Tasks which follow up with Metabase users. | (ns metabase.task.follow-up-emails (:require [clojurewerkz.quartzite.jobs :as jobs] [clojurewerkz.quartzite.schedule.cron :as cron] [clojurewerkz.quartzite.triggers :as triggers] [java-time.api :as t] [metabase.channel.email :as email] [metabase.channel.email.messages :as messages] [metabase.models.setting :as setting] [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings] [metabase.task :as task] [metabase.util.date-2 :as u.date] [metabase.util.log :as log] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | send follow-up emails | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
Have we sent a follow up email to the instance admin? | (setting/defsetting ^:private follow-up-email-sent ;; No need to i18n this as it's not user facing :type :boolean :default false :visibility :internal :audit :never) |
Send an email to the instance admin following up on their experience with Metabase thus far. | (defn- send-follow-up-email! [] ;; we need access to email AND the instance must be opted into anonymous tracking AND have surveys enabled. Make sure email hasn't been sent yet (when (and (email/email-configured?) (public-settings/anon-tracking-enabled) (email/surveys-enabled) (not (follow-up-email-sent))) ;; grab the oldest admins email address (likely the user who created this MB instance), that's who we'll send to ;; TODO - Does it make to send to this user instead of `(public-settings/admin-email)`? (when-let [admin (t2/select-one :model/User :is_superuser true, :is_active true, {:order-by [:date_joined]})] (try (messages/send-follow-up-email! (:email admin)) (catch Throwable e (log/error e "Problem sending follow-up email:")) (finally (follow-up-email-sent! true)))))) |
The date this Metabase instance was created. We use the | (defn- instance-creation-timestamp ^java.time.temporal.Temporal [] (t2/select-one-fn :date_joined :model/User, {:order-by [[:date_joined :asc]]})) |
Sends out a general 2 week email follow up email | (jobs/defjob FollowUpEmail [_] ;; if we've already sent the follow-up email then we are done (when-not (follow-up-email-sent) ;; figure out when we consider the instance created (when-let [instance-created (instance-creation-timestamp)] ;; we need to be 2+ weeks from creation to send the follow up (when (u.date/older-than? instance-created (t/weeks 2)) (send-follow-up-email!))))) |
(def ^:private follow-up-emails-job-key "metabase.task.follow-up-emails.job") (def ^:private follow-up-emails-trigger-key "metabase.task.follow-up-emails.trigger") | |
(defmethod task/init! ::SendFollowUpEmails [_] (let [job (jobs/build (jobs/of-type FollowUpEmail) (jobs/with-identity (jobs/key follow-up-emails-job-key))) trigger (triggers/build (triggers/with-identity (triggers/key follow-up-emails-trigger-key)) (triggers/start-now) (triggers/with-schedule ;; run once a day (cron/cron-schedule "0 0 12 * * ? *")))] (task/schedule-task! job trigger))) | |