(ns metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.filters
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.normalize :as mbql.normalize]
   [metabase.legacy-mbql.util :as mbql.u]
   [metabase.models.field :as field]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.util :as magic.util]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

Does field represent a temporal value, i.e. a date, time, or datetime?

(defn- temporal?
  [{base-type :base_type, effective-type :effective_type, unit :unit}]
  ;; TODO -- not sure why we're excluding year here? Is it because we normally returned it as an integer in the past?
  (and (not ((disj u.date/extract-units :year) unit))
       (isa? (or effective-type base-type) :type/Temporal)))
(defn- interestingness
  [{base-type :base_type, effective-type :effective_type, semantic-type :semantic_type, :keys [fingerprint]}]
  (cond-> 0
    (some-> fingerprint :global :distinct-count (< 10)) inc
    (some-> fingerprint :global :distinct-count (> 20)) dec
    ((descendants :type/Category) semantic-type)        inc
    (isa? (or effective-type base-type) :type/Temporal) inc
    ((descendants :type/Temporal) semantic-type)        inc
    (isa? semantic-type :type/CreationTimestamp)        inc
    (#{:type/State :type/Country} semantic-type)        inc))
(defn- interleave-all
  [& colls]
   (when (seq colls)
     (concat (map first colls) (apply interleave-all (keep (comp seq rest) colls))))))
(defn- sort-by-interestingness
  (->> fields
       (map #(assoc % :interestingness (interestingness %)))
       (sort-by :interestingness >)
       (partition-by :interestingness)
       (mapcat (fn [fields]
                 (->> fields
                      (group-by (juxt :base_type :semantic_type))
                      (apply interleave-all))))))

Pick out interesting fields and sort them by interestingness.

(defn interesting-fields
  (->> fields
       (filter (fn [{:keys [semantic_type] :as field}]
                 (or (temporal? field)
                     (isa? semantic_type :type/Category))))
(defn- build-fk-map
  [fks field]
  (if (:id field)
    (->> fks
         (filter (comp #{(:table_id field)} :table_id :target))
         (group-by :table_id)
         (keep (fn [[_ [fk & fks]]]
                 ;; Bail out if there is more than one FK from the same table
                 (when (empty? fks)
                   [(:table_id fk) [:field (u/the-id field) {:source-field (u/the-id fk)}]])))
         (into {(:table_id field) [:field (u/the-id field) nil]}))
    (constantly [:field (:name field) {:base-type (:base_type field)}])))
(defn- filter-for-card
  [card field]
  (some->> ((:fk-map field) (:table_id card))
           (vector :dimension)))
(defn- add-filter
  [dashcard filter-id field]
  (let [mappings (->> (conj (:series dashcard) (:card dashcard))
                      (keep (fn [card]
                              (when-let [target (filter-for-card card field)]
                                {:parameter_id filter-id
                                 :target       target
                                 :card_id      (:id card)})))
      (nil? (:card dashcard)) dashcard
      mappings                (update dashcard :parameter_mappings concat mappings))))

Return filter type for a given field.

(defn- filter-type
  [{:keys [semantic_type] :as field}]
    (temporal? field)                   "date/all-options"
    (isa? semantic_type :type/State)    "location/state"
    (isa? semantic_type :type/Country)  "location/country"
    (isa? semantic_type :type/Category) "category"))
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([dimensions])} remove-unqualified
  (partial remove (fn [{:keys [fingerprint]}]
                    (some-> fingerprint :global :distinct-count (< 2)))))

Add up to max-filters filters to dashboard dashboard. The dimensions argument is a list of fields for which to create filters.

(defn add-filters
  [dashboard dimensions max-filters]
  (let [fks (when-let [table-ids (not-empty (set (keep (comp :table_id :card)
                                                       (:dashcards dashboard))))]
              (field/with-targets (t2/select :model/Field
                                             :fk_target_field_id [:not= nil]
                                             :table_id [:in table-ids])))]
    (->> dimensions
         (take max-filters)
          (fn [dashboard candidate]
            (let [filter-id     (-> candidate ((juxt :id :name :unit)) hash str)
                  candidate     (assoc candidate :fk-map (build-fk-map fks candidate))
                  dashcards     (:dashcards dashboard)
                  dashcards-new (keep #(add-filter % filter-id candidate) dashcards)]
              ;; Only add filters that apply to all cards.
              (if (= (count dashcards) (count dashcards-new))
                (-> dashboard
                    (assoc :dashcards dashcards-new)
                    (update :parameters conj {:id   filter-id
                                              :type (filter-type candidate)
                                              :name (:display_name candidate)
                                              :slug (:name candidate)}))

Returns a sequence of filter subclauses making up filter-clause by flattening :and compound filters.

(flatten-filter-clause [:and [:= [:field 1 nil] 2] [:and [:= [:field 3 nil] 4] [:= [:field 5 nil] 6]]]) ;; -> ([:= [:field 1 nil] 2] [:= [:field 3 nil] 4] [:= [:field 5 nil] 6])

(defn- flatten-filter-clause
  [[clause-name, :as filter-clause]]
  (when (seq filter-clause)
    (if (= clause-name :and)
      (rest (mbql.u/simplify-compound-filter filter-clause))

Inject a filter refinement into an MBQL filter clause, returning a new filter clause.

There are two reasons why we want to do this: 1) to reduce visual noise when we display applied filters; and 2) some DBs don't do this optimization or even protest (eg. GA) if there are duplicate clauses.

Assumes that any refinement sub-clauses referencing fields that are also referenced in the main clause are subsets of the latter. Therefore we can rewrite the combined clause to ommit the more broad version from the main clause. Assumes both filter clauses can be flattened by recursively merging :and claueses (ie. no :ands inside :or or :not).

(defn inject-refinement
  [filter-clause refinement]
  (let [in-refinement?   (into #{}
                               (map magic.util/collect-field-references)
                               (flatten-filter-clause refinement))
        existing-filters (->> filter-clause
                              (remove (comp in-refinement? magic.util/collect-field-references)))]
    (if (seq existing-filters)
      ;; since the filters are programatically generated they won't have passed thru normalization, so make sure we
      ;; normalize them before passing them to `combine-filter-clauses`, which validates its input
      (apply mbql.u/combine-filter-clauses (map (partial mbql.normalize/normalize-fragment [:query :filter])
                                                (cons refinement existing-filters)))