Generate "interesting" inputs for the automatic dashboard pipeline.

In this context, "interesting" means "grounded" values. In particular, the most interesting values of all are metrics. Metrics are intrinsically interesting and can be displayed on their own. Dimensions and filters, while not interesting on their own, can be combined with metrics to add more interest to the metric. In MBQL parlance, metrics are aggregates, dimensions are breakouts, and filters are filters. However, a user-defined metric may go beyond a simple aggregate.

Our main namespace function, identify, takes an object to be analyzed for interestingness and a data structure consisting of templates for interesting combinations of metrics, dimensions, and filters. In this stage, we return grounded metrics (inherently interesting) along with grounded dimensions and filters that can be combined with our grounded metrics downstream for added interest.

The template arguments are defined in terms of Dimensions, Metrics, and Filters. These are named values, such as: - Dimension: - GenericNumber - Timestamp - Country - Longitude - Latitude - Income - Discount - Metric: - Count - Dimensionless - Sum - A metric over a single field - AverageDiscount - A metric defined by the Income and Discount fields (as an example) - Filter: - Last30Days - A named quantity that is defined by one or more constituent Dimensions

Template Metrics and Filters are made up of some combination of field references (Dimensions). These are referenced using the Dimension names (e.g. Avg of some GenericNumber) despite these constituent fields technically not being Dimensions. Metrics and Dimensions should be thought of as orthogonal concerns, but for our matching algorithm, this is how constituent fields are selected.

The "grounding" process binds individual fields to named Dimensions as well as constituent elements of Filter and Metric definitions.

Note that the binding process is 1:N, where a single dimension may match to multiple fields. A field can only bind to one dimension.

(ns metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.interesting
   [clojure.math.combinatorics :as math.combo]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.schema :as mbql.s]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.models.field :as field]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.dashboard-templates :as dashboard-templates]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.schema :as ads]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.util :as magic.util]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

Code for creation of instantiated affinities

A utility function for pulling field definitions from mbql queries and return their IDs. Does something like this already exist in our utils? I was unable to find anything like it.

(defn find-field-ids
  (let [fields (atom #{})]
     (fn [v]
       (when (vector? v)
         (let [[f id] v]
           (when (and id (= :field f))
             (swap! fields conj id))))

From a :model/LegacyMetric, construct a mapping of semantic types of linked fields to sets of fields that can satisfy that type. A linked field is one that is in the source table for the metric contribute to the metric itself, is not a PK, and has a semantictype (we assume nil semantictype fields are boring).

(defn semantic-groups
  [{:keys [table_id definition]}]
  (let [field-ids            (find-field-ids definition)
        potential-dimensions (t2/select :model/Field
                                        :id [:not-in field-ids]
                                        :table_id table_id
                                        :semantic_type [:not-in [:type/PK]])]
     (->> potential-dimensions
          (group-by :semantic_type))

Get a reference for a given model to be injected into a template (either MBQL, native query, or string).

(defmulti ->reference
  {:arglists '([template-type model])}
  (fn [template-type model]
    [template-type (mi/model model)]))
(defn- optimal-temporal-resolution
  (let [[earliest latest] (some->> field
                                   ((juxt :earliest :latest))
        can-use?  #(mbql.s/valid-temporal-unit-for-base-type? (:base_type field) %)]
    (if (and earliest latest)
      (let [duration   ( earliest latest)
            less-than? #( % duration)]
         ;; e.g. if [duration between earliest and latest] < 3 hours then use `:minute` resolution
          (and (less-than? (t/hours 3))  (can-use? :minute)) :minute
          (and (less-than? (t/days 7))   (can-use? :hour))   :hour
          (and (less-than? (t/months 6)) (can-use? :day))    :day
          (and (less-than? (t/years 10)) (can-use? :month))  :month
          (can-use? :year) :year
          (can-use? :hour) :hour))
      (if (can-use? :day) :day :hour))))
(defmethod ->reference [:mbql :model/Field]
  [_ {:keys [fk_target_field_id id link aggregation name base_type] :as field}]
  (let [reference (mbql.normalize/normalize
                     link               [:field id {:source-field link}]
                     fk_target_field_id [:field fk_target_field_id {:source-field id}]
                     id                 [:field id {:base-type base_type}]
                     :else              [:field name {:base-type base_type}]))]
      (isa? base_type :type/Temporal)
      (mbql.u/with-temporal-unit reference (keyword (or aggregation
                                                        (optimal-temporal-resolution field))))

