Ring middleware related to session and API-key based authentication (binding current user and permissions).

How do authenticated API requests work? There are two main paths to authentication: a session or an API key.

For session authentication, Metabase first looks for a cookie called metabase.SESSION. This is the normal way of doing things; this cookie gets set automatically upon login. metabase.SESSION is an HttpOnly cookie and thus can't be viewed by FE code. If the session is a full-app embedded session, then the cookie is metabase.EMBEDDED_SESSION instead.

Finally we'll check for the presence of a X-Metabase-Session header. If that isn't present, you don't have a Session ID.

The second main path to authentication is an API key. For this, we look at the X-Api-Key header. If that matches an ApiKey in our database, you'll be authenticated as that ApiKey's associated User.

(ns metabase.server.middleware.session
   [honey.sql.helpers :as sql.helpers]
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.core.initialization-status :as init-status]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.driver.sql.query-processor :as sql.qp]
   [metabase.models.api-key :as api-key]
   [metabase.models.user :as user]
   [metabase.premium-features.core :as premium-features]
   [metabase.request.core :as request]
   [metabase.util.i18n :as i18n]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.password :as u.password]
   [toucan2.core :as t2]
   [toucan2.pipeline :as t2.pipeline]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | wrap-session-id | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(def ^:private ^String metabase-session-header "x-metabase-session")

Attempt to add :metabase-session-id to request based on a specific strategy. Return modified request if successful or nil if we should try another strategy.

(defmulti ^:private wrap-session-id-with-strategy
  {:arglists '([strategy request])}
  (fn [strategy _]
(defmethod wrap-session-id-with-strategy :embedded-cookie
  [_ {:keys [cookies headers], :as request}]
  (when-let [session (get-in cookies [request/metabase-embedded-session-cookie :value])]
    (when-let [anti-csrf-token (get headers request/anti-csrf-token-header)]
      (assoc request :metabase-session-id session, :anti-csrf-token anti-csrf-token :metabase-session-type :full-app-embed))))
(defmethod wrap-session-id-with-strategy :normal-cookie
  [_ {:keys [cookies], :as request}]
  (when-let [session (get-in cookies [request/metabase-session-cookie :value])]
    (when (seq session)
      (assoc request :metabase-session-id session :metabase-session-type :normal))))
(defmethod wrap-session-id-with-strategy :header
  [_ {:keys [headers], :as request}]
  (when-let [session (get headers metabase-session-header)]
    (when (seq session)
      (assoc request :metabase-session-id session))))
(defmethod wrap-session-id-with-strategy :best
  [_ request]
   (fn [strategy]
     (wrap-session-id-with-strategy strategy request))
   [:embedded-cookie :normal-cookie :header]))

Middleware that sets the :metabase-session-id keyword on the request if a session id can be found. We first check the request :cookies for metabase.SESSION, then if no cookie is found we look in the http headers for X-METABASE-SESSION. If neither is found then no keyword is bound to the request.

(defn wrap-session-id
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (let [request (or (wrap-session-id-with-strategy :best request)
      (handler request respond raise))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | wrap-current-user-info | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Because this query runs on every single API request it's worth it to optimize it a bit and only compile it to SQL once rather than every time

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([db-type max-age-minutes session-type enable-advanced-permissions?])} session-with-id-query
   (fn [db-type max-age-minutes session-type enable-advanced-permissions?]
       (cond-> {:select    [[:session.user_id :metabase-user-id]
                            [:user.is_superuser :is-superuser?]
                            [:user.locale :user-locale]]
                :from      [[:core_session :session]]
                :left-join [[:core_user :user] [:= :session.user_id :user.id]]
                :where     [:and
                            [:= :user.is_active true]
                            [:= :session.id [:raw "?"]]
                            (let [oldest-allowed [:inline (sql.qp/add-interval-honeysql-form db-type
                                                                                             (- max-age-minutes)
                              [:> :session.created_at oldest-allowed])
                            [:= :session.anti_csrf_token (case session-type
                                                           :normal         nil
                                                           :full-app-embed [:raw "?"])]]
                :limit     [:inline 1]}
           [:pgm.is_group_manager :is-group-manager?])
           [:permissions_group_membership :pgm] [:and
                                                 [:= :pgm.user_id :user.id]
                                                 [:is :pgm.is_group_manager true]]))))))))

See above: because this query runs on every single API request (with an API Key) it's worth it to optimize it a bit and only compile it to SQL once rather than every time

(def ^:private ^{:arglists '([enable-advanced-permissions?])} user-data-for-api-key-prefix-query
   (fn [enable-advanced-permissions?]
       (cond-> {:select    [[:api_key.user_id :metabase-user-id]
                            [:api_key.key :api-key]
                            [:user.is_superuser :is-superuser?]
                            [:user.locale :user-locale]]
                :from      :api_key
                :left-join [[:core_user :user] [:= :api_key.user_id :user.id]]
                :where     [:and
                            [:= :user.is_active true]
                            [:= :api_key.key_prefix [:raw "?"]]]
                :limit     [:inline 1]}
           [:pgm.is_group_manager :is-group-manager?])
           [:permissions_group_membership :pgm] [:and
                                                 [:= :pgm.user_id :user.id]
                                                 [:is :pgm.is_group_manager true]]))))))))

Return User ID and superuser status for Session with session-id if it is valid and not expired.

