Util functions for dealing with parameters. Primarily used for substituting parameters into variables in Markdown dashboard cards. | (ns metabase.models.params.shared (:require #?@(:clj ([metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date] [metabase.util.date-2.parse.builder :as b] [metabase.util.i18n.impl :as i18n.impl])) #?@(:cljs (["moment" :as moment])) [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs trsn]]) (:import #?@(:clj ((java.time.format DateTimeFormatter))))) |
Formats a value appropriately for inclusion in a text card, based on its type. Does not do any escaping. For datetime parameters, the logic here should mirror the logic (as best as possible) in frontend/src/metabase/parameters/utils/date-formatting.ts Without this comment, the namespace-checker linter incorrectly detects moment as unused | #?(:cljs (comment moment/keep-me)) (defmulti formatted-value {:arglists '([tyype value locale])} (fn [tyype _value _locale] (keyword tyype))) |
(defmethod formatted-value :date/single [_ value locale] #?(:cljs (let [m (.locale (moment value) locale)] (.format m "MMMM D, YYYY")) :clj (u.date/format "MMMM d, yyyy" (u.date/parse value) locale))) | |
(defmethod formatted-value :date/month-year [_ value locale] #?(:cljs (let [m (.locale (moment value "YYYY-MM") locale)] (if (.isValid m) (.format m "MMMM, YYYY") "")) :clj (u.date/format "MMMM, yyyy" (u.date/parse value) locale))) | |
#?(:clj (def ^:private quarter-formatter-in (b/formatter "Q" (b/value :iso/quarter-of-year 1) "-" (b/value :year 4)))) | |
#?(:clj (def ^:private quarter-formatter-out (b/formatter "Q" (b/value :iso/quarter-of-year 1) ", " (b/value :year 4)))) | |
(defmethod formatted-value :date/quarter-year [_ value locale] #?(:cljs (let [m (.locale (moment value "[Q]Q-YYYY") locale)] (if (.isValid m) (.format m "[Q]Q, YYYY") "")) :clj (.format (.withLocale ^DateTimeFormatter quarter-formatter-out (i18n.impl/locale locale)) (.parse ^DateTimeFormatter quarter-formatter-in value)))) | |
(defmethod formatted-value :date/range [_ value locale] (let [[start end] (str/split value #"~")] (if (and start end) (str (formatted-value :date/single start locale) " - " (formatted-value :date/single end locale)) ""))) | |
(defn- translated-interval [interval n] (case interval "minutes" (trsn "Minute" "Minutes" n) "hours" (trsn "Hour" "Hours" n) "days" (trsn "Day" "Days" n) "weeks" (trsn "Week" "Weeks" n) "months" (trsn "Month" "Months" n) "quarters" (trsn "Quarter" "Quarters" n) "years" (trsn "Year" "Years" n))) | |
(defn- format-relative-date [prefix n interval] (let [n #?(:clj (Integer/valueOf ^String n) :cljs (js/parseInt n)) interval (translated-interval interval n)] (case [prefix (= n 1)] ["past" true] (trs "Previous {0}" interval) ["past" false] (trs "Previous {0} {1}" n interval) ["next" true] (trs "Next {0}" interval) ["next" false] (trs "Next {0} {1}" n interval)))) | |
(defmethod formatted-value :date/relative [_ value _] (condp (fn [re value] (->> (re-find re value) next)) value #"^today$" (trs "Today") #"^thisday$" (trs "Today") #"^thisweek$" (trs "This Week") #"^thismonth$" (trs "This Month") #"^thisquarter$" (trs "This Quarter") #"^thisyear$" (trs "This Year") #"^past1days$" (trs "Yesterday") #"^next1days$" (trs "Tomorrow") #"^(past|next)([0-9]+)([a-z]+)~?$" :>> (fn [matches] (apply format-relative-date matches)))) | |
(defmethod formatted-value :date/all-options [_ value locale] ;; Test value against a series of regexes (similar to those in metabase/parameters/utils/mbql.js) to determine ;; the appropriate formatting, since it is not encoded in the parameter type. ;; TODO: this is incomplete, and only handles simple dates https://github.com/metabase/metabase/issues/39385 (condp (fn [re value] (->> (re-find re value) second)) value #"^(this[a-z]+)$" :>> #(formatted-value :date/relative % locale) #"^~?([0-9-T:]+)~?$" :>> #(formatted-value :date/single % locale) #"^([0-9-T:]+~[0-9-T:]+)$" :>> #(formatted-value :date/range % locale) (formatted-value :date/relative value locale))) | |
Given a seq of parameter values, returns them as a single comma-separated string. Does not do additional formatting on the values. | (defn formatted-list [values] (condp = (count values) 1 (str (first values)) 2 (trs "{0} and {1}" (first values) (second values)) (trs "{0}, {1}, and {2}" (str/join ", " (drop-last 2 values)) (nth values (- (count values) 2)) (last values)))) |
(defmethod formatted-value :default [_ value _] (cond (sequential? value) (formatted-list value) :else (str value))) | |
Used markdown characters. | (def escaped-chars-regex #"[\\/*_`'\[\](){}<>#+-.!$@%^&=|\?~]") |
Escape markdown characters. | (defn escape-chars [text regex] (str/replace text regex #(str \\ %))) |
(defn- value [tag-name tag->param locale escape-markdown] (let [param (get tag->param tag-name) value (:value param) tyype (:type param)] (when value (try (cond-> (formatted-value tyype value locale) escape-markdown (escape-chars escaped-chars-regex)) (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) _ ;; If we got an exception (most likely during date parsing/formatting), fallback to the default ;; implementation of formatted-value (formatted-value :default value locale)))))) | |
