Generate "interesting" combinations of metrics, dimensions, and filters.

In the metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.interesting namespace, we create "grounded" metrics, which are both realized (field references have been added to their aggregate clauses) and interesting (because metrics are always interesting), as well as grounded dimensions and filters. This ns combines these dimensions (as breakouts) and filters (as filters) into the ground metrics based on the affinities defined in provided card-templates.

Card templates provided the following key relationships: - dimension to dimension affinities - The groups of dimensions the might appear on the x-axis of a chart (breakouts). These generally a single dimension (e.g. time or category) but can be multiple (e.g. longitude and latitude) - dimension to metric affinities - Combinations of dimensions and metrics (e.g. profit metric over time dimension). This functionally adds breakouts to a metric. - metric to metric affinities - Combinations of metrics that belong together (e.g. Sum, Avg, Max, and Min of a field).

The primary function in this ns, grounded-metrics->dashcards takes the base context , above grounded values, and card definitions and creates a set of dashcards with the above combinations of metrics, dimensions, and filters.

(ns metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.combination
   [clojure.math.combinatorics :as math.combo]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.lib.ident :as lib.ident]
   [metabase.models.card :as card]
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.query-processor.util :as qp.util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.dashboard-templates :as dashboard-templates]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.interesting :as interesting]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.schema :as ads]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.util :as magic.util]
   [metabase.xrays.automagic-dashboards.visualization-macros :as visualization]))

Add breakouts and filters to a query based on the breakout fields and filter clauses

(defn add-breakouts-and-filter
  (let [breakouts  (mapv (partial interesting/->reference :mbql) breakout-fields)]
    (cond-> (assoc query :breakout breakouts :breakout-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents breakouts))
      (seq filter-clauses) (assoc :filter (into [:and] filter-clauses)))))

Add aggregations to a query.

(defn- add-aggregations
  [query aggregations]
  (assoc query
         :aggregation aggregations
         :aggregation-idents (lib.ident/indexed-idents aggregations)))

Given two seqs of types, return true of the types of the child types are satisfied by some permutation of the parent types.

(defn matching-types?
  [parent-types child-types]
   (when (= (count parent-types)
            (count child-types))
      (fn [parent-types-permutation]
        (when (->> (map isa? child-types parent-types-permutation)
                   (every? true?))
      (math.combo/permutations parent-types)))))

Take a map with keys as sets of types and collection of types and return the map with only the type set keys that satisfy the types.

(defn filter-to-matching-types
  [types->x types]
  (into {} (filter #(matching-types? (first %) types)) types->x))
   {#{} :fail
    #{:type/Number} :pass
    #{:type/Integer} :pass
    #{:type/CreationTimestamp} :fail}

Add the :dataset_query key to this metric. Requires both the current metric-definition (from the grounded metric) and the database and table ids (from the source object).

(defn add-dataset-query
  [{:keys [metric-definition] :as ground-metric-with-dimensions}
   {{:keys [database]} :root :keys [source query-filter]}]
  (let [source-table (if (->> source (mi/instance-of? :model/Table))
                       (-> source u/the-id)
                       (->> source u/the-id (str "card__")))
        model?       (and (mi/instance-of? :model/Card source)
                          (card/model? source))]
    (assoc ground-metric-with-dimensions
           :dataset_query {:database database
                           :type     :query
                           :query    (cond-> (assoc metric-definition
                                                    :source-table source-table)
                                       (and (not model?)
                                            query-filter) (assoc :filter query-filter))})))
(defn- instantiate-visualization
  [[k v] dimensions metrics]
  (let [dimension->name (comp vector :name dimensions)
        metric->name    (comp vector first :metric metrics)]
    [k (-> v
           (m/update-existing :map.latitude_column dimension->name)
           (m/update-existing :map.longitude_column dimension->name)
           (m/update-existing :graph.metrics metric->name)
           (m/update-existing :graph.dimensions dimension->name))]))

Capitalize only the first letter in a given string.

(defn capitalize-first
  (let [s (str s)]
    (str (u/upper-case-en (subs s 0 1)) (subs s 1))))
(defn- fill-templates
  [template-type {:keys [root tables]} bindings s]
  (let [binding-fn (some-fn (merge {"this" (-> root
                                               (assoc :full-name (:full-name root)))}
                            (comp first #(magic.util/filter-tables % tables) dashboard-templates/->entity)
    (str/replace s #"\[\[(\w+)(?:\.([\w\-]+))?\]\]"
                 (fn [[_ identifier attribute]]
                   (let [entity    (binding-fn identifier)
                         attribute (some-> attribute qp.util/normalize-token)]
                     (str (or (and (ifn? entity) (entity attribute))
                              (root attribute)
                              (interesting/->reference template-type entity))))))))
(defn- instantiate-metadata
  [x context available-metrics bindings]
  (-> (walk/postwalk
       (fn [form]
         (if (i18n/localized-string? form)
           (let [s     (str form)
                 new-s (fill-templates :string context bindings s)]
             (if (not= new-s s)
               (capitalize-first new-s)
      (m/update-existing :visualization #(instantiate-visualization % bindings available-metrics))))

Given grounded dimensions (name->field map) and card-dimensions (the :dimensions key) from a card, combine these into a single map. This is needed because the card dimensions may contain specializations such as breakout details for card visualization.

