Replacement for that consistently uses java.time instead of a mix of java.util.Date, java.sql.*, and Joda-Time.

  (:refer-clojure :exclude [format range])
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [java-time.core :as t.core]
   [ :as]
   [ :as]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n :refer [tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [potemkin.types :as p.types])
   (java.time DayOfWeek Duration Instant LocalDate LocalDateTime LocalTime OffsetDateTime OffsetTime Period ZonedDateTime)
   (java.time.format DateTimeFormatter DateTimeFormatterBuilder FormatStyle TextStyle)
   (java.time.temporal Temporal TemporalAdjuster WeekFields)
   (org.threeten.extra PeriodDuration)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def ^:private TemporalInstance
   {:error/message "Instance of a java.time.temporal.Temporal"}
   (partial instance? Temporal)])

Converts a temporal type without timezone info to one with zone info (i.e., a ZonedDateTime).

(defn- add-zone-to-local
  [t timezone-id]
  (condp instance? t
    LocalDateTime (t/zoned-date-time t (t/zone-id timezone-id))
    LocalDate     (t/zoned-date-time t (t/local-time 0) (t/zone-id timezone-id))
    ;; don't attempt to convert local times to offset times because we have no idea what the offset
    ;; actually should be, since we don't know the date. Since it's not an exact instant in time we're
    ;; not using it to make ranges in MBQL filter clauses anyway
    ;; TIMEZONE FIXME - not sure we even want to be adding zone-id info for the timestamps above either
    #_LocalTime   #_(t/offset-time t (t/zone-id timezone-id))

With one arg, parse a temporal literal into a corresponding java.time class, such as LocalDate or OffsetDateTime. With a second arg, literals that do not explicitly specify a timezone are interpreted as being in timezone-id.

(defn parse
   ( s))
  ([s default-timezone-id]
   (let [result (parse s)]
     (if-not default-timezone-id
       (let [result-with-timezone (add-zone-to-local result default-timezone-id)]
         (when-not (= result result-with-timezone)
           (log/tracef "Applying default timezone %s to temporal literal without timezone '%s' -> %s"
                       default-timezone-id s (pr-str result-with-timezone)))
(defn- temporal->iso-8601-formatter [t]
  (condp instance? t
    Instant        :iso-offset-date-time
    LocalDate      :iso-local-date
    LocalTime      :iso-local-time
    LocalDateTime  :iso-local-date-time
    OffsetTime     :iso-offset-time
    OffsetDateTime :iso-offset-date-time
    ZonedDateTime  :iso-offset-date-time))

Format temporal value t, by default as an ISO-8601 date/time/datetime string. By default t is formatted in a way that's appropriate for its type, e.g. a LocalDate is formatted as year-month-day. You can optionally pass formatter to format a different way. formatter can be:

  1. A keyword name of a predefined formatter. Eval

    (keys java-time.format/predefined-formatters)

    for a list of predefined formatters.

    1. An instance of java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter. You can use utils in to help create one of these formatters.

    2. A format String e.g. YYYY-MM-dd

(defn format
  (^String [t]
   (when t
     (format (temporal->iso-8601-formatter t) t)))
  (^String [formatter t]
   (format formatter t nil))
  (^String [formatter t locale]
     (t/instant? t)
     (recur formatter (t/zoned-date-time t (t/zone-id "UTC")) locale)
     (recur (.withLocale (t/formatter formatter) (i18n/locale locale)) t nil)
     (t/format formatter t))))

Format temporal value t, as an RFC3339 datetime string.

(defn format-rfc3339
    (instance? Instant t)
    (recur (t/zoned-date-time t (t/zone-id "UTC")))
    ;; the rfc3339 format requires a timezone component so convert any local datetime/date to zoned
    (instance? LocalDateTime t)
    (recur (t/zoned-date-time t (t/zone-id)))
    (instance? LocalDate t)
    (recur (t/zoned-date-time t (t/local-time 0) (t/zone-id)))
    (nil? t)
    (t/format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSXXX" t)))

Format a temporal value t as a SQL-style literal string (for most SQL databases). This is the same as ISO-8601 but uses a space rather than of a T to separate the date and time components.

