CLJS implementation of the time utilities on top of Moment.js. See [[metabase.util.time]] for the public interface.

(ns metabase.util.time.impl
   ["moment" :as moment]
   [metabase.util.time.impl-common :as common]))
(defn- now [] (moment))

Given any value, check if it's a (possibly invalid) Moment.

----------------------------------------------- predicates -------------------------------------------------------

(defn datetime?
  (and value (moment/isMoment value)))

checks if the provided value is a local time value.

(defn time?
  (moment/isMoment value))

Given a Moment, check that it's valid.

(defn valid?
  (and (datetime? value) (.isValid ^moment/Moment value)))

Does nothing. Just a placeholder in CLJS; the JVM implementation does some real work.

(defn normalize

Given two platform-specific datetimes, checks if they fall within the same day.

(defn same-day?
  [^moment/Moment d1 ^moment/Moment d2]
  (.isSame d1 d2 "day"))

True if these two datetimes fall in the same (year and) month.

(defn same-month?
  [^moment/Moment d1 ^moment/Moment d2]
  (.isSame d1 d2 "month"))

True if these two datetimes fall in the same year.

(defn same-year?
  [^moment/Moment d1 ^moment/Moment d2]
  (.isSame d1 d2 "year"))

The first day of the week varies by locale, but Metabase has a setting that overrides it. In CLJS, Moment is already configured with that setting.

---------------------------------------------- information -------------------------------------------------------

(defn first-day-of-week
  (nth [:sunday :monday :tuesday :wednesday :thursday :friday :saturday]
       (.firstDayOfWeek (moment/localeData))))

The default map of options - empty in CLJS.

(def default-options

------------------------------------------------ to-range --------------------------------------------------------

(defn- apply-offset
  [^moment/Moment value offset-n offset-unit]
   (moment value)
   (name offset-unit)))
(defmethod common/to-range :default [^moment/Moment value {:keys [n unit]}]
  (let [^moment/Moment c1       (.clone value)
        ^moment/Moment c2       (.clone value)
        ^moment/Moment adjusted (if (> n 1)
                                  (.add c2 (dec n) (name unit))
    [(.startOf c1       (name unit))
     (.endOf   adjusted (name unit))]))

NB: Only the :default for to-range is needed in CLJS, since Moment's startOf and endOf methods are doing the work.

-------------------------------------------- string->timestamp ---------------------------------------------------

(defmethod common/string->timestamp :default [value _]
  ;; Best effort to parse this unknown string format, as a local zoneless datetime, then treating it as UTC.
  (moment/utc value moment/ISO_8601))
(defmethod common/string->timestamp :day-of-week [value options]
  ;; Try to parse as a regular timestamp; if that fails then try to treat it as a weekday name and adjust from
  ;; the current time.
  (let [as-default (try ((get-method common/string->timestamp :default) value options)
                        (catch js/Error _ nil))]
    (if (valid? as-default)
      (-> (now)
          (.isoWeekday value)
          (.startOf "day")))))

Some of the date coercions are relative, and not directly involved with any particular month. To avoid errors we need to use a reference date that is (a) in a month with 31 days,(b) in a leap year. This uses 2016-01-01 for the purpose. This is a function that returns fresh values, since Moments are mutable.

-------------------------------------------- number->timestamp ---------------------------------------------------

(defn- magic-base-date
  (moment "2016-01-01"))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :default [value _]
  ;; If no unit is given, or the unit is not recognized, try to parse the number as year number, returning the timestamp
  ;; for midnight UTC on January 1.
  (moment/utc value moment/ISO_8601))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :minute-of-hour [value _]
  (.. (now) (minute value) (startOf "minute")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :hour-of-day [value _]
  (.. (now) (hour value) (startOf "hour")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :day-of-week [value _]
  ;; Metabase uses 1 to mean the start of the week, based on the Metabase setting for the first day of the week.
  ;; Moment uses 0 as the first day of the week in its configured locale.
  (.. (now) (weekday (dec value)) (startOf "day")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :day-of-week-iso [value _]
  (.. (now) (isoWeekday value) (startOf "day")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :day-of-month [value _]
  ;; We force the initial date to be in a month with 31 days.
  (.. (magic-base-date) (date value) (startOf "day")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :day-of-year [value _]
  ;; We force the initial date to be in a leap year (2016).
  (.. (magic-base-date) (dayOfYear value) (startOf "day")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :week-of-year [value _]
  (.. (now) (week value) (startOf "week")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :month-of-year [value _]
  (.. (now) (month (dec value)) (startOf "month")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :quarter-of-year [value _]
  (.. (now) (quarter value) (startOf "quarter")))
(defmethod common/number->timestamp :year [value _]
  (.. (now) (year value) (startOf "year")))

Parses a timestamp with Z or a timezone offset at the end. This requires a different API call from timestamps without time zones in CLJS.

