Logic for updating metadata properties of | (ns metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.sync-metadata (:require [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.sync.interface :as i] [metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.common :as common] [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
(mu/defn- update-field-metadata-if-needed! :- [:enum 0 1] "Update the metadata for a Metabase Field as needed if any of the info coming back from the DB has changed. Syncs base type, database type, semantic type, and comments/remarks; returns `1` if the Field was updated; `0` otherwise." [table :- i/TableInstance field-metadata :- i/TableMetadataField metabase-field :- common/TableMetadataFieldWithID] (let [{old-database-type :database-type old-base-type :base-type old-field-comment :field-comment old-semantic-type :semantic-type old-database-position :database-position old-position :position old-database-name :name old-database-is-auto-increment :database-is-auto-increment old-db-partitioned :database-partitioned old-db-required :database-required} metabase-field {new-database-type :database-type new-base-type :base-type new-field-comment :field-comment new-database-position :database-position new-database-name :name new-database-is-auto-increment :database-is-auto-increment new-db-partitioned :database-partitioned new-db-required :database-required} field-metadata new-database-is-auto-increment (boolean new-database-is-auto-increment) new-db-required (boolean new-db-required) new-database-type (or new-database-type "NULL") new-semantic-type (common/semantic-type field-metadata) new-db-type? (not= old-database-type new-database-type) new-base-type? (not= old-base-type new-base-type) ;; only sync comment if old value was blank so we don't overwrite user-set values new-semantic-type? (and (nil? old-semantic-type) (not= old-semantic-type new-semantic-type)) new-comment? (and (str/blank? old-field-comment) (not (str/blank? new-field-comment))) new-database-position? (not= old-database-position new-database-position) ;; these fields are paired by by metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.common/canonical-name, so if they are ;; different they have the same canonical representation (lower-casing at the moment). new-name? (not= old-database-name new-database-name) new-db-auto-incremented? (not= old-database-is-auto-increment new-database-is-auto-increment) new-db-partitioned? (not= new-db-partitioned old-db-partitioned) new-db-required? (not= old-db-required new-db-required) ;; calculate combined updates updates (merge (when new-db-type? (log/infof "Database type of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-database-type new-database-type) {:database_type new-database-type}) (when new-base-type? (log/infof "Base type of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'. This field will be refingerprinted and analyzed." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-base-type new-base-type) {:base_type new-base-type :effective_type new-base-type :coercion_strategy nil ;; reset fingerprint version so this field will get re-fingerprinted and analyzed :fingerprint_version 0 :fingerprint nil ;; semantic type needs to be set to nil so that the fingerprinter can re-infer it during analysis :semantic_type nil}) (when new-semantic-type? (log/infof "Semantic type of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-semantic-type new-semantic-type) {:semantic_type new-semantic-type}) (when new-comment? (log/infof "Comment has been added for %s." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field)) {:description new-field-comment}) (when new-database-position? (log/infof "Database position of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-database-position new-database-position) {:database_position new-database-position}) (when (and (= (:field_order table) :database) (not= old-position new-database-position)) (log/infof "Position of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-position new-database-position) {:position new-database-position}) (when new-name? (log/infof "Name of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-database-name new-database-name) {:name new-database-name}) (when new-db-auto-incremented? (log/infof "Database auto incremented of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-database-is-auto-increment new-database-is-auto-increment) {:database_is_auto_increment new-database-is-auto-increment}) (when new-db-partitioned? (log/infof "Database partitioned of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-db-partitioned new-db-partitioned) {:database_partitioned new-db-partitioned}) (when new-db-required? (log/infof "Database required of %s has changed from '%s' to '%s'." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field) old-db-required new-db-required) {:database_required new-db-required}))] ;; if any updates need to be done, do them and return 1 (because 1 Field was updated), otherwise return 0 (if (and (seq updates) (pos? (t2/update! :model/Field (u/the-id metabase-field) updates))) 1 0))) | |
(declare update-metadata!) | |
(mu/defn- update-nested-fields-metadata! :- ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero "Recursively call `update-metadata!` for all the nested Fields in a `metabase-field`." [table :- i/TableInstance field-metadata :- i/TableMetadataField metabase-field :- common/TableMetadataFieldWithID] (let [nested-fields-metadata (:nested-fields field-metadata) metabase-nested-fields (:nested-fields metabase-field)] (if (seq metabase-nested-fields) (update-metadata! table (set nested-fields-metadata) (set metabase-nested-fields)) 0))) | |
(mu/defn update-metadata! :- ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero "Make sure things like PK status and base-type are in sync with what has come back from the DB. Recursively updates nested Fields. Returns total number of Fields updated." [table :- i/TableInstance db-metadata :- [:set i/TableMetadataField] our-metadata :- [:set common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]] (sync-util/sum-for [metabase-field our-metadata] ;; only update metadata for 'existing' Fields that are present in our Metadata (i.e., present in the application ;; database) and that are still considered active (i.e., present in DB metadata) (when-let [field-metadata (common/matching-field-metadata metabase-field db-metadata)] (+ (update-field-metadata-if-needed! table field-metadata metabase-field) (update-nested-fields-metadata! table field-metadata metabase-field))))) | |