i18n functionality.

(ns metabase.util.i18n
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [clojure.walk :as walk]
   [metabase.util.i18n.impl :as i18n.impl]
   [metabase.util.json :as json]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [net.cgrand.macrovich :as macros]
   [potemkin :as p]
   [potemkin.types :as p.types])
   (java.text MessageFormat)
   (java.util Locale)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Bind this to a string, keyword, or Locale to set the locale for the current User. To get the locale we should use, use the user-locale function instead.

(def ^:dynamic *user-locale*

Bind this to a string, keyword to override the value returned by site-locale. For testing purposes, such as when swapping out an application database temporarily, when the setting table may not even exist.

(def ^:dynamic *site-locale-override*

The default locale string for this Metabase installation. Normally this is the value of the site-locale Setting, which is also a string.

(defn site-locale-string
  (or *site-locale-override*

Locale string we should use for the current User (e.g. tru messages) -- *user-locale* if bound, otherwise the system locale as a string.

(defn user-locale-string
  (or *user-locale*

The default locale for this Metabase installation. Normally this is the value of the site-locale Setting.

(defn site-locale
  ^Locale []
  (locale (site-locale-string)))

Locale we should use for the current User (e.g. tru messages) -- *user-locale* if bound, otherwise the system locale.

(defn user-locale
  ^Locale []
  (locale (user-locale-string)))

Returns all locale abbreviations and their full names

(defn available-locales-with-names
  (for [locale-name (i18n.impl/available-locale-names)]
    ;; Abbreviation must be normalized or the language picker will show incorrect saved value
    ;; because the locale is normalized before saving (metabase#15657, metabase#16654)
    [(normalized-locale-string locale-name) (.getDisplayName (locale locale-name))]))

Translate a string with the System locale.

(defn- translate-site-locale
  [format-string args pluralization-opts]
  (let [translated (translate (site-locale) format-string args pluralization-opts)]
    (log/tracef "Translated %s for site locale %s -> %s"
                (pr-str format-string) (pr-str (site-locale-string)) (pr-str translated))

Translate a string with the current User's locale.

(defn- translate-user-locale
  [format-string args pluralization-opts]
  (let [translated (translate (user-locale) format-string args pluralization-opts)]
    (log/tracef "Translating %s for user locale %s (site locale %s) -> %s"
                (pr-str format-string) (pr-str (user-locale-string))
                (pr-str (site-locale-string)) (pr-str translated))
(p.types/defrecord+ UserLocalizedString [format-string args pluralization-opts]
  (toString [_]
    (translate-user-locale format-string args pluralization-opts)))
(p.types/defrecord+ SiteLocalizedString [format-string args pluralization-opts]
  (toString [_]
    (translate-site-locale format-string args pluralization-opts)))

Write a UserLocalizedString or SiteLocalizedString to the json-generator. This is intended for json/add-encoder. Ideally we'd implement those protocols directly as it's faster, but currently that doesn't work with Cheshire

(defn- localized-to-json
  [localized-string json-generator]
  (json/write-string json-generator (str localized-string)))
(json/add-encoder UserLocalizedString localized-to-json)
(json/add-encoder SiteLocalizedString localized-to-json)

Schema for user and system localized string instances

(def LocalizedString
  (letfn [(instance-of [^Class klass]
             {:error/message (str "instance of " (.getCanonicalName klass))}
             (partial instance? klass)])]
     (instance-of UserLocalizedString)
     (instance-of SiteLocalizedString)]))
(defn- valid-str-form?
   (= (first str-form) 'str)
   (every? string? (rest str-form))))

Make sure the right number of args were passed to trs/tru and related forms during macro expansion.

