Honey SQL 2 utilities and extra registered functions/operators.

(ns ^{:added  "0.46.0"} metabase.util.honey-sql-2
   [+ - / * abs mod inc dec cast concat format second])
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [honey.sql :as sql]
   [honey.sql.protocols :as sql.protocols]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [potemkin.types :as p.types])
   (java.util Locale)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

`[:inline ] should emit something wrapped in parens. Because otherwise the result could be something unintended. e.g.

[:/ 4 (/ 1 3)] => 4 / 1 / 3

is a different result than

[:/ 4 (/ 1 3)] => 4 / (1 / 3)

See #28354

(extend-protocol sql.protocols/InlineValue
  (sqlize [this]
    (let [numerator   (.numerator ^clojure.lang.Ratio this)
          denominator (.denominator ^clojure.lang.Ratio this)]
      (clojure.core/format "(%d.0 / %d.0)" numerator denominator))))

Use this function when you need to upper-case an identifier or table name. Similar to clojure.string/upper-case but always converts the string to upper-case characters in the English locale. Using clojure.string/upper-case for table names, like we are using below in the :h2 honeysql.format function can cause issues when the user has changed the locale to a language that has different upper-case characters. Turkish is one example, where i gets converted to Ä°. This causes the SETTING table to become the SETTÄ°NG table, which doesn't exist.

(defn- english-upper-case
  [^CharSequence s]
  (-> s str (.toUpperCase Locale/ENGLISH)))
 (update (sql/get-dialect :ansi) :quote (fn [quote]
                                          (comp english-upper-case quote))))

this is mostly a convenience for tests, disables quoting completely.

 (assoc (sql/get-dialect :ansi) :quote identity))

(sql/format-expr [::extract :a :b]) => "extract(a from b)"

register the ::extract function with HoneySQL

(defn- format-extract
  [_tag [unit expr]]
  (let [[sql & args] (sql/format-expr expr {:nested true})]
    (into [(clojure.core/format "extract(%s from %s)" (name unit) sql)]
(sql/register-fn! ::extract #'format-extract)

Create a Honey SQL form that will compile to SQL like

extract(unit FROM expr)

(defn extract
  [unit expr]
  ;; make sure no one tries to be sneaky and pass some sort of malicious unit in.
  {:pre [(some-fn keyword? string?) (re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" (name unit))]}
  [::extract unit expr])

(sql/format-expr [::h2x/distinct-count :x]) => count(distinct x)

register the function ::distinct-count with HoneySQL

(defn- format-distinct-count
  [_tag [expr]]
  (let [[sql & args] (sql/format-expr expr)]
    (into [(str "count(distinct " sql ")")]
(sql/register-fn! ::distinct-count #'format-distinct-count)

(hsql/format (sql/call :percentile-cont :a 0.9)) => "percentile_cont(0.9) within group (order by a)"

register the function percentile with HoneySQL

(defn- format-percentile-cont
  [_tag [expr p]]
  (let [p                      (if (number? p)
                                 [:inline p]
        [expr-sql & expr-args] (sql/format-expr expr)
        [p-sql & p-args]       (sql/format-expr p)]
    (into [(clojure.core/format "PERCENTILE_CONT(%s) within group (order by %s)" p-sql expr-sql)]
(sql/register-fn! ::percentile-cont #'format-percentile-cont)

Malli schema for valid [[identifier]] types.

(def IdentifierType
   ;; Suppose we have a query like:
   ;; SELECT my_field f FROM my_table t
   ;; then:
   :table       ; is `my_table`
   :table-alias ; is `t`
   :field       ; is `my_field`
   :field-alias ; is `f`
   ;; for [[quoted-cast]]

Whether x is a valid ::identifier.

(defn identifier?
  (and (vector? x)
       (= (first x) ::identifier)))

Malli schema for an [[identifier]].

(def Identifier
   [:= ::identifier]
   [:sequential {:min 1} :string]])
(defn- format-identifier [_tag [_identifier-type components :as _args]]
  ;; don't error if the identifier has something 'suspicious' like a semicolon in it -- it's ok because we're quoting
  ;; everything
  (binding [sql/*allow-suspicious-entities* true]
    [(str/join \. (map (fn [component]
                         ;; `:aliased` `true` => don't split dots in the middle of components
                         (sql/format-entity component {:aliased true}))
(sql/register-fn! ::identifier #'format-identifier)
(mu/defn identifier :- Identifier
  "Define an identifier of type with `components`. Prefer this to using keywords for identifiers, as those do not
  properly handle identifiers with slashes in them.
  `identifier-type` represents the type of identifier in question, which is important context for some drivers, such
  as BigQuery (which needs to qualify Tables identifiers with their dataset name.)
  This function automatically unnests any Identifiers passed as arguments, removes nils, and converts all args to
  [identifier-type :- IdentifierType
   & components    :- [:* {:min 1} [:maybe [:or :keyword ms/NonBlankString [:fn identifier?]]]]]
   (vec (for [component components
              component (if (identifier? component)
                          (last component)
              :when     (some? component)]
          (u/qualified-name component)))])
(mu/defn identifier->components :- [:sequential string?]
  "Given an identifer return its components
  (identifier->components (identifier :field :metabase :user :email))
  => (\"metabase\" \"user\" \"email\"))"
  [identifier :- [:fn identifier?]]
  (last identifier))

