Formatters for time values without date information. | (ns metabase.util.formatting.time (:require [ :as date] [ :as options] [metabase.util.time :as u.time]) #?(:clj (:import [java.time.format DateTimeFormatter FormatStyle]))) |
Formats a give time (an hour number, a local time string, or a platform-specific local time object) in the idiomatic style for this locale. For example, ------------------------------------------------- Format Time --------------------------------------------------- | (defn ^:export format-time [value] (let [t (u.time/coerce-to-time value)] ;; Uses localized time formatting. (when (u.time/valid? t) #?(:cljs (.format t "LT") :clj (.format (DateTimeFormatter/ofLocalizedTime FormatStyle/SHORT) t))))) |
Formats the given time (as a string or platform-specific local time or datetime object) based on the | (defn ^:export format-time-with-unit [value options] (let [options (-> options options/prepare-options (assoc :date-enabled false))] (date/format-datetime-with-unit value options))) |