(defn- validate-number-of-args
  [format-string-or-str args]
  (let [format-string              (cond
                                     (string? format-string-or-str) format-string-or-str
                                     (valid-str-form? format-string-or-str) (apply str (rest format-string-or-str))
                                     :else (assert false "The first arg to (deferred-)trs/tru must be a String or a valid `str` form with String arguments!"))
        message-format             (MessageFormat. format-string)
        ;; number of {n} placeholders in format string including any you may have skipped. e.g. "{0} {2}" -> 3
        expected-num-args-by-index (count (.getFormatsByArgumentIndex message-format))
        ;; number of {n} placeholders in format string *not* including ones you make have skipped. e.g. "{0} {2}" -> 2
        expected-num-args          (count (.getFormats message-format))
        actual-num-args            (count args)]
    (assert (= expected-num-args expected-num-args-by-index)
            (format "(deferred-)trs/tru with format string %s is missing some {} placeholders. Expected %s. Did you skip any?"
                    (pr-str (.toPattern message-format))
                    (str/join ", " (map (partial format "{%d}") (range expected-num-args-by-index)))))
    (assert (= expected-num-args actual-num-args)
            (str (format "(deferred-)trs/tru with format string %s expects %d args, got %d."
                         (pr-str (.toPattern message-format)) expected-num-args actual-num-args)
                 " Did you forget to escape a single quote?"))))

Similar to tru but creates a UserLocalizedString instance so that conversion to the correct locale can be delayed until it is needed. The user locale comes from the browser, so conversion to the localized string needs to be 'late bound' and only occur when the user's locale is in scope.

The first argument can be a format string, or a valid str form with all string arguments. The latter can be used to split a long string over multiple lines.

Calling str on the results of this invocation will lookup the translated version of the string.

(defmacro deferred-tru
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string-or-str & args]
  (validate-number-of-args format-string-or-str args)
  `(UserLocalizedString. ~format-string-or-str ~(vec args) {}))

Similar to trs but creates a SiteLocalizedString instance so that conversion to the correct locale can be delayed until it is needed. This is needed as the system locale from the JVM can be overridden/changed by a setting.

The first argument can be a format string, or a valid str form with all string arguments. The latter can be used to split a long string over multiple lines.

Calling str on the results of this invocation will lookup the translated version of the string.

(defmacro deferred-trs
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string & args]
  (validate-number-of-args format-string args)
  `(SiteLocalizedString. ~format-string ~(vec args) {}))

Ensures that trs/tru isn't called prematurely, during compilation.

(def ^String ^{:arglists '([& args])} str*
  (if *compile-files*
    (fn [& _]
      (throw (Exception. "Premature i18n string lookup. Is there a top-level call to `trs` or `tru`?")))

Applies str to deferred-tru's expansion.

The first argument can be a format string, or a valid str form with all string arguments. The latter can be used to split a long string over multiple lines.

Prefer this over deferred-tru. Use deferred-tru only in code executed at compile time, or where str is manually applied to the result.

(defmacro tru-clj
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string-or-str & args]
  `(str* (deferred-tru ~format-string-or-str ~@args)))

Applies str to deferred-trs's expansion.

The first argument can be a format string, or a valid str form with all string arguments. The latter can be used to split a long string over multiple lines.

Prefer this over deferred-trs. Use deferred-trs only in code executed at compile time, or where str is manually applied to the result.

(defmacro trs-clj
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string-or-str & args]
  `(str* (deferred-trs ~format-string-or-str ~@args)))

Make sure that trsn/trun and related forms have valid format strings, with most one placeholder (for n)

(defn- validate-n
  [format-string format-string-pl]
  (assert (and (string? format-string) (string? format-string-pl))
          "The first and second args to (deferred-)trsn/trun must be Strings!")
  (let [validate (fn [format-string]
                   (let [message-format    (MessageFormat. format-string)
                         ;; number of {n} placeholders in format string including any you may have skipped. e.g. "{0} {2}" -> 3
                         num-args-by-index (count (.getFormatsByArgumentIndex message-format))
                         ;; number of {n} placeholders in format string *not* including ones you make have skipped. e.g. "{0} {2}" -> 2
                         num-args          (count (.getFormats message-format))]
                     (assert (and (<= num-args-by-index 1) (<= num-args 1))
                             (format "(deferred-)trsn/trun only supports a single {0} placeholder for the value `n`"))))]
    (validate format-string)
    (validate format-string-pl)))

Similar to deferred-tru but chooses the appropriate singular or plural form based on the value of n.

