Workaround for upstream issue Actually a bit of a misnomer since this does still sort dispatch values; it just doesn't complain if any are ambiguous. | (ns metabase.util.methodical.unsorted-dispatcher (:require [methodical.impl.dispatcher.standard] [methodical.interface]) (:import (methodical.interface Dispatcher))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
(comment methodical.interface/keep-me) | |
(deftype UnsortedDispatcher [dispatch-fn hierarchy-var default-value] Dispatcher (dispatch-value [_] (dispatch-fn)) (dispatch-value [_ a] (dispatch-fn a)) (dispatch-value [_ a b] (dispatch-fn a b)) (dispatch-value [_ a b c] (dispatch-fn a b c)) (dispatch-value [_ a b c d] (dispatch-fn a b c d)) (dispatch-value [_ a b c d more] (apply dispatch-fn a b c d more)) (matching-primary-methods [_this method-table dispatch-value] (methodical.impl.dispatcher.standard/matching-primary-methods {:hierarchy (deref hierarchy-var) :default-value default-value :method-table method-table :dispatch-value dispatch-value :ambiguous-fn (constantly false)})) (matching-aux-methods [_this method-table dispatch-value] (methodical.impl.dispatcher.standard/matching-aux-methods {:hierarchy (deref hierarchy-var) :default-value default-value :method-table method-table :dispatch-value dispatch-value :ambiguous-fn (constantly false)})) (default-dispatch-value [_this] default-value) (prefers [_] nil) (with-prefers [this new-prefs] (when (seq new-prefs) (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. (format "%s does not support preferences." `unsupported-dispatcher)))) this) (dominates? [_this _x _y] false)) | |
This is basically similar the same as the [[methodical.core/standard-dispatcher]], but doesn't complain when dispatch values are ambiguous, and doesn't support preferences. | (defn unsorted-dispatcher [dispatch-fn & {:keys [hierarchy default-value] :or {hierarchy #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy default-value :default}}] {:pre [(ifn? dispatch-fn) (instance? clojure.lang.IDeref hierarchy)]} (->UnsortedDispatcher dispatch-fn hierarchy default-value)) |