Validation, transformation to canonical form, and loading of heuristics. | (ns metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.dashboard-templates (:gen-class) (:require [clojure.set :as set] [clojure.string :as str] [clojure.walk :as walk] [malli.core :as mc] [malli.transform :as mtx] [metabase.models.dashboard.constants :as dashboards.constants] [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.files :as u.files] [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr] [metabase.util.yaml :as yaml] [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.populate :as populate]) (:import (java.nio.file Files Path))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(def ^:private LocalizedString [:schema {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [s] (if (i18n/localized-string? s) s (i18n/->UserLocalizedString s nil {})))} i18n/LocalizedString]) | |
Maximal (and default) value for heuristics scores. | (def ^Long ^:const max-score 100) |
(def ^:private Score [:int {:min 0, :max max-score}]) | |
(def ^:private MBQL [:maybe [:sequential :any]]) | |
(def ^:private Identifier [:string {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (if (keyword? x) (name x) x))}]) | |
(defn- with-defaults [defaults] (fn [identifier->definition] (update-vals identifier->definition (fn [definition] (merge defaults definition))))) | |
Expand definition of the form {identifier value} with regards to key | (defn- shorthand-definition [k] (fn [x] (let [[identifier definition] (first x)] (if (map? definition) x {identifier {k definition}})))) |
(def ^:private Metric [:map-of {:decode/dashboard-template (comp (with-defaults {:score max-score}) (shorthand-definition :metric))} Identifier [:map [:metric MBQL] [:score Score] [:name {:optional true} LocalizedString]]]) | |
(def ^:private Filter [:map-of {:decode/dashboard-template (comp (with-defaults {:score max-score}) (shorthand-definition :filter))} Identifier [:map [:filter MBQL] [:score Score]]]) | |
Turn | (defn ->type [x] (if (keyword? x) x (keyword "type" x))) |
Turn | (defn ->entity [x] (if (keyword? x) x (keyword "entity" x))) |
(defn- field-type? [t] (some (partial isa? t) [:type/* :Semantic/* :Relation/*])) | |
(defn- table-type? [t] (isa? t :entity/*)) | |
(def ^:private TableType [:and {:decode/dashboard-template ->entity} :keyword [:fn {:error/message "valid table type"} table-type?]]) | |
(def ^:private FieldType [:and {:decode/dashboard-template ->type} :keyword [:fn {:error/message "Valid Field type"} field-type?]]) | |
(def ^:private AppliesTo [:or {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (if (string? x) (let [[table-type field-type] (str/split x #"\.")] (if field-type [(->entity table-type) (->type field-type)] [(if (-> table-type ->entity table-type?) (->entity table-type) (->type table-type))])) x))} [:sequential FieldType] [:sequential TableType] [:cat TableType [:* FieldType]]]) | |
(def ^:private Dimension [:map-of {:decode/dashboard-template (comp (with-defaults {:score max-score}) (shorthand-definition :field_type))} Identifier [:map [:field_type AppliesTo] [:score Score] [:links_to {:optional true} TableType] [:named {:optional true} :string] [:max_cardinality {:optional true} :int]]]) | |
(def ^:private OrderByPair [:map-of {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (if (string? x) {x "ascending"} x))} Identifier [:enum "descending" "ascending"]]) | |
(def ^:private Visualization [:cat {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (cond (string? x) [x {}] ;; for malformed YAML when this comes back as a map (map? x) (first x) :else x))} [:string {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (if (string? x) x (u/qualified-name x)))}] [:* :map]]) | |
(def ^:private Width [:int {:min 1, :max populate/grid-width}]) | |
(def ^:private Height pos-int?) | |
(def ^:private CardDimension [:map-of {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (if (string? x) {x {}} x))} Identifier [:map [:aggregation {:optional true} :string]]]) | |
