Schemas and functions shared by different metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.* namespaces.

(ns metabase.sync.sync-metadata.fields.common
   [ :as]
   [metabase.sync.interface :as i]
   [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms]))

Schema for the parent-id of a Field, i.e. an optional ID.

(def ParentID
(mr/def ::TableMetadataFieldWithID
    [:id                   ]
    [:nested-fields {:optional true} [:set [:ref ::TableMetadataFieldWithID]]]]])

Schema for TableMetadataField with an included ID of the corresponding Metabase Field object. our-metadata is always returned in this format. (The ID is needed in certain places so we know which Fields to retire, and the parent ID of any nested-fields.)

(def TableMetadataFieldWithID
  [:ref ::TableMetadataFieldWithID])
(mr/def ::TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID
   [:ref ::TableMetadataFieldWithID]
    [:id {:optional true}  ]
    [:nested-fields {:optional true} [:set [:ref ::TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID]]]]])

Schema for either i/TableMetadataField (db-metadata) or TableMetadataFieldWithID (our-metadata).

(def TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID
  [:ref ::TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID])
(mu/defn field-metadata-name-for-logging :- :string
  "Return a 'name for logging' for a map that conforms to the `TableMetadataField` schema.
      (field-metadata-name-for-logging table field-metadata) ; -> \"Table 'venues' Field 'name'\
  [table :- i/TableInstance field-metadata :- TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID]
  (format "%s %s '%s'" (sync-util/name-for-logging table) "Field" (:name field-metadata)))

Return the lower-cased 'canonical' name that should be used to uniquely identify field -- this is done to ignore case differences when syncing, e.g. we will consider field and field to mean the same thing.

(defn canonical-name
  (u/lower-case-en (:name field)))
(mu/defn semantic-type :- [:maybe ms/FieldSemanticOrRelationType]
  "Determine a the appropriate `semantic-type` for a Field with `field-metadata`."
  [field-metadata :- [:maybe i/TableMetadataField]]
  (and field-metadata
       (or (:semantic-type field-metadata)
           (when (:pk? field-metadata) :type/PK))))
(mu/defn matching-field-metadata :- [:maybe TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID]
  "Find Metadata that matches `field-metadata` from a set of `other-metadata`, if any exists. Useful for finding the
  corresponding Metabase Field for field metadata from the DB, or vice versa. Will prefer exact matches."
  [field-metadata :- TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID
   other-metadata :- [:set TableMetadataFieldWithOptionalID]]
  (let [field-meta-canonical (canonical-name field-metadata)
        matches (into [] (keep
                          (fn [other-field-metadata]
                            (when (= field-meta-canonical
                                     (canonical-name other-field-metadata))
    (case (count matches)
      (first matches)
      (if-let [exact (some (fn [match]
                             (when (= (:name field-metadata) (:name match))
          (log/warn "Found multiple matching field metadata for:" (:name field-metadata) (map :name matches))
          (first matches))))))