Types and defaults for the syncing schedules used for the scheduled sync tasks. Has defaults for the two schedules maps and some helper methods for turning those into appropriately named cron strings as stored in the metabase_database table.

(ns metabase.sync.schedules
   [metabase.util.cron :as u.cron]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.registry :as mr]))

Schema with values for a DB's schedules that can be put directly into the DB.

(def ^:private CronSchedulesMap
   [:metadata_sync_schedule      {:optional true} u.cron/CronScheduleString]
   [:cache_field_values_schedule {:optional true} [:maybe u.cron/CronScheduleString]]])
(mr/def ::ExpandedSchedulesMap
    {:error/message "Map of expanded schedule maps"}
    [:cache_field_values {:optional true} [:maybe u.cron/ScheduleMap]]
    [:metadata_sync      {:optional true} u.cron/ScheduleMap]]
   (deferred-tru "value must be a valid map of schedule maps for a DB.")))

Schema for the :schedules key we add to the response containing 'expanded' versions of the CRON schedules. This same key is used in reverse to update the schedules.

(def ExpandedSchedulesMap
  [:ref ::ExpandedSchedulesMap])
(mu/defn schedule-map->cron-strings :- CronSchedulesMap
  "Convert a map of `:schedules` as passed in by the frontend to a map of cron strings with the approriate keys for
   Database. This map can then be merged directly inserted into the DB, or merged with a map of other columns to
  [{:keys [metadata_sync cache_field_values]} :- ExpandedSchedulesMap]
  (cond-> {}
    metadata_sync      (assoc :metadata_sync_schedule      (u.cron/schedule-map->cron-string metadata_sync))
    cache_field_values (assoc :cache_field_values_schedule (u.cron/schedule-map->cron-string cache_field_values))))

Schedule map for once an hour at a random minute of the hour.

(defn randomly-once-an-hour
  ;; prevent zeros and 50s which would appear as non-random choices
  (let [choices (into [] (remove #{0 50}) (range 60))]
    {:schedule_minute (rand-nth choices)
     :schedule_type   "hourly"}))

Schedule map for once a day at a random hour of the day.

(defn randomly-once-a-day
  ;; prevent zeros which would appear as non-random
  {:schedule_hour  (inc (rand-int 23))
   :schedule_type  "daily"})

Default schedule maps for caching field values and sync. Defaults to :cache_field_values randomly once a day and :metadata_sync randomly once an hour.

(defn default-randomized-schedule
  {:cache_field_values (randomly-once-a-day)
   :metadata_sync      (randomly-once-an-hour)})

Default :cache_field_values_schedules (two as application and db have different defaults).

two because application and db each have defaults

(def default-cache-field-values-schedule-cron-strings
  #{"0 0 0 * * ? *" "0 50 0 * * ? *"})

Default :metadata_sync_schedules (two as application and db have different defaults).

(def default-metadata-sync-schedule-cron-strings
  #{"0 0 * * * ? *" "0 50 * * * ? *"})

Adds sync schedule defaults to a map of schedule-maps.

(defn scheduling
  [{:keys [cache_field_values metadata_sync] :as _schedules}]
  {:metadata_sync      (or metadata_sync (randomly-once-an-hour))
   ;; cache_field_values is nullable
   :cache_field_values cache_field_values})