ClojureScript implementation of number formatting. Implements the [[NumberFormatter]] protocol from numbers_core, plus some helpers.

(ns metabase.util.formatting.internal.numbers
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.currency :as currency]
   [metabase.util.formatting.internal.numbers-core :as core]))
(def ^:private default-number-separators ".,")
(defn- adjust-number-separators [text separators]
  (if (and separators
           (not= separators default-number-separators))
    (let [decimal    (first separators)
          grouping   (or (second separators) ) ; grouping separators are optional
          transform  {"," grouping "." decimal}]
      (str/replace text #"[\.,]" transform))
(defn- fix-currency-symbols [text currency]
  (let [sym (currency/currency-symbol currency)]
    (-> text
        ;; Some have spaces and some don't - remove the space if it's there.
        (str/replace (str (name currency) core/non-breaking-space) sym)
        (str/replace (name currency) sym))))
(defn- base-format-scientific [nf number]
  (letfn [(transform [{:keys [type value]}]
            (case type
              "exponentSeparator" "e"
    (let [parts  (js->clj (.formatToParts nf number) {:keywordize-keys true})
          ;; If there's no exponent minus sign, add a plus sign.
          parts  (if (some #(= (:type %) "exponentMinusSign") parts)
                   (let [[pre post] (split-with #(not= (:type %) "exponentInteger") parts)]
                     (concat pre [{:type "exponentPlusSign" :value "+"}] post)))]
      (apply str (map transform parts)))))

Core internals ================================================================================================= TODO(braden) We could get more nicely localized currency values by using the user's locale. The problem is that then we don't know what the number separators are. We could determine it with a simple test like formatting 12345.67, though. Using "en" here means, among other things, that currency values are not localized as well as they could be. Many European languages put currency signs as suffixes, eg. 123 euros is: - "€123.00" in "en" - "€123,00" with "en" but fixing up the separators for a German locale - "123,00 €" in actual German convention, which is what we would get with a native "de" locale here.

(defn- number-formatter-for-options-baseline [options]
  (let [default-fraction-digits (when (= (:number-style options) "currency")
     (clj->js (u/remove-nils
               {:style    (when-not (= (:number-style options) "scientific")
                            (:number-style options "decimal"))
                :notation (when (= (:number-style options) "scientific")
                :currency (:currency options)
                :currencyDisplay (:currency-style options)
                  ;; Always use grouping separators, but we may remove them per number_separators.
                :useGrouping              true
                :minimumIntegerDigits     (:minimum-integer-digits     options)
                :minimumFractionDigits    (:minimum-fraction-digits    options default-fraction-digits)
                :maximumFractionDigits    (:maximum-fraction-digits    options default-fraction-digits)
                :minimumSignificantDigits (:minimum-significant-digits options)
                :maximumSignificantDigits (:maximum-significant-digits options)})))))
(defn- currency-symbols? [options]
  (let [style (:currency-style options)]
    (and (:currency options)
         (or (nil? style)
             (= style "symbol")))))
(defn- formatter-fn [nf options]
  (case (:number-style options)
    "scientific" #(base-format-scientific nf %)
    #(.format nf %)))

The key function implemented for each language, and called by the top-level number formatting. Returns a [[core/NumberFormatter]] instance for each set of options. These formatters are reusable, but this does no caching.

(defn number-formatter-for-options
  (let [nf        (number-formatter-for-options-baseline options)
        symbols?  (currency-symbols? options)
        formatter (formatter-fn nf options)]
      (format-number-basic [_ number]
        (cond-> (formatter number)
          true     (adjust-number-separators (:number-separators options))
          symbols? (fix-currency-symbols (:currency options))))
      (wrap-currency [_ text]
        ;; Intl.NumberFormat.formatToParts(1) returns, eg. [currency, integer, decimal, fraction]
        ;; Keep only currency and integer, and replace integer's :value with our provided text.
        (apply str (for [{:keys [type value]} (js->clj (.formatToParts nf 1) :keywordize-keys true)
                         :when (#{"currency" "integer"} type)]
                     (if (= type "integer")
      (split-exponent [_ formatted] (throw (ex-info "split-exponent not implemented" {:text formatted}))))))

Formats a number in scientific notation. The wrangling required differs by platform.

Scientific notation ============================================================================================

(defn format-number-scientific
  [number options]
  (-> (core/prep-options options)
      (core/format-number-basic number)))