(defn format-sql
  ^String [t]
  ;; replace the `T` with a space. Easy!
  (str/replace-first (format t) #"(\d{2})T(\d{2})" "$1 $2"))
(def ^:private ^{:arglists '(^java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter [klass])} class->human-readable-formatter
  {LocalDate      (DateTimeFormatter/ofLocalizedDate FormatStyle/LONG)
   LocalTime      (DateTimeFormatter/ofLocalizedTime FormatStyle/MEDIUM)
   LocalDateTime  (let [builder (doto (DateTimeFormatterBuilder.)
                                  (.appendLocalized FormatStyle/LONG FormatStyle/MEDIUM))]
                    (.toFormatter builder))
   OffsetTime     (let [builder (doto (DateTimeFormatterBuilder.)
                                  (.append (DateTimeFormatter/ofLocalizedTime FormatStyle/MEDIUM))
                                  (.appendLiteral " (")
                                  (.appendLocalizedOffset TextStyle/FULL)
                                  (.appendLiteral ")"))]
                    (.toFormatter builder))
   OffsetDateTime (let [builder (doto (DateTimeFormatterBuilder.)
                                  (.appendLocalized FormatStyle/LONG FormatStyle/MEDIUM)
                                  (.appendLiteral " (")
                                  (.appendLocalizedOffset TextStyle/FULL)
                                  (.appendLiteral ")"))]
                    (.toFormatter builder))
   ZonedDateTime  (let [builder (doto (DateTimeFormatterBuilder.)
                                  (.appendLocalized FormatStyle/LONG FormatStyle/MEDIUM)
                                  (.appendLiteral " (")
                                  (.appendZoneText TextStyle/FULL)
                                  (.appendLiteral ")"))]
                    (.toFormatter builder))})

Format a temporal value t in a human-friendly way for locale (by default, the current User's locale).

(format-human-readable #t "2021-04-02T14:42:09.524392-07:00[US/Pacific]" "es-MX") ;; -> "2 de abril de 2021 02:42:09 PM PDT"

(defn format-human-readable
   (format-human-readable t (i18n/user-locale)))
  ([t locale]
   (when t
     (if-let [formatter (some (fn [[klass formatter]]
                                (when (instance? klass t)
       (format formatter t locale)
       (throw (ex-info (tru "Don''t know how to format a {0} as a human-readable date/time"
                            (some-> t class .getCanonicalName))
                       {:t t}))))))

A list of units that can be added to a temporal value.

(def add-units
  #{:millisecond :second :minute :hour :day :week :month :quarter :year})
(mu/defn add :- TemporalInstance
  "Return a temporal value relative to temporal value `t` by adding (or subtracting) a number of units. Returned value
  will be of same class as `t`.
    (add (t/zoned-date-time \"2019-11-05T15:44-08:00[US/Pacific]\") :month 2)
    (t/zoned-date-time \"2020-01-05T15:44-08:00[US/Pacific]\")"
  ([unit amount]
   (add (t/zoned-date-time) unit amount))
  ([t      :- TemporalInstance
    unit   :- (into [:enum] add-units)
    amount :- [:maybe :int]]
   (if (zero? amount)
     (t/plus t (case unit
                 :millisecond (t/millis amount)
                 :second      (t/seconds amount)
                 :minute      (t/minutes amount)
                 :hour        (t/hours amount)
                 :day         (t/days amount)
                 :week        (t/days (* amount 7))
                 :month       (t/months amount)
                 :quarter     (t/months (* amount 3))
                 :year        (t/years amount))))))

