(ns metabase.timeline.models.timeline-event
   [metabase.models.interface :as mi]
   [metabase.models.serialization :as serdes]
   [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x]
   [methodical.core :as methodical]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(methodical/defmethod t2/table-name :model/TimelineEvent  [_model] :timeline_event)
(doto :model/TimelineEvent
  (derive :metabase/model)
  (derive :hook/timestamped?)
  (derive ::mi/read-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set)
  (derive ::mi/write-policy.full-perms-for-perms-set))


The default icon for Timeline and TimelineEvents.

(def default-icon

Schema for Timeline and TimelineEvents icon

(def Icon
  [:enum default-icon "cake" "mail" "warning" "bell" "cloud"])

Timeline Event Source Schema. For Snowplow Events, where the Event is created from is important. Events are added from one of three sources: collections, questions (cards in backend code), or directly with an API call. An API call is indicated by having no source key in the timeline-event request.

(def Source
  [:enum "collections" "question"])


(t2/define-after-select :model/TimelineEvent
  ;; We used to have a "balloons" icon but we removed it.
  ;; Use the default icon instead. (metabase#34586, metabase#35129)
  (update timeline-event :icon (fn [icon]
                                 (if (= icon "balloons") default-icon icon))))


(defmethod mi/perms-objects-set :model/TimelineEvent
  [event read-or-write]
  (let [timeline (or (:timeline event)
                     (t2/select-one 'Timeline :id (:timeline_id event)))]
    (mi/perms-objects-set timeline read-or-write)))


(methodical/defmethod t2/batched-hydrate [:model/TimelineEvent :timeline]
  [_model k events]
   events k
   #(t2/select-pk->fn identity :model/Timeline :id [:in (map :timeline_id events)])

Fetch events for timelines in timeline-ids. Can include optional start and end dates in the options map, as well as all?. By default, will return only unarchived events, unless all? is truthy and will return all events regardless of archive state.

(defn- fetch-events
  [timeline-ids {:events/keys [all? start end]}]
  (let [clause {:where [:and
                        ;; in our collections
                        [:in :timeline_id timeline-ids]
                        (when-not all?
                          [:= :archived false])
                        (when (or start end)
                           ;; absolute time in bounds
                            [:= :time_matters true]
                            ;; less than or equal?
                            (when start
                              [:<= start :timestamp])
                            (when end
                              [:<= :timestamp end])]
                           ;; non-specic time in bounds
                            [:= :time_matters false]
                            (when start
                              [:<= (h2x/->date start) (h2x/->date :timestamp)])
                            (when end
                              [:<= (h2x/->date :timestamp) (h2x/->date end)])]])]}]
    (t2/hydrate (t2/select :model/TimelineEvent clause) :creator)))

Include events on timelines passed in. Options are optional and include whether to return unarchived events or all events regardless of archive status (all?), and start and end parameters for events.

(defn include-events
  [timelines options]
  (if-not (seq timelines)
    (let [timeline-id->events (->> (fetch-events (map :id timelines) options)
                                   (group-by :timeline_id))]
      (for [{:keys [id] :as timeline} timelines]
        (let [events (timeline-id->events id)]
          (when timeline
            (assoc timeline :events (if events events []))))))))

Similar to [[include-events]] but allows for passing a single timeline not in a collection.

(defn include-events-singular
  ([timeline] (include-events-singular timeline {}))
  ([timeline options]
   (first (include-events [timeline] options))))

Look for a timeline and corresponding events associated with this dashcard.

(defn dashcard-timeline-events
  [{{:keys [collection_id] :as _card} :card}]
  (let [timelines (t2/select :model/Timeline
                             :collection_id collection_id
                             :archived false)]
    (->> (t2/hydrate timelines :creator [:collection :can_write])
         (map #(include-events-singular % {:events/all? true})))))


(defmethod serdes/hash-fields :model/TimelineEvent
  [:name :timestamp (serdes/hydrated-hash :timeline) :created_at])


nested in Timeline

(defmethod serdes/make-spec "TimelineEvent" [_model-name _opts]
  {:copy      [:archived :description :icon :name :time_matters :timezone]
   :skip      []
   :transform {:created_at  (serdes/date)
               :creator_id  (serdes/fk :model/User)
               :timeline_id (serdes/parent-ref)
               :timestamp   (serdes/date)}})