(ns metabase.xrays.transforms.materialize (:require [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.models.card :as card] [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.query-processor.preprocess :as qp.preprocess] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(declare get-or-create-root-container-collection!) | |
(defn- root-container-location [] (collection/children-location (t2/select-one [:model/Collection :location :id] :id (get-or-create-root-container-collection!)))) | |
Get collection named | (defn get-collection ([collection-name] (get-collection collection-name (root-container-location))) ([collection-name location] (t2/select-one-pk :model/Collection :name collection-name :location location))) |
(defn- create-collection! ([collection-name description] (create-collection! collection-name description (root-container-location))) ([collection-name description location] (first (t2/insert-returning-pks! :model/Collection {:name collection-name :description description :location location})))) | |
Get or create container collection for transforms in the root collection. | (defn- get-or-create-root-container-collection! [] (let [location "/" name "Automatically Generated Transforms"] (or (get-collection name location) (create-collection! name nil location)))) |
Create a new collection for all the artefacts belonging to transform, or reset it if it already exists. | (defn fresh-collection-for-transform! [{:keys [name description]}] (if-let [collection-id (get-collection name)] (t2/delete! :model/Card :collection_id collection-id) (create-collection! name description))) |
Make and save a card for a given transform step and query. | (defn make-card-for-step! [{:keys [name transform description]} query] (->> {:creator_id api/*current-user-id* :dataset_query query :description description :name name :collection_id (get-collection transform) :result_metadata (qp.preprocess/query->expected-cols query) :visualization_settings {} :display :table} card/populate-query-fields (t2/insert-returning-instances! :model/Card) first)) |