontend or other places. For example, a Database may want a type called something
like There are a few different keyword hierarchies below: Data (Base/Effective) Types -- keys starting with `:type/` and deriving from `:type/*`, but not `:Semantic/*` or `:Relation/*`The 'base type' represents the actual data type of the column in the data warehouse. The 'effective type' is the
data type we treat this column as; it may be the same as base type or something different if the column has a
coercion strategy (see below). Example: a Coercion Strategies -- keys starting with `:Coercion/`These strategies tell us how to coerce a column from its base type to it effective type when the two differ. For
example, Semantic Types -- types starting with `:type/*` and deriving from `:Semantic/*`NOTE: In the near future we plan to rename the semantic types so they start with These types represent the semantic meaning/interpretation/purpose of a column in the data warehouse, for example
:Semantic types descend from data type(s) that are allowed to have this semantic type. For example,
Relation Type -- types starting with `:type/*` and deriving from `:Relation/*`NOTE: As with Semantic types, in the near future we'll change the relation types so they all start with Types that have to do with whether this column is a primary key or foreign key. These are currently stored in the
Entity Types -- keys starting with `:entity/`These are used to record the semantic purpose of a Table. | (ns metabase.types (:require #?@(:cljs [[metabase.util :as u]]) [clojure.set :as set] [metabase.types.coercion-hierarchies :as coercion-hierarchies] [metabase.util.malli :as mu])) |
Table (entity) Types | |
(derive :entity/GenericTable :entity/*) (derive :entity/UserTable :entity/GenericTable) (derive :entity/CompanyTable :entity/GenericTable) (derive :entity/TransactionTable :entity/GenericTable) (derive :entity/ProductTable :entity/GenericTable) (derive :entity/SubscriptionTable :entity/GenericTable) (derive :entity/EventTable :entity/GenericTable) | |
Modifier Types | |
| (derive :type/field-values-unsupported :type/*) |
| (derive :type/fingerprint-unsupported :type/*) |
| (derive :type/Large :type/field-values-unsupported) (derive :type/Large :type/fingerprint-unsupported) |
Numeric Types | |
(derive :type/Number :type/*) | |
(derive :type/Integer :type/Number) (derive :type/BigInteger :type/Integer) | |
(derive :type/Quantity :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Quantity :type/Integer) | |
| (derive :type/Float :type/Number) |
| (derive :type/Decimal :type/Float) |
(derive :type/Share :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Share :type/Float) | |
A percent value (generally 0-100) | |
(derive :type/Percentage :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Percentage :type/Decimal) | |
| (derive :type/Currency :type/Decimal) (derive :type/Currency :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Income :type/Currency) (derive :type/Discount :type/Currency) (derive :type/Price :type/Currency) (derive :type/GrossMargin :type/Currency) (derive :type/Cost :type/Currency) |
:type/Location -- anything having to do with a location, e.g. country, city, or coordinates. | (derive :type/Location :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Coordinate :type/Location) (derive :type/Coordinate :type/Float) (derive :type/Latitude :type/Coordinate) (derive :type/Longitude :type/Coordinate) |
(derive :type/Score :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Score :type/Number) | |
(derive :type/Duration :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Duration :type/Number) | |
Text Types | |
(derive :type/Text :type/*) | |
(derive :type/UUID :type/Text) | |
(derive :type/URL :Semantic/*) (derive :type/URL :type/Text) (derive :type/ImageURL :type/URL) (derive :type/AvatarURL :type/ImageURL) | |
(derive :type/Email :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Email :type/Text) | |
Semantic types deriving from | (derive :type/Category :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Enum :Semantic/*) |