Units which return a (numerical, periodic) component of a date

TIMEZONE FIXME - we should add :millisecond-of-second (or :fraction-of-second?) . Not sure where we'd use these, but we should have them for consistency

(def extract-units
    ;; TODO - in this namespace `:year` is something you can both extract and truncate to. In MBQL `:year` is a truncation
    ;; operation. Maybe we should rename this unit to clear up the potential confusion (?)
(defn- start-of-week []
  (keyword ((requiring-resolve 'metabase.public-settings/start-of-week))))
(let [m ( DayOfWeek)]
  (defn- day-of-week*
    ^java.time.DayOfWeek [k]
    (or (get m k)
        (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid day of week: {0}" (pr-str k))
                        {:k k, :allowed (keys m)})))))

Create a new instance of a WeekFields, which is used for localized day-of-week, week-of-month, and week-of-year.

(week-fields :monday) ; -> #object[java.time.temporal.WeekFields "WeekFields[MONDAY,1]"]

(defn- week-fields
  (^WeekFields [first-day-of-week]
   ;; TODO -- ISO weeks only consider a week to be in a year if it has 4+ days in that year... `:week-of-year`
   ;; extraction is liable to be off for people who expect that definition of "week of year". We should probably make
   ;; this a Setting. See #15039 for more information
   (week-fields first-day-of-week 1))
  (^WeekFields [first-day-of-week ^Integer minimum-number-of-days-in-first-week]
   (WeekFields/of (day-of-week* first-day-of-week) minimum-number-of-days-in-first-week)))
(mu/defn extract :- :int
  "Extract a field such as `:minute-of-hour` from a temporal value `t`.
    (extract (t/zoned-date-time \"2019-11-05T15:44-08:00[US/Pacific]\") :day-of-month)
    ;; -> 5
  Values are returned as numbers (currently, always and integers, but this may change if we add support for
  `:fraction-of-second` in the future.)"
   (extract (t/zoned-date-time) unit))
  ([t    :- TemporalInstance
    unit :- (into [:enum] (conj extract-units :day-of-week-iso))]
   (t/as t (case unit
             :second-of-minute :second-of-minute
             :minute-of-hour   :minute-of-hour
             :hour-of-day      :hour-of-day
             :day-of-week      (.dayOfWeek (week-fields (start-of-week)))
             :day-of-week-iso  (.dayOfWeek (week-fields :monday))
             :day-of-month     :day-of-month
             :day-of-year      :day-of-year
             :week-of-year     (.weekOfYear (week-fields (start-of-week)))
             :month-of-year    :month-of-year
             :quarter-of-year  :quarter-of-year
             :year             :year))))

Get the custom TemporalAdjuster named by k.

;; adjust 2019-12-10T17:26 to the second week of the year (t/adjust #t "2019-12-10T17:26" ( :week-of-year 2)) ;; -> #t "2019-01-06T17:26"

(defmulti ^TemporalAdjuster adjuster
  {:arglists '([k & args])}
  (fn [k & _] (keyword k)))
(defmethod adjuster :default
  (throw (Exception. (tru "No temporal adjuster named {0}" k))))
(defmethod adjuster :first-day-of-week
  (reify TemporalAdjuster
    (adjustInto [_ t]
      (t/adjust t :previous-or-same-day-of-week (start-of-week)))))
(defmethod adjuster :first-day-of-quarter
  (reify TemporalAdjuster
    (adjustInto [_ t]
      (.with t (.atDay (t/year-quarter t) 1)))))
(defmethod adjuster :first-week-of-year
  (reify TemporalAdjuster
    (adjustInto [_ t]
      (-> t
          (t/adjust :first-day-of-year)
          (t/adjust (adjuster :first-day-of-week))))))
(defmethod adjuster :week-of-year
  [_ week-of-year]
  (reify TemporalAdjuster
    (adjustInto [_ t]
      (-> t
          (t/adjust (adjuster :first-week-of-year))
          (t/plus (t/weeks (dec week-of-year)))))))

if you attempt to truncate a LocalDate to :day or anything smaller we can go ahead and return it as is

