(ns metabase.sso.google (:require [clj-http.client :as http] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.models.user :as user] [metabase.sso.settings :as sso.settings] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru tru]] [metabase.util.json :as json] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.malli :as mu] [metabase.util.malli.schema :as ms] [toucan2.core :as t2])) | |
(def ^:private non-existant-account-message (deferred-tru "You''ll need an administrator to create a Metabase account before you can use Google to log in.")) | |
(def ^:private google-auth-token-info-url "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?id_token=%s") | |
(defn- google-auth-token-info ([token-info-response] (google-auth-token-info token-info-response (sso.settings/google-auth-client-id))) ([token-info-response client-id] (let [{:keys [status body]} token-info-response] (when-not (= status 200) (throw (ex-info (tru "Invalid Google Sign-In token.") {:status-code 400}))) (u/prog1 (json/decode+kw body) (let [audience (:aud <>) audience (if (string? audience) [audience] audience)] (when-not (contains? (set audience) client-id) (throw (ex-info (tru (str "Google Sign-In token appears to be incorrect. " "Double check that it matches in Google and Metabase.")) {:status-code 400})))) (when-not (= (:email_verified <>) "true") (throw (ex-info (tru "Email is not verified.") {:status-code 400}))))))) | |
(defn- autocreate-user-allowed-for-email? [email] (boolean (when-let [domains (sso.settings/google-auth-auto-create-accounts-domain)] (some (partial u/email-in-domain? email) (str/split domains #"\s*,\s*"))))) | |
Throws if an admin needs to intervene in the account creation. | (defn- check-autocreate-user-allowed-for-email [email] (when-not (autocreate-user-allowed-for-email? email) (throw (ex-info (str non-existant-account-message) {:status-code 401 :errors {:_error non-existant-account-message}})))) |
Create a new Google Auth user. | (mu/defn google-auth-create-new-user! [{:keys [email] :as new-user} :- user/NewUser] (check-autocreate-user-allowed-for-email email) ;; this will just give the user a random password; they can go reset it if they ever change their mind and want to ;; log in without Google Auth; this lets us keep the NOT NULL constraints on password / salt without having to make ;; things hairy and only enforce those for non-Google Auth users (user/create-new-google-auth-user! new-user)) |
Update google user if the first or list name changed. | (defn- maybe-update-google-user! [user first-name last-name] (when (or (not= first-name (:first_name user)) (not= last-name (:last_name user))) (t2/update! :model/User (:id user) {:first_name first-name :last_name last-name})) (assoc user :first_name first-name :last_name last-name)) |
(mu/defn- google-auth-fetch-or-create-user! :- (ms/InstanceOf :model/User) [first-name last-name email] (let [existing-user (t2/select-one [:model/User :id :email :last_login :first_name :last_name] :%lower.email (u/lower-case-en email))] (if existing-user (maybe-update-google-user! existing-user first-name last-name) (google-auth-create-new-user! {:first_name first-name :last_name last-name :email email})))) | |
Call to Google to perform an authentication | (defn do-google-auth [{{:keys [token]} :body, :as _request}] (let [token-info-response (http/post (format google-auth-token-info-url token)) {:keys [given_name family_name email]} (google-auth-token-info token-info-response)] (log/infof "Successfully authenticated Google Sign-In token for: %s %s" given_name family_name) (api/check-500 (google-auth-fetch-or-create-user! given_name family_name email)))) |