(derive :type/Address :type/Location) | |
(derive :type/City :type/Address) (derive :type/City :type/Category) (derive :type/City :type/Text) | |
(derive :type/State :type/Address) (derive :type/State :type/Category) (derive :type/State :type/Text) | |
(derive :type/Country :type/Address) (derive :type/Country :type/Category) (derive :type/Country :type/Text) | |
(derive :type/ZipCode :type/Address) (derive :type/ZipCode :type/Text) | |
(derive :type/Name :type/Category) (derive :type/Name :type/Text) (derive :type/Title :type/Category) (derive :type/Title :type/Text) | |
(derive :type/Description :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Description :type/Text) (derive :type/Comment :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Comment :type/Text) | |
(derive :type/PostgresEnum :type/TextLike) | |
(derive :type/OracleCLOB :type/Text) (derive :type/OracleCLOB :type/Large) | |
DateTime Types | |
(derive :type/Temporal :type/*) (derive :type/Temporal :type/field-values-unsupported) | |
(derive :type/Date :type/Temporal) | |
You could have Dates with TZ info but it's not supported by JSR-310 so we'll not worry about that for now. | |
(derive :type/Time :type/Temporal) (derive :type/TimeWithTZ :type/Time) (derive :type/TimeWithLocalTZ :type/TimeWithTZ) ; a column that is timezone-aware, but normalized to UTC or another offset at rest. | |
(derive :type/TimeWithZoneOffset :type/TimeWithTZ) ; a column that stores its timezone offset | |
(derive :type/DateTime :type/Temporal) (derive :type/DateTimeWithTZ :type/DateTime) (derive :type/DateTimeWithLocalTZ :type/DateTimeWithTZ) ; a column that is timezone-aware, but normalized to UTC or another offset at rest. | |
(derive :type/DateTimeWithZoneOffset :type/DateTimeWithTZ) ; a column that stores its timezone offset, e.g. `-08:00` | |
(derive :type/DateTimeWithZoneID :type/DateTimeWithTZ) ; a column that stores its timezone ID, e.g. `US/Pacific` | |
| (derive :type/Instant :type/DateTimeWithLocalTZ) |
TODO -- shouldn't we have a | |
(derive :type/CreationTemporal :Semantic/*) (derive :type/CreationTimestamp :type/CreationTemporal) (derive :type/CreationTimestamp :type/DateTime) (derive :type/CreationTime :type/CreationTemporal) (derive :type/CreationTime :type/Time) (derive :type/CreationDate :type/CreationTemporal) (derive :type/CreationDate :type/Date) | |
(derive :type/JoinTemporal :Semantic/*) (derive :type/JoinTimestamp :type/JoinTemporal) (derive :type/JoinTimestamp :type/DateTime) (derive :type/JoinTime :type/JoinTemporal) (derive :type/JoinTime :type/Time) (derive :type/JoinDate :type/JoinTemporal) (derive :type/JoinDate :type/Date) | |
(derive :type/CancelationTemporal :Semantic/*) (derive :type/CancelationTimestamp :type/CancelationTemporal) (derive :type/CancelationTimestamp :type/DateTime) (derive :type/CancelationTime :type/CancelationTemporal) (derive :type/CancelationTime :type/Date) (derive :type/CancelationDate :type/CancelationTemporal) (derive :type/CancelationDate :type/Date) | |
(derive :type/DeletionTemporal :Semantic/*) (derive :type/DeletionTimestamp :type/DeletionTemporal) (derive :type/DeletionTimestamp :type/DateTime) (derive :type/DeletionTime :type/DeletionTemporal) (derive :type/DeletionTime :type/Time) (derive :type/DeletionDate :type/DeletionTemporal) (derive :type/DeletionDate :type/Date) | |
(derive :type/UpdatedTemporal :Semantic/*) (derive :type/UpdatedTimestamp :type/UpdatedTemporal) (derive :type/UpdatedTimestamp :type/DateTime) (derive :type/UpdatedTime :type/UpdatedTemporal) (derive :type/UpdatedTime :type/Time) (derive :type/UpdatedDate :type/UpdatedTemporal) (derive :type/UpdatedDate :type/Date) | |
(derive :type/Birthdate :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Birthdate :type/Date) | |
(derive :type/Interval :type/Temporal) | |
Other | |
(derive :type/Boolean :type/*) (derive :type/DruidHyperUnique :type/*) (derive :type/DruidHyperUnique :type/field-values-unsupported) | |
The Snowflake | (derive :type/SnowflakeVariant :type/*) (derive :type/SnowflakeVariant :type/Large) |
