(ns metabase.xrays.domain-entities.converters
   [malli.core :as mc]
   [malli.transform :as mtx]
   [metabase.util :as u]))
(defn- decode-map [schema _]
  (let [by-prop (into {} (for [[map-key props] (mc/children schema)]
                           [(or (get props :js/prop)
                                (u/->snake_case_en (u/qualified-name map-key)))
                            {:map-key map-key}]))]
    {:enter (fn [x]
                (map? x) x
                (object? x)
                (into {} (for [prop (js-keys x)
                               :let [js-val  (unchecked-get x prop)
                                     map-key (or (get-in by-prop [prop :map-key])
                                                 (keyword (u/->kebab-case-en prop)))]]
                           [map-key js-val]))))
     :leave (fn [x]
              (if (object? x)
                (throw (ex-info "decode-map leaving with a JS object not a CLJS map"
                                {:value  x
                                 :schema (mc/form schema)}))
(defn- infer-child-decoder [schema _]
  (let [mapping (into {} (for [c (mc/children schema)]
                           (if (keyword? c)
                             [(name c) c]
                             [c c])))]
    {:enter #(mapping % %)}))
(defn- infer-child-encoder [schema _]
  (let [mapping (into {} (for [c (mc/children schema)]
                           (if (keyword? c)
                             [c (name c)]
                             [c c])))]
    {:enter #(mapping % %)}))
(defn- decode-map-of [keydec x]
    (map? x)    x
    (object? x) (into {} (for [prop (js/Object.keys x)]
                           [(keydec prop) (unchecked-get x prop)]))))
(defn- encode-map [x keyenc]
    (object? x) x
    (map? x) (reduce-kv (fn [obj k v]
                          (unchecked-set obj (keyenc k) v)
                        #js {}
(def ^:private identity-transformers
  (-> ['string? :string
       'number? :number
       'int?    :int
       'double? :double
       'float?  :float]
      (zipmap (repeat {:enter identity}))))

Malli transformer for converting JavaScript data to and from CLJS data.

This is a bit more flexible than a JSON transformer. In particular, it normalizes the keys of :map schema objects to :kebab-case-keywords, and restores them to strings with the original spelling when converting back.

On keyword conversion

Note that "snake_case" is the default spelling we expect in the JS data. This can be overridden with the {:js/prop "correctSpelling"} property on the schema, eg. ``` [:map [:camel-case {:js/prop "camelCase"} string?] [:kebab-case {:js/prop "kebab-case"} number?] [:snake-case [:enum "foo" "bar"]]] ```

Observe that :snake-case does not need a :js/prop setting, since that is the default.

On :map-of

Note that :map-of is not :map. The spelling of the keys in a :map-of is not changed. If the key schema is keyword?, they will be converted to keywords and back, but with the original spelling.

On sequences :tuple, :vector and :sequential all get transformed into CLJS vectors. When converting back to JS, they are JS arrays.

(def js-transformer
   {:name :js
    (merge identity-transformers
           {:keyword           keyword
            'keyword?          keyword
            :qualified-keyword keyword
            :uuid              parse-uuid
            :vector            {:enter #(and % (vec %))}
            :sequential        {:enter #(and % (vec %))}
            :tuple             {:enter #(and % (vec %))}
            :cat               {:enter #(and % (vec %))}
            :catn              {:enter #(and % (vec %))}
            :enum              {:compile infer-child-decoder}
            :=                 {:compile infer-child-decoder}
            :map               {:compile decode-map}
            :map-of            {:compile (fn [schema _]
                                           (let [[key-schema] (mc/children schema)
                                                 keydec (mc/decoder key-schema js-transformer)]
                                             {:enter #(decode-map-of keydec %)}))}})
    (merge identity-transformers
           {:keyword           name
            'keyword?          name
            :qualified-keyword #(str (namespace %) "/" (name %))
            :uuid              str
            :vector            {:leave clj->js}
            :sequential        {:leave clj->js}
            :tuple             {:leave clj->js}
            :enum              {:compile infer-child-encoder}
            :=                 {:compile infer-child-encoder}
            :map               {:compile
                                (fn [schema _]
                                  (let [js-props (into {} (for [[k props] (mc/children schema)
                                                                :when (:js/prop props)]
                                                            [k (:js/prop props)]))
                                        keyenc   (fn [k] (or (get js-props k)
                                                             (u/->snake_case_en (u/qualified-name k))))]
                                    {:leave #(encode-map % keyenc)}))}
            :map-of            {:leave #(encode-map % name)}})}))

Returns a function for converting a JS value into CLJS data structures, based on a schema.

(defn incoming
  ;; TODO This should be a mc/coercer that decodes and then validates, throwing if it doesn't match.
  ;; However, enabling that now breaks loads of tests that pass input data with lots of holes. The JS
  ;; tests (as opposed to TS) are particularly bad for this.
  ;; Don't forget the nested `mc/decoder` calls elsewhere in this file!
  (mc/decoder schema js-transformer))

Returns a function for converting a CLJS value back into a plain JS one, based on its schema.

(defn outgoing
  (mc/encoder schema js-transformer))