Logic responsible for doing deep 'analysis' of the data inside a database. This is significantly more expensive than the basic sync-metadata step, and involves things like running MBQL queries and fetching values to do things like determine Table row counts and infer field semantic types.

(ns metabase.sync.analyze
   [metabase.sync.analyze.classify :as classify]
   [metabase.sync.analyze.fingerprint :as sync.fingerprint]
   [metabase.sync.interface :as i]
   [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]))

How does analysis decide which Fields should get analyzed?

Good question. There are two situations in which Fields should get analyzed:

  • Whenever a new Field is first detected, or
  • When the fingerprinters are updated in such a way that this Field (based on its base type) ought to be
  • re-fingerprinted

So how do we check all that?

  1. We keep track of which base types are affected by new fingerprint versions. See the discussion in metabase.sync.interface for more details.


    2a. When running fingerprinting, we calculate a fairly sophisticated SQL query to only fetch Fields that need to be re-fingerprinted based on type info and their current fingerprint version

    2b. All of these fields get updated fingerprints and marked with the newest version. We also set last_analyzed to nil so we know we need to re-run classification for them


    All Fields that have the latest fingerprint version but a nil last_analyzed time need to be re-classified. Classification takes place for these Fields and semantic types and the like are updated as needed.


    Once all of the above is done, we update the last_analyzed timestamp for all the Fields that got re-fingerprinted and re-classified.

So what happens during the next analysis?

During the next analysis phase, Fields whose fingerprint is up-to-date will be skipped. However, if a new fingerprint version is introduced, Fields that need it will be upgraded to it. We'll still only reclassify the newly re-fingerprinted Fields, because we'll know to skip the ones from last time since their value of last_analyzed is not nil.

Update the last_analyzed date for all the recently re-fingerprinted/re-classified Fields in table.

(mu/defn- update-fields-last-analyzed!
  [table :- i/TableInstance]
  (t2/update! :model/Field
              (merge (sync.fingerprint/incomplete-analysis-kvs)
                     {:table_id (:id table)})
              {:last_analyzed :%now}))

Update the last_analyzed date for all the recently re-fingerprinted/re-classified Fields in database.

(mu/defn- update-fields-last-analyzed-for-db!
  [database :- i/DatabaseInstance]
  (t2/update! :model/Field
              (merge (sync.fingerprint/incomplete-analysis-kvs)
                     {:table_id [:in {:select [:id]
                                      :from   [(t2/table-name :model/Table)]
                                      :where  [:and sync-util/sync-tables-clause [:= :db_id (:id database)]]}]})
              {:last_analyzed :%now}))

Perform in-depth analysis for a table.

(mu/defn analyze-table!
  [table :- i/TableInstance]
  (sync.fingerprint/fingerprint-fields! table)
  (classify/classify-fields! table)
  (classify/classify-table! table)
  (update-fields-last-analyzed! table))
(defn- maybe-log-progress [progress-bar-fn]
  (fn [step table]
    (let [progress-bar-result (progress-bar-fn)]
      (when progress-bar-result
        (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "%s Analyzed %s %s" step progress-bar-result (sync-util/name-for-logging table)))))))
(defn- fingerprint-fields-summary [{:keys [fingerprints-attempted updated-fingerprints no-data-fingerprints failed-fingerprints]}]
  (format "Fingerprint updates attempted %d, updated %d, no data found %d, failed %d"
          fingerprints-attempted updated-fingerprints no-data-fingerprints failed-fingerprints))
(defn- classify-fields-summary [{:keys [fields-classified fields-failed]}]
  (format "Total number of fields classified %d, %d failed"
          fields-classified fields-failed))
(defn- classify-tables-summary [{:keys [total-tables tables-classified]}]
  (format "Total number of tables classified %d, %d updated"
          total-tables tables-classified))
(defn- make-analyze-steps [log-fn]
  [(sync-util/create-sync-step "fingerprint-fields"
                               #(sync.fingerprint/fingerprint-fields-for-db! % log-fn)
   (sync-util/create-sync-step "classify-fields"
                               #(classify/classify-fields-for-db! % log-fn)
   (sync-util/create-sync-step "classify-tables"
                               #(classify/classify-tables-for-db! % log-fn)

Perform in-depth analysis on the data for all Tables in a given database. This is dependent on what each database driver supports, but includes things like cardinality testing and table row counting. This also updates the :last_analyzed value for each affected Field.

(mu/defn analyze-db!
  [database :- i/DatabaseInstance]
  (sync-util/sync-operation :analyze database (format "Analyze data for %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging database))
    (sync-util/with-emoji-progress-bar [emoji-progress-bar (inc (* 3 (sync-util/sync-tables-count database)))]
      (u/prog1 (sync-util/run-sync-operation "analyze" database (make-analyze-steps (maybe-log-progress emoji-progress-bar)))
        (update-fields-last-analyzed-for-db! database)))))

Refingerprint a subset of tables in a given database. This will re-fingerprint tables up to a threshold amount of [[fingerprint/max-refingerprint-field-count]].

(mu/defn refingerprint-db!
  [database :- i/DatabaseInstance]
  (sync-util/sync-operation :refingerprint database (format "Refingerprinting tables for %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging database))
    (let [log-fn (fn [step table]
                   (log/info (u/format-color 'blue "%s Analyzed %s" step (sync-util/name-for-logging table))))]
      (sync-util/run-sync-operation "refingerprint database"
                                    [(sync-util/create-sync-step "refingerprinting fields"
                                                                 #(sync.fingerprint/refingerprint-fields-for-db! % log-fn)