JVM-specific utilities and helpers. You don't want to import this namespace directly - these functions are re-exported by [[metabase.util]].

(ns metabase.util.jvm
   [clojure.java.classpath :as classpath]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.tools.namespace.find :as ns.find]
   [metabase.util.format :as u.format]
   [metabase.util.log :as log])
   (java.net InetAddress InetSocketAddress Socket)
   (java.nio.charset StandardCharsets)
   (java.util.concurrent TimeoutException)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Make a properly-tagged Java interop varargs argument. This is basically the same as into-array but properly tags the result.

(u/varargs String) (u/varargs String ["A" "B"])

(defmacro varargs
  {:style/indent [:defn], :arglists '([klass] [klass xs])}
  [klass & [objects]]
  (vary-meta `(into-array ~klass ~objects)
             assoc :tag (format "[L%s;" (.getTypeName ^Class (ns-resolve *ns* klass)))))

Timeout (in ms) for checking if a host is available with host-up? and host-port-up?.

(def ^:private ^:const host-up-timeout

Returns true if the port is active on a given host, false otherwise

(defn host-port-up?
  [^String hostname, ^Integer port]
    (let [sock-addr (InetSocketAddress. hostname port)]
      (with-open [sock (Socket.)]
        (.connect sock sock-addr host-up-timeout)
    (catch Throwable _ false)))

Returns true if the host given by hostname is reachable, false otherwise

(defn host-up?
  [^String hostname]
    (let [host-addr (InetAddress/getByName hostname)]
      (.isReachable host-addr host-up-timeout))
    (catch Throwable _ false)))
(defprotocol ^:private IFilteredStacktrace
  (filtered-stacktrace [this]
    "Get the stack trace associated with E and return it as a vector with non-metabase frames after the last Metabase
    frame filtered out."))
(extend-protocol IFilteredStacktrace
  (filtered-stacktrace [_] nil)

  (filtered-stacktrace [^Throwable this]
    (filtered-stacktrace (.getStackTrace this)))

  (filtered-stacktrace [^Thread this]
    (filtered-stacktrace (.getStackTrace this))))
(extend (Class/forName "[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;")
   (fn [this]
     ;; keep all the frames before the last Metabase frame, but then filter out any other non-Metabase frames after
     ;; that
     (let [[frames-after-last-mb other-frames]     (split-with #(not (str/includes? % "metabase"))
                                                               (seq this))
           [last-mb-frame & frames-before-last-mb] (for [frame other-frames
                                                         :when (str/includes? frame "metabase")]
                                                     (str/replace frame #"^metabase\." ""))]
         (map str frames-after-last-mb)
         ;; add a little arrow to the frame so it stands out more
          (some->> last-mb-frame (str "--> "))

Whether string s is a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.

(defn ip-address?
  (and (string? s)
       (.isValid (org.apache.commons.validator.routines.InetAddressValidator/getInstance) ^String s)))

A reducing function that maintains a queue of the largest items as determined by kompare. The queue is bounded in size by size. Useful if you are interested in the largest size number of items without keeping the entire collection in memory.

In general, (= (take-last 2 (sort-by identity kompare coll)) (transduce (map identity) (u/sorted-take 2 kompare) coll)) But the entire collection is not in memory, just at most

(defn sorted-take
  [size kompare]
  (fn bounded-heap-acc
    ([] (PriorityQueue. size kompare))
    ([^PriorityQueue q]
     (loop [acc []]
       (if-let [x (.poll q)]
         (recur (conj acc x))
    ([^PriorityQueue q item]
     (if (>= (.size q) size)
       (let [smallest (.peek q)]
         (if (pos? (kompare item smallest))
           (doto q
             (.offer item))
       (doto q
         (.offer item))))))

Gather the full exception chain into a sequence.

(defn full-exception-chain
  (when (instance? Throwable e)
    (take-while some? (iterate ex-cause e))))

Like ex-data, but merges ex-data from causes. If duplicate keys exist, the keys from the highest level are preferred.

