This namespace allows the frontend to store and retrieve arbitrary key-value pairs for individual users in the database.

Each KVP is stored in a single 'namespace', which has a schema. You can write a schema in resources/user_key_value_types/*.edn. (If the schema will only be used in tests, you can use test_resources/user_key_value_types/*.edn.) The content should be a Malli schema. For example, a file resources/user_key_value_types/foo.edn with the content

``` [:map [:value [:maybe :string]]] ```

would define a new namespace, foo, where keys and values are both arbitrary strings.

If you want, you can get more creative - for example, if you have a defined set of allowed keys, you could say:

``` [:map [:key [:enum "allowed-key-1" "allowed-key-2"]] [:value [:maybe :string]]] ```

Or you could go even further, and define a :multi spec that has a spec for keys in the case of particular values:

``` [:multi {:dispatch :key} ["string-key" [:map [:value [:maybe :string]]]] ["number-key" [:map [:value [:maybe :int]]]]] ```

Note that: value must always be :maybe - a null value means to delete the KVP.

(ns metabase.user-key-value.models.user-key-value
   [malli.core :as mc]
   [malli.transform :as mtx]
   [metabase.user-key-value.models.user-key-value.types :as types]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/UserKeyValue [_model] :user_key_value)
(doto :model/UserKeyValue
  (derive :metabase/model)
  (derive :hook/timestamped?))

Upserts a KV-pair

(mu/defn put!
  [user-id :- :int
   kvp :- ::types/user-key-value]
  (let [{:keys [namespace key value expires-at]}
        (mc/encode ::types/user-key-value
                    {:name :database}))]
    (t2/with-transaction [_]
      (if (t2/select-one :model/UserKeyValue :user_id user-id :namespace namespace :key key)
        (t2/update! :model/UserKeyValue :user_id user-id :namespace namespace :key key {:value value
                                                                                        :expires_at expires-at})
          (t2/insert! :model/UserKeyValue {:user_id user-id
                                           :namespace namespace
                                           :key key
                                           :value value
                                           :expires_at expires-at})
          ;; in case we caught a duplicate key exception (a row was inserted between our read and write), try updating
          (catch Exception _
            (t2/update! :model/UserKeyValue :user_id user-id :namespace namespace :key key {:value value
                                                                                            :expires_at expires-at})))))

Deletes a KV-pair

(mu/defn delete!
  [user-id :- :int
   namespace :- :string
   k :- :string]
  (t2/delete! :model/UserKeyValue :namespace namespace :user_id user-id :key k))

Retrieves a KV-pair

(mu/defn retrieve
  [user-id :- :int
   namespace :- :string
   k :- :string]
  (when-let [ukv
             (t2/select-one :model/UserKeyValue
                              [:= :user_id user-id]
                              [:= :namespace namespace]
                              [:= :key k]
                               [:>= :expires_at :%now]
                               [:= :expires_at nil]]]})]
    (:value (mc/decode ::types/user-key-value
                        {:name :database})))))

Retrieves all KV-pairs in a namespace

(mu/defn retrieve-all
  [user-id :- :int
   namespace :- :string]
  (when-let [kvs (seq (t2/select :model/UserKeyValue
                                   [:= :user_id user-id]
                                   [:= :namespace namespace]
                                    [:>= :expires_at :%now]
                                    [:= :expires_at nil]]]}))]
    (let [parsed-kvs (mc/decode [:sequential ::types/user-key-value]
                                 {:name :database}))]
      (into {} (map (juxt :key :value) parsed-kvs)))))