(ns metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.schema
   [malli.core :as mc]
   [malli.util :as mut]))

The big ball of mud data object from which we generate x-rays

(def context
    [:source any?]
    [:root any?]
    [:tables {:optional true} any?]
    [:query-filter {:optional true} any?]]))

The base unit thing we are trying to produce in x-rays

(def dashcard
  ;; TODO - Beef these specs up, esp. the any?s
    [:dataset_query {:optional true}
      [:database {:optional true} [:maybe nat-int?]]
      [:type :keyword]
      [:query [:map
               [:aggregation [:sequential any?]]
               [:breakout {:optional true} [:sequential any?]]
               [:source-table [:or :int :string]]]]]]
    [:dimensions {:optional true} [:sequential string?]]
    [:group {:optional true} string?]
    [:height pos-int?]
    [:metrics {:optional true} any?]
    [:position {:optional true} nat-int?]
    [:card-score {:optional true} number?]
    [:total-score {:optional true} nat-int?]
    [:metric-score {:optional true} nat-int?]
    [:score-components {:optional true} [:sequential nat-int?]]
    [:title {:optional true} string?]
    [:visualization {:optional true} any?]
    [:width pos-int?]
    [:x_label {:optional true} string?]]))

A bunch of dashcards

(def dashcards
  (mc/schema [:maybe [:sequential dashcard]]))

A dimension reference, as either a semantic type or entity type and semantic type.

(def field-type
    [:tuple :keyword]
    [:tuple :keyword :keyword]]))

A specification for the basic keys in the value of a dimension template.

(def dimension-value
    [:field_type field-type]
    [:score {:optional true} nat-int?]
    [:max_cardinality {:optional true} nat-int?]
    [:named {:optional true} [:string {:min 1}]]]))

A specification for the basic keys in a dimension template.

(def dimension-template
    {:min 1 :max 1}
    [:string {:min 1}]

A specification for the basic keys in the value of a metric template.

(def metric-value
    [:metric [:vector some?]]
    [:score {:optional true} nat-int?]
     ;[:name some?]

A specification for the basic keys in a metric template.

(def metric-template
    {:min 1 :max 1}
    [:string {:min 1}]

A specification for the basic keys in the value of a filter template.

(def filter-value
    [:filter [:vector some?]]
    [:score nat-int?]]))

A specification for the basic keys in a filter template.

(def filter-template
    {:min 1 :max 1}
    [:string {:min 1}]

A specification for the basic keys in the value of a card template.

(def card-value
    [:dimensions {:optional true} [:vector (mc/schema
                                             {:min 1 :max 1}
                                             [:string {:min 1}]
                                              [:aggregation {:optional true} string?]]])]]
    [:metrics {:optional true} [:vector string?]]
    [:filters {:optional true} [:vector string?]]
    [:card-score {:optional true} nat-int?]]))

A specification for the basic keys in a card template.

(def card-template
    {:min 1 :max 1}
    [:string {:min 1}]

A specification for the basic keys in a dashboard template.

(def dashboard-template
    [:dimensions {:optional true} [:vector dimension-template]]
    [:metrics {:optional true} [:vector metric-template]]
    [:filters {:optional true} [:vector filter-template]]
    [:cards {:optional true} [:vector card-template]]]))

Available values schema -- These are items for which fields have been successfully bound

Specify the shape of things that are available after dimension to field matching for affinity matching

(def available-values
    [:available-dimensions [:map-of [:string {:min 1}] any?]]
    [:available-metrics [:map-of [:string {:min 1}] any?]]
    [:available-filters {:optional true} [:map-of [:string {:min 1}] any?]]]))

Schemas for "affinity" functions as these can be particularly confusing

A set of dimensions that belong together. This is the basic unity of affinity.

(def dimension-set
  [:set string?])

A set of sematic types that belong together. This is the basic unity of semantic affinity.

(def semantic-affinity-set
  [:set :keyword])

A collection of things that go together. In this case, we're a bit specialized on card affinity, but the key element in the structure is :base-dims, which are a set of dimensions which, when satisfied, enable this affinity object.

(def affinity
    [:affinity-name :string]
    [:affinity-set [:set :keyword]]
    [:card-template card-value]
    [:metric-constituent-names [:sequential :string]]
    [:metric-field-types [:set :keyword]]
    [:named-dimensions [:sequential :string]]
    [:score {:optional true} nat-int?]]))

A sequence of affinity objects.

(def affinities
   [:sequential affinity]))

A collection of things that go together. In this case, we're a bit specialized on card affinity, but the key element in the structure is :base-dims, which are a set of dimensions which, when satisfied, enable this affinity object.

(def affinity-old
    [:dimensions {:optional true} [:vector string?]]
    [:metrics {:optional true} [:vector string?]]
    [:filters {:optional true} [:vector string?]]
    [:score {:optional true} nat-int?]
    [:affinity-name string?]
    [:base-dims dimension-set]]))

A sequence of affinity objects.

(def affinities-old
   [:sequential affinity-old]))

A map of named affinities to all dimension sets that are associated with this name.

(def affinity-matches
    [:vector dimension-set]]))

A "thing" that we bind to, consisting, generally, of at least a name and id

(def item
    [:id {:optional true} nat-int?]
    [:name {:optional true} string?]]))

A map of dimension name to dimension definition.

(def dim-name->dim-def
   [:map-of :string dimension-value]))

A map of named dimensions to a map containing the dimension data and a sequence of matching items satisfying this dimension

(def dim-name->matching-fields
   [:map-of :string
     [:matches [:sequential item]]]]))

The "full" grounded dimensions which matches dimension names to the dimension definition combined with matching fields.

(def dim-name->dim-defs+matches

A map of dimension names to item satisfying that dimensions

(def dimension-map
   [:map-of :string item]))

A sequence of dimension maps

(def dimension-maps
   [:sequential dimension-map]))

A "normalized" metric template is a map containing the metric name as a key rather than a map of metric name to the map.

(def normalized-metric-template
    [:metric-name :string]
    [:score nat-int?]
    [:metric vector?]]))

A metric containing a definition with actual field references/ids rather than dimension references.

(def grounded-metric
    [:metric-name :string]
    [:metric-title :string]
    [:metric-score nat-int?]
      [:aggregation [:sequential any?]]]]]))

A grounded metric in which the metric has been augmented with breakouts.

(def combined-metric
       [:aggregation [:sequential any?]]
       [:breakout [:sequential any?]]]]])))
  (require '[malli.generator :as mg])
  (mg/sample dashboard-template)
  (mg/sample affinities)
  (mg/sample affinity-matches)
  (mg/sample grounded-metric))