This is a map type that catches attempts to get :snake_case values from it. In prod, it logs a warning and gets the value for the equivalent kebab-case key; in tests and dev it throws an Exception.

This is here so we can catch driver code that needs to be updated in 48+ to use MLv2 metadata rather than Toucan instances. After 51 we can remove this, everything should be updated by then.

(ns metabase.util.snake-hating-map
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [potemkin :as p]
   [pretty.core :as pretty]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn- snake-cased-key? [k]
  (some-> k (str/includes? "_")))
(defn- warn-about-using-snake-case [k]
  (let [e (ex-info (format "Accessing metadata using :snake_case key %s. This is deprecated in 0.48.0. Use %s instead."
                           (pr-str k)
                           (pr-str (u/->kebab-case-en k)))
                   {:k k})]
    (if config/is-prod?
      (log/warn e)
      (throw e))))
(defn- normalize-key [k]
  (if (snake-cased-key? k)
      (warn-about-using-snake-case k)
      (u/->kebab-case-en k))
(declare ->SnakeHatingMap)
(p/def-map-type SnakeHatingMap [m]
  (get [_this k default-value]
    (get m (normalize-key k) default-value))
  (assoc [this k v]
    (let [m' (assoc m (normalize-key k) v)]
      (if (identical? m m')
        (->SnakeHatingMap m'))))
  (dissoc [this k]
    (let [m' (dissoc m k)]
      (if (identical? m m')
        (->SnakeHatingMap m'))))
  (keys [_this]
    (keys m))
  (meta [_this]
    (meta m))
  (entryAt [this k]
    (when (contains? m k)
      (potemkin.PersistentMapProxy$MapEntry. this k)))
  (with-meta [this metta]
    (let [m' (with-meta m metta)]
      (if (identical? m m')
        (->SnakeHatingMap m'))))
  (pretty [_this]
    (list `snake-hating-map m)))

Create a new map that handles either snake_case or kebab-case keys, but warns is you use snake_case keys (in prod) or throws an Exception (in dev and tests). This is here so we can catch code that needs to be updated to use MLv2 metadata in 48+.

(defn snake-hating-map
   (snake-hating-map {}))
   (-> (or m {})
       (vary-meta assoc :metabase.driver/metadata-type :metabase.driver/metadata-type.mlv2)
  ([k v & more]
   (snake-hating-map (into {k v} (partition-all 2) more))))

Return true if m is a SnakeHatingMap.

(defn snake-hating-map?
  (instance? SnakeHatingMap m))