(ns metabase.util.malli.fn
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [fn])
   [clojure.core :as core]
   [malli.core :as mc]
   [malli.destructure :as md]
   [malli.error :as me]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli.humanize :as mu.humanize]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Malli normally generates wacky default schemas when you use destructuring in an argslist; this never seems to work correctly, so just add default schemas manually to circumvent Malli's weird behavior.

(add-default-schemas '[x {:keys [y]}]) ;; => [x {:keys [y]} :- [:maybe :map]]

(defn- add-default-schemas
  (if (empty? args)
    (loop [acc [], [x & [y z :as more]] args]
      (let [schema (when (= y :-) z)
            more   (if schema
                     (drop 2 more)
            schema (cond
                     (and (or (map? x)
                              (sequential? x))
                          (= (last acc) '&))
                     [:* :any]
                     (map? x)
                     [:maybe :map]
                     (sequential? x)
                     [:maybe [:sequential :any]])
            acc    (concat acc (if schema
                                 [x :- schema]
        (if (seq more)
          (recur acc more)

Given a fn arity as parsed by [[SchematizedParams]] an return-schema, return an appropriate :=> schema for the arity.

(defn- arity-schema
  [{:keys [args], :as _arity} return-schema {:keys [target], :as _options}]
  (let [parsed       (md/parse (add-default-schemas args))
        varargs-info (get-in parsed [:parsed :rest :arg :arg])
        varargs-type (cond
                       (= (first varargs-info) :map) :varargs/map
                       (seq varargs-info)            :varargs/sequential)
        schema       (case target
                       :target/metadata        (if (= varargs-type :varargs/map)
                                                 (vec (concat (butlast (:schema parsed)) [[:* :any]]))
                                                 (:schema parsed))
                       :target/instrumentation (:schema parsed))]
     (cond-> schema
       varargs-type (vary-meta assoc :varargs/type varargs-type))

This is exactly the same as [[malli.experimental/SchematizedParams]], but it preserves metadata from the arglists.

(def ^:private SchematizedParams
    {:registry {"Schema"    any?
                "Separator" [:= :-]
                "Args"      vector? ; [:vector :any] loses metadata, but vector? keeps it :shrug:
                "PrePost"   [:map
                             [:pre {:optional true} [:sequential any?]]
                             [:post {:optional true} [:sequential any?]]]
                "Arity"     [:catn
                             [:args "Args"]
                             [:prepost [:? "PrePost"]]
                             [:body [:* :any]]]
                "Params"    [:catn
                             [:name symbol?]
                             [:return [:? [:catn
                                           [:- "Separator"]
                                           [:schema "Schema"]]]]
                             [:doc [:? string?]]
                             [:meta [:? :map]]
                             [:arities [:altn
                                        [:single "Arity"]
                                        [:multiple [:catn
                                                    [:arities [:+ [:schema "Arity"]]]
                                                    [:meta [:? :map]]]]]]]}}
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([fn-tail])} parse-SchematizedParams
  (mc/parser SchematizedParams))

Parse a parameterized fn tail with the [[SchematizedParams]] schema. Throw an exception if it cannot be parsed.

(defn parse-fn-tail
  (let [parsed (parse-SchematizedParams (if (symbol? (first fn-tail))
                                          (cons '&f fn-tail)))]
    (when (= parsed ::mc/invalid)
      (let [error     (mr/explain SchematizedParams fn-tail)
            humanized (mu.humanize/humanize error)]
        (throw (ex-info (format "Invalid function tail: %s" humanized)
                        {:fn-tail   fn-tail
                         :error     error
                         :humanized humanized}))))

Implementation for [[fn]] and [[metabase.util.malli.defn/defn]]. Given an unparsed parametered fn tail, extract the annotations and return a :=> or :function schema.

options can contain :target which is either

  • :target/metadata: generate the schema to attach to the metadata for a [[metabase.util.malli.defn/defn]]. For key-value varargs like & {:as kvs} get a schema like [:* :any] in this case since the args aren't parsed to a map yet

  • :target/instrumentation: generate a schema for use in generating the instrumented fn form. & {:as kvs} can have a real map schema here.