(def e (ex-info "A" {:a true, :both "a"} (ex-info "B" {:b true, :both "A"})))

(ex-data e) ;; -> {:a true, :both "a"}

(u.jvm/all-ex-data e) ;; -> {:a true, :b true, :both "a"}

(defn all-ex-data
   (fn [data e]
     (merge (ex-data e) data))
   (full-exception-chain e)))

Execute f, a function that takes no arguments, and return the results. If f fails with an exception, retry f up to num-retries times until it succeeds.

Consider using the auto-retry macro instead of calling this function directly.

For implementing more fine grained retry policies like exponential backoff, consider using the metabase.util.retry namespace.

(defn do-with-auto-retries
  [num-retries f]
  (if (<= num-retries 0)
      (catch Throwable e
        (when (::no-auto-retry? (all-ex-data e))
          (throw e))
        (log/warn (u.format/format-color 'red "auto-retry %s: %s" f (.getMessage e)))
        (do-with-auto-retries (dec num-retries) f)))))

Execute body and return the results. If body fails with an exception, retry execution up to num-retries times until it succeeds.

You can disable auto-retries for a specific ExceptionInfo by including {:metabase.util.jvm/no-auto-retry? true} in its data (or the data of one of its causes.)

For implementing more fine grained retry policies like exponential backoff, consider using the metabase.util.retry namespace.

(defmacro auto-retry
  {:style/indent 1}
  [num-retries & body]
    (fn [] ~@body)))

A shared Base64 decoder instance.

(def ^:private ^Base64$Decoder base64-decoder

Converts UTF-8 bytes into a string.

(defn bytes-to-string
  ^String [^bytes bs]
  (String. bs StandardCharsets/UTF_8))

Decodes a Base64 string into bytes.

(defn decode-base64-to-bytes
  ^bytes [^String string]
  (.decode base64-decoder string))

Decodes the Base64 string input to a UTF-8 string.

(defn decode-base64
  (bytes-to-string (decode-base64-to-bytes input)))

A shared Base64 encoder instance.

(def ^:private ^Base64$Encoder base64-encoder

Converts a string into UTF-8 bytes

(defn string-to-bytes
  ^bytes [^String input]
  (.getBytes input StandardCharsets/UTF_8))

Encodes the UTF-8 encoding of the string input to a Base64 string.

(defn encode-base64
  ^String [^String input]
  (.encodeToString base64-encoder (string-to-bytes input)))

Encodes the bytes input to a Base64 string.

(defn encode-base64-bytes
  ^String [^bytes input]
  (.encodeToString base64-encoder input))
(def ^:private do-with-us-locale-lock (Object.))

Implementation for with-us-locale macro; see below.

(defn do-with-us-locale
  ;; Since I'm 99% sure default Locale isn't thread-local we better put a lock in place here so we don't end up with
  ;; the following race condition:
  ;; Thread 1 ....*.............................*........................*...........*
  ;;              ^getDefault() -> Turkish      ^setDefault(US)          ^(f)        ^setDefault(Turkish)
  ;; Thread 2 ....................................*....................*................*......*
  ;;                                              ^getDefault() -> US  ^setDefault(US)  ^(f)   ^setDefault(US)
  (locking do-with-us-locale-lock
    (let [original-locale (Locale/getDefault)]
        (Locale/setDefault Locale/US)
          (Locale/setDefault original-locale))))))

Execute body with the default system locale temporarily set to locale. Why would you want to do this? Tons of code relies on String/toUpperCase which converts a string to uppercase based on the default locale. Normally, this does what you'd expect, but when the default locale is Turkish, all hell breaks loose:

;; Locale is Turkish / -Duser.language=tr (.toUpperCase "filename") ;; -> "FÄ°LENAME"

Rather than submit PRs to every library in the world to use (.toUpperCase <str> Locale/US), it's simpler just to temporarily bind the default Locale to something predicatable (i.e. US English) when doing something important that tends to break like running Liquibase migrations.)

