NOTE: It's not SUPER high impact if it falls out of sync - hopefully both will place things in a reasonable spot - but ideally this namespace should be kept in sync with the frontend version.

(ns metabase.util.autoplace
   [metabase.models.dashboard.constants :as dashboard.constants]))

The default grid width.

(def ^:constant default-grid-width
(defn- intersects? [a b]
  (not (or
        (>= (:col b) (+ (:col a) (:size_x a)))
        (<= (+ (:col b) (:size_x b)) (:col a))
        (>= (:row b) (+ (:row a) (:size_y a)))
        (<= (+ (:row b) (:size_y b)) (:row a)))))
(defn- intersects-with-any-card? [cards position]
  (boolean (some #(intersects? position %) cards)))

Where should a new card be placed on a tab, given the existing dashcards?

NOTE: almost identical in behavior to getPositionForNewDashCard in

If you make changes here, we should keep the frontend version in sync.

There are two differences, both unlikely to matter:

  • in the case where we couldn't find any position at all (there is no space at all in 1000 rows) this will return nil, which will result in an error bubbling up. This should never happen, but something to call out.

  • this includes a dashboard_tab_id in the returned value (which may be nil). This is just to make it a bit easier for the caller.

(defn get-position-for-new-dashcard
  ([cards display-type]
   (let [{:keys [width height]} (:default (get dashboard.constants/card-size-defaults display-type))]
     (get-position-for-new-dashcard cards
  ([cards size-x size-y grid-width]
   (let [dashboard-tab-id (:dashboard_tab_id (first cards))]
      (for [row (range 1000)
            col (range (inc (- grid-width size-x)))
            :let [this-card {:col col
                             :row row
                             :size_x size-x
                             :size_y size-y
                             :dashboard_tab_id dashboard-tab-id}]
            :when (not (intersects-with-any-card? cards this-card))]