(def ^:private Card [:map-of {:decode/dashboard-template (with-defaults {:card-score max-score :width populate/default-card-width :height populate/default-card-height})} Identifier [:map {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (if (sequential? x) (into {} x) x))} [:title LocalizedString] [:card-score Score] [:visualization {:optional true} Visualization] [:text {:optional true} LocalizedString] [:dimensions {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential {:decode/dashboard-template u/one-or-many} CardDimension]]] [:filters {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential {:decode/dashboard-template u/one-or-many} :string]]] [:metrics {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential {:decode/dashboard-template u/one-or-many} :string]]] [:limit {:optional true} pos-int?] [:order_by {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential {:decode/dashboard-template u/one-or-many} OrderByPair]]] [:description {:optional true} LocalizedString] [:query {:optional true} :string] [:width {:optional true} Width] [:height {:optional true} Height] [:group {:optional true} :string] [:y_label {:optional true} LocalizedString] [:x_label {:optional true} LocalizedString] [:series_labels {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential LocalizedString]]]]]) | |
(def ^:private Groups [:map-of {:decode/dashboard-template (fn [x] (if (map? x) x (apply merge x)))} Identifier [:map [:title LocalizedString] [:score :int] [:comparison_title {:optional true} LocalizedString] [:description {:optional true} LocalizedString]]]) | |
Return | (def ^{:arglists '([definition])} identifier (comp key first)) |
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([definitions])} identifiers (partial into #{"this"} (map identifier))) | |
(defn- all-references [k cards] (mapcat (comp k val first) cards)) | |
(def ^:private DimensionForm [:cat [:and [:or :string :keyword] [:fn {:error/message ":dimension"} (comp #{:dimension} qp.util/normalize-token)]] :string [:* :map]]) | |
Does form denote a dimension reference? | (def ^{:arglists '([form])} dimension-form? (mr/validator DimensionForm)) |
Return all dimension references in form. | (defn collect-dimensions [form] (->> form (tree-seq (some-fn map? sequential?) identity) (mapcat (fn [subform] (cond (dimension-form? subform) [(second subform)] (string? subform) (->> subform (re-seq #"\[\[(\w+)\]\]") (map second))))) distinct)) |
(defn- valid-metrics-references? [{:keys [metrics cards]}] (every? (identifiers metrics) (all-references :metrics cards))) | |
(defn- valid-filters-references? [{:keys [filters cards]}] (every? (identifiers filters) (all-references :filters cards))) | |
(defn- valid-group-references? [{:keys [cards groups]}] (every? groups (keep (comp :group val first) cards))) | |
(defn- valid-order-by-references? [{:keys [dimensions metrics cards]}] (every? (comp (into (identifiers dimensions) (identifiers metrics)) identifier) (all-references :order_by cards))) | |
(defn- valid-dimension-references? [{:keys [dimensions] :as dashboard-template}] (every? (some-fn (identifiers dimensions) (comp table-type? ->entity)) (collect-dimensions dashboard-template))) | |
(defn- valid-dashboard-filters-references? [{:keys [dimensions dashboard_filters]}] (every? (identifiers dimensions) dashboard_filters)) | |
(defn- valid-breakout-dimension-references? [{:keys [cards dimensions]}] (->> cards (all-references :dimensions) (map identifier) (every? (identifiers dimensions)))) | |
Specification defining an automagic dashboard. | (def DashboardTemplate [:and [:map [:title LocalizedString] [:dashboard-template-name :string] [:specificity :int] [:cards {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential Card]]] [:dimensions {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential Dimension]]] [:applies_to {:optional true} AppliesTo] [:transient_title {:optional true} LocalizedString] [:description {:optional true} LocalizedString] [:metrics {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential Metric]]] [:filters {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential Filter]]] [:groups {:optional true} Groups] [:indepth {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential :any]]] [:dashboard_filters {:optional true} [:maybe [:sequential {:decode/dashboard-template u/one-or-many} :string]]]] [:fn {:error/message "Valid metrics references"} valid-metrics-references?] [:fn {:error/message "Valid filters references"} valid-filters-references?] [:fn {:error/message "Valid group references"} valid-group-references?] [:fn {:error/message "Valid order_by references"} valid-order-by-references?] [:fn {:error/message "Valid dashboard filters references"} valid-dashboard-filters-references?] [:fn {:error/message "Valid dimension references"} valid-dimension-references?] [:fn {:error/message "Valid card dimension references"} valid-breakout-dimension-references?]]) |