      (and aggregation
           (isa? base_type :type/Number))
      (mbql.u/update-field-options reference assoc-in [:binning :strategy] (keyword aggregation))

(defmethod ->reference [:string :model/Field]
  [_ {:keys [display_name full-name link]}]
    full-name full-name
    link (format "%s → %s"
                 (-> (t2/select-one :model/Field :id link) :display_name (str/replace #"(?i)\sid$" ""))
    :else display_name))
(defmethod ->reference [:string :model/Table]
  [_ {:keys [display_name full-name]}]
  (or full-name display_name))
(defmethod ->reference [:string :model/LegacyMetric]
  [_ {:keys [name full-name]}]
  (or full-name name))
(defmethod ->reference [:mbql :model/LegacyMetric]
  [_ {:keys [id definition]}]
  (if id
    [:metric id]
    (-> definition :aggregation first)))
(defmethod ->reference [:native :model/Field]
  [_ field]
  (field/qualified-name field))
(defmethod ->reference [:native :model/Table]
  [_ {:keys [name]}]
(defmethod ->reference :default
  [_ form]
  (or (cond-> form
        (map? form) ((some-fn :full-name :name) form))

Map a metric aggregate definition from nominal types to semantic types.

(defn transform-metric-aggregate
  [m decoder]
   (fn [v]
     (if (vector? v)
       (let [[d n] v]
         (if (= "dimension" d)
           (decoder n)
(mu/defn ground-metric :- [:sequential ads/grounded-metric]
  "Generate \"grounded\" metrics from the mapped dimensions (dimension name -> field matches).
   Since there may be multiple matches to a dimension, this will produce a sequence of potential matches."
  [{metric-name       :metric-name
    metric-score      :score
    metric-definition :metric} :- ads/normalized-metric-template
   ground-dimensions :- ads/dim-name->matching-fields]
  (let [named-dimensions (dashboard-templates/collect-dimensions metric-definition)]
    (->> (map (comp :matches ground-dimensions) named-dimensions)
         (apply math.combo/cartesian-product)
         (map (partial zipmap named-dimensions))
         (map (fn [nm->field]
                (let [xform (update-vals nm->field (partial ->reference :mbql))]
                  {:metric-name           metric-name
                   :metric-title          metric-name
                   :metric-score          metric-score
                   :metric-definition     {:aggregation
                                           [(transform-metric-aggregate metric-definition xform)]}
                   ;; Required for title interpolation in grounded-metrics->dashcards
                   :dimension-name->field nm->field}))))))
(mu/defn grounded-metrics :- [:sequential ads/grounded-metric]
  "Given a set of metric definitions and grounded (assigned) dimensions, produce a sequence of grounded metrics."
  [metric-templates :- [:sequential ads/normalized-metric-template]
   ground-dimensions :- ads/dim-name->matching-fields]
  (mapcat #(ground-metric % ground-dimensions) metric-templates))

Utility function to convert a seq of maps of one string key to another map into a simpler seq of maps.

(defn normalize-seq-of-maps
  [typename items]
  (let [kw (keyword (format "%s-name" (name typename)))]
    (->> items
         (map first)
         (map (fn [[name value]]
                (assoc value kw name))))))


Generate a predicate of the form (f field) -> truthy value based on a fieldspec.

(defn- fieldspec-matcher
  (fn [{:keys [semantic_type target] :as field}]
      ;; This case is mostly relevant for native queries
      (#{:type/PK :type/FK} fieldspec) (isa? semantic_type fieldspec)
      target (recur target)
      :else (and (not (magic.util/key-col? field)) (magic.util/field-isa? field fieldspec)))))

Generate a truthy predicate of the form (f field) -> truthy value based on a regex applied to the field name.

(defn- name-regex-matcher
  (comp (->> name-pattern
             (partial re-find))

Generate a predicate of the form (f field) -> true | false based on the provided cardinality. Returns true if the distinct count of fingerprint values is less than or equal to the cardinality.

(defn- max-cardinality-matcher
  (fn [field]
    (some-> field
            (get-in [:fingerprint :global :distinct-count])
            (<= cardinality))))
(def ^:private field-filters
  {:fieldspec       fieldspec-matcher
   :named           name-regex-matcher
   :max-cardinality max-cardinality-matcher})

Find all fields belonging to table table for which all predicates in preds are true. preds is a map with keys :fieldspec, :named, and :max-cardinality.

