Resources for parsing the Plural-Forms header from a translation file and determining which of multiple pluralities to use for a translated string.

(ns metabase.util.i18n.plural
   [clojure.core.memoize :as memoize]
   [instaparse.core :as insta]))

This is a parser for the C-like syntax used to express pluralization rules in the Plural-Forms header in translation files.

For example, the Plural-Forms header for Czech is: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2; This is a parser for the expression following plural=.

See the original gettext docs for more details on how pluralization rules work:

Operators with LOWER precedence are defined HIGHER in the grammar, and vice versa. A rule defines the grammar for all operators at or above a single level of precedence.

The instaparse README ( has an example of a parser called arithmetic which is essentially a simpler version of this exact same parser. It may help to read and understand that parser first before trying to understand this one.

(def ^:private plural-form-parser
   "expr           = <s> maybe-ternary <s> <';'>? <s>
   <maybe-ternary> = ternary | maybe-or
   ternary         = maybe-or <s> <'?'> <s> maybe-ternary <s> <':'> <s> maybe-ternary
   <maybe-or>      = or-expr | maybe-and
   or-expr         = maybe-or <s> <'||'> <s> maybe-and
   <maybe-and>     = and-expr | maybe-eq
   and-expr        = maybe-and <s> <'&&'> <s> maybe-eq
   <maybe-eq>      = eq-expr | neq-expr | maybe-comp
   eq-expr         = maybe-eq <s> <'=='> <s> maybe-comp
   neq-expr        = maybe-eq <s> <'!='> <s> maybe-comp
   <maybe-comp>    = lt-expr | lte-expr | gt-expr | gte-expr | maybe-add
   lt-expr         = maybe-comp <s> <'<'> <s> maybe-add
   lte-expr        = maybe-comp <s> <'<='> <s> maybe-add
   gt-expr         = maybe-comp <s> <'>'> <s> maybe-add
   gte-expr        = maybe-comp <s> <'>='> <s> maybe-add
   <maybe-add>     = add-expr | sub-expr | maybe-mult
   add-expr        = maybe-add <s> <'+'> <s> maybe-mult
   sub-expr        = maybe-add <s> <'-'> <s> maybe-mult
   <maybe-mult>    = mult-expr | div-expr | mod-expr | operand
   mult-expr       = maybe-mult <s> <'*'> <s> operand
   div-expr        = maybe-mult <s> <'/'> <s> operand
   mod-expr        = maybe-mult <s> <'%'> <s> operand
   <operand>       = integer | variable | parens
   <parens>        = <'('> <s> expr <s> <')'>
   <s>             = <#'\\s+'>*
   integer         = #'[0-9]+'
   variable        = 'n'"))

Converts an integer or Boolean to a Boolean to use in a C-style logical operator.

(defn- to-bool
  (if (integer? x)
    (if (= x 0) false true)

Converts an integer or Boolean to an integer to use in a C-style arithmetic operator.

(defn- to-int
  (if (boolean? x)
    (if x 1 0)

Converts a Clojure binary function f to a C-style operator that treats Booleans as integers, and returns an integer.

(defn- op
  (fn [x y] (to-int (f (to-int x) (to-int y)))))

Functions to use for each tag in the parse tree, when transforming the tree into a single value.

(defn- tag-fns
  {:add-expr  (op +)
   :sub-expr  (op -)
   :mult-expr (op *)
   :div-expr  (op /)
   :mod-expr  (op mod)
   :eq-expr   (op =)
   :neq-expr  (op not=)
   :gt-expr   (op >)
   :gte-expr  (op >=)
   :lt-expr   (op <)
   :lte-expr  (op <=)
   :and-expr  #(to-int (and (to-bool %1) (to-bool %2)))
   :or-expr   #(to-int (or (to-bool %1) (to-bool %2)))
   :ternary   #(to-int (if (to-bool %1) %2 %3))
   :integer   #(Integer. ^String %)
   :variable  (constantly n)
   :expr      identity})

Returns the index of the correct translated string for a given value n, based on the value of the Plural-Forms header for a locale.

Memoized to improve performance for cases where a single string is translated with a limited range of possible values of n (e.g. "{0} months"). However, in some cases, a string may be translated with a unique value of n in every lookup (e.g. "{0} rows"). Each distinct value of n would take up space in the cache with very little benefit, and if many of these translations are requested at once, they would take up the entire cache. Therefore, we use a least-used eviction policy to ensure that common values of n remain in the cache over time.

(def index
   (fn [plural-forms-header n]
     (let [formula (second (re-find #"plural=(.*)" plural-forms-header))
           tree    (insta/parse plural-form-parser formula)]
       (insta/transform (tag-fns n) tree)))
   ;; This cache size is pretty arbitrary; can be tweaked if necessary
   :lu/threshold 500))