(defn- current-user-info-for-session
  [session-id anti-csrf-token]
  (when (and session-id (init-status/complete?))
    (let [sql    (session-with-id-query (mdb/db-type)
                                        (config/config-int :max-session-age)
                                        (if (seq anti-csrf-token) :full-app-embed :normal)
          params (concat [session-id]
                         (when (seq anti-csrf-token)
      (some-> (t2/query-one (cons sql params))
              ;; is-group-manager? could return `nil, convert it to boolean so it's guaranteed to be only true/false
              (update :is-group-manager? boolean)))))
(def ^:private api-key-that-should-never-match (str (random-uuid)))
(def ^:private hash-that-should-never-match (u.password/hash-bcrypt "password"))

Password check that will always fail, used to avoid exposing any info about existing users or API keys via timing attacks.

(defn do-useless-hash
  (u.password/verify-password api-key-that-should-never-match "" hash-that-should-never-match))
(defn- matching-api-key? [{:keys [api-key] :as _user-data} passed-api-key]
  ;; if we get an API key, check the hash against the passed value. If not, don't reveal info via a timing attack - do
  ;; a useless hash, *then* return `false`.
  (if api-key
    (u.password/verify-password passed-api-key  api-key)

Return User ID and superuser status for an API Key with `api-key-id

(defn- current-user-info-for-api-key
  (when (and api-key (init-status/complete?))
    (let [user-data (some-> (t2/query-one (cons (user-data-for-api-key-prefix-query
                                                [(api-key/prefix api-key)]))
                            (update :is-group-manager? boolean))]
      (when (matching-api-key? user-data api-key)
        (dissoc user-data :api-key)))))
(defn- merge-current-user-info
  [{:keys [metabase-session-id anti-csrf-token], {:strs [x-metabase-locale x-api-key]} :headers, :as request}]
   (or (current-user-info-for-session metabase-session-id anti-csrf-token)
       (current-user-info-for-api-key x-api-key))
   (when x-metabase-locale
     (log/tracef "Found X-Metabase-Locale header: using %s as user locale" (pr-str x-metabase-locale))
     {:user-locale (i18n/normalized-locale-string x-metabase-locale)})))

Add :metabase-user-id, :is-superuser?, :is-group-manager? and :user-locale to the request if a valid session token OR a valid API key was passed.

(defn wrap-current-user-info
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (handler (merge-current-user-info request) respond raise)))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bind-current-user | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

If [[metabase.api.common/current-user-permissions-set]] is bound, reset it so it gets recalculated on next use. Called by [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions/delete-related-permissions!]] and [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions/grant-permissions!]], mostly as a convenience for tests that bind a current user and then grant or revoke permissions for that user without rebinding it.

this is actually used by [[metabase.permissions.models.permissions/clear-current-user-cached-permissions!]]

TODO -- then why doesn't it live there??? Not one single thing this touches is part of this namespace.

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:clojure-lsp/unused-public-var]}
(defn clear-current-user-cached-permissions-set!
  (when-let [current-user-id api/*current-user-id*]
    ;; [[api/*current-user-permissions-set*]] is dynamically bound
    (when (get (get-thread-bindings) #'api/*current-user-permissions-set*)
      (.set #'api/*current-user-permissions-set* (delay (user/permissions-set current-user-id)))))
(defmacro ^:private with-current-user-for-request
  [request & body]
  `(request/do-with-current-user ~request (fn [] ~@body)))

Middleware that binds [[metabase.api.common/current-user]], [[current-user-id]], [[is-superuser?]], [[current-user-permissions-set]], and [[metabase.models.setting/user-local-values]].

  • *current-user-id* int ID or nil of user associated with request
  • *current-user* delay that returns current user (or nil) from DB
  • metabase.util.i18n/*user-locale* ISO locale code e.g en or en-US to use for the current User. Overrides site-locale if set.
  • *is-superuser?* Boolean stating whether current user is a superuser.
  • *is-group-manager?* Boolean stating whether current user is a group manager of at least one group.
  • *current-user-permissions-set* delay that returns the set of permissions granted to the current user from DB
  • *user-local-values* atom containing a map of user-local settings and values for the current user
(defn bind-current-user
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (with-current-user-for-request request
      (handler request respond raise))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | reset-cookie-timeout | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Implementation for reset-cookie-timeout respond handler.

(defn reset-session-timeout*
  [request response request-time]
  (if (and
       ;; Only reset the timeout if the request includes a session cookie.
       (:metabase-session-type request)
       ;; Do not reset the timeout if it is being updated in the response, e.g. if it is being deleted
       (not (contains? (:cookies response) request/metabase-session-timeout-cookie)))
    (request/set-session-timeout-cookie response request (:metabase-session-type request) request-time)

Middleware that resets the expiry date on session cookies according to the session-timeout setting. Will not change anything if the session-timeout setting is nil, or the timeout cookie has already expired.

(defn reset-session-timeout
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (let [;; The expiry time for the cookie is relative to the time the request is received, rather than the time of the
          ;; response.
          request-time (t/zoned-date-time (t/zone-id "GMT"))]
      (handler request
               (fn [response]
                 (respond (reset-session-timeout* request response request-time)))