Single-quoted string literal

(defn- escape-and-quote-literal [s]
  (as-> s s
    (str/replace s #"(?<![\\'])'(?![\\'])"  "''")
    (str \' s \')))
(defn- format-literal [_tag [s]]
  [(escape-and-quote-literal s)])
(sql/register-fn! ::literal #'format-literal)

Wrap keyword or string s in single quotes and a HoneySQL raw form.

We'll try to escape single quotes in the literal, unless they're already escaped (either as '' or as \, but this won't handle wacky cases like three single quotes in a row.

DON'T USE LITERAL FOR THINGS THAT MIGHT BE WACKY (USER INPUT). Only use it for things that are hardcoded.

(defn literal
  "Wrap keyword or string `s` in single quotes and a HoneySQL `raw` form.
  We'll try to escape single quotes in the literal, unless they're already escaped (either as `''` or as `\\`, but
  this won't handle wacky cases like three single quotes in a row.
  DON'T USE `LITERAL` FOR THINGS THAT MIGHT BE WACKY (USER INPUT). Only use it for things that are hardcoded."
  [::literal (u/qualified-name s)])
(defn- format-at-time-zone [_tag [expr zone]]
  (let [[expr-sql & expr-args] (sql/format-expr expr {:nested true})
        [zone-sql & zone-args] (sql/format-expr (literal zone))]
    (into [(clojure.core/format "(%s AT TIME ZONE %s)"
          [expr-args zone-args])))
(sql/register-fn! ::at-time-zone #'format-at-time-zone)

Create a Honey SQL form that returns expr at time zone. Does not add type info! Add appropriate DB type info yourself to the result.

(defn at-time-zone
  [expr zone]
  [::at-time-zone expr zone])

Protocol for a HoneySQL form that has type information such as :database-type. See #15115 for background.

(p.types/defprotocol+ TypedHoneySQL
  (type-info [honeysql-form]
    "Return type information associated with `honeysql-form`, if any (i.e., if it is a `TypedHoneySQLForm`); otherwise
    returns `nil`.")
  (with-type-info [honeysql-form new-type-info]
    "Add type information to a `honeysql-form`. Wraps `honeysql-form` and returns a `TypedHoneySQLForm`.")
  (unwrap-typed-honeysql-form [honeysql-form]
    "If `honeysql-form` is a `TypedHoneySQLForm`, unwrap it and return the original form without type information.
    Otherwise, returns form as-is."))
(defn- format-typed [_tag [expr _type-info]]
  (sql/format-expr expr {:nested true}))
(sql/register-fn! ::typed #'format-typed)
(def ^:private NormalizedTypeInfo
    {:optional true}
      {:error/message "lowercased string"}
      (fn [s]
        (= s (u/lower-case-en s)))]]]])
(mu/defn- normalize-type-info :- NormalizedTypeInfo
  "Normalize the values in the `type-info` for a `TypedHoneySQLForm` for easy comparisons (e.g., normalize
  `:database-type` to a lower-case string)."
  (cond-> type-info
    (:database-type type-info)
    (update :database-type (comp u/lower-case-en name))))
(defn- typed? [x]
  (and (vector? x)
       (= (first x) ::typed)))
(extend-protocol TypedHoneySQL
  (type-info [_]
  (with-type-info [this new-info]
    [::typed this (normalize-type-info new-info)])
  (unwrap-typed-honeysql-form [this]

  (type-info [_]
  (with-type-info [_ new-info]
    [::typed nil (normalize-type-info new-info)])
  (unwrap-typed-honeysql-form [_]

  (type-info [this]
    (when (typed? this)
      (last this)))

  (with-type-info [this new-info]
     (if (typed? this)
       (clojure.core/second this)
     (normalize-type-info new-info)])

  (unwrap-typed-honeysql-form [this]
    (if (typed? this)
      (clojure.core/second this)

For a given type-info, returns the database-type.

(defn type-info->db-type
  {:added "0.39.0"}
  (:database-type type-info))

Returns the database-type from the type-info of honeysql-form if present. Otherwise, returns nil.

(defn database-type
  (some-> honeysql-form type-info type-info->db-type))

Is honeysql-form a typed form with db-type? Where db-type could be a string or a regex.

(is-of-type? expr "datetime") ; -> true (is-of-type? expr #"int*") ; -> true

(defn is-of-type?
  [honeysql-form db-type]
  (let [form-type (some-> honeysql-form database-type u/lower-case-en)]
    (if (instance? java.util.regex.Pattern db-type)
      (and (some? form-type) (some? (re-find db-type form-type)))
      (= form-type
         (some-> db-type name u/lower-case-en)))))

Convenience for adding only database type information to a honeysql-form. Wraps honeysql-form and returns a TypedHoneySQLForm. Passing nil as database-type will remove any existing type info.

