Ring middleware for adding security-related headers to API responses.

(ns metabase.server.middleware.security
   [clojure.java.io :as io]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [java-time.api :as t]
   [metabase.config :as config]
   [metabase.models.setting :as setting]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [metabase.request.core :as request]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [metabase.util.malli :as mu]
   [ring.util.codec :refer [base64-encode]])
   (java.security MessageDigest SecureRandom)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

Generates a random nonce of 10 characters to add to the Content-Security-Policy header so that only scripts and inline style elements with the same nonce will be allowed to run. The server generates a unique nonce value each time it sends a response. For more information see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/style-src.

(defn- generate-nonce
  (let [chars         "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
        secure-random (SecureRandom.)]
    (apply str (repeatedly 10 #(get chars (.nextInt secure-random (count chars)))))))
(defonce ^:private ^:const inline-js-hashes
  (letfn [(file-hash [resource-filename]
             (.digest (doto (MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA-256")
                        (.update (.getBytes (slurp (io/resource resource-filename))))))))]
    (mapv file-hash [;; inline script in index.html that sets `MetabaseBootstrap` and the like
                     ;; inline script in init.html
                     ;; inline script in init.html to handle errors when grabbing app scripts

Headers that tell browsers not to cache a response.

(defn- cache-prevention-headers
  {"Cache-Control" "max-age=0, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate"
   "Expires"        "Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:00:00 GMT"
   "Last-Modified"  (t/format :rfc-1123-date-time (t/zoned-date-time))})

Headers that tell browsers to cache a static resource for a long time.

(def cache-far-future-headers
  {"Cache-Control" "public, max-age=31536000"})

Tell browsers to only access this resource over HTTPS for the next year (prevent MTM attacks). (This only applies if the original request was HTTPS; if sent in response to an HTTP request, this is simply ignored)

(def ^:private ^:const strict-transport-security-header
  {"Strict-Transport-Security" "max-age=31536000"})

Returns an object with protocol, domain and port for the given url

(defn parse-url
  (if (= url "*")
    {:protocol nil :domain "*" :port "*"}
    (let [pattern #"^(?:(https?)://)?([^:/]+)(?::(\d+|\*))?$"
          matches (re-matches pattern url)]
      (if-not matches
        (do (log/errorf "Invalid URL: %s" url) nil)
        (let [[_ protocol domain port] matches]
          {:protocol protocol
           :domain domain
           :port port})))))

Adds a wildcard prefix .* to the domain part of the given domain-or-url string.

Only adds the wildcard entry when the given domain does not have a subdomain already, with the exception of single name domains like 'localhost' which should not have the wildcard prefix.

This is done because we won't know if the typical iframe src URL will include a www or not.

For example, youtube.com typically won't work because the iframe src is https://www.youtube.com/whatever. So we add *.youtube.com to cover this case. But, *.twitter.com won't work for the inverse reason; the iframe src is https://twitter.com/whatever and adding the wildcard fails to match.

So, we'll double things up and include both the wildcard and non-wildcard entry. We still keep the logic of not adding a wildcard when a subdomain is already specified because we want to treat this case as the user being more specific and thus intentionally less permissive.

(defn- add-wildcard-entries
  (let [cleaned-domain (-> domain-or-url
                           (str/replace #"/$" "")
                           (str/replace #"www." ""))
        {:keys [protocol domain port]} (parse-url cleaned-domain)]
    (when domain
      (let [split-domain (str/split domain #"\.")
            new-domains  (cond-> (if (= (count split-domain) 2)
                                   [domain (format "*.%s" domain)]
                           (str/includes? domain-or-url "www.") (conj (format "www.%s" domain)))]
        (for [new-domain new-domains]
          (str (when protocol (format "%s://" protocol))
               (when (and port (not= domain "*")) (format ":%s" port))))))))
(defn- parse-allowed-iframe-hosts*
  (->> (str/split hosts-string #"[ ,\s\r\n]+")
       (remove str/blank?)
       (mapcat add-wildcard-entries)
       (into ["'self'"])))

Parse the string of allowed iframe hosts, adding wildcard prefixes as needed.

  (memoize parse-allowed-iframe-hosts*))

Content-Security-Policy header. See https://content-security-policy.com for more details.