Text-Like Types: Things that should be displayed as text for most purposes but that shouldn't support advanced filter options like starts with / contains | |
(derive :type/TextLike :type/*) (derive :type/MongoBSONID :type/TextLike) (derive :type/MySQLEnum :type/Text) | |
IP address can be either a data type e.g. Postgres | (derive :type/IPAddress :type/TextLike) (derive :type/IPAddress :Semantic/*) |
Structured/Collections | |
(derive :type/Collection :type/*) (derive :type/Collection :type/Large) (derive :type/Structured :type/*) (derive :type/Structured :type/Large) | |
(derive :type/Dictionary :type/Collection) (derive :type/Array :type/Collection) | |
| (derive :type/JSON :type/Structured) (derive :type/JSON :type/Collection) |
(derive :type/DruidJSON :type/JSON) | |
| (derive :type/XML :type/Structured) (derive :type/XML :type/Collection) |
base type = :type/Text coercion strategy = :Coercion/SerializedJSON effective type = :type/JSON but for the time being we'll have to live with these being "weird" semantic types. | (derive :type/Structured :Semantic/*) |
(derive :type/SerializedJSON :type/Structured) (derive :type/XML :type/Structured) | |
Other | |
(derive :type/User :Semantic/*) (derive :type/Author :type/User) (derive :type/Owner :type/User) | |
(derive :type/Product :type/Category) (derive :type/Company :type/Category) (derive :type/Subscription :type/Category) | |
(derive :type/Source :type/Category) | |
Relation types | |
(derive :type/FK :Relation/*) (derive :type/PK :Relation/*) | |
Coercion strategies | |
(derive :Coercion/String->Temporal :Coercion/*) (derive :Coercion/ISO8601->Temporal :Coercion/String->Temporal) (derive :Coercion/ISO8601->DateTime :Coercion/ISO8601->Temporal) (derive :Coercion/ISO8601->Time :Coercion/ISO8601->Temporal) (derive :Coercion/ISO8601->Date :Coercion/ISO8601->Temporal) | |
(derive :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSString->Temporal :Coercion/String->Temporal) | |
(derive :Coercion/Bytes->Temporal :Coercion/*) (derive :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSBytes->Temporal :Coercion/Bytes->Temporal) | |
(derive :Coercion/Number->Temporal :Coercion/*) (derive :Coercion/UNIXTime->Temporal :Coercion/Number->Temporal) (derive :Coercion/UNIXSeconds->DateTime :Coercion/UNIXTime->Temporal) (derive :Coercion/UNIXMilliSeconds->DateTime :Coercion/UNIXTime->Temporal) (derive :Coercion/UNIXMicroSeconds->DateTime :Coercion/UNIXTime->Temporal) (derive :Coercion/UNIXNanoSeconds->DateTime :Coercion/UNIXTime->Temporal) | |
---------------------------------------------------- Util Fns ---------------------------------------------------- | |
E.g. the version coming back from the app DB as opposed to MLv2 metadata. This should eventually be considered deprecated. | (def ^:private SnakeCasedField [:map [:base_type :any]]) |
True if a Metabase | (mu/defn field-is-type? [tyype :- :keyword {base-type :base_type, effective-type :effective_type} :- SnakeCasedField] (some #(isa? % tyype) [base-type effective-type])) |
True if a Metabase | (mu/defn temporal-field? [field :- SnakeCasedField] (field-is-type? :type/Temporal field)) |
(def ^:private assignable-hierarchy (make-hierarchy)) | |
Declare that a value of type | (defn declare-assignable [x y] #?(:clj (alter-var-root #'assignable-hierarchy derive x y) :cljs (set! assignable-hierarchy (derive assignable-hierarchy x y)))) |
(declare-assignable :type/Integer :type/Decimal) | |
(declare assignable?) | |
(defn- assignable?* [x y] (or (isa? assignable-hierarchy x y) (boolean (some #(assignable? x %) (descendants y))) (boolean (some #(assignable? % y) (parents x))))) | |
Is a value of type When deciding assignability, We also consider the type hierarchy. If x is assignable to z and z is a y, then x is also assignable to y. Also, if z is assignable to y and x is an z, then x is assignable to y. | (def assignable? (memoize assignable?*)) |
