Analysis sub-step that takes a fingerprint for a Field and infers and saves appropriate information like special type. Each 'classifier' takes the information available to it and decides whether or not to run. We currently have the following classifiers:
All classifier functions take two arguments, a In the future, we plan to add more classifiers, including ML ones that run offline. | (ns metabase.sync.analyze.classify (:require [ :as data] [metabase.analyze.core :as analyze] [metabase.lib.metadata :as lib.metadata] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [ :as] [metabase.sync.analyze.fingerprint :as sync.fingerprint] [metabase.sync.interface :as i] [metabase.sync.util :as sync-util] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [toucan2.core :as t2])) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CLASSIFYING INDIVIDUAL FIELDS | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
Columns of Field or Table that classifiers are allowed to be set. | (defn- updateable-columns [model] (case model :model/Field #{:semantic_type :preview_display :has_field_values} :model/Table #{:entity_type})) |
(def ^:private FieldOrTableInstance [:or i/FieldInstance i/TableInstance]) | |
Save the updates in | (mu/defn- save-model-updates! [original-model :- FieldOrTableInstance updated-model :- FieldOrTableInstance] (assert (= (type original-model) (type updated-model))) (let [[_ values-to-set] (data/diff original-model updated-model)] (when (seq values-to-set) (log/debugf "Based on classification, updating these values of %s: %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging original-model) values-to-set)) ;; Check that we're not trying to set anything that we're not allowed to (doseq [k (keys values-to-set)] (when-not (contains? (updateable-columns (mi/model original-model)) k) (throw (Exception. (format "Classifiers are not allowed to set the value of %s." k))))) ;; cool, now we should be ok to update the model (when values-to-set (t2/update! (mi/model original-model) (u/the-id original-model) values-to-set) true))) |
Run various classifiers on | (mu/defn- classify! ([field :- i/FieldInstance] (classify! field (or (:fingerprint field) (when ( (:fingerprint (lib.metadata/field ( (u/the-id field)))) (t2/select-one-fn :fingerprint :model/Field :id (u/the-id field))))) ([field :- i/FieldInstance fingerprint :- [:maybe analyze/Fingerprint]] (sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Error classifying %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging field)) (let [updated-field (analyze/run-classifiers field fingerprint)] (when-not (= field updated-field) (save-model-updates! field updated-field)))))) |
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CLASSIFYING ALL FIELDS IN A TABLE | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
(mu/defn- fields-to-classify :- [:maybe [:sequential i/FieldInstance]] "Return a sequences of Fields belonging to `table` for which we should attempt to determine semantic type. This should include Fields that have the latest fingerprint, but have not yet *completed* analysis." [table :- i/TableInstance] (seq (apply t2/select :model/Field :table_id (u/the-id table) (reduce concat [] (sync.fingerprint/incomplete-analysis-kvs))))) | |
Run various classifiers on the appropriate | (mu/defn classify-fields! [table :- i/TableInstance] (when-let [fields (fields-to-classify table)] {:fields-classified (count fields) :fields-failed (->> fields (map classify!) (filter (partial instance? Exception)) count)})) |
Run various classifiers on the | (mu/defn ^:always-validate classify-table! [table :- i/TableInstance] (let [updated-table (sync-util/with-error-handling (format "Error running classifier on %s" (sync-util/name-for-logging table)) (analyze/infer-entity-type-by-name table))] (if (instance? Exception updated-table) table (save-model-updates! table updated-table)))) |
Classify all tables found in a given database | (mu/defn classify-tables-for-db! [database :- i/DatabaseInstance log-progress-fn] (let [tables (sync-util/reducible-sync-tables database)] (transduce (map (fn [table] (let [result (classify-table! table)] (log-progress-fn "classify-tables" table) {:tables-classified (if result 1 0) :total-tables 1}))) (partial merge-with +) {:tables-classified 0, :total-tables 0} tables))) |
Classify all fields found in a given database | (mu/defn classify-fields-for-db! [database :- i/DatabaseInstance log-progress-fn] (let [tables (sync-util/reducible-sync-tables database)] (transduce (map (fn [table] (let [result (classify-fields! table)] (log-progress-fn "classify-fields" table) result))) (partial merge-with +) {:fields-classified 0, :fields-failed 0} tables))) |