(ns metabase.sso.ldap
   [clj-ldap.client :as ldap]
   [metabase.models.setting :as setting]
   [metabase.sso.ldap.default-implementation :as default-impl]
   [metabase.sso.settings :as sso.settings]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms])
   (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk LDAPConnectionPool LDAPException)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Mappings from Metabase setting names to keys to use for LDAP connections

(def mb-settings->ldap-details
  {:ldap-host                :host
   :ldap-port                :port
   :ldap-bind-dn             :bind-dn
   :ldap-password            :password
   :ldap-security            :security
   :ldap-user-base           :user-base
   :ldap-user-filter         :user-filter
   :ldap-attribute-email     :attribute-email
   :ldap-attribute-firstname :attribute-firstname
   :ldap-attribute-lastname  :attribute-lastname
   :ldap-group-sync          :group-sync
   :ldap-group-base          :group-base})
(defn- details->ldap-options [{:keys [host port bind-dn password security]}]
  (let [security (keyword security)
        port     (if (string? port)
                   (Integer/parseInt port)
    ;; Connecting via IPv6 requires us to use this form for :host, otherwise
    ;; clj-ldap will find the first : and treat it as an IPv4 and port number
    {:host      {:address host
                 :port    port}
     :bind-dn   bind-dn
     :password  password
     :ssl?      (= security :ssl)
     :startTLS? (= security :starttls)}))
(defn- settings->ldap-options []
  (details->ldap-options {:host      (sso.settings/ldap-host)
                          :port      (sso.settings/ldap-port)
                          :bind-dn   (sso.settings/ldap-bind-dn)
                          :password  (sso.settings/ldap-password)
                          :security  (sso.settings/ldap-security)}))

Connects to LDAP with the currently set settings and returns the connection.

(defn- get-connection
  (let [options (settings->ldap-options)]
    (log/debugf "Opening LDAP connection with options %s" (u/pprint-to-str options))
      (ldap/connect options)
      (catch LDAPException e
        (log/errorf "Failed to obtain LDAP connection: %s" (.getMessage e))
        (throw e)))))

Impl for [[with-ldap-connection]] macro.

(defn do-with-ldap-connection
  (with-open [conn (get-connection)]
    (f conn)))

Execute body with connection-binding bound to a LDAP connection.

(defmacro with-ldap-connection
  [[connection-binding] & body]
  `(do-with-ldap-connection (fn [~(vary-meta connection-binding assoc :tag `LDAPConnectionPool)]

TODO -- the usage of :ERROR and :STATUS like this is weird. Just do something like {::error nil} for success and {::error exception} for an error

(def ^:private user-base-error  {:status :ERROR, :message "User search base does not exist or is unreadable"})
(def ^:private group-base-error {:status :ERROR, :message "Group search base does not exist or is unreadable"})

Test the connection to an LDAP server to determine if we can find the search base.

Takes in a dictionary of properties such as:

{:host "localhost" :port 389 :bind-dn "cn=Directory Manager" :password "password" :security "none" :user-base "ou=Birds,dc=metabase,dc=com" :group-base "ou=Groups,dc=metabase,dc=com"}

(defn test-ldap-connection
  [{:keys [user-base group-base], :as details}]
    (with-open [^LDAPConnectionPool conn (ldap/connect (details->ldap-options details))]
         (when-not (ldap/get conn user-base)
         (catch Exception _e
       (when group-base
           (when-not (ldap/get conn group-base)
           (catch Exception _e
       (log/debug "LDAP connection test successful")
       {:status :SUCCESS}))
    (catch LDAPException e
      (log/debug "LDAP connection test failed: " (.getMessage e))
      {:status :ERROR, :message (.getMessage e), :code (.getResultCode e)})
    (catch Exception e
      (log/debug "LDAP connection test failed: " (.getMessage e))
      {:status :ERROR, :message (.getMessage e)})))

Tests the connection to an LDAP server using the currently set settings.

(defn test-current-ldap-details
  (let [settings (into {} (for [[k v] mb-settings->ldap-details]
                            [v (setting/get k)]))]
    (test-ldap-connection settings)))

Verifies if the supplied password is valid for the user-info (from find-user) or DN.

(defn verify-password
  ([user-info password]
   (with-ldap-connection [conn]
     (verify-password conn user-info password)))
  ([conn user-info password]
   (let [dn (if (string? user-info) user-info (:dn user-info))]
     (ldap/bind? conn dn password))))

A map of all ldap settings

(defn ldap-settings
  {:first-name-attribute (sso.settings/ldap-attribute-firstname)
   :last-name-attribute  (sso.settings/ldap-attribute-lastname)
   :email-attribute      (sso.settings/ldap-attribute-email)
   :sync-groups?         (sso.settings/ldap-group-sync)
   :user-base            (sso.settings/ldap-user-base)
   :user-filter          (sso.settings/ldap-user-filter)
   :group-base           (sso.settings/ldap-group-base)
   :group-mappings       (sso.settings/ldap-group-mappings)})
(mu/defn find-user :- [:maybe default-impl/UserInfo]
  "Get user information for the supplied username."
  ([username :- ms/NonBlankString]
   (with-ldap-connection [conn]
     (find-user conn username)))
  ([ldap-connection :- (ms/InstanceOfClass LDAPConnectionPool)
    username        :- ms/NonBlankString]
   (default-impl/find-user ldap-connection username (ldap-settings))))
(mu/defn fetch-or-create-user! :- (ms/InstanceOf :model/User)
  "Using the `user-info` (from [[find-user]]) get the corresponding Metabase user, creating it if necessary."
  [user-info :- default-impl/UserInfo]
  (default-impl/fetch-or-create-user! user-info (ldap-settings)))

Convert raw error message responses from our LDAP tests into our normal api error response structure.

(defn humanize-error-messages
  [{:keys [status message]}]
  (when (not= :SUCCESS status)
    (log/warn "Problem connecting to LDAP server:" message)
    (let [conn-error     {:errors {:ldap-host "Wrong host or port"
                                   :ldap-port "Wrong host or port"}}
          security-error {:errors {:ldap-port     "Wrong port or security setting"
                                   :ldap-security "Wrong port or security setting"}}
          bind-dn-error  {:errors {:ldap-bind-dn "Wrong bind DN"}}
          creds-error    {:errors {:ldap-bind-dn  "Wrong bind DN or password"
                                   :ldap-password "Wrong bind DN or password"}}]
      (condp re-matches message
        #"^For input string.*"
        {:errors {:ldap-host "Invalid hostname, do not add the 'ldap://' or 'ldaps://' prefix"}}
        #".*password was incorrect.*"
        {:errors {:ldap-password "Password was incorrect"}}
        #"^Unable to bind as user.*"
        #"^Unable to parse bind DN.*"
        {:errors {:ldap-bind-dn "Invalid bind DN"}}
        #".*AcceptSecurityContext error, data 525,.*"
        #".*AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e,.*"
        #".*AcceptSecurityContext error, data 532,.*"
        {:errors {:ldap-password "Password is expired"}}
        #".*AcceptSecurityContext error, data 533,.*"
        {:errors {:ldap-bind-dn "Account is disabled"}}
        #".*AcceptSecurityContext error, data 701,.*"
        {:errors {:ldap-bind-dn "Account is expired"}}
        #"^User search base does not exist .*"
        {:errors {:ldap-user-base "User search base does not exist or is unreadable"}}
        #"^Group search base does not exist .*"
        {:errors {:ldap-group-base "Group search base does not exist or is unreadable"}}
        ;; everything else :(
        {:message message}))))