Regex-related utility functions

(ns metabase.util.regex
   [clojure.string :as str]))

Wrap regex pattern in a non-capturing group.

(defn non-capturing-group
  (re-pattern (format "(?:%s)" pattern)))

Combine regex patterns into a single pattern by joining with or (i.e., a logical disjunction).

(defn re-or
  (non-capturing-group (str/join "|" (map non-capturing-group patterns))))

Make regex pattern optional.

(defn re-optional
  (str (non-capturing-group pattern) "?"))

Make regex pattern negated.

(defn re-negate
  (str "(?!" pattern ")"))
(defmulti ^:private rx-dispatch
  {:arglists '([listt])}
(declare rx*)
(defmethod rx-dispatch :default [x] x)
(defmethod rx-dispatch :?
  [[_ & args]]
  (re-optional (rx* (into [:and] args))))
(defmethod rx-dispatch :or
  [[_ & args]]
  (re-or (map rx* args)))
(defmethod rx-dispatch :and
  [[_ & args]]
  (apply str (map rx* args)))
(defmethod rx-dispatch :not
  [[_ arg]]
  (re-negate (rx* arg)))
(defn- rx*
  (if (seqable? x) (rx-dispatch x) x))

A quick-and-dirty port of the Emacs Lisp rx macro (C-h f rx) implemented as a function but not currently as fully-featured. Convenient for building mega-huge regular expressions from a hiccup-like representation. Feel free to add support for more stuff as needed.

 This is memoized because arguments to rx are less optimal than they should be, in favor of better clarity -- hence skipping recompilation makes sense.

TODO -- instead of memoizing this, why not just do this as a macro and do it at macroexpansion time? Weird.

(def ^{:doc
       :arglists '([x] [x & more])} rx
  (memoize (fn  rx
             ;; (rx [:and [:or "Cam" "can"] [:? #"\s+"] #"\d+"])
             ;; -> #\"(?:(?:Cam)|(?:can))(?:\s+)?\d+\"
             ([x] (re-pattern (rx* x)))
             ([x & more] (rx (into [:and x] more))))))