(defn- content-security-policy-header
    (for [[k vs] {:default-src  ["'none'"]
                  :script-src   (concat
                                  (when (public-settings/anon-tracking-enabled)
                                  ;; for webpack hot reloading
                                  (when config/is-dev?
                                  ;; for react dev tools to work in Firefox until resolution of
                                  ;; https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/17997
                                  (when config/is-dev?
                                 ;; CLJS REPL
                                 (when config/is-dev?
                                 (when-not config/is-dev?
                                   (map (partial format "'sha256-%s'") inline-js-hashes)))
                  :child-src    ["'self'"
                  :style-src    ["'self'"
                                 ;; See [[generate-nonce]]
                                 (when nonce
                                   (format "'nonce-%s'" nonce))
                                 ;; for webpack hot reloading
                                 (when config/is-dev?
                                 ;; CLJS REPL
                                 (when config/is-dev?
                  :frame-src    (parse-allowed-iframe-hosts (public-settings/allowed-iframe-hosts))
                  :font-src     ["*"]
                  :img-src      ["*"
                                 "'self' data:"]
                  :connect-src  ["'self'"
                                 ;; Google Identity Services
                                 ;; MailChimp. So people can sign up for the Metabase mailing list in the sign up process
                                 ;; Snowplow analytics
                                 (when (public-settings/anon-tracking-enabled)
                                   (setting/get-value-of-type :string :snowplow-url))
                                 ;; Webpack dev server
                                 (when config/is-dev?
                                   "*:8080 ws://*:8080")
                                 ;; CLJS REPL
                                 (when config/is-dev?
                  :manifest-src ["'self'"]}]
      (format "%s %s; " (name k) (str/join " " vs))))})
(defn- content-security-policy-header-with-frame-ancestors
  [allow-iframes? nonce]
  (update (content-security-policy-header nonce)
          #(format "%s frame-ancestors %s;" % (if allow-iframes? "*"
                                                  (if-let [eao (and (setting/get-value-of-type :boolean :enable-embedding-interactive)
                                                                    (setting/get-value-of-type :string :embedding-app-origins-interactive))]

Checks if the domain is compatible with the reference one

(defn approved-domain?
  [domain reference-domain]
  (or (= reference-domain "*")
      (if (str/starts-with? reference-domain "*.")
        (str/ends-with? domain (str/replace-first reference-domain "*." "."))
        (= domain reference-domain))))

Checks if the protocol is compatible with the reference one

(defn approved-protocol?
  [protocol reference-protocol]
  (or (nil? reference-protocol)
      (= protocol reference-protocol)))

Checks if the port is compatible with the reference one

(defn approved-port?
  [port reference-port]
   (= reference-port "*")
   (= port reference-port)))

Parses the space separated string of approved origins

(defn parse-approved-origins
  (let [urls (str/split approved-origins-raw #" +")]
    (keep parse-url urls)))

Returns true if origin should be allowed for CORS based on the approved-origins

(mu/defn approved-origin?
  [raw-origin :- [:maybe :string]
   approved-origins-raw :- [:maybe :string]]
   (when (and (seq raw-origin) (seq approved-origins-raw))
     (let [approved-list (parse-approved-origins approved-origins-raw)
           origin        (parse-url raw-origin)]
       (some (fn [approved-origin]
                (approved-domain? (:domain origin) (:domain approved-origin))
                (approved-protocol? (:protocol origin) (:protocol approved-origin))
                (approved-port? (:port origin) (:port approved-origin))))

Returns headers for CORS requests

(defn access-control-headers
  [origin enabled? approved-origins]
  (when enabled?
     (when (approved-origin? origin (if enabled? approved-origins "localhost:*"))
       {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" origin
        "Vary"                        "Origin"})
     {"Access-Control-Allow-Headers"  "*"
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"  "*"
      "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" "X-Metabase-Anti-CSRF-Token"})))

Fetch a map of security headers that should be added to a response based on the passed options.

(defn security-headers
  [& {:keys [origin nonce allow-iframes? allow-cache?]
      :or   {allow-iframes? false, allow-cache? false}}]
   (if allow-cache? cache-far-future-headers (cache-prevention-headers))
   (content-security-policy-header-with-frame-ancestors allow-iframes? nonce)
   (access-control-headers origin
                           (setting/get-value-of-type :boolean :enable-embedding-sdk)
                           (setting/get-value-of-type :string :embedding-app-origins-sdk))
   (when-not allow-iframes?
     ;; Tell browsers not to render our site as an iframe (prevent clickjacking)
     {"X-Frame-Options"                 (if-let [eao (and (setting/get-value-of-type :boolean :enable-embedding-interactive)
                                                          (setting/get-value-of-type :string :embedding-app-origins-interactive))]
                                          (format "ALLOW-FROM %s" (-> eao (str/split #" ") first))
   {;; Tell browser to block suspected XSS attacks
    "X-XSS-Protection"                  "1; mode=block"
    ;; Prevent Flash / PDF files from including content from site.
    "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies" "none"
    ;; Tell browser not to use MIME sniffing to guess types of files -- protect against MIME type confusion attacks
    "X-Content-Type-Options"            "nosniff"}))
(defn- add-security-headers* [request response]
  ;; merge is other way around so that handler can override headers
  (update response :headers #(merge %2 %1) (security-headers
                                            :origin         ((:headers request) "origin")
                                            :nonce          (:nonce request)
                                            :allow-iframes? ((some-fn request/public? request/embed?) request)
                                            :allow-cache?   (request/cacheable? request))))

Middleware that adds HTTP security and cache-busting headers.

(defn add-security-headers
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (let [request (assoc request :nonce (generate-nonce))]
       (comp respond (partial add-security-headers* request))