Related entities recommendations. | (ns metabase.xrays.related (:require [clojure.set :as set] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize] [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
(def ^:private ^Long max-best-matches 3) (def ^:private ^Long max-serendipity-matches 2) (def ^:private ^Long max-matches (+ max-best-matches max-serendipity-matches)) | |
(def ^:private ContextBearingForm [:cat [:and [:or :string :keyword] [:fn {:error/message "field, metric, or segment"} (comp #{:field :metric :segment} qp.util/normalize-token)]] [:* :any]]) | |
(defn- strip-idents [clause] (cond-> clause (mbql.u/is-clause? :field clause) (update 2 dissoc :ident))) | |
(defn- collect-context-bearing-forms [form] (let [form (mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:query :filter] form)] (into #{} (comp (filter (mr/validator ContextBearingForm)) (map #(update % 0 qp.util/normalize-token)) (map strip-idents)) (tree-seq sequential? identity form)))) | |
Return the relevant parts of a given entity's definition. Relevant parts are those that carry semantic meaning, and especially context-bearing forms. | (defmulti definition {:arglists '([instance])} mi/model) |
(defmethod definition :model/LegacyMetric [metric] (-> metric :definition ((juxt :aggregation :filter)))) | |
(defmethod definition :model/Card [card] (-> card :dataset_query :query ((juxt :breakout :aggregation :expressions :fields)))) | |
(defmethod definition :model/Segment [segment] (-> segment :definition :filter)) | |
(defmethod definition :model/Field [field] [[:field-id (:id field)]]) | |
How similar are entities | (defn- similarity [a b] (let [context-a (-> a definition collect-context-bearing-forms) context-b (-> b definition collect-context-bearing-forms) overlap (set/intersection context-a context-b) min-overlap (min (count context-a) (count context-b))] (/ (count overlap) (max min-overlap 1)))) |
(defn- rank-by-similarity [reference entities] (->> entities (remove #{reference}) (map #(assoc % :similarity (similarity reference %))) (sort-by :similarity >))) | |
Create an interesting mix of matches. The idea is to have a balanced mix between close (best) matches and more diverse matches to cover a wider field of intents. | (defn- interesting-mix [matches] (let [[best rest] (split-at max-best-matches matches)] (concat best (->> rest shuffle (take max-serendipity-matches))))) |
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([instances])} filter-visible (partial filter (fn [{:keys [archived visibility_type active] :as instance}] (and (some? instance) (or (nil? visibility_type) (= (qp.util/normalize-token visibility_type) :normal)) (not archived) (not= active false) (mi/can-read? instance))))) | |
(defn- metrics-for-table [table] (filter-visible (t2/select :model/Card :table_id (:id table) :type :metric :archived false))) | |
(defn- legacy-metrics-for-table [table] (filter-visible (t2/select :model/LegacyMetric :table_id (:id table) :archived false))) | |
(defn- segments-for-table [table] (filter-visible (t2/select :model/Segment :table_id (:id table) :archived false))) | |
(defn- linking-to [table] (->> (t2/select-fn-set :fk_target_field_id :model/Field :table_id (:id table) :fk_target_field_id [:not= nil] :active true) (map (comp (partial t2/select-one :model/Table :id) :table_id (partial t2/select-one :model/Field :id))) distinct filter-visible (take max-matches))) | |
(defn- linked-from [table] (if-let [fields (not-empty (t2/select-fn-set :id :model/Field :table_id (:id table) :active true))] (->> (t2/select-fn-set :table_id :model/Field :fk_target_field_id [:in fields] :active true) (map (partial t2/select-one :model/Table :id)) filter-visible (take max-matches)) [])) | |
(defn- cards-sharing-dashboard [card] (if-let [dashboards (not-empty (t2/select-fn-set :dashboard_id :model/DashboardCard :card_id (:id card)))] (->> (t2/select-fn-set :card_id :model/DashboardCard :dashboard_id [:in dashboards] :card_id [:not= (:id card)]) (map (partial t2/select-one :model/Card :id)) filter-visible (take max-matches)) [])) | |
