Logic for syncing the instances of Field in the Metabase application DB with the set of Fields in the DB metadata. Responsible for creating new instances of Field as needed, and marking existing ones as active or inactive as needed. Recursively handles nested Fields.

All nested Fields recursion is handled in one place, by the main entrypoint (sync-instances!) and helper functions sync-nested-field-instances! and sync-nested-fields-of-one-field!. All other functions in this namespace should ignore nested fields entirely; the will be invoked with those Fields as appropriate.

(ns metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.sync-instances
   [medley.core :as m]
   [metabase.lib.schema.id :as lib.schema.id]
   [metabase.models.humanization :as humanization]
   [metabase.sync.interface :as i]
   [metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.common :as common]
   [metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.our-metadata :as fields.our-metadata]
   [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CREATING / REACTIVATING FIELDS | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(mu/defn- matching-inactive-fields :- [:maybe [:sequential i/FieldInstance]]
  "Return inactive Metabase Fields that match any of the Fields described by `new-field-metadatas`, if any such Fields
  [table               :- i/TableInstance
   new-field-metadatas :- [:maybe [:sequential i/TableMetadataField]]
   parent-id           :- common/ParentID]
  (when (seq new-field-metadatas)
    (t2/select     :model/Field
                   :table_id    (u/the-id table)
                   :%lower.name [:in (map common/canonical-name new-field-metadatas)]
                   :parent_id   parent-id
                   :active      false)))
(mu/defn- insert-new-fields! :- [:maybe [:sequential ::lib.schema.id/field]]
  "Insert new Field rows for for all the Fields described by `new-field-metadatas`. Returns IDs of newly inserted
  [table               :- i/TableInstance
   new-field-metadatas :- [:maybe [:sequential i/TableMetadataField]]
   parent-id           :- common/ParentID]
  (when (seq new-field-metadatas)
    (t2/insert-returning-pks! :model/Field
                              (for [{:keys [base-type coercion-strategy database-is-auto-increment database-partitioned database-position
                                            database-required database-type effective-type field-comment json-unfolding nfc-path visibility-type]
                                     field-name :name :as field} new-field-metadatas
                                    :let [semantic-type (common/semantic-type field)
                                          has-field-values (when (sync-util/can-be-category-or-list? base-type semantic-type)
                                  (when (and effective-type
                                             (not= effective-type base-type)
                                             (nil? coercion-strategy))
                                    (log/warn (u/format-color 'red
                                                               "WARNING: Field `%s`: effective type `%s` provided but no coercion strategy provided."
                                                               " Using base-type: `%s`")
                                  {:table_id                   (u/the-id table)
                                   :name                       field-name
                                   :display_name               (humanization/name->human-readable-name field-name)
                                   :database_type              (or database-type "NULL") ; placeholder for Fields w/ no type info (e.g. Mongo) & all NULL
                                   :base_type                  base-type
           ;; todo test this?
                                   :effective_type             (if (and effective-type coercion-strategy) effective-type base-type)
                                   :coercion_strategy          (when effective-type coercion-strategy)
                                   :semantic_type              semantic-type
                                   :parent_id                  parent-id
                                   :nfc_path                   nfc-path
                                   :description                field-comment
                                   :position                   database-position
                                   :database_position          database-position
                                   :json_unfolding             (or json-unfolding false)
                                   :database_is_auto_increment (or database-is-auto-increment false)
                                   :database_required          (or database-required false)
                                   :database_partitioned       database-partitioned ;; nullable for database that doesn't support partitioned fields
                                   :has_field_values           has-field-values
                                   :visibility_type            (or visibility-type :normal)})))))
(mu/defn- create-or-reactivate-fields! :- [:maybe [:sequential i/FieldInstance]]
  "Create (or reactivate) Metabase Field object(s) for any Fields in `new-field-metadatas`. Does *NOT* recursively
  handle nested Fields."
  [table               :- i/TableInstance
   new-field-metadatas :- [:maybe [:sequential i/TableMetadataField]]
   parent-id           :- common/ParentID]
  (let [fields-to-reactivate (matching-inactive-fields table new-field-metadatas parent-id)]
    ;; if the fields already exist but were just marked inactive then reƤctivate them
    (when (seq fields-to-reactivate)
      (t2/update! :model/Field {:id [:in (map u/the-id fields-to-reactivate)]}
                  {:active true}))
    (let [reactivated?  (comp (set (map common/canonical-name fields-to-reactivate))
          ;; If we reactivated the fields, no need to insert them; insert new rows for any that weren't reactivated
          new-field-ids (insert-new-fields! table (remove reactivated? new-field-metadatas) parent-id)]
      ;; now return the newly created or reactivated Fields
      (when-let [new-and-updated-fields (seq (map u/the-id (concat fields-to-reactivate new-field-ids)))]
        (t2/select :model/Field :id [:in new-and-updated-fields])))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SYNCING INSTANCES OF 'ACTIVE' FIELDS (FIELDS IN DB METADATA) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Schema for the value returned by sync-active-instances!. Because we need to know about newly-inserted/reactivated parent Fields when recursively syncing nested Fields, we need to propogate the updates to our-metadata made by this function and pass them to other steps of the sync-instances! process.

