(ns metabase.xrays.transforms.dashboard (:require [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.populate :as populate] [metabase.xrays.transforms.materialize :as tf.materialize] [metabase.xrays.transforms.specs :refer [transform-specs]] [toucan2.core :as t2] [toucan2.realize :as t2.realize])) | |
(def ^:private ^:const ^Long width 12) (def ^:private ^:const ^Long total-width 18) (def ^:private ^:const ^Long height 4) | |
Build a section of cards and format them according to what the automagic dashboards code expects. | (defn- cards->section [group cards] (mapcat (fn [{:keys [name description display] :as card}] (cond-> [(assoc card :group group :width width :height height :card-score 100 :title name :visualization [display] :position 0)] description (conj {:text description :group group :width (- total-width width) :height height :card-score 100 :position 0}))) cards)) |
(defn- card-for-source-table [table] {:pre [(map? table)]} {:creator_id api/*current-user-id* :dataset_query {:type :query :query {:source-table (u/the-id table)} :database (:db_id table)} :name (:display_name table) :collection_id nil :visualization_settings {} :display :table}) | |
(defn- sources [steps] (when-let [table-ids (->> steps (map (comp :source-table :query :dataset_query)) (filter number?) not-empty)] (let [table-id->table (t2/select-pk->fn t2.realize/realize :model/Table :id [:in (set table-ids)])] (mapv (fn [table-id] (let [table (get table-id->table table-id)] (card-for-source-table table))) table-ids)))) | |
Create a (transient) dashboard for transform named | (defn dashboard [transform-name] (let [transform-spec (m/find-first (comp #{transform-name} :name) @transform-specs) {steps false provides true} (->> transform-name tf.materialize/get-collection (t2/select 'Card :collection_id) (group-by (comp some? (-> transform-spec :provides set) :name))) sources (sources steps)] (populate/create-dashboard {:cards (concat (cards->section "sources" sources) (cards->section "steps" steps) (cards->section "provides" provides)) :title (str transform-name " automatically generated transform") :description (:description transform-spec) :groups {"sources" {:title "Sources"} "steps" {:title "Steps"} "provides" {:title "Resulting datasets"}}}))) |