(ns metabase.util.log
   [goog.log :as glog]
   [goog.string :as gstring]
   [goog.string.format :as gstring.format]
   [lambdaisland.glogi :as log]
   [lambdaisland.glogi.console :as glogi-console]

The formatting functionality is only loaded if you depend on goog.string.format.

(comment gstring.format/keep-me)
(log/set-levels {:glogi/root :info})

Part of the internals of [[glogi-logp]] etc.

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]}
(defn is-loggable?
  [logger-name level]
  (glog/isLoggable (log/logger logger-name) (log/level level)))

Part of the internals of [[logf]].

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]}
(defn format-msg
  [fmt & args]
  (apply gstring/format fmt args))

Converts our standard metabase.util.log levels to those understood by glogi.

(defn glogi-level
  (if (= level :fatal)