The first argument should be the singular form; the second argument should be the plural form, and the third argument should be n. n can be interpolated into the translated string using the {0} placeholder syntax, but no additional placeholders are supported.

(deferred-trun "{0} table" "{0} tables" n)

(defmacro deferred-trun
  [format-string format-string-pl n]
  (validate-n format-string format-string-pl)
  `(UserLocalizedString. ~format-string ~[n] ~{:n n :format-string-pl format-string-pl}))

Similar to tru but chooses the appropriate singular or plural form based on the value of n.

The first argument should be the singular form; the second argument should be the plural form, and the third argument should be n. n can be interpolated into the translated string using the {0} placeholder syntax, but no additional placeholders are supported.

(trun "{0} table" "{0} tables" n)

(defmacro trun-clj
  [format-string format-string-pl n]
  `(str* (deferred-trun ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)))

Similar to deferred-trs but chooses the appropriate singular or plural form based on the value of n.

The first argument should be the singular form; the second argument should be the plural form, and the third argument should be n. n can be interpolated into the translated string using the {0} placeholder syntax, but no additional placeholders are supported.

(deferred-trsn "{0} table" "{0} tables" n)

(defmacro deferred-trsn
  [format-string format-string-pl n]
  (validate-n format-string format-string-pl)
  `(SiteLocalizedString. ~format-string ~[n] ~{:n n :format-string-pl format-string-pl}))

Similar to trs but chooses the appropriate singular or plural form based on the value of n.

The first argument should be the singular form; the second argument should be the plural form, and the third argument should be n. n can be interpolated into the translated string using the {0} placeholder syntax, but no additional placeholders are supported.

(trsn "{0} table" "{0} tables" n)

(defmacro trsn-clj
  [format-string format-string-pl n]
  `(str* (deferred-trsn ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)))

Returns true if x is a system or user localized string instance

(defn localized-string?
  (boolean (some #(instance? % x) [UserLocalizedString SiteLocalizedString])))

Walks the datastructure x and converts any localized strings to regular string

(defn localized-strings->strings
  (walk/postwalk (fn [node]
                   (cond-> node
                     (localized-string? node) str))

Clojure/ClojureScript macros

i18n a string with the user's locale. Format string will be translated to the user's locale when the form is eval'ed. Placeholders should use gettext format e.g. {0}, {1}, and so forth.

(tru "Number of cans: {0}" 2)

(defmacro tru
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string & args]
    `(tru-clj ~format-string ~@args)
    `(js-i18n ~format-string ~@args)))

i18n a string with the site's locale, when called from Clojure. Format string will be translated to the site's locale when the form is eval'ed. Placeholders should use gettext format e.g. {0}, {1}, and so forth.

(trs "Number of cans: {0}" 2)

NOTE: When called from ClojureScript, this function behaves identically to tru. The originating JS callsite must temporarily override the locale used by ttag using the withInstanceLocalization wrapper function.

(defmacro trs
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string & args]
    `(trs-clj ~format-string ~@args)
    `(js-i18n ~format-string ~@args)))

i18n a string with both singular and plural forms, using the current user's locale. The appropriate plural form will be returned based on the value of n. n can be interpolated into the format strings using the {0} syntax. (Other placeholders are not supported).

(defmacro trun
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string format-string-pl n]
    `(trun-clj ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)
    `(js-i18n-n ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)))

i18n a string with both singular and plural forms, using the site's locale. The appropriate plural form will be returned based on the value of n. n can be interpolated into the format strings using the {0} syntax. (Other placeholders are not supported).

(defmacro trsn
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [format-string format-string-pl n]
    `(trsn-clj ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)
    `(js-i18n-n ~format-string ~format-string-pl ~n)))