(ns metabase.util.connection
   [clojure.set :as set]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [toucan2.core :as t2])
   (java.sql Connection DatabaseMetaData ResultSet ResultSetMetaData)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn- consume-rset [^ResultSet rset cb]
  (into {} (iteration
            (fn [_]
              (when (.next rset)
                (cb rset))))))

Returns a map of all column names to their respective type names for the given table-name in the provided application-db.

(defn app-db-column-types
  [app-db table-name']
  (let [table-name (cond-> (name table-name')
                     (= (:db-type app-db) :h2) u/upper-case-en)]
    (t2/with-connection [^Connection conn]
      (let [md (.getMetaData conn)]
        (with-open [cols (.getColumns md nil nil table-name nil)
                    pks  (.getPrimaryKeys md nil nil table-name)
                    fks  (.getImportedKeys md nil nil table-name)]
          (let [pks (consume-rset pks (fn [^ResultSet pks]
                                        [(.getString pks "COLUMN_NAME") true]))
                fks (consume-rset fks (fn [^ResultSet fks]
                                        [(.getString fks "FKCOLUMN_NAME")
                                         (str (.getString fks "PKTABLE_NAME")
                                              (.getString fks "PKCOLUMN_NAME"))]))]
            (consume-rset cols (fn [^ResultSet cols]
                                 (let [col (.getString cols "COLUMN_NAME")]
                                   [col {:type    (.getString cols "TYPE_NAME")
                                         :notnull (= (.getInt cols "NULLABLE")
                                         :pk      (get pks col)
                                         :fk      (get fks col)}])))))))))
(defn- group-rset [^ResultSet rset cb]
  (u/group-by first some? second (constantly true) conj #{}
              (iteration (fn [_]
                           (when (.next rset)
                             (or (cb rset) []))))))

Returns a map of the downstream relations that will have deletes cascade to them, for the given table.

(defn app-db-cascading-deletes
  [app-db table-names]
  (t2/with-connection [^Connection conn]
    (let [md (.getMetaData conn)]
      (reduce (partial merge-with set/union)
              (for [table-name' table-names]
                (let [table-name (cond-> (name table-name')
                                   (= (:db-type app-db) :h2) u/upper-case-en)]
                  (with-open [fks (.getImportedKeys md nil nil table-name)]
                    (group-rset fks (fn [^ResultSet fks]
                                      (when (= (.getInt fks "DELETE_RULE") DatabaseMetaData/importedKeyCascade)
                                        [(u/lower-case-en (.getString fks "PKTABLE_NAME"))
                                         {:child-table   (name table-name')
                                          :child-column  (u/lower-case-en (.getString fks "FKCOLUMN_NAME"))
                                          :parent-column (u/lower-case-en (.getString fks "PKCOLUMN_NAME"))}]))))))))))