(defn fn-schema
   (fn-schema parsed {:target :target/instrumentation}))
  ([parsed options]
   (let [{:keys [return arities]}     parsed
         return-schema                (:schema return :any)
         [arities-type arities-value] arities]
     (case arities-type
       :single   (arity-schema arities-value return-schema options)
       :multiple (into [:function]
                       (for [arity (:arities arities-value)]
                         (arity-schema arity return-schema options)))))))
(defn- deparameterized-arity [{:keys [body args prepost], :as _arity}]
   [(:arglist (md/parse args))]
   (when prepost

Generate a deparameterized fn tail (the contents of a fn form after the fn symbol).

(defn deparameterized-fn-tail
  [{[arities-type arities-value] :arities, :as _parsed}]
  (let [body (case arities-type
               :single   (deparameterized-arity arities-value)
               :multiple (for [arity (:arities arities-value)]
                           (deparameterized-arity arity)))]

Impl for [[metabase.util.malli.fn/fn]] and [[metabase.util.malli.defn/defn]]. Given a parsed fn tail (as parsed by [[parsed-fn-tail]]), return a [[clojure.core.fn]] form with the parameters stripped out.

(deparameterized-fn-form (parse-fn-tail '[:- :int [x :- :int] (inc x)])) ;; => (fn [x] (inc x))

(defn deparameterized-fn-form
  [parsed & [fn-name]]
  `(core/fn ~@(when fn-name [fn-name]) ~@(deparameterized-fn-tail parsed)))

Whether [[validate-input]] and [[validate-output]] should validate things or not. In Cljc code, you can use [[metabase.util.malli/disable-enforcement]] to bind this only in Clojure code.

(def ^:dynamic *enforce*
(defn- validate [error-context schema value error-type]
  (when *enforce*
    (when-let [error (mr/explain schema value)]
      (let [humanized (me/humanize error {:wrap (core/fn humanize-include-value
                                                  [{:keys [value message]}]
                                                  (str message ", got: " (pr-str value)))})
            details   (merge
                       {:type      error-type
                        :error     error
                        :humanized humanized
                        :schema    schema
                        :value     value}
        (if (or config/is-dev?
          ;; In dev and test, throw an exception.
          (throw (ex-info (case error-type
                            ::invalid-input  (i18n/tru "Invalid input: {0}" (pr-str humanized))
                            ::invalid-output (i18n/tru "Invalid output: {0}" (pr-str humanized)))
          ;; In prod, log a warning.
           (case error-type
             ::invalid-input  (format "Invalid input - Please report this as an issue on Github: %s"
                                      (pr-str humanized))
             ::invalid-output (format "Invalid output - Please report this as an issue on Github: %s"
                                      (pr-str humanized)))

Impl for [[metabase.util.malli.fn/fn]]; validates an input argument with value against schema using a cached explainer and throws an exception if the check fails.

(defn validate-input
  [error-context schema value]
  (validate error-context schema value ::invalid-input))

Impl for [[metabase.util.malli.fn/fn]]; validates function output value against schema using a cached explainer and throws an exception if the check fails. Returns validated value.

(defn validate-output
  [error-context schema value]
  (validate error-context schema value ::invalid-output)
(defn- varargs-type [input-schema]
  (-> input-schema meta :varargs/type))
(defn- input-schema-arg-names [[_cat & args :as input-schema]]
  (let [varargs-type (varargs-type input-schema)
        normal-args  (if varargs-type
                       (butlast args)
     (for [n (range (count normal-args))]
       (symbol (str (char (+ (int \a) n)))))
     (case varargs-type
       :varargs/sequential ['more]
       :varargs/map        ['kvs]
(defn- input-schema->arglist [input-schema]
  (let [arg-names (input-schema-arg-names input-schema)]
    (vec (if-let [varargs-type (varargs-type input-schema)]
           (concat (butlast arg-names) ['& (case varargs-type
                                             :varargs/sequential (last arg-names)
                                             :varargs/map        {:as (last arg-names)})])
(defn- input-schema->validation-forms [error-context [_cat & schemas :as input-schema]]
  (let [arg-names (input-schema-arg-names input-schema)
        schemas   (if (= (varargs-type input-schema) :varargs/sequential)
                    (concat (butlast schemas) [[:maybe (last schemas)]])
    (->> (map (core/fn [arg-name schema]
                ;; 1. Skip checks against `:any` schema, there is no situation where it would fail.
                ;; 2. Skip checks against the default varargs schemas, there is no situation where [:maybe [:* :any]] is
                ;; going to fail.
                (when-not (= schema (condp = arg-name
                                      'more [:maybe [:* :any]]
                                      'kvs  [:* :any]
                  `(validate-input ~error-context ~schema ~arg-name)))
         (filter some?))))
(defn- input-schema->application-form [input-schema]
  (let [arg-names (input-schema-arg-names input-schema)]
    (if (= (varargs-type input-schema) :varargs/sequential)
      (list* `apply '&f arg-names)
      (list* '&f arg-names))))

If exception is thrown from the [[validate]] machinery, remove those stack trace elements so the top of the stack is the calling function.