---------------------------------------------- parsing helpers ---------------------------------------------------

(defn parse-with-zone
  (moment/parseZone value))

Given a freshly parsed absolute Moment, convert it to a local one.

(defn localize
  (.local value))
(def ^:private parse-time-formats
  #js ["HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]"

Parses a time string that has been stripped of any time zone.

(defn parse-time-string
  (moment value parse-time-formats))

Constructs a platform time value (eg. Moment, LocalTime) for the given hour and minute, plus optional seconds and milliseconds.

If called without arguments, returns the current time.

----------------------------------------------- constructors -----------------------------------------------------

(defn local-time
   ;; Actually a full datetime, but Moment doesn't have freestanding time values.
  ([hours minutes]
   (moment #js {:hours hours, :minutes minutes}))
  ([hours minutes seconds]
   (moment #js {:hours hours, :minutes minutes, :seconds seconds}))
  ([hours minutes seconds millis]
   (moment #js {:hours hours, :minutes minutes, :seconds seconds, :milliseconds millis})))
(declare truncate)

Constructs a platform date value (eg. Moment, LocalDate) for the given year, month and day.

Day is 1-31. January = 1, or you can specify keywords like :jan, :jun.

(defn local-date
  ([] (truncate (moment) :day))
  ([year month day]
   (moment #js {:year  year
                :day   day
                ;; Moment uses 0-based months, unlike Metabase.
                :month (dec (or (common/month-keywords month) month))})))

Constructs a platform datetime (eg. Moment, LocalDateTime).

Accepts either: - no arguments (current datetime) - a local date and local time (see [[local-date]] and [[local-time]]); or - year, month, day, hour, and minute, plus optional seconds and millis.

(defn local-date-time
  ([] (moment))
  ([a-date a-time]
   (when-not (and (valid? a-date) (valid? a-time))
     (throw (ex-info "Expected valid Moments for date and time" {:date a-date
                                                                 :time a-time})))
   (let [^moment/Moment d (.clone a-date)
         ^moment/Moment t a-time]
     (doseq [unit ["hour" "minute" "second" "millisecond"]]
       (.set d unit (.get t unit)))
  ([year month day hours minutes]
   (local-date-time (local-date year month day) (local-time hours minutes)))
  ([year month day hours minutes seconds]
   (local-date-time (local-date year month day) (local-time hours minutes seconds)))
  ([year month day hours minutes seconds millis]
   (local-date-time (local-date year month day) (local-time hours minutes seconds millis))))

------------------------------------------------ arithmetic ------------------------------------------------------

(declare unit-diff)

Returns the time elapsed between before and after in days.

(defn day-diff
  [before after]
  (unit-diff :day before after))
(defn- coerce-local-date-time [input]
  (-> input
      (moment/utc moment/ISO_8601)))

Formats a date-time value given the temporal extraction unit. If unit is not supported, returns nil.

(defn ^:private format-extraction-unit
  [t unit]
  (case unit
    :day-of-week     (.format t "dddd")
    :day-of-week-iso (.format t "dddd")
    :month-of-year   (.format t "MMM")
    :minute-of-hour  (.format t "m")
    :hour-of-day     (.format t "h A")
    :day-of-month    (.format t "D")
    :day-of-year     (.format t "DDD")
    :week-of-year    (.format t "w")
    :quarter-of-year (.format t "[Q]Q")

Formats a temporal-value (iso date/time string, int for extraction units) given the temporal-bucketing unit. If unit is nil, formats the full date/time. Time input formatting is only defined with time units.

