Utility functions for checking passwords against hashes and for making sure passwords match complexity requirements.

(ns metabase.util.password
   [clojure.java.io :as io]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.util :as u])
   (org.mindrot.jbcrypt BCrypt)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Return a map of the counts of each class of character for password.

(count-occurrences "GoodPw!!") -> {:total 8, :lower 4, :upper 2, :letter 6, :digit 0, :special 2}

(defn- count-occurrences
  (loop [[^Character c & more] password, counts {:total 0, :lower 0, :upper 0, :letter 0, :digit 0, :special 0}]
    (if-not c
      (recur more (let [counts (update counts :total inc)]
                      (Character/isLowerCase c) (-> (update counts :letter inc) (update :lower inc))
                      (Character/isUpperCase c) (-> (update counts :letter inc) (update :upper inc))
                      (Character/isDigit     c) (update counts :digit   inc)
                      :else                     (update counts :special inc)))))))

Minimum counts of each class of character a password should have for a given password complexity level.

(def ^:private ^:const complexity->char-type->min
  {:weak   {:total   6} ; total here effectively means the same thing as a minimum password length
   :normal {:total   6
            :digit   1}
   :strong {:total   8
            :lower   2
            :upper   2
            :digit   1
            :special 1}})

Check that PASSWORD satisfies the minimum count requirements for each character class.

(password-has-char-counts? {:total 6, :lower 1, :upper 1, :digit 1, :special 1} "abc") -> false (password-has-char-counts? {:total 6, :lower 1, :upper 1, :digit 1, :special 1} "passworD1!") -> true

(defn- password-has-char-counts?
  [char-type->min password]
  {:pre [(map? char-type->min)
         (string? password)]}
  (let [occurences (count-occurrences password)]
    (boolean (loop [[[char-type min-count] & more] (seq char-type->min)]
               (if-not char-type
                 (when (>= (occurences char-type) min-count)
                   (recur more)))))))

The currently configured description of the password complexity rules being enforced

(defn active-password-complexity
  (merge (complexity->char-type->min (config/config-kw :mb-password-complexity))
         ;; Setting MB_PASSWORD_LENGTH overrides the default :total for a given password complexity class
         (when-let [min-len (config/config-int :mb-password-length)]
           {:total min-len})))

Check if a given password meets complexity standards for the application.

(defn- is-complex?
  (password-has-char-counts? (active-password-complexity) password))

A set of ~12k common passwords to reject, that otherwise meet Metabase's default complexity requirements. Sourced from Dropbox's zxcvbn repo: https://github.com/dropbox/zxcvbn/blob/master/data/passwords.txt

(def ^java.net.URL common-passwords-url
  (io/resource "common_passwords.txt"))

Check if a given password is not present in the common passwords set. Case-insensitive search since the list only contains lower-case passwords.

(defn- is-uncommon?
  (with-open [is (.openStream common-passwords-url)
              reader (java.io.BufferedReader. (java.io.InputStreamReader. is))]
     (partial = (u/lower-case-en password))
     (iterator-seq (.. reader lines iterator)))))

Check that a password both meets complexity standards, and is not present in the common passwords list. Common password list is ignored if minimum password complexity is set to :weak

(defn is-valid?
  (and (is-complex? password)
       (or (= (config/config-kw :mb-password-complexity) :weak)
           (is-uncommon? password))))

Default work factor used for hashing passwords with BCrypt. Intentionally minimal for tests to reduce testing time.

(def ^:private default-bcrypt-work-factor
  (if config/is-test?
    ;; 4 is the minimum supported value by jbcrypt library.

Hashes a given plaintext password using bcrypt and an optional :work-factor (defaults to 10 as of this writing). Should be used to hash passwords included in stored user credentials that are to be later verified using bcrypt-credential-fn.

copied from cemerick.friend.credentials EPL v1.0 license

(defn hash-bcrypt
  [password & {:keys [work-factor]}]
  (BCrypt/hashpw password (if work-factor
                            (BCrypt/gensalt work-factor)
                            (BCrypt/gensalt default-bcrypt-work-factor))))

Returns true if the plaintext [password] corresponds to [hash], the result of previously hashing that password.

(defn bcrypt-verify
  [password hash]
  (BCrypt/checkpw password hash))

Verify if a given unhashed password + salt matches the supplied hashed-password. Returns true if matched, false otherwise.

(defn verify-password
  ^Boolean [password salt hashed-password]
  ;; we wrap the friend/bcrypt-verify with this function specifically to avoid unintended exceptions getting out
  (boolean (u/ignore-exceptions
             (bcrypt-verify (str salt password) hashed-password))))