(ns metabase.upload.types (:refer-clojure :exclude [make-hierarchy]) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.upload.parsing :as upload-parsing] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.ordered-hierarchy :as ordered-hierarchy :refer [make-hierarchy]])) | |
Upload value-types form a directed acyclic graph where each type can be relaxed into any of its ancestors. We parse each value in the CSV file to the most-specific possible type for each column. | |
The most-specific possible type for a column is the closest common ancestor of the types for each value in the column, found by walking through the graph in topological order, following edges from left to right. Note that this type is not guaranteed to be one of the least common ancestors! See [[metabase.util.ordered-hierarchy/first-common-ancestor]] for more details.
We have a number of special "abstract" nodes in this graph:
While a
Columns cannot have an abstract type, which has no meaning outside inference and reconciliation. If we are left with an abstract type after having processed all the values, we first check whether we can coerce the type to the existing column type; if not, we traverse further up the graph until we reach a concrete type. For ease of reference and explicitness, these corresponding values are given in the | |
This hierarchy defines a relationship between value types and their specializations. We use an [[metabase.util.ordered-hierarchy]] for its topological sorting, which simplify writing efficient and consistent implementations for our type inference, parsing, and relaxation. | (def h (make-hierarchy [::text [::varchar-255 [::boolean ::*boolean-int*] [::float ;; A number value with a decimal separator, but a zero fractional component. [::*float-or-int* [::int ;; A value that could be legally parsed as either a boolean OR an integer ::*boolean-int* ::auto-incrementing-int-pk]]] [::datetime ::date] ::offset-datetime]])) |
Not all value types correspond to column types. We refer to these as "abstract" types, and give them ear-muffs. This maps implicitly defines the abstract types, by mapping them each to a default concretion. | (def ^:private abstract->concrete {::*boolean-int* ::boolean ::*float-or-int* ::float}) |
A mapping of which value types should be coerced to the given existing type, rather than triggering promotion. | (def ^:private column-type->coercible-value-types {::int #{::*float-or-int*}}) |
Can values of the given type be coerced to the given existing column type, in a lossless fashion? | (defn- coerce? [column-type value-type] (contains? (column-type->coercible-value-types column-type) value-type)) |
All type tags which values can be inferred as. An ordered set from most to least specialized. | (def value-types (ordered-hierarchy/sorted-tags h)) |
All type tags that correspond to concrete column types. | (def column-types (into #{} (remove abstract->concrete) value-types)) |
(defn- column-type? [value-type] (contains? column-types value-type)) | |
Determine the desired column-type given the existing column-type (nil if it's new) and the value-type of the data. If there's a valid coercion to the existing type, we will preserve it, but otherwise we will relax abstract types further to a concrete type. | (defn concretize [existing-type value-type] (cond ;; If the type is concrete, there is nothing to do. (column-type? value-type) value-type ;; If we know nothing about the value type, treat it as an arbitrary string. (nil? value-type) ::text ;; If configured, coerce the value to the existing type (coerce? existing-type value-type) existing-type ;; Otherwise, project it to its canonical concretion. :else (abstract->concrete value-type))) |
[[value->type]] helpers | |
Returns a regex that matches the argument, with or without surrounding parentheses. | (defn- with-parens {:style/indent [:form]} [number-regex] (re-pattern (str "(" number-regex ")|(\\(" number-regex "\\))"))) |
Returns a regex that matches a positive or negative number, including currency symbols | (defn- with-currency {:style/indent [:form]} [number-regex] ;; currency signs can be all over: $2, -$2, $-2, 2ā¬ (re-pattern (str upload-parsing/currency-regex "?\\s*-?" upload-parsing/currency-regex "?" number-regex "\\s*" upload-parsing/currency-regex "?"))) |
Matches numbers which do not have a decimal separator. | (defn- int-regex [number-separators] (with-parens (with-currency (case number-separators ("." ".,") #"\d[\d,]*" ",." #"\d[\d.]*" ", " #"\d[\d \u00A0]*" ".ā" #"\d[\dā]*")))) |
Matches integral numbers, even if they have a decimal separator - e.g., 2 or 2.0 | (defn- float-or-int-regex [number-separators] (with-parens (with-currency (case number-separators ("." ".,") #"\d[\d,]*(\.0+)?" ",." #"\d[\d.]*(\,[0]+)?" ", " #"\d[\d \u00A0]*(\,[0.]+)?" ".ā" #"\d[\dā]*(\.[0.]+)?")))) |