(defn format-unit
  ;; This third argument is needed for the JVM side; it can be ignored here.
  ([input unit _locale] (format-unit input unit))
  ([input unit]
   (if (string? input)
     (let [time? (common/matches-time? input)
           date? (common/matches-date? input)
           date-time? (common/matches-date-time? input)
           t (cond
               ;; Anchor to an arbitrary date since time inputs are only defined for
               ;; :hour-of-day and :minute-of-hour.
               time? (moment/utc (str "2023-01-01T" input) moment/ISO_8601)
               (or date? date-time?) (coerce-local-date-time input))]
       (if (and t (.isValid t))
          (format-extraction-unit t unit)
            time? (.format t "h:mm A")
            date? (.format t "MMM D, YYYY")
            date-time? (.format t "MMM D, YYYY, h:mm A")))
     (if (= unit :hour-of-day)
       (str (cond (zero? input) "12" (<= input 12) input :else (- input 12)) " " (if (<= input 11) "AM" "PM"))
        (format-extraction-unit (common/number->timestamp input {:unit unit}) unit)
        (str input))))))

Formats a time difference between two temporal values. Drops redundant information.

(defn format-diff
  [temporal-value-1 temporal-value-2]
  (let [default-format #(str (format-unit temporal-value-1 nil)
                             " – "
                             (format-unit temporal-value-2 nil))]
      (some (complement string?) [temporal-value-1 temporal-value-2])
      (= temporal-value-1 temporal-value-2)
      (format-unit temporal-value-1 nil)
      (and (common/matches-time? temporal-value-1)
           (common/matches-time? temporal-value-2))
      (and (common/matches-date-time? temporal-value-1)
           (common/matches-date-time? temporal-value-2))
      (let [lhs (coerce-local-date-time temporal-value-1)
            rhs (coerce-local-date-time temporal-value-2)
            year-matches? (= (.format lhs "YYYY") (.format rhs "YYYY"))
            month-matches? (= (.format lhs "MMM") (.format rhs "MMM"))
            day-matches? (= (.format lhs "D") (.format rhs "D"))
            hour-matches? (= (.format lhs "HH") (.format rhs "HH"))
            [lhs-fmt rhs-fmt] (cond
                                (and year-matches? month-matches? day-matches? hour-matches?)
                                ["MMM D, YYYY, h:mm A " " h:mm A"]
                                (and year-matches? month-matches? day-matches?)
                                ["MMM D, YYYY, h:mm A " " h:mm A"]
                                ["MMM D, h:mm A " " MMM D, YYYY, h:mm A"])]
        (if lhs-fmt
          (str (.format lhs lhs-fmt) "–" (.format rhs rhs-fmt))
      (and (common/matches-date? temporal-value-1)
           (common/matches-date? temporal-value-2))
      (let [lhs (moment/utc temporal-value-1 moment/ISO_8601)
            rhs (moment/utc temporal-value-2 moment/ISO_8601)
            year-matches? (= (.format lhs "YYYY") (.format rhs "YYYY"))
            month-matches? (= (.format lhs "MMM") (.format rhs "MMM"))
            [lhs-fmt rhs-fmt] (cond
                                (and year-matches? month-matches?)
                                ["MMM D" "D, YYYY"]
                                ["MMM D " " MMM D, YYYY"])]
        (if lhs-fmt
          (str (.format lhs lhs-fmt) "–" (.format rhs rhs-fmt))

Given a n unit time interval and the current date, return a string representing the date-time range. Provide an offset-n and offset-unit time interval to change the date used relative to the current date. options is a map and supports :include-current to include the current given unit of time in the range.