(extend-protocol t.core/Truncatable
  (truncate-to [t unit]
    (case unit
      :millis  t
      :seconds t
      :minutes t
      :hours   t
      :days    t)))

See We need to update the java-time/truncate-to copy of the actual underlying method since extend-protocol mutates the var

(alter-var-root #'t/truncate-to (constantly t.core/truncate-to))

Valid date trucation units

(def truncate-units
  #{:millisecond :second :minute :hour :day :week :month :quarter :year})
(mu/defn truncate :- TemporalInstance
  "Truncate a temporal value `t` to the beginning of `unit`, e.g. `:hour` or `:day`. Not all truncation units are
  supported on all subclasses of `Temporal` — for example, you can't truncate a `LocalTime` to `:month`, for obvious
   (truncate (t/zoned-date-time) unit))
  ([^Temporal t :- TemporalInstance
    unit        :- (into [:enum] truncate-units)]
   (case unit
     :default     t
     :millisecond (t/truncate-to t :millis)
     :second      (t/truncate-to t :seconds)
     :minute      (t/truncate-to t :minutes)
     :hour        (t/truncate-to t :hours)
     :day         (t/truncate-to t :days)
     :week        (-> (.with t (adjuster :first-day-of-week))    (t/truncate-to :days))
     :month       (-> (t/adjust t :first-day-of-month)           (t/truncate-to :days))
     :quarter     (-> (.with t (adjuster :first-day-of-quarter)) (t/truncate-to :days))
     :year        (-> (t/adjust t :first-day-of-year)            (t/truncate-to :days)))))
(mu/defn bucket :- [:or number? TemporalInstance]
  "Perform a truncation or extraction unit on temporal value `t`. (These two operations are collectively known as
  'date bucketing' in Metabase code and MBQL, e.g. for date/time columns in MBQL `:breakout` (SQL `GROUP BY`)).
  You can combine this function with `group-by` to do some date/time bucketing in Clojure-land:
    (group-by #(bucket % :quarter-of-year) (map t/local-date [\"2019-01-01\" \"2019-01-02\" \"2019-01-04\"]))
    ;; -> {1 [(t/local-date \"2019-01-01\") (t/local-date \"2019-01-02\")], 2 [(t/local-date \"2019-01-04\")]}"
   (bucket (t/zoned-date-time) unit))
  ([t    :- TemporalInstance
    unit :- (into [:enum] cat [extract-units truncate-units])]
     (= unit :default)     t
     (extract-units unit)  (extract t unit)
     (truncate-units unit) (truncate t unit)
     :else                 (throw (Exception. (tru "Invalid unit: {0}" unit))))))
(mu/defn range :- [:map
                   [:start TemporalInstance]
                   [:end   TemporalInstance]]
  "Get a start (by default, inclusive) and end (by default, exclusive) pair of instants for a `unit` span of time
  containing `t`. e.g.
    (range (t/zoned-date-time \"2019-11-01T15:29:00Z[UTC]\") :week)
    {:start (t/zoned-date-time \"2019-10-27T00:00Z[UTC]\")
     :end   (t/zoned-date-time \"2019-11-03T00:00Z[UTC]\")}"
   (range (t/zoned-date-time) unit))
  ([t unit]
   (range t unit nil))
  ([t    :- TemporalInstance
    unit :- (into [:enum] add-units)
    {:keys [start end resolution]
     :or   {start      :inclusive
            end        :exclusive
            resolution :millisecond}}]
   (let [t (truncate t unit)]
     {:start (case start
               :inclusive t
               :exclusive (add t resolution -1))
      :end   (case end
               :inclusive (add (add t unit 1) resolution -1)
               :exclusive (add t unit 1))})))

Generate an range that of instants that when bucketed by unit would be =, <, <=, >, or >= to the value of an instant t bucketed by unit. (comparison-type is one of :=, :<, :<=, :>, or :>=.) By default, the start of the resulting range is inclusive, and the end exclusive; this can be tweaked by passing options.