(with-database-type-info :field "text") ;; -> [::typed :field "text"]

(mu/defn with-database-type-info
  {:style/indent [:form]}
  [honeysql-form db-type :- [:maybe ms/KeywordOrString]]
  (if (some? db-type)
    (with-type-info honeysql-form {:database-type db-type})
    (unwrap-typed-honeysql-form honeysql-form)))
(def ^:private TypedExpression
  [:fn {:error/message "::h2x/typed Honey SQL form"} typed?])
(mu/defn cast :- TypedExpression
  "Generate a statement like `cast(expr AS sql-type)`. Returns a typed HoneySQL form."
  [db-type expr]
  (-> [:cast expr [:raw (name db-type)]]
      (with-database-type-info db-type)))
(mu/defn quoted-cast :- TypedExpression
  "Generate a statement like `cast(expr AS \"sql-type\")`.
  Like `cast` but quotes `sql-type`. This is useful for cases where we deal with user-defined types or other types
  that may have a space in the name, for example Postgres enum types.
  Returns a typed HoneySQL form."
  [sql-type :- ms/NonBlankString expr]
  (-> [:cast expr (identifier :type-name sql-type)]
      (with-database-type-info sql-type)))
(mu/defn maybe-cast :- TypedExpression
  "Cast `expr` to `sql-type`, unless `expr` is typed and already of that type. Returns a typed HoneySQL form."
  [sql-type expr]
  (if (or (nil? sql-type)
          (is-of-type? expr sql-type))
    (cast sql-type expr)))

Cast expr to desired-type unless expr is of one of the acceptable-types. Returns a typed HoneySQL form.

;; cast to TIMESTAMP unless form is already a TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMPTZ, or DATE (cast-unless-type-in "timestamp" #{"timestamp" "timestamptz" "date"} form)

(defn cast-unless-type-in
  {:added "0.42.0"}
  [desired-type acceptable-types expr]
  {:pre [(string? desired-type) (set? acceptable-types)]}
  (if (some (partial is-of-type? expr)
    (cast desired-type expr)))
(defn- math-operator [operator]
  (fn [& args]
    (let [arg-db-type (some (fn [arg]
                              (-> arg type-info type-info->db-type))
      (cond-> (into [operator]
                    (map (fn [arg]
                           (if (number? arg)
                             [:inline arg]
        arg-db-type (with-database-type-info arg-db-type)))))

Math operator. Interpose + between exprs and wrap in parentheses.

Math operator. Interpose - between exprs and wrap in parentheses.

Math operator. Interpose / between exprs and wrap in parentheses.

Math operator. Interpose * between exprs and wrap in parentheses.

Math operator. Interpose % between exprs and wrap in parentheses.

(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])}  +   (math-operator :+))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])}  -   (math-operator :-))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])}  /   (math-operator :/))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])}  *   (math-operator :*))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} mod  (math-operator :%))

Add 1 to x.

Subtract 1 from x.

(defn inc         [x] (+ x 1))
(defn dec  [x] (- x 1))

SQL format function.

(defn format
  [format-str expr]
  (sql/call :format expr (literal format-str)))

SQL round function.

(defn round
  [x decimal-places]
  (sql/call :round x decimal-places))

CAST x to a date.

CAST x to a datetime.

CAST x to a timestamp.

CAST x to a timestamp with time zone.

CAST x to a integer.

CAST x to a time datatype

CAST x to a boolean datatype

(defn ->date                                          [x] (maybe-cast :date x))
(defn ->datetime                                  [x] (maybe-cast :datetime x))
(defn ->timestamp                                [x] (maybe-cast :timestamp x))
(defn ->timestamp-with-time-zone  [x] (maybe-cast "timestamp with time zone" x))
(defn ->integer                                    [x] (maybe-cast :integer x))
(defn ->time                                  [x] (maybe-cast :time x))
(defn ->boolean                            [x] (maybe-cast :boolean x))

SQL abs function.

Random SQL fns. Not all DBs support all these!

SQL ceil function.

SQL floor function.

SQL second function.

SQL minute function.

SQL hour function.

SQL day function.

SQL week function.

SQL month function.

SQL quarter function.

SQL year function.

SQL concat function.

(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} abs          (partial sql/call :abs))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} ceil        (partial sql/call :ceil))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} floor      (partial sql/call :floor))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} second    (partial sql/call :second))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} minute    (partial sql/call :minute))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} hour        (partial sql/call :hour))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} day          (partial sql/call :day))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} week        (partial sql/call :week))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} month      (partial sql/call :month))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} quarter  (partial sql/call :quarter))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} year        (partial sql/call :year))
(def ^{:arglists '([& exprs])} concat    (partial sql/call :concat))