Low-level file-related functions for implementing Metabase plugin functionality. These use the As much as possible, this namespace aims to abstract away the | (ns metabase.util.files (:require [babashka.fs :as fs] [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [trs]] [metabase.util.log :as log]) (:import (java.io FileNotFoundException) (java.net URL) (java.nio.file CopyOption Files FileSystem FileSystemAlreadyExistsException FileSystems LinkOption OpenOption Path Paths StandardCopyOption) (java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute) (java.util Collections) (java.util.zip ZipInputStream))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
--------------------------------------------------- Path Utils --------------------------------------------------- | |
(defn- get-path-in-filesystem ^Path [^FileSystem filesystem ^String path-component & more-components] (.getPath filesystem path-component (u/varargs String more-components))) | |
Get a (get-path "/Users/cam/metabase/metabase/plugins") ;; -> #object[sun.nio.fs.UnixPath 0x4d378139 "/Users/cam/metabase/metabase/plugins"] | (defn get-path ^Path [& path-components] (apply get-path-in-filesystem (FileSystems/getDefault) path-components)) |
Appends string | (defn append-to-path ^Path [^Path path & components] (loop [^Path path path, [^String component & more] components] (let [path (.resolve path component)] (if-not (seq more) path (recur path more))))) |
----------------------------------------------- Other Basic Utils ------------------------------------------------ | |
Does file at | (defn exists? [^Path path] (Files/exists path (u/varargs LinkOption))) |
True if | (defn regular-file? [^Path path] (Files/isRegularFile path (u/varargs LinkOption))) |
True if we can read the file at | (defn readable? [^Path path] (Files/isReadable path)) |
----------------------------------------------- Working with Dirs ------------------------------------------------ | |
Self-explanatory. Create a directory with | (defn create-dir-if-not-exists! [^Path path] (when-let [parent (fs/parent path)] (create-dir-if-not-exists! parent)) (when-not (exists? path) (Files/createDirectory path (u/varargs FileAttribute)))) |
Get a sequence of all files in | (defn files-seq [^Path path] (iterator-seq (.iterator (Files/list path)))) |
------------------------------------------------- Copying Stuff -------------------------------------------------- | |
(defn- last-modified-timestamp ^java.time.Instant [^Path path] (when (exists? path) (.toInstant (Files/getLastModifiedTime path (u/varargs LinkOption))))) | |
Copy a file from | (defn copy-file! [^Path source ^Path dest] (when (or (not (exists? dest)) (not= (last-modified-timestamp source) (last-modified-timestamp dest))) (log/infof "Extract file %s -> %s" source dest) (Files/copy source dest (u/varargs CopyOption [StandardCopyOption/REPLACE_EXISTING StandardCopyOption/COPY_ATTRIBUTES])))) |
Copy all files in | (defn copy-files! [^Path source-dir, ^Path dest-dir] (doseq [^Path source (files-seq source-dir) :let [target (append-to-path dest-dir (str (.getFileName source)))]] (try (copy-file! source target) (catch Throwable e (log/error e "Failed to copy file"))))) |
------------------------------------------ Opening filesystems for URLs ------------------------------------------ | |
(defn- url-inside-jar? [^URL url] (when url (str/includes? (.getFile url) ".jar!/"))) | |
(defn- jar-file-system-from-url ^FileSystem [^URL url] (let [uri (.toURI url)] (try (FileSystems/newFileSystem uri Collections/EMPTY_MAP) (catch FileSystemAlreadyExistsException _ (log/info "File system at" uri "already exists") (FileSystems/getFileSystem uri))))) | |
Impl for | (defn do-with-open-path-to-resource [resource f] {:pre [(some? resource)]} (let [url (io/resource resource)] (when-not url (throw (FileNotFoundException. (trs "Resource does not exist.")))) (if (url-inside-jar? url) (with-open [fs (jar-file-system-from-url url)] (f (get-path-in-filesystem fs "/" resource))) (f (get-path (.toString (Paths/get (.toURI url)))))))) |
Execute Throws a FileNotFoundException if the resource does not exist; be sure to check with (with-open-path-to-resouce [path "modules"] ...) | (defmacro with-open-path-to-resource [[path-binding resource-filename-str] & body] `(do-with-open-path-to-resource ~resource-filename-str (fn [~(vary-meta path-binding assoc :tag java.nio.file.Path)] ~@body))) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JAR FILE CONTENTS | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
True is a file exists in an archive. | (defn file-exists-in-archive? [^Path archive-path & path-components] (with-open [fs (FileSystems/newFileSystem archive-path (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader))] (let [file-path (apply get-path-in-filesystem fs path-components)] (exists? file-path)))) |
Read the entire contents of a file from a archive (such as a JAR). | (defn slurp-file-from-archive [^Path archive-path & path-components] (with-open [fs (FileSystems/newFileSystem archive-path (ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader))] (let [file-path (apply get-path-in-filesystem fs path-components)] (when (exists? file-path) (with-open [is (Files/newInputStream file-path (u/varargs OpenOption))] (slurp is)))))) |
Decompress a zip archive from input to output. | (defn unzip-file [zip-file mod-fn] (with-open [stream (-> zip-file io/input-stream ZipInputStream.)] (loop [entry (.getNextEntry stream)] (when entry (let [out-path (mod-fn (.getName entry)) out-file (io/file out-path)] (if (.isDirectory entry) (when-not (.exists out-file) (.mkdirs out-file)) (let [parent-dir (fs/parent out-path)] (when-not (fs/exists? (str parent-dir)) (fs/create-dirs parent-dir)) (io/copy stream out-file))) (recur (.getNextEntry stream))))))) |
Returns a java.nio.file.Path | (defn relative-path [path] (fs/relativize (fs/absolutize ".") path)) |