;; Generate range off instants that have the same MONTH as Nov 18th (comparison-range (t/local-date "2019-11-18") :month := {:resolution :day}) ;; -> {:start (t/local-date "2019-11-01"), :end (t/local-date "2019-12-01")}

(defn comparison-range
  ([unit comparison-type]
   (comparison-range (t/zoned-date-time) unit comparison-type))
  ([t unit comparison-type]
   (comparison-range t unit comparison-type nil))
  ([t unit comparison-type {:keys [start end resolution]
                            :or   {start      :inclusive
                                   end        :exclusive
                                   resolution :millisecond}
                            :as   options}]
   (case comparison-type
     :<  {:end (case end
                 :inclusive (add (truncate t unit) resolution -1)
                 :exclusive (truncate t unit))}
     :<= {:end (let [t (add (truncate t unit) unit 1)]
                 (case end
                   :inclusive (add t resolution -1)
                   :exclusive t))}
     :>  {:start (let [t (add (truncate t unit) unit 1)]
                   (case start
                     :inclusive t
                     :exclusive (add t resolution -1)))}
     :>= {:start (let [t (truncate t unit)]
                   (case start
                     :inclusive t
                     :exclusive (add t resolution -1)))}
     :=  (range t unit options))))

Return the Duration between two temporal values x and y.

Moving the type hints to the arg lists makes clj-kondo happy, but breaks eastwood (and maybe causes reflection warnings) at the call sites.

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:non-arg-vec-return-type-hint]}
(defn ^PeriodDuration period-duration
  {:arglists '([s] [period] [duration] [period duration] [start end])}
   (when x
     (condp instance? x
       PeriodDuration x
       CharSequence   (PeriodDuration/parse x)
       Period         (PeriodDuration/of ^Period x)
       Duration       (PeriodDuration/of ^Duration x))))
  ([x y]
     (and (instance? Period x) (instance? Duration y))
     (PeriodDuration/of x y)
     (instance? Instant x)
     (period-duration (t/offset-date-time x (t/zone-offset 0)) y)
     (instance? Instant y)
     (period-duration x (t/offset-date-time y (t/zone-offset 0)))
     (PeriodDuration/between x y))))

With two args: Compare two periods/durations. Returns a negative value if d1 is shorter than d2, zero if they are equal, or positive if d1 is longer than d2.

( "P1Y" "P11M") ; -> 1 (i.e., 1 year is longer than 11 months)

You can combine this with period-duration to compare the duration between two temporal values against another duration:

( ( #t "2019-01-01" #t "2019-07-01") "P11M") ; -> -1

Note that this calculation is inexact, since it calclates relative to a fixed point in time, but should be sufficient for most if not all use cases.

(defn compare-period-durations
  [d1 d2]
  (when (and d1 d2)
    (let [t (t/offset-date-time "1970-01-01T00:00Z")]
      (compare (.addTo (period-duration d1) t)
               (.addTo (period-duration d2) t)))))

True if period/duration d1 is longer than period/duration d2.

(defn greater-than-period-duration?
  [d1 d2]
  (pos? (compare-period-durations d1 d2)))

Return a temporal value representing now of the same class as t, e.g. for comparison purposes.

(defn- now-of-same-class
  ^Temporal [t]
  (when t
    (condp instance? t
      Instant        (t/instant)
      LocalDate      (t/local-date)
      LocalTime      (t/local-time)
      LocalDateTime  (t/local-date-time)
      OffsetTime     (t/offset-time)
      OffsetDateTime (t/offset-date-time)
      ZonedDateTime  (t/zoned-date-time))))

True if temporal value t happened before some period/duration ago, compared to now. Prefer this over using t/before? to compare times to now because it is incredibly fussy about the classes of arguments it is passed.