(defn format-relative-date-range
  ([n unit offset-n offset-unit opts]
   (format-relative-date-range (now) n unit offset-n offset-unit opts))
  ([t n unit offset-n offset-unit {:keys [include-current]}]
   (let [offset-now (cond-> t
                      (neg? n) (apply-offset n unit)
                      (and (pos? n) (not include-current)) (apply-offset 1 unit)
                      (and offset-n offset-unit) (apply-offset offset-n offset-unit))
         pos-n (cond-> (abs n)
                 include-current inc)
         date-ranges (map #(.format % (if (#{:hour :minute} unit) "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm" "YYYY-MM-DD"))
                          (common/to-range offset-now
                                           {:unit unit
                                            :n pos-n
                                            :offset-n offset-n
                                            :offset-unit offset-unit}))]
     (apply format-diff date-ranges))))
(def ^:private temporal-formats
  {:offset-date-time {:regex   common/offset-datetime-regex
                      :formats #js ["YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]"
   :local-date-time  {:regex   common/local-datetime-regex
                      :formats #js ["YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS"
   :local-date       {:regex   common/local-date-regex
                      :formats #js ["YYYY-MM-DD"
   :offset-time      {:regex   common/offset-time-regex
                      :formats #js ["HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]"
   :local-time       {:regex   common/local-time-regex
                      :formats #js ["HH:mm:ss.SSS"
(defn- iso-8601->moment+type
  (some (fn [[value-type {:keys [regex formats]}]]
          (when (re-matches regex s)
            (let [parsed (moment/parseZone s formats #_strict? true)]
              (when (.isValid parsed)
                [parsed value-type]))))
(defmulti ^:private moment+type->iso-8601
  {:arglists '([moment+type])}
  (fn [[_t value-type]]
(defmethod moment+type->iso-8601 :offset-date-time
  [[^moment/Moment t _value-type]]
  (let [format-string (cond
                        (pos? (.milliseconds t)) "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]"
                        (pos? (.seconds t))      "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]"
                        :else                    "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm[Z]")]
    (.format t format-string)))
(defmethod moment+type->iso-8601 :local-date-time
  [[^moment/Moment t _value-type]]
  (let [format-string (cond
                        (pos? (.milliseconds t)) "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS"
                        (pos? (.seconds t))      "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss"
                        :else                    "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm")]
    (.format t format-string)))
(defmethod moment+type->iso-8601 :local-date
  [[^moment/Moment t _value-type]]
  (.format t "YYYY-MM-DD"))
(defmethod moment+type->iso-8601 :offset-time
  [[^moment/Moment t _value-type]]
  (let [format-string (cond
                        (pos? (.milliseconds t)) "HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]"
                        (pos? (.seconds t))      "HH:mm:ss[Z]"
                        :else                    "HH:mm[Z]")]
    (.format t format-string)))
(defmethod moment+type->iso-8601 :local-time
  [[^moment/Moment t _value-type]]
  (let [format-string (cond
                        (pos? (.milliseconds t)) "HH:mm:ss.SSS"
                        (pos? (.seconds t))      "HH:mm:ss"
                        :else                    "HH:mm")]
    (.format t format-string)))
(defn- ->moment ^moment/Moment [t]
  (if (instance? js/Date t)
    (moment/utc t)

Return the number of units between two temporal values before and after, e.g. maybe there are 32 :days between Jan 1st and Feb 2nd.

(defn unit-diff
  [unit before after]
  (let [^moment/Moment before (if (string? before)
                                (first (iso-8601->moment+type before))
                                (->moment before))
        ^moment/Moment after  (if (string? after)
                                (first (iso-8601->moment+type after))
                                (->moment after))]
    (.diff after before (name unit))))

ClojureScript implementation of [[metabase.util.time/truncate]]; supports both Moment.js instances and ISO-8601 strings.

(defn truncate
  [t unit]
  (if (string? t)
    (let [[t value-type] (iso-8601->moment+type t)
          t              (truncate t unit)]
      (moment+type->iso-8601 [t value-type]))
    (let [^moment/Moment t (->moment t)]
      (.startOf t (name unit)))))

ClojureScript implementation of [[metabase.util.time/add]]; supports both Moment.js instances and ISO-8601 strings.

(defn add
  [t unit amount]
  (if (string? t)
    (let [[t value-type] (iso-8601->moment+type t)
          t              (add t unit amount)]
      (moment+type->iso-8601 [t value-type]))
    (let [^moment/Moment t (->moment t)]
      (.add t amount (name unit)))))

ClojureScript implementation of [[metabase.util.time/format-for-base-type]]; format a temporal value as an ISO-8601 string appropriate for a value of the given base-type, e.g. a :type/Time gets formatted as a HH:mm:ss.SSS string.

(defn format-for-base-type
  [t base-type]
  (if (string? t)
    (let [t          (->moment t)
          value-type (condp #(isa? %2 %1) base-type
                       :type/TimeWithTZ     :offset-time
                       :type/Time           :local-time
                       :type/DateTimeWithTZ :offset-date-time
                       :type/DateTime       :local-date-time
                       :type/Date           :local-date)]
      (moment+type->iso-8601 [t value-type]))))

Extract a field such as :minute-of-hour from a temporal value t.

(defn extract
  [^moment/Moment t unit]
  (case unit
    :second-of-minute (.second t)
    :minute-of-hour   (.minute t)
    :hour-of-day      (.hour t)
    :day-of-week      (inc (.weekday t)) ;; `weekday` is 0-6, where 0 corresponds to the first day of week
    :day-of-week-iso  (.isoWeekday t)
    :day-of-month     (.date t)
    :day-of-year      (.dayOfYear t)
    :week-of-year     (.week t)
    :month-of-year    (inc (.month t)) ;; `month` is 0-11
    :quarter-of-year  (.quarter t)
    :year             (.year t)))