Impl for [[most-specific-common-ancestor]]. | (defn- most-specific-common-ancestor* [x y] (cond (= x :type/*) nil (= y :type/*) nil (assignable? x y) y (assignable? y x) x ;; if we haven't had a match yet, recursively try using parent types. :else (some (fn [x'] (some (fn [y'] (when-not (= [x' y'] [x y]) (most-specific-common-ancestor* x' y'))) (cons y (parents y)))) (cons x (parents x))))) |
Return the most-specific type that is an ancestor of both (most-specific-common-ancestor :type/BigInteger :type/Decimal) => :type/Number | (defn most-specific-common-ancestor [x y] (or (most-specific-common-ancestor* x y) :type/*)) |
#?(:cljs (defn ^:export isa "Is `x` the same as, or a descendant type of, `y`?" [x y] (isa? (keyword x) (keyword y)))) #?(:cljs (def ^:export TYPE "A map of Type name (as string, without `:type/` namespace) -> qualified type name as string {\"Temporal\" \"type/Temporal\", ...}" (clj->js (into {} (for [tyype (distinct (mapcat descendants [:type/* :Semantic/* :Relation/*]))] [(name tyype) (u/qualified-name tyype)]))))) (coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/UNIXNanoSeconds->DateTime #{:type/Integer :type/Decimal} :type/Instant) (coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/UNIXMicroSeconds->DateTime #{:type/Integer :type/Decimal} :type/Instant) (coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/UNIXMilliSeconds->DateTime #{:type/Integer :type/Decimal} :type/Instant) (coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/UNIXSeconds->DateTime #{:type/Integer :type/Decimal} :type/Instant) (coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/ISO8601->Date :type/Text :type/Date) (coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/ISO8601->DateTime :type/Text :type/DateTime) (coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/ISO8601->Time :type/Text :type/Time) | |
(coercion-hierarchies/define-types! :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSString->Temporal :type/Text :type/DateTime) | |
(coercion-hierarchies/define-non-inheritable-type! :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSBytes->Temporal :type/* :type/DateTime) | |
Whether | (defn is-coercible-from? [coercion-strategy base-type] (or (isa? (coercion-hierarchies/base-type-hierarchy) base-type coercion-strategy) (boolean (some-> (coercion-hierarchies/non-descending-strategies) (get base-type) (contains? coercion-strategy))))) |
Whether | (defn is-coercible-to? [coercion-strategy effective-type] (isa? (coercion-hierarchies/effective-type-hierarchy) coercion-strategy effective-type)) |
Whether | (defn is-coercible? [coercion-strategy base-type effective-type] (and (is-coercible-from? coercion-strategy base-type) (is-coercible-to? coercion-strategy effective-type))) |
Possible coercions for a base type, returned as a map of | (defn coercion-possibilities [base-type] (let [base-type-hierarchy (coercion-hierarchies/base-type-hierarchy) effective-type-hierarchy (coercion-hierarchies/effective-type-hierarchy)] (->> (for [strategy (ancestors base-type-hierarchy base-type) :when (isa? strategy :Coercion/*) :let [effective-types (parents effective-type-hierarchy strategy)] effective-type effective-types :when (not (isa? effective-type :Coercion/*))] {effective-type #{strategy}}) (reduce (partial merge-with set/union) (select-keys (coercion-hierarchies/non-descending-strategies) [base-type])) not-empty))) |
Returns a boolean of whether a field base-type has any coercion strategies available. | (defn ^:export is_coerceable [base-type] (boolean (not-empty (coercion-possibilities (keyword base-type))))) |
The effective type resulting from a coercion. | (defn effective-type-for-coercion [coercion] (coercion-hierarchies/effective-type-for-strategy coercion)) |
Coercions available for a type. In cljs will return a js array of strings like ["Coercion/ISO8601->Time" ...]. In clojure will return a sequence of keywords. | (defn ^:export coercions_for_type [base-type] (let [applicable (into () (comp (distinct) cat) (vals (coercion-possibilities (keyword base-type))))] #?(:cljs (clj->js (map (fn [kw] (str (namespace kw) "/" (name kw))) applicable)) :clj applicable))) |