(def ^:private dashboard-templates-dir "automagic_dashboards/") | |
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([f])} file->entity-type (comp (partial re-find #".+(?=\.yaml$)") str (memfn ^Path getFileName))) | |
(defn- specificity [dashboard-template] (transduce (map (comp count ancestors)) + (:applies_to dashboard-template))) | |
Given a card definition from a template, fill in the card template with default width and height values based on the template display type if those dimensions aren't already present. | (defn- ensure-default-card-sizes [card-spec] (update-vals card-spec (fn [{:keys [visualization] :as card-spec}] (let [defaults (get-in dashboards.constants/card-size-defaults [(keyword visualization) :default])] (into defaults card-spec))))) |
Update the card template dimensions to align with the default FE dimensions. | (defn- set-default-card-dimensions [dashboard-template] (update dashboard-template :cards #(mapv ensure-default-card-sizes %))) |
(defn- coerce-to-dashboard-template [template] (mc/coerce DashboardTemplate template (mtx/transformer mtx/string-transformer mtx/json-transformer (mtx/transformer {:name :dashboard-template})))) | |
(defn- make-dashboard-template [entity-type {:keys [cards] :as r}] (-> (cond-> r (seq cards) (update :cards (partial mapv (fn [m] (update-vals m #(set/rename-keys % {:score :card-score})))))) (assoc :dashboard-template-name entity-type :specificity 0) (update :applies_to #(or % entity-type)) set-default-card-dimensions coerce-to-dashboard-template (as-> dashboard-template (assoc dashboard-template :specificity (specificity dashboard-template))))) | |
(defn- trim-trailing-slash [s] (if (str/ends-with? s "/") (subs s 0 (-> s count dec)) s)) | |
(defn- load-dashboard-template-dir ([dir] (load-dashboard-template-dir dir [] {})) ([dir path dashboard-templates] (with-open [ds (Files/newDirectoryStream dir)] (reduce (fn [acc ^Path f] (let [entity-type (file->entity-type f)] (cond (Files/isDirectory f (into-array java.nio.file.LinkOption [])) (load-dashboard-template-dir f (->> f (.getFileName) str trim-trailing-slash (conj path)) acc) entity-type (let [template (try (yaml/load (partial make-dashboard-template entity-type) f) (catch Throwable e (throw (ex-info (format "Error loading template %s: %s" (str f) (ex-message e)) {:path path, :f f} e))))] (assoc-in acc (concat path [entity-type ::leaf]) template)) :else acc))) dashboard-templates ds)))) | |
(def ^:private dashboard-templates (delay (u.files/with-open-path-to-resource [path dashboard-templates-dir] (into {} (load-dashboard-template-dir path))))) | |
Get all dashboard templates with prefix | (mu/defn get-dashboard-templates [prefix :- [:sequential :string]] (->> prefix (get-in @dashboard-templates) (keep (comp ::leaf val)))) |
Get dashboard template at path | (defn get-dashboard-template [path] (get-in @dashboard-templates (concat path [::leaf]))) |
(defn- extract-localized-strings [[path dashboard-template]] (let [strings (atom []) template (coerce-to-dashboard-template dashboard-template) i18n-string? (mr/validator LocalizedString)] (walk/postwalk (fn [form] (when (i18n-string? form) (swap! strings conj (str form)))) template) (map vector (distinct @strings) (repeat path)))) | |
(defn- make-pot [strings] (->> strings (group-by first) (mapcat (fn [[s ctxs]] (concat (for [[_ ctx] ctxs] (format "#: resources/%s%s.yaml" dashboard-templates-dir (str/join "/" ctx))) [(format "msgid \"%s\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n" s)]))) (str/join "\n"))) | |
(defn- all-dashboard-templates ([] (all-dashboard-templates [] @dashboard-templates)) ([path dashboard-templates] (when (map? dashboard-templates) (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (if (= k ::leaf) [[path v]] (all-dashboard-templates (conj path k) v))) dashboard-templates)))) | |
(defn- generate-templates! [] (->> (all-dashboard-templates) (mapcat extract-localized-strings) make-pot (spit "locales/metabase-automatic-dashboards.pot"))) | |
Entry point for Clojure CLI task clojure -M:generate-automagic-dashboards-pot | (defn -main [& _options] (generate-templates!) (System/exit 0)) |