Misc Ring middleware.

(ns metabase.server.middleware.misc
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.public-settings :as public-settings]
   [metabase.request.core :as request]
   [metabase.util.log :as log])
   (clojure.core.async.impl.channels ManyToManyChannel)
   (metabase.server.streaming_response StreamingResponse)))
(comment metabase.server.streaming-response/keep-me)
(defn- add-content-type* [{:keys [body], {:strs [Content-Type]} :headers, :as response}]
  (cond-> response
    (not Content-Type)
    (assoc-in [:headers "Content-Type"] (if (string? body)
                                          "application/json; charset=utf-8"))))

Add an appropriate Content-Type header to response if it doesn't already have one. Most responses should already have one, so this is a fallback for ones that for one reason or another do not.

(defn add-content-type
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (handler request
             (if-not (request/api-call? request)
               (comp respond add-content-type*))

------------------------------------------------ SETTING SITE-URL ------------------------------------------------

It's important for us to know what the site URL is for things like returning links, etc. this is stored in the site-url Setting; we can set it automatically by looking at the Origin, X-Forwarded-Host, or Host headers sent with a request.

Effectively the very first API request that gets sent to us (usually some sort of setup request) ends up setting the (initial) value of site-url

(defn- maybe-set-site-url* [{{:strs [origin x-forwarded-host host user-agent]} :headers, uri :uri}]
  (when (and (mdb/db-is-set-up?)
             (not (public-settings/site-url))
             (not= uri "/api/health")
             (or (nil? user-agent) ((complement str/includes?) user-agent "HealthChecker")))
    (when-let [site-url (or origin x-forwarded-host host)]
      (log/infof "Setting Metabase site URL to %s" site-url)
        (public-settings/site-url! site-url)
        (catch Throwable e
          (log/warn e "Failed to set site-url"))))))

Middleware to set the site-url setting on the initial setup request

(defn maybe-set-site-url
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (maybe-set-site-url* request)
    (handler request respond raise)))

------------------------------------------ Disable Streaming Buffering -------------------------------------------

(defn- maybe-add-disable-buffering-header [{:keys [body], :as response}]
  (cond-> response
    (or (instance? StreamingResponse body)
        (instance? ManyToManyChannel body))
    (assoc-in [:headers "X-Accel-Buffering"] "no")))

Tell nginx not to batch streaming responses -- otherwise load balancers are liable to cancel our request prematurely if they aren't configured for longer timeouts. See https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngxhttpproxymodule.html#proxycache

(defn disable-streaming-buffering
  (fn [request respond raise]
     (comp respond maybe-add-disable-buffering-header)

-------------------------------------------------- Bind request --------------------------------------------------

Ring middleware that binds *request* for the duration of this Ring request.

(defn bind-request
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (request/with-current-request request
      (handler request respond raise))))