(def ^:private Updates
   [:num-updates  ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
   [:our-metadata [:set common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]]])
(mu/defn- sync-active-instances! :- Updates
  "Sync instances of `Field` in the application database with 'active' Fields in the DB being synced (i.e., ones that
  are returned as part of the `db-metadata`). Creates or reactivates Fields as needed. Returns number of Fields
  synced and updated `our-metadata` including the new Fields and their IDs."
  [table        :- i/TableInstance
   db-metadata  :- [:set i/TableMetadataField]
   our-metadata :- [:set common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]
   parent-id    :- common/ParentID]
  (let [known-fields (m/index-by common/canonical-name our-metadata)
        our-metadata (atom our-metadata)]
     ;; Field sync logic below is broken out into chunks of 1000 fields for huge star schemas or other situations
     ;; where we don't want to be updating way too many rows at once
     (sync-util/sum-for [db-field-chunk (partition-all 1000 db-metadata)]
       (sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Error checking if Fields %s need to be created or reactivated"
                                              (pr-str (map :name db-field-chunk)))
         (let [known-field?        (comp known-fields common/canonical-name)
               new-fields          (remove known-field? db-field-chunk)
               new-field-instances (create-or-reactivate-fields! table new-fields parent-id)]
           ;; save any updates to `our-metadata`
           (swap! our-metadata into (fields.our-metadata/fields->our-metadata new-field-instances parent-id))
           ;; now return count of rows updated
           (count new-fields))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | "RETIRING" INACTIVE FIELDS | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(mu/defn- retire-field! :- [:maybe [:= 1]]
  "Mark an `old-field` belonging to `table` as inactive if corresponding Field object exists. Does *NOT* recurse over
  nested Fields. Returns `1` if a Field was marked inactive, `nil` otherwise."
  [table          :- i/TableInstance
   metabase-field :- common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]
  (log/infof "Marking Field ''%s'' as inactive." (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field))
  (when (pos? (t2/update! :model/Field (u/the-id metabase-field) {:active false}))
(mu/defn- retire-fields! :- ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero
  "Mark inactive any Fields in the application database that are no longer present in the DB being synced. These
  Fields are ones that are in `our-metadata`, but not in `db-metadata`. Does *NOT* recurse over nested Fields.
  Returns `1` if a Field was marked inactive."
  [table        :- i/TableInstance
   db-metadata  :- [:set i/TableMetadataField]
   our-metadata :- [:set common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]]
  ;; retire all the Fields not present in `db-metadata`, and count how many rows were actually affected
  (sync-util/sum-for [metabase-field our-metadata
                      :when          (not (common/matching-field-metadata metabase-field db-metadata))]
    (sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Error retiring %s"
                                           (common/field-metadata-name-for-logging table metabase-field))
      (retire-field! table metabase-field))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HIGH-LEVEL INSTANCE SYNCING LOGIC (CREATING/REACTIVATING/RETIRING/UPDATING) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(declare sync-instances!)
(mu/defn- sync-nested-fields-of-one-field! :- [:maybe ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
  "Recursively sync Field instances (i.e., rows in application DB) for nested Fields of a single Field, one or both
  `field-metadata` (from synced DB) and `metabase-field` (from application DB)."
  [table          :- i/TableInstance
   field-metadata :- [:maybe i/TableMetadataField]
   metabase-field :- [:maybe common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]]
  (let [nested-fields-metadata (:nested-fields field-metadata)
        metabase-nested-fields (:nested-fields metabase-field)]
    (when (or (seq nested-fields-metadata)
              (seq metabase-nested-fields))
       (set nested-fields-metadata)
       (set metabase-nested-fields)
       (some-> metabase-field u/the-id)))))
(mu/defn- sync-nested-field-instances! :- [:maybe ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero]
  "Recursively sync Field instances (i.e., rows in application DB) for *all* the nested Fields of all Fields in
  `db-metadata` and `our-metadata`.
  Not for the flattened nested fields for JSON columns in normal RDBMSes (nested field columns)"
  [table        :- i/TableInstance
   db-metadata  :- [:set i/TableMetadataField]
   our-metadata :- [:set common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]]
  (let [name->field-metadata (m/index-by common/canonical-name db-metadata)
        name->metabase-field (m/index-by common/canonical-name our-metadata)
        all-field-names      (set (concat (keys name->field-metadata)
                                          (keys name->metabase-field)))]
    (sync-util/sum-for [field-name all-field-names
                        :let [field-metadata (get name->field-metadata field-name)
                              metabase-field (get name->metabase-field field-name)]]
      (sync-nested-fields-of-one-field! table field-metadata metabase-field))))
(mu/defn sync-instances! :- ms/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero
  "Sync rows in the Field table with `db-metadata` describing the current schema of the Table currently being synced,
  creating Field objects or marking them active/inactive as needed."
  ([table        :- i/TableInstance
    db-metadata  :- [:set i/TableMetadataField]
    our-metadata :- [:set common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]]
   (sync-instances! table db-metadata our-metadata nil))
  ([table        :- i/TableInstance
    db-metadata  :- [:set i/TableMetadataField]
    our-metadata :- [:set common/TableMetadataFieldWithID]
    parent-id    :- common/ParentID]
   ;; syncing the active instances makes important changes to `our-metadata` that need to be passed to recursive
   ;; calls, such as adding new Fields or making inactive ones active again. Keep updated version returned by
   ;; `sync-active-instances!`
   (let [{:keys [num-updates our-metadata]} (sync-active-instances! table db-metadata our-metadata parent-id)]
     (+ num-updates
        (retire-fields! table db-metadata our-metadata)
        (sync-nested-field-instances! table db-metadata our-metadata)))))