Returns the parameter value, such that: * nil value => nil * missing value key => default | (defn param-val-or-default [parameter] (get parameter :value (:default parameter))) |
Returns the value(s) of a dashboard filter, formatted appropriately. | (defn value-string [parameter locale] (let [tyype (:type parameter) values (param-val-or-default parameter)] (try (formatted-value tyype values locale) (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs js/Error) _ (formatted-list (u/one-or-many values)))))) |
A regex to find template tags in a text card on a dashboard. This should mirror the regex used to find template
tags in native queries, with the exception of snippets and card ID references (see the metabase-lib function
If you modify this, also modify | (def ^:private template-tag-regex #"\{\{\s*([A-Za-z0-9_\.]+?)\s*\}\}") |
A regex for spliting text around template tags. This should be identical to | (def ^:private template-tag-splitting-regex #"\{\{\s*[A-Za-z0-9_\.]+?\s*\}\}") |
Represents a variable parsed out of a text card. | (defrecord ^:private TextParam [tag source] Object (toString [x] (or (:value x) source))) |
(defn- TextParam? [x] (instance? TextParam x)) | |
Given the text of a Markdown card, splits it into a sequence of alternating strings and TextParam records. | (defn- split-on-tags [text] (let [split-text (str/split text template-tag-splitting-regex) matches (map first (re-seq template-tag-regex text)) max-len (max (count split-text) (count matches)) ;; Pad both `split-text` and `matches` with empty strings until they are equal length, so that nothing is ;; dropped by the call to `interleave` padded-text (concat split-text (repeatedly (- max-len (count split-text)) (constantly ""))) padded-matches (concat matches (repeatedly (- max-len (count matches)) (constantly ""))) full-split-text (interleave padded-text padded-matches)] (map (fn [text] (if-let [[_, match] (re-matches template-tag-regex text)] (->TextParam match text) text)) full-split-text))) |
Given a vector of strings and/or TextParam, concatenate consecutive strings and TextParams without values. | (defn- join-consecutive-strings [strs-or-vars] (->> strs-or-vars (partition-by (fn [str-or-var] (or (string? str-or-var) (not (:value str-or-var))))) (mapcat (fn [strs-or-var] (if (string? (first strs-or-var)) [(str/join strs-or-var)] strs-or-var))))) |
Given | (defn- add-values-to-variables [tag->normalized-param locale escape-markdown split-text] (map (fn [maybe-variable] (if (TextParam? maybe-variable) (assoc maybe-variable :value (value (:tag maybe-variable) tag->normalized-param locale escape-markdown)) maybe-variable)) split-text)) |
(def ^:private optional-block-regex #"\[\[.+\]\]") | |
(def ^:private non-optional-block-regex #"\[\[(.+?)\]\]") | |
Removes any [[optional]] blocks from individual strings in | (defn- strip-optional-blocks [split-text] (let [s (->> split-text (map #(if (TextParam? %) % (str/replace % optional-block-regex ""))) str/join)] (str/replace s non-optional-block-regex second))) |
Given the content of a text dashboard card, return a set of the unique names of template tags in the text. | (defn ^:export tag_names [text] (let [tag-names (->> (re-seq template-tag-regex (or text "")) (map second) set)] #?(:clj tag-names :cljs (clj->js tag-names)))) |
Normalize a single parameter by calling [[mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment]] on it, and converting all string keys to keywords. | (defn- normalize-parameter [parameter] (-> (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:parameters] [parameter]) first (update-keys keyword))) |
Given the context of a text dashboard card, replace all template tags in the text with their corresponding values, formatted and escaped appropriately if escape-markdown is true. Specifically escape-markdown should be false when the output isn't being rendered directly as markdown, such as in header cards. | (defn ^:export substitute-tags ([text tag->param] (substitute-tags text tag->param "en" true)) ([text tag->param locale escape-markdown] (when text (let [tag->param #?(:clj tag->param :cljs (js->clj tag->param)) tag->normalized-param (update-vals tag->param normalize-parameter)] ;; Most of the functions in this pipeline are relating to handling optional blocks in the text which use ;; the [[ ]] syntax. ;; For example, given an input "[[a {{b}}]] [[{{c}}]]", where `b` has no value and `c` = 3: ;; 1. `split-on-tags` => ;; ("[[a " {:tag "b" :source "{{b}}"} "]] [[" {:tag "c" :source "{{c}}"} "]]") ;; 2. `add-values-to-variables` => ;; ("[[a " {:tag "b" :source "{{b}}" :value nil} "]] [[" {:tag "c" :source "{{c}}" :value 3} "]]") ;; 3. `join-consecutive-strings` => ("[[a {{b}}]] [[" {:tag "b" :source "{{c}}" :value 3} "]]") ;; 4. `strip-optional-blocks` => "3" (->> text split-on-tags (add-values-to-variables tag->normalized-param locale escape-markdown) join-consecutive-strings strip-optional-blocks))))) |