(defn- filter-fields
  [preds fields]
  (filter (->> preds
               (keep (fn [[k v]]
                       (when-let [pred (field-filters k)]
                         (some-> v pred))))
               (apply every-pred))

Given a context and a dimension definition, find all fields from the context that match the definition of this dimension.

(defn- matching-fields
  [{{:keys [fields]} :source :keys [tables] :as context}
   {:keys [field_type links_to named max_cardinality] :as constraints}]
  (if links_to
    (filter (comp (->> (magic.util/filter-tables links_to tables)
                       (keep :link)
            (matching-fields context (dissoc constraints :links_to)))
    (let [[tablespec fieldspec] field_type]
      (if fieldspec
        (mapcat (fn [table]
                  (some->> table
                           (filter-fields {:fieldspec       fieldspec
                                           :named           named
                                           :max-cardinality max_cardinality})
                           (map #(assoc % :link (:link table)))))
                (magic.util/filter-tables tablespec tables))
        (filter-fields {:fieldspec       tablespec
                        :named           named
                        :max-cardinality max_cardinality}

util candidate

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([field])} id-or-name
  (some-fn :id :name))

For every field in a given context determine all potential dimensions each field may map to. This will return a map of field id (or name) to collection of potential matching dimensions.

(defn- candidate-bindings
  [context dimension-specs]
  ;; TODO - Fix this so that the intermediate representations aren't so crazy.
  ;; all-bindings a map of binding dim identifier to binding def which contains
  ;; field matches which are all the same field except they are merged with the binding.
  ;; What we want instead is just a map of field to potential bindings.
  ;; Just rack and stack the bindings then return that with the field or something.
  (let [all-bindings (for [dimension      dimension-specs
                           :let [[identifier definition] (first dimension)]
                           matching-field (matching-fields context definition)]
                       {(name identifier)
                        (assoc definition :matches [(merge matching-field definition)])})]
    (group-by (comp id-or-name first :matches val first) all-bindings)))

Assign a value to each potential binding. Takes a seq of potential bindings and returns a seq of vectors in the shape of [score binding], where score is a 3 element vector. This is computed as: 1) Number of ancestors field_type has (if field_type has a table prefix, ancestors for both table and field are counted); 2) Number of fields in the definition, which would include additional filters (named, max_cardinality, links_to, ...) etc.; 3) The manually assigned score for the binding definition

(defn- score-bindings
  (letfn [(score [a]
            (let [[_ definition] a]
              [(reduce + (map (comp count ancestors) (:field_type definition)))
               (count definition)
               (:score definition)]))]
    (map (juxt (comp score first) identity) candidate-binding-values)))

Return the most specific dimension from one or more dimensions that all match the same field. Specificity is determined based on: 1) how many ancestors field_type has (if field_type has a table prefix, ancestors for both table and field are counted); 2) if there is a tie, how many additional filters (named, max_cardinality, links_to, ...) are used; 3) if there is still a tie, score.

candidate-binding-values is a sequence of maps. Each map is a has a key of dimension spec name to potential dimension binding spec along with a collection of matches, all of which are merges of this spec with the same column.

Note that it would make a lot more sense to refactor this to return a map of column to potential binding dimensions. This return value is kind of the opposite of what makes sense.

Here's an example input with :matches updated as just the names of the columns in the matches. IRL, matches are the entire field n times, with each field a merge of the spec with the field.

({"Timestamp" {:field_type [:type/DateTime], :score 60, :matches ["CREATED_AT"]}} {"CreateTimestamp" {:field_type [:type/CreationTimestamp], :score 80 :matches ["CREATED_AT"]}})

(defn- most-specific-matched-dimension
  (let [scored-bindings (score-bindings candidate-binding-values)]
    (second (last (sort-by first scored-bindings)))))
(mu/defn find-dimensions :- ads/dim-name->dim-defs+matches
  "Bind fields to dimensions from the dashboard template and resolve overloaded cases in which multiple fields match the
  dimension specification.
   Each field will be bound to only one dimension. If multiple dimension definitions match a single field, the field
  is bound to the most specific definition used
   (see `most-specific-definition` for details).
  The context is passed in, but it only needs tables and fields in `candidate-bindings`. It is not extensively used."
  [context dimension-specs :- [:maybe [:sequential ads/dimension-template]]]
  (->> (candidate-bindings context dimension-specs)
       (map (comp most-specific-matched-dimension val))
       (apply merge-with (fn [a b]
                           (case (compare (:score a) (:score b))
                             1 a
                             0 (update a :matches concat (:matches b))
                             -1 b))

