Logic for syncing the special _metabase_metadata table, which is a way for datasets such as the Sample Database to specific properties such as semantic types that should be applied during sync.

Currently, this is only used by the Sample Database, but theoretically in the future we could add additional sample datasets and preconfigure them by populating this Table; or 3rd-party applications or users can add this table to their database for an enhanced Metabase experience out-of-the box.

(ns metabase.sync.sync-metadata.metabase-metadata
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.driver :as driver]
   [metabase.driver.util :as driver.u]
   [metabase.models.database :refer [Database]]
   [metabase.models.field :refer [Field]]
   [metabase.models.table :refer [Table]]
   [metabase.sync.fetch-metadata :as fetch-metadata]
   [metabase.sync.interface :as i]
   [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))
(def ^:private KeypathComponents
   [:table-name [:maybe ms/NonBlankString]]
   [:field-name [:maybe ms/NonBlankString]]
   [:k          :keyword]])
(mu/defn- parse-keypath :- KeypathComponents
  "Parse a `keypath` into components for easy use."
  ;; TODO: this does not support schemas in dbs :(
  [keypath :- ms/NonBlankString]
  ;; keypath will have one of three formats:
  ;; property (for database-level properties)
  ;; table_name.property
  ;; table_name.field_name.property
  (let [[first-part second-part third-part] (str/split keypath #"\.")]
    {:table-name (when second-part first-part)
     :field-name (when third-part second-part)
     :k          (keyword (or third-part second-part first-part))}))
(mu/defn- set-property! :- :boolean
  "Set a property for a Field or Table in `database`. Returns `true` if a property was successfully set."
  [database                          :- i/DatabaseInstance
   {:keys [table-name field-name k]} :- KeypathComponents
    ;; ignore legacy entries that try to set field_type since it's no longer part of Field
   (when-not (= k :field_type)
      ;; fetch the corresponding Table, then set the Table or Field property
     (if table-name
       (when-let [table-id (t2/select-one-pk Table
                                              ;; TODO: this needs to support schemas
                                             :db_id  (u/the-id database)
                                             :name   table-name
                                             :active true)]
         (if field-name
           (pos? (t2/update! Field {:name field-name, :table_id table-id} {k value}))
           (pos? (t2/update! Table table-id {k value}))))
       (pos? (t2/update! Database (u/the-id database) {k value}))))))

Databases may include a table named _metabase_metadata (case-insentive) which includes descriptions or other metadata about the Tables and Fields it contains. This table is not synced normally, i.e. a Metabase Table is not created for it. Instead, this function is called, which reads the data it contains and updates the relevant Metabase objects.

The table should have the following schema:

column | type | example --------+---------+------------------------------------------------- keypath | varchar | "products.created_at.description" value | varchar | "The date the product was added to our catalog."

keypath is of the form table-name.key or table-name.field-name.key, where key is the name of some property of Table or Field.

This functionality is currently only used by the Sample Database. In order to use this functionality, drivers must implement optional fn :table-rows-seq.

(mu/defn- sync-metabase-metadata-table!
   database                :- i/DatabaseInstance
   metabase-metadata-table :- i/DatabaseMetadataTable]
  (doseq [{:keys [keypath value]} (driver/table-rows-seq driver database metabase-metadata-table)]
    (sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Error handling metabase metadata entry: set %s -> %s" keypath value)
      (or (set-property! database (parse-keypath keypath) value)
          (log/error (u/format-color 'red "Error syncing _metabase_metadata: no matching keypath: %s" keypath))))))

Is this TABLE the special _metabase_metadata table?

(mu/defn is-metabase-metadata-table?
  [table :- i/DatabaseMetadataTable]
  (= "_metabase_metadata" (u/lower-case-en (:name table))))

Sync the _metabase_metadata table, a special table with Metabase metadata, if present. This table contains information about type information, descriptions, and other properties that should be set for Metabase objects like Tables and Fields.

(mu/defn sync-metabase-metadata!
  ([database :- i/DatabaseInstance]
   (sync-metabase-metadata! database (fetch-metadata/db-metadata database)))
  ([database :- i/DatabaseInstance db-metadata]
   (sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Error syncing _metabase_metadata table for %s"
                                          (sync-util/name-for-logging database))
     (let [driver (driver.u/database->driver database)]
       ;; `sync-metabase-metadata-table!` relies on `driver/table-rows-seq` being defined
       (when (get-method driver/table-rows-seq driver)
         ;; If there's more than one metabase metadata table (in different schemas) we'll sync each one in turn.
         ;; Hopefully this is never the case.
         (doseq [table (:tables db-metadata)]
           (when (is-metabase-metadata-table? table)
             (sync-metabase-metadata-table! driver database table))))