CLJS-specific implementation code for [[metabase.util.memoize]].

Not to be referenced from other code!

(ns metabase.util.memoize.impl.js
   [cljs.cache :as cache]))

Similar to clojure.lang.Delay, but will not memoize an exception and will instead retry. fun - the function, never nil available? - indicates a memoized value is available, volatile for visibility value - the value (if available) - volatile for visibility

(deftype RetryingDelay [fun ^:volatile-mutable available? ^:volatile-mutable value]
  (-deref [_]
    ;; first check (safe with volatile flag)
    (if available?
      ;; fun may throw - will retry on next deref
      (let [v (fun)]
        (set! value v)
        (set! available? true)
  (-realized? [_]
(defn- d-lay [fun]
  (->RetryingDelay fun false nil))

If a value is not already derefable, wrap it up.

This is used to help rebuild seed/base maps passed in to the various caches so that they conform to core.memoize's world view.

(defn- make-derefable
  (if (instance? IDeref v)
    (reify IDeref
      (-deref [_] v))))

Given a seed/base map, ensure all the values in it are derefable.

(defn- derefable-seed
  (update-vals seed make-derefable))
(deftype PluggableMemoization [f cache]
  (has? [_ item]
    (cache/has? cache item))
  (hit  [_ item]
    (PluggableMemoization. f (cache/hit cache item)))
  (miss [_ item result]
    (PluggableMemoization. f (cache/miss cache item result)))
  (evict [_ key]
    (PluggableMemoization. f (cache/evict cache key)))
  (lookup [_ item]
    (cache/lookup cache item nil))
  (lookup [_ item not-found]
    (cache/lookup cache item (delay not-found)))
  (seed [_ base]
     f (cache/seed cache (derefable-seed base))))
  (toString [_] (str cache)))

Returns a function's argument transformer.

(defn- args-fn
  (or (::args-fn (meta x)) identity))

The basic hit/miss logic for the cache system based on cache/through. Clojure delays are used to hold the cache value.

(defn- through*
  [cache f args item]
   (fn [f _] (d-lay #(f args)))
   #(apply f %)

Given a function, an atom containing a (pluggable memoization cache), and and cache key function, return a new function that behaves like the original function except it is cached, based on its arguments.

(defn- cached-function
  [f cache-atom ckey-fn]
  (fn [& args]
    (let [ckey (or (ckey-fn args) [])
          cs   (swap! cache-atom through* f args ckey)
          val  (cache/lookup cs ckey ::not-found)]
       ;; If `lookup` returns `(delay ::not-found)`, it's likely that
       ;; we ran into a timing issue where eviction and access
       ;; are happening at about the same time. Therefore, we retry
       ;; the `swap!` (potentially several times).
       ;; metabase.util.memoize currently wraps all of its values in a `delay`.
      (when val
        (loop [n 0 v @val]
          (if (= ::not-found v)
            (when-let [v' (cache/lookup
                           (swap! cache-atom through* f args ckey)
                           ckey ::not-found)]
              (when (< n 10)
                (recur (inc n) @v')))

Build a pluggable memoized version of a function. Given a function and a (pluggable memoized) cache, and an optional seed (hash map of arguments to return values), return a cached version of that function.

If you want to build your own cached function, perhaps with combined caches or customized caches, this is the preferred way to do so now.

(defn memoizer
  ([f cache]
   (let [cache   (atom (PluggableMemoization. f cache))
         ckey-fn (args-fn f)]
     (cached-function f cache ckey-fn)))
  ([f cache seed]
   (let [cache   (atom (cache/seed (PluggableMemoization. f cache)
                                   (derefable-seed seed)))
         ckey-fn (args-fn f)]
     (cached-function f cache ckey-fn))))

Works the same as the basic memoization function (i.e. core.memoize except when a given threshold is breached. When the threshold is passed, the cache will expel the Least Recently Used element in favor of the new.

(defn lru
  ([f] (lru f {} :lru/threshold 32))
  ([f base] (lru f base :lru/threshold 32))
  ([f tkey threshold] (lru f {} tkey threshold))
  ([f base key threshold]
   (assert (= key :lru/threshold) (str "wrong parameter key " key))
   (memoizer f (cache/lru-cache-factory {} :threshold threshold) base)))

Used as a more flexible alternative to Clojure's core memoization function. Memoized functions built using memo will respond to the core.memo manipulable memoization utilities. As a nice bonus, you can use memo in place of memoize without any additional changes, with the added guarantee that the memoized function will only be called once for a given sequence of arguments (memoize can call the function multiple times when concurrent calls are made with the same sequence of arguments).

The default way to use this function is to simply supply a function that will be memoized. Additionally, you may also supply a map of the form '{[42] 42, [108] 108} where keys are a vector mapping expected argument values to arity positions. The map values are the return values of the memoized function.

If the supplied function has metadata containing an :clojure.core.memoize/args-fn key, the value is assumed to be a function that should be applied to the arguments to produce a subset or transformed sequence of arguments that are used for the key in the cache (the full, original arguments will still be used to call the function). This allows you to memoize functions where one or more arguments are irrelevant for memoization, such as the functions, whose first argument may include a (mutable) JDBC Connection object:

(memo/memo (with-meta jdbc/execute! {::memo/args-fn rest}))

You can access the memoization cache directly via the :clojure.core.memoize/cache key on the memoized function's metadata. However, it is advised to use the core.memo primitives instead as implementation details may change over time.

(defn memo
  ([f] (memo f {}))
  ([f seed]
   (memoizer f (cache/basic-cache-factory {}) seed)))