Matches numbers, regardless of whether they have a decimal separator - e.g., 2, 2.0, or 2.2 | (defn- float-regex [number-separators] (with-parens (with-currency (case number-separators ("." ".,") #"\d[\d,]*(\.\d+)?" ",." #"\d[\d.]*(\,[\d]+)?" ", " #"\d[\d \u00A0]*(\,[\d.]+)?" ".ā" #"\d[\dā]*(\.[\d.]+)?")))) |
Returns true if the given body does not throw an exception. | (defmacro does-not-throw? [body] `(try ~body true (catch Throwable _e# false))) |
(defn- date-string? [s] (does-not-throw? (upload-parsing/parse-local-date s))) | |
(defn- datetime-string? [s] (does-not-throw? (upload-parsing/parse-local-datetime s))) | |
(defn- offset-datetime-string? [s] (does-not-throw? (upload-parsing/parse-offset-datetime s))) | |
(defn- boolean-string? [s] (boolean (re-matches #"(?i)true|t|yes|y|1|false|f|no|n|0" s))) | |
(defn- boolean-int-string? [s] (contains? #{"0" "1"} s)) | |
(defn- varchar-255? [s] (<= (count s) 255)) | |
(defn- regex-matcher [regex] (fn [s] (boolean (re-matches regex s)))) | |
end [[value->type]] helpers | |
(def ^:private non-inferable-types #{::auto-incrementing-int-pk}) | |
Every inferable value-type needs to have a detection function registered. | (def ^:private type->check-schema (into [:map] (map #(vector % [:=> [:cat :string] :boolean]) (remove non-inferable-types value-types)))) |
(mu/defn- settings->type->check :- type->check-schema [{:keys [number-separators] :as _settings}] (let [int-string? (regex-matcher (int-regex number-separators)) float-or-int? (regex-matcher (float-or-int-regex number-separators)) float-string? (regex-matcher (float-regex number-separators))] {::*boolean-int* boolean-int-string? ::boolean boolean-string? ::offset-datetime offset-datetime-string? ::date date-string? ::datetime datetime-string? ::int int-string? ::*float-or-int* float-or-int? ::float float-string? ::varchar-255 varchar-255? ::text (constantly true)})) | |
Determine the most specific type that is compatible with the given value. Numbers are assumed to use separators corresponding to the locale defined in the application settings | (defn- value->type [type->check value] (when-not (str/blank? value) (let [trimmed (str/trim value)] (->> (remove non-inferable-types value-types) (filter #((type->check %) trimmed)) first)))) |
Given an existing column type, and a new value, relax the type until it includes the value. | (defn- relax-type [type->check current-type value] (cond (nil? value) current-type (nil? current-type) (value->type type->check value) :else (let [trimmed (str/trim value)] (if (str/blank? trimmed) current-type (->> (cons current-type (ancestors h current-type)) (filter #((type->check %) trimmed)) first))))) |
Given a map of {value-type -> predicate}, return a reducing fn which updates our inferred schema using the next row. | (defn type-relaxer [settings] (let [relax (partial relax-type (settings->type->check settings))] (fn [value-types row] ;; It's important to realize this lazy sequence, because otherwise we can build a huge stack and overflow. (vec (u/map-all relax value-types row))))) |
Before a type has been concretized, values have more degrees of freedom for relaxation. e.g. The type given for '1' would be boolean-or-int, which can relax into an int if a '2' is encountered. If we are appending or replacing a previous .csv, we no longer know how the existing values were encoded. Therefore, this mapping allows us to give a type the 'the benefit of the doubt' and assume relaxations that might have been available given all possible encodings. | (def ^:private column-type->abstract {::boolean ::*boolean-int*}) |
(mu/defn column-types-from-rows :- [:sequential (into [:enum] column-types)] "Given the types of the existing columns (if there are any), and rows to be added, infer the best supporting types." [settings existing-types rows] (let [current-types (mapv #(column-type->abstract % %) existing-types)] (->> (reduce (type-relaxer settings) current-types rows) (u/map-all concretize existing-types)))) | |
Returns the most specific upload type for the given base type. | (defn base-type->upload-type [base-type] (when base-type (condp #(isa? %2 %1) base-type :type/Float ::float :type/BigInteger ::int :type/Integer ::int :type/Boolean ::boolean :type/DateTimeWithTZ ::offset-datetime :type/DateTime ::datetime :type/Date ::date :type/Text ::text))) |
Are we allowed to promote a column's schema from | (defn- promotable? [current-type inferred-type allowed-promotions] (when-let [allowed? (get allowed-promotions current-type)] (allowed? inferred-type))) |
Given the | (defn new-type [current-type inferred-type allowed-promotions] (cond ;; No restriction on new columns (nil? current-type) inferred-type ;; No changes required if inferred type matches (= current-type inferred-type) current-type :else ;; Keep the existing type unless a promotion is allowed. (if (promotable? current-type inferred-type allowed-promotions) inferred-type current-type))) |