(defn- similar-questions [card] (->> (t2/select :model/Card :table_id (:table_id card) :type [:in [:model :question]] :archived false) filter-visible (rank-by-similarity card) (filter (comp pos? :similarity)))) | |
(defn- similar-metrics [card] (->> (t2/select :model/Card :table_id (:table_id card) :type :metric :archived false) filter-visible (rank-by-similarity card) (filter (comp pos? :similarity)))) | |
(defn- recently-modified-dashboards [] (when-let [dashboard-ids (not-empty (t2/select-fn-set :model_id :model/Revision :model "Dashboard" :user_id api/*current-user-id* {:order-by [[:timestamp :desc]]}))] (->> (t2/select :model/Dashboard :id [:in dashboard-ids]) filter-visible (take max-serendipity-matches)))) | |
(defn- recommended-dashboards [cards] (let [recent (recently-modified-dashboards) card-id->dashboard-cards (->> (apply t2/select [:model/DashboardCard :card_id :dashboard_id] (cond-> [] (seq cards) (concat [:card_id [:in (map :id cards)]]) (seq recent) (concat [:dashboard_id [:not-in (map :id recent)]]))) (group-by :card_id)) dashboard-ids (->> (map :id cards) (mapcat card-id->dashboard-cards) (map :dashboard_id) distinct) best (when (seq dashboard-ids) (->> (t2/select :model/Dashboard :id [:in dashboard-ids]) filter-visible (take max-best-matches)))] (concat best recent))) | |
(defn- recommended-collections [cards] (->> cards (m/distinct-by :collection_id) interesting-mix (keep (comp (partial t2/select-one :model/Collection :id) :collection_id)) filter-visible)) | |
Return related entities. | (defmulti related {:arglists '([entity])} mi/model) |
(defmethod related :model/Card [card] (let [table (t2/select-one :model/Table :id (:table_id card)) similar-questions (similar-questions card) similar-metrics (similar-metrics card)] {:table table :metrics (interesting-mix similar-metrics) :segments (->> table segments-for-table (rank-by-similarity card) interesting-mix) :dashboard-mates (cards-sharing-dashboard card) :dashboards (recommended-dashboards similar-questions) :collections (recommended-collections similar-questions)})) | |
(defmethod related :model/Query [query] (related (mi/instance :model/Card query))) | |
(defmethod related :model/LegacyMetric [metric] (let [table (t2/select-one :model/Table :id (:table_id metric))] {:table table :metrics (->> table legacy-metrics-for-table (rank-by-similarity metric) interesting-mix) :segments (->> table segments-for-table (rank-by-similarity metric) interesting-mix)})) | |
(defmethod related :model/Segment [segment] (let [table (t2/select-one :model/Table :id (:table_id segment))] {:table table :metrics (metrics-for-table table) :segments (->> table segments-for-table (rank-by-similarity segment) interesting-mix) :linked-from (linked-from table)})) | |
(defmethod related :model/Table [table] (let [linking-to (linking-to table) linked-from (linked-from table)] {:segments (segments-for-table table) :metrics (metrics-for-table table) :linking-to linking-to :linked-from linked-from :tables (->> (t2/select :model/Table :db_id (:db_id table) :schema (:schema table) :id [:not= (:id table)] :visibility_type nil :active true) (remove (set (concat linking-to linked-from))) filter-visible interesting-mix)})) | |
(defmethod related :model/Field [field] (let [table (t2/select-one :model/Table :id (:table_id field))] {:table table :segments (->> table segments-for-table (rank-by-similarity field) interesting-mix) :metrics (->> table metrics-for-table (rank-by-similarity field) (filter (comp pos? :similarity)) interesting-mix) :fields (->> (t2/select :model/Field :table_id (:id table) :id [:not= (:id field)] :visibility_type "normal" :active true) filter-visible interesting-mix)})) | |
(defmethod related :model/Dashboard [dashboard] (let [cards (map (partial t2/select-one :model/Card :id) (t2/select-fn-set :card_id :model/DashboardCard :dashboard_id (:id dashboard)))] {:cards (->> cards (mapcat similar-questions) (remove (set cards)) distinct filter-visible interesting-mix)})) | |