(ns metabase.types.coercion-hierarchies
   [clojure.set :as set]))

these need to be defonce so we don't drop our hierarchies, but defonce doesn't support docstrings: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJ-1148

Map of coercion-strategy -> #{allowed-base-type}.

(defonce ^:private
  (atom {}))

Map of coercion strategy -> resulting effective-type

(defonce ^:private
  (atom {}))

Map of base-type -> #{strategy} which are not inheritable. Eg, binary fields are marked type/* and may be coerced to timestamps with :Coercion/YYYYMMDDHHMMSSBytes->Temporal but we don't want all children of type/* to be coerced as such.

(defonce ^:private
  (atom {}))

Get a map of strategies -> allowed-base-types. These must live outside of the hierarchy.

(defn non-descending-strategies

Gets the effective type for strategy. Essentially a getter over the private strategy->effective-type.

(defn effective-type-for-strategy
  (get @strategy->effective-type strategy))

Ensure x is a sequential collection. Copied from metabase.util as that namespace is not amenable to cljc.

(defn- one-or-many
  (if ((some-fn sequential? set? nil?) x) x [x]))

Define the base-type-or-types allowed and the resulting effective-type of a coercion-strategy.

(defn define-types!
  [coercion-strategy base-type-or-types effective-type]
  (let [base-types (set (one-or-many base-type-or-types))]
    (swap! strategy->allowed-base-types assoc coercion-strategy base-types))
  (swap! strategy->effective-type assoc coercion-strategy effective-type))

Define coercion strategies that should not exist for all of the descendants of base-type-or-types.

(defn define-non-inheritable-type!
  [coercion-strategy base-type-or-types effective-type]
  (swap! non-descending-base-type->strategy
         (partial merge-with set/union)
         (zipmap (one-or-many base-type-or-types) (repeat #{coercion-strategy})))
  (swap! strategy->effective-type assoc coercion-strategy effective-type))
(defn- build-hierarchy [pairs]
   (fn [h [tag parent]]
     (derive h tag parent))
   #?(:clj @#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy
      :cljs @(#'clojure.core/get-global-hierarchy))

atom is nil => rebuild the hierarchy

(def ^:private base-type-hierarchy*
  (atom nil))

The global hierarchy, with coercion strategies added as ancestors of their allowed base type(s).

(defn base-type-hierarchy
  (when-not @base-type-hierarchy*
    (locking base-type-hierarchy*
      (when-not @base-type-hierarchy*
        (reset! base-type-hierarchy* (build-hierarchy (for [[strategy base-types] @strategy->allowed-base-types
                                                            base-type             base-types]
                                                        [base-type strategy]))))))
(def ^:private effective-type-hierarchy*
  (atom nil))

The global hierarchy, with coercion strategies added as children of their resulting effective type.

(defn effective-type-hierarchy
  (when-not @effective-type-hierarchy*
    (locking effective-type-hierarchy*
      (when-not @effective-type-hierarchy*
        (reset! effective-type-hierarchy* (build-hierarchy (seq @strategy->effective-type))))))

rebuild coercion hierarchies if the global hierarchy changes

 #?(:clj #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy
    :cljs (#'clojure.core/get-global-hierarchy))
 (fn [_key _ref old new]
   (when-not (= old new)
     (reset! base-type-hierarchy* nil)
     (reset! effective-type-hierarchy* nil))))

rebuild coercion hierarchies if the type map atoms change

 (fn [_key _ref old new]
   (when-not (= old new)
     (reset! base-type-hierarchy* nil))))
 (fn [_key _ref old new]
   (when-not (= old new)
     (reset! effective-type-hierarchy* nil))))