(defn fixup-stacktrace
  [^Exception e]
  (if (#{::invalid-input ::invalid-output} (-> e ex-data :type))
    (let [trace (.getStackTrace e)
          cleaned (when trace
                    (into-array StackTraceElement
                                (drop-while (comp #{(.getName (class validate))
                                                    (.getName (class validate-input))
                                                    (.getName (class validate-output))}
                                                  #(.getClassName ^StackTraceElement %))
      (doto e
        (.setStackTrace cleaned)))
(defn- instrumented-arity [error-context [_=> input-schema output-schema]]
  (let [input-schema           (if (= input-schema :cat)
        arglist                (input-schema->arglist input-schema)
        input-validation-forms (input-schema->validation-forms error-context input-schema)
        result-form            (input-schema->application-form input-schema)
        result-form            (if (and output-schema
                                        (not= output-schema :any))
                                 `(->> ~result-form
                                       (validate-output ~error-context ~output-schema))
        (catch Exception ~'error
          (throw (fixup-stacktrace ~'error)))))))
(defn- instrumented-fn-tail [error-context [schema-type :as schema]]
  (case schema-type
    [(instrumented-arity error-context schema)]
    (let [[_function & schemas] schema]
      (for [schema schemas]
        (instrumented-arity error-context schema)))))

Given a fn-tail like

([x :- :int y] (+ 1 2))

and parsed by [[parsed-fn-tail]],

return an unevaluated instrumented [[fn]] form like

(mc/-instrument {:schema [:=> [:cat :int :any] :any]} (fn [x y] (+ 1 2)))

(defn instrumented-fn-form
  [error-context parsed & [fn-name]]
  `(let [~'&f ~(deparameterized-fn-form parsed fn-name)]
     (core/fn ~@(instrumented-fn-tail error-context (fn-schema parsed)))))

------------------------------ Skipping Namespace Enforcement in prod ------------------------------

Returns true if mu.fn/fn and mu/defn in a namespace should be instrumented with malli schema validation.

(defn instrument-ns?
  (or (true? (:instrument/always (meta namespace)))

Malli version of [[schema.core/fn]].

Unless it's in a skipped namespace during prod, a form like:

(fn :- :int [x :- :int] (inc x))

compiles to something like

(let [&f (fn [x] (inc x))] (fn [a] (validate-input {} :int a) (validate-output {} :int (&f a))))

The map arg here is additional error context; for something like [[metabase.util.malli/defn]], it will be something like

{:fn-name 'metabase.lib.field/resolve-field-id}

for [[metabase.util.malli/defmethod]] it will be something like

{:fn-name 'whatever/my-multimethod, :dispatch-value :field}

If compiled in a namespace in [[namespaces-toskip]], during config/is-prod?, it will be emitted as a vanilla clojure.core/fn form.

Known issue: this version of fn does not capture the optional function name and make it available, e.g. you can't do

(mu/fn my-fn ([x] (my-fn x 1)) ([x y :- :int] (+ x y)))

If we were to include my-fn in the uninstrumented fn form, then it would bypass schema checks when you call another arity:

(let [&f (fn my-fn ([x] (my-fn x 1)) ([x y] (+ x y)))] (fn ([a] (&f a)) ([a b] (validate-input {} :int b) (&f a b))))

;; skips the :- :int check on y in the 2-arity (my-fn 1.0) ;; => 2.0

Since this is a big gotcha, we are currently not including the optional function name my-fn in the generated output. We can probably fix this with [[letfn]], since it allows mutually recursive function calls, but that's a problem for another day. The passed function name comes back from [[mc/parse]] as :name if we want to attempt to fix this later.

(defmacro fn
  [& fn-tail]
  (let [parsed (parse-fn-tail fn-tail)
        instrument? (instrument-ns? *ns*)]
    (if-not instrument?
      (deparameterized-fn-form parsed)
      (let [error-context (if (symbol? (first fn-tail))
                            ;; We want the quoted symbol of first fn-tail:
                            {:fn-name (list 'quote (first fn-tail))} {})]
        (instrumented-fn-form error-context parsed)))))