;; did t happen more than 2 months ago? (older-than? t (t/months 2))

(defn older-than?
  [t duration]
   (period-duration t (now-of-same-class t))

Protocol for converting a temporal value to an equivalent one in a given timezone.

(p.types/defprotocol+ WithTimeZoneSameInstant
  (^{:style/indent [:form]} with-time-zone-same-instant [t ^java.time.ZoneId zone-id]
    "Convert a temporal value to an equivalent one in a given timezone. For local temporal values, this simply
    converts it to the corresponding offset/zoned type; for offset/zoned types, this applies an appropriate timezone
(def ^:private local-time-0 (t/local-time 0))
(extend-protocol WithTimeZoneSameInstant
  ;; convert to a OffsetTime with no offset (UTC); the OffsetTime method impl will apply the zone shift.
  (with-time-zone-same-instant [t zone-id]
    (t/offset-time t ( zone-id)))

  (with-time-zone-same-instant [t ^java.time.ZoneId zone-id]
    (t/with-offset-same-instant t ( zone-id)))

  (with-time-zone-same-instant [t zone-id]
    (with-time-zone-same-instant (LocalDateTime/of t local-time-0) zone-id))

  (with-time-zone-same-instant [t ^java.time.ZoneId zone-id]
    (OffsetDateTime/of t (.getOffset (.getRules zone-id) t)))

  ;; instants are always normalized to UTC, so don't make any changes here. If you want to format in a different zone,
  ;; convert to an OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime first.
  (with-time-zone-same-instant [t _]

  (with-time-zone-same-instant [t ^java.time.ZoneId zone-id]
    ;; calculate the zone offset applicable for the date in question
    (if (or (= t OffsetDateTime/MAX)
            (= t OffsetDateTime/MIN))
      (let [rules  (.getRules zone-id)
            offset (.getOffset rules (t/instant t))]
        (t/with-offset-same-instant t offset))))

  (with-time-zone-same-instant [t zone-id]
    (t/with-zone-same-instant t zone-id)))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Etc | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Mainly for REPL usage. Have various temporal types print as a java-time function call you can use

(doseq [[klass _f-symb] {Instant        't/instant
                         LocalDate      't/local-date
                         LocalDateTime  't/local-date-time
                         LocalTime      't/local-time
                         OffsetDateTime 't/offset-date-time
                         OffsetTime     't/offset-time
                         ZonedDateTime  't/zoned-date-time}]
  (defmethod print-method klass
    [t writer]
    ((get-method print-dup klass) t writer))

  (defmethod print-dup klass
    [t ^ writer]
    (.write writer (clojure.core/format "#t \"%s\"" (str t)))))
(defmethod print-method PeriodDuration
  [d writer]
  ((get-method print-dup PeriodDuration) d writer))
(defmethod print-dup PeriodDuration
  [d ^ writer]
  (.write writer (clojure.core/format "( %s)" (pr-str (str d)))))
(defmethod print-method Period
  [d writer]
  (print-method (list 't/period (str d)) writer))
(defmethod print-method Duration
  [d writer]
  (print-method (list 't/duration (str d)) writer))

Convert temporal string to iso8601 datetime without millis.

We store datetime values without millis in sqlite. That's not the case for other dbs. Also, some columns are stored as date in sqlite, while other dbs use datetime types. This function makes it easy to share expected results between sqlite and other dbs.

Use of this function for anything else is highly discouraged.

(defn temporal-str->iso8601-str
  (when tstr
    (let [t (parse tstr)
          inst (cond (instance? LocalDate t)
                     (.toInstant ^LocalDateTime (.atStartOfDay ^LocalDate t) java.time.ZoneOffset/UTC)
                     (instance? LocalDateTime t)
                     (.toInstant ^LocalDateTime t java.time.ZoneOffset/UTC)
      (format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'" inst))))