(defn- combine-dimensions
  [dimension-name->field card-dimensions]
  (reduce (fn [acc [d v]]
            (cond-> acc
              (acc d)
              (update d into v)))
          (map first card-dimensions)))
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([field])} id-or-name
  (some-fn :id :name))
(defn- singular-cell-dimensions
  [{:keys [cell-query]}]
  (letfn [(collect-dimensions [[op & args]]
            (case (some-> op qp.util/normalize-token)
              :and (mapcat collect-dimensions args)
              :=   (magic.util/collect-field-references args)
    (->> cell-query
         (map magic.util/field-reference->id)
(defn- valid-breakout-dimension?
  [{:keys [base_type db fingerprint aggregation]}]
  (or (nil? aggregation)
      (not (isa? base_type :type/Number))
      (and (driver.u/supports? (:engine db) :binning db)
           (-> fingerprint :type :type/Number :min)
           (not= (-> fingerprint :type :type/Number :min)
                 (-> fingerprint :type :type/Number :max)))))
(defn- valid-bindings? [{:keys [root]} satisfied-dimensions bindings]
  (let [cell-dimension? (singular-cell-dimensions root)]
    (->> satisfied-dimensions
         (map first)
         (map (fn [[identifier opts]]
                (merge (bindings identifier) opts)))
         (every? (every-pred valid-breakout-dimension?
                             (complement (comp cell-dimension? id-or-name)))))))
(mu/defn grounded-metrics->dashcards :- [:sequential ads/combined-metric]
  "Generate dashcards from ground dimensions, using the base context, ground dimensions,
  card templates, and grounded metrics as input."
   ground-dimensions :- ads/dim-name->matching-fields
   grounded-metrics :- [:sequential ads/grounded-metric]]
  (let [metric-name->metric (zipmap
                             (map :metric-name grounded-metrics)
                              (fn [idx grounded-metric] (assoc grounded-metric :position idx))
        simple-grounded-filters (update-vals
                                 (group-by :filter-name ground-filters)
                                 (fn [vs] (apply max-key :score vs)))]
    (for [{card-name       :card-name
           card-metrics    :metrics
           card-score      :card-score
           card-dimensions :dimensions
           card-filters    :filters :as card-template} card-templates
          :let [dim-names (map ffirst card-dimensions)]
          :when (and (every? ground-dimensions dim-names)
                     (every? simple-grounded-filters card-filters))
          :let [dim-score (map (comp :score ground-dimensions) dim-names)]
          dimension-name->field (->> (map (comp :matches ground-dimensions) dim-names)
                                     (apply math.combo/cartesian-product)
                                     (map (partial zipmap dim-names)))
          :let [merged-dims (combine-dimensions dimension-name->field card-dimensions)]
          :when (and (valid-bindings? base-context card-dimensions dimension-name->field)
                     (every? metric-name->metric card-metrics))
          :let [[grounded-metric :as all-satisfied-metrics] (map metric-name->metric card-metrics)
                final-aggregate                    (into []
                                                         (comp (map (comp :aggregation :metric-definition))
                bound-metric-dimension-name->field (apply merge (map :dimension-name->field all-satisfied-metrics))
                all-names->field (into dimension-name->field bound-metric-dimension-name->field)
                card             (-> card-template
                                      (vals dimension-name->field)
                                     (instantiate-metadata base-context
                score-components (list* (:card-score card)
                                        (:metric-score grounded-metric)
       (-> grounded-metric
            :id (gensym)
            :affinity-name card-name
            :card-score card-score
            :total-score (long (/ (apply + score-components) (count score-components)))
              ;; Update dimension-name->field to include named contributions from both metrics and dimensions
            :dimension-name->field all-names->field
            :score-components score-components)
           (update :metric-definition add-aggregations final-aggregate)
           (update :metric-definition add-breakouts-and-filter
                   (vals merged-dims)
                   (mapv (comp :filter simple-grounded-filters) card-filters))
           (add-dataset-query base-context))))))

Convert a seq of items to a string. If more than two items are present, they are separated by commas, including the oxford comma on the final pairing.

(defn items->str
  [[f s :as items]]
  (condp = (count items)
    0 ""
    1 (str f)
    2 (format "%s and %s" f s)
    (format "%s, and %s" (str/join ", " (butlast items)) (last items))))

Name of the dimension. Trying for :display_name and falling back to :name

(def dim-name
  (some-fn :display_name :name))