TODO - Deduplicate from core

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([source])} source->db
  (comp (partial t2/select-one :model/Database :id) (some-fn :db_id :database_id)))
(defn- enriched-field-with-sources [{:keys [tables source]} field]
  (assoc field
         :link (m/find-first (comp :link #{(:table_id field)} u/the-id) tables)
         :db (source->db source)))
(defn- add-field-links-to-definitions [dimensions field]
  (->> dimensions
       (keep (fn [[identifier definition]]
               (when-let [matches (->> definition
                                       (remove (comp #{(id-or-name field)} id-or-name))
                 [identifier (assoc definition :matches matches)])))
       (concat [["this" {:matches [field]
                         :name    (:display_name field)
                         :score   dashboard-templates/max-score
                         :card-score   dashboard-templates/max-score}]])
       (into {})))
(defn- add-field-self-reference [{{:keys [entity]} :root :as context} dimensions]
  (cond-> dimensions
    (= :model/Field (mi/model entity))
    (add-field-links-to-definitions (enriched-field-with-sources context entity))))

Take filter templates (as from a dashboard template's :filters) and ground dimensions and produce a map of the filter name to grounded versions of the filter.

(defn grounded-filters
  [filter-templates ground-dimensions]
  (->> filter-templates
       (keep (fn [fltr]
               (let [[fname {:keys [filter] :as v}] (first fltr)
                     dims (dashboard-templates/collect-dimensions v)
                     opts (->> (map (comp
                                     (partial map (partial ->reference :mbql))
                                     ground-dimensions) dims)
                               (apply math.combo/cartesian-product)
                               (map (partial zipmap dims)))]
                 (seq (for [opt opts
                            :let [f
                                   (fn [x]
                                     (if (vector? x)
                                       (let [[ds dim-name] x]
                                         (if (and (= "dimension" ds)
                                                  (string? dim-name))
                                           (opt dim-name)
                        (assoc v :filter f :filter-name fname))))))
(mu/defn identify
  :- [:map
      [:dimensions ads/dim-name->matching-fields]
      [:metrics [:sequential ads/grounded-metric]]]
  "Identify interesting metrics and dimensions of a `thing`. First identifies interesting dimensions, and then
  interesting metrics which are satisfied.
  Metrics from the template are assigned a score of 50; user defined metrics a score of 95"
  [{{:keys [linked-metrics]} :root :as context}
   {:keys [dimension-specs
           filter-specs]} :- [:map
                              [:dimension-specs [:maybe [:sequential ads/dimension-template]]]
                              [:metric-specs [:maybe [:sequential ads/metric-template]]]
                              [:filter-specs [:maybe [:sequential ads/filter-template]]]]]
  (let [dims      (->> (find-dimensions context dimension-specs)
                       (add-field-self-reference context))
        metrics   (-> (normalize-seq-of-maps :metric metric-specs)
                      (grounded-metrics dims))
        set-score (fn [score metrics]
                    (map #(assoc % :metric-score score) metrics))]
    {:dimensions dims
     :metrics    (concat (set-score 50 metrics) (set-score 95 linked-metrics)
                         (let [entity (-> context :root :entity)]
                           ;; metric x-rays talk about "this" in the template
                           (when (mi/instance-of? :model/LegacyMetric entity)
                             [{:metric-name       "this"
                               :metric-title      (:name entity)
                               :metric-definition {:aggregation [(->reference :mbql entity)]}
                               :metric-score      dashboard-templates/max-score}])))
     :filters (grounded-filters filter-specs dims)}))

Convert a card to a dashboard card.

(defn card->dashcard
  [{:keys [width height] :as card}]
  {:id                     (gensym)
   :size_x                 width
   :size_y                 height
   :dashboard_tab_id       nil
   :card                   (dissoc card :width :height)
   :visualization_settings {}})

Assign :row and :col values to the provied seq of dashcards.

(defn make-layout
  (loop [[{:keys [size_x size_y] :as dashcard} & dashcards] dashcards
         [xmin ymin xmax ymax] [0 0 0 0]
         final-cards []]
    (if dashcard
      (let [dashcard (assoc dashcard :row ymin :col xmax)
            bounds   (if (> xmax 20)
                       [xmin ymax 0 (+ ymax size_y)]
                       [xmin ymin (+ xmax size_x) (max ymax (+ ymin size_y))])]
        (recur dashcards
               (conj final-cards dashcard)))