Note that because Locale/setDefault and Locale/getDefault aren't thread-local (as far as I know) I've had to put a lock in place to prevent race conditions where threads simulataneously attempt to fetch and change the default Locale. Thus this macro should be used sparingly, and only in places that are already single-threaded (such as the launch code that runs Liquibase).

DO NOT use this macro in API endpoints or other places that are multithreaded or performance will be negatively impacted. (You shouldn't have a good reason for using this there anyway. Rewrite your code to pass Locale/US when you call .toUpperCase or str/upper-case. Only use this macro if the calls in question are part of a 3rd-party library.)

(defmacro with-us-locale
  {:style/indent 0}
  [& body]
  `(do-with-us-locale (fn [] ~@body)))

Vector of symbols of all Metabase namespaces, excluding test namespaces. This is intended for use by various routines that load related namespaces, such as task and events initialization.

DEPRECATED: Using this is an anti-pattern, it messes up our ability to analyze the code and find dependencies between namespaces or to topographically sort them correctly during compilation. See https://metaboat.slack.com/archives/CKZEMT1MJ/p1734635053499399 or ask Cam for more info.

This is made ^:const so it will get calculated when the uberjar is compiled. find-namespaces won't work if source is excluded; either way this takes a few seconds, so doing it at compile time speeds up launch as well.

(defonce ^:const 
  ^:deprecated metabase-namespace-symbols
  (vec (sort (for [ns-symb (ns.find/find-namespaces (classpath/system-classpath))
                   :when   (and (str/starts-with? ns-symb "metabase")
                                (not (str/includes? ns-symb "test")))]

Call deref on a something derefable (e.g. a future or promise), and throw an exception if it takes more than timeout-ms. If ref is a future it will attempt to cancel it as well.

(defn deref-with-timeout
  [reff timeout-ms]
  (let [result (deref reff timeout-ms ::timeout)]
    (when (= result ::timeout)
      (when (future? reff)
        (future-cancel reff))
      (throw (TimeoutException. (format "Timed out after %s" (u.format/format-milliseconds timeout-ms)))))

Impl for with-timeout macro.

(defn do-with-timeout
  [timeout-ms f]
    (deref-with-timeout (future-call f) timeout-ms)
    (catch java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException e
      (throw (.getCause e)))))

Run body in a future and throw an exception if it fails to complete after timeout-ms.

(defmacro with-timeout
  [timeout-ms & body]
  `(do-with-timeout ~timeout-ms (fn [] ~@body)))

Returns (thunk) if the result satisfies the done? predicate within the timeout and nil otherwise. The default timeout is 1000ms and the default interval is 100ms.

(u/poll {:thunk (fn [] (upload!)) :done? (fn [response] (get-in response [:status :done])) :timeout-ms 1000 :interval-ms 100})

(defn poll
  [{:keys [thunk done? timeout-ms interval-ms]
    :or   {timeout-ms 1000 interval-ms 100}}]
  (let [start-time (System/currentTimeMillis)]
    (loop []
      (let [response (thunk)]
        (if (done? response)
          (let [current-time (System/currentTimeMillis)
                elapsed-time (- current-time start-time)]
            (if (>= elapsed-time timeout-ms)
              nil ; timeout reached
                (Thread/sleep (long interval-ms))

Parse a currency String to a BigDecimal. Handles a variety of different formats, such as:

$1,000.00 -£127.54 -127,54 € kr-127,54 € 127,54- ¥200

Following function is not compatible with Safari 16.3 and older because it uses lookbehind regex.

(defn parse-currency
  ^java.math.BigDecimal [^String s]
  (when-not (str/blank? s)
      (partial apply str/replace)
      [;; strip out any current symbols
       [#"[^\d,.-]+"          ""]
       ;; now strip out any thousands separators
       [#"(?<=\d)[,.](\d{3})" "$1"]
       ;; now replace a comma decimal seperator with a period
       [#","                  "."]
       ;; move minus sign at end to front
       [#"(^[^-]+)-$"         "-$1"]]))))