Ring middleware for logging API requests/responses.

(ns metabase.server.middleware.log
   [clojure.core.async :as a]
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [metabase.api.common :as api]
   [metabase.db :as mdb]
   [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic :as sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic]
   [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]]
   [metabase.request.core :as request]
   [metabase.server.instance :as server]
   [metabase.server.streaming-response :as streaming-response]
   [metabase.server.streaming-response.thread-pool :as thread-pool]
   [metabase.util :as u]
   [metabase.util.async :as async.u]
   [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]]
   [metabase.util.log :as log]
   [toucan2.core :as t2])
   (clojure.core.async.impl.channels ManyToManyChannel)
   (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 PoolBackedDataSource)
   (metabase.server.streaming_response StreamingResponse)
   (org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread QueuedThreadPool)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

To simplify passing large amounts of arguments around most functions in this namespace take an "info" map that looks like

{:request ..., :response ..., :start-time ..., :call-count-fn ...}

This map is created in log-api-call at the bottom of this namespace.

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Getting & Formatting Request/Response Info | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

These functions take parts of the info map and convert it into formatted strings.

(defn- format-status-info
  [{:keys [async-status]
    {:keys [request-method uri] :or {request-method :XXX}} :request
    {:keys [status]} :response}]
   (format "%s %s %d" (u/upper-case-en (name request-method)) uri status)
   (when async-status
     (format " [ASYNC: %s]" async-status))))
(defn- format-performance-info
  [{:keys [start-time call-count-fn _diag-info-fn]
    :or {start-time    (u/start-timer)
         call-count-fn (constantly -1)}}]
  (let [elapsed-time (u/since-ms start-time)
        db-calls     (call-count-fn)]
    (format "%.0fms (%s DB calls)" elapsed-time db-calls)))
(defn- stats [diag-info-fn]
   (when-let [^PoolBackedDataSource pool (let [data-source (mdb/data-source)]
                                           (when (instance? PoolBackedDataSource data-source)
     (format "App DB connections: %s/%s"
             (.getNumBusyConnectionsAllUsers pool) (.getNumConnectionsAllUsers pool)))
   " "
   (when-let [^QueuedThreadPool pool (some-> (server/instance) .getThreadPool)]
     (format "Jetty threads: %s/%s (%s idle, %s queued)"
             (.getBusyThreads pool)
             (.getMaxThreads pool)
             (.getIdleThreads pool)
             (.getQueueSize pool)))
   " "
   (format "(%s total active threads)" (Thread/activeCount))
   " "
   (format "Queries in flight: %s" (thread-pool/active-thread-count))
   " "
   (format "(%s queued)" (thread-pool/queued-thread-count))
   (when diag-info-fn
     (when-let [diag-info (not-empty (diag-info-fn))]
        "; %s DB %s connections: %d/%d (%d threads blocked)"
        (some-> diag-info ::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/driver name)
        (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/database-id diag-info)
        (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/active-connections diag-info)
        (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/total-connections diag-info)
        (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/threads-waiting diag-info))))))
(defn- format-threads-info [{:keys [diag-info-fn]} {:keys [include-stats?]}]
  (when include-stats?
    (stats diag-info-fn)))
(defn- format-error-info [{{:keys [body]} :response} {:keys [error?]}]
  (when (and error?
             (or (string? body) (coll? body)))
    (str "\n" (u/pprint-to-str body))))
(defn- format-log-context [{:keys [log-context]} _]
  (pr-str log-context))
(defn- format-info [info opts]
  (str/join " " (filter some? [(format-status-info info)
                               (format-performance-info info)
                               (format-threads-info info opts)
                               (format-log-context info opts)
                               (format-error-info info opts)])))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Logging the Info | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

log-info below takes an info map and actually writes the log message, using the format functions from the section above to create the combined message.

log-options determines some other formatting options, such as the color of the message. The first logger out of the list below whose :status-pred is true will be used to log the API request/response.

include-stats? here is to avoid incurring the cost of collecting the Jetty stats and concatenating the extra strings when they're just going to be ignored. This is automatically handled by the macro, but is bypassed once we wrap it in a function

(def ^:private log-options
  [{:status-pred    #(>= % 500)
    :error?         true
    :color          'red
    :log-fn         #(log/error %)
    :include-stats? false}
   {:status-pred    #(>= % 403)
    :error?         true
    :color          'red
    :log-fn         #(log/warn  %)
    :include-stats? false}
   {:status-pred    #(>= % 400)
    :error?         true
    :color          'red
    :log-fn         #(log/debug %)
    :include-stats? false}
   {:status-pred    (constantly true)
    :error?         false
    :color          'green
    :log-fn         #(log/debug %)
    :include-stats? true}])
(defn- log-info
  [{{:keys [status] :or {status -1}} :response, :as info}]
    (let [{:keys [color log-fn]
           :or {color  :default-color
                log-fn identity}
           :as opts}
          (some #(when ((:status-pred %) status) %)
      (log-fn (u/format-color color (format-info info opts))))
    (catch Throwable e
      (log/error e "Error logging API request"))))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Async Logging | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

These functions call log-info when appropriate -- right away for non-core.async-channel responses, or after the channel closes for core.async channels.

For async responses that return a core.async channel, wait for the channel to return a response before logging the API request info.

(defn- log-core-async-response
  [{{chan :body, :as _response} :response, :as info}]
  {:pre [(async.u/promise-chan? chan)]}
  ;; [async] wait for the pipe to close the canceled/finished channel and log the API response
    (let [result (a/<! chan)]
      (log-info (assoc info :async-status (if (nil? result) "canceled" "completed"))))))
(defn- log-streaming-response [{{streaming-response :body, :as _response} :response, :as info}]
  ;; [async] wait for the streaming response to be canceled/finished channel and log the API response
  (let [finished-chan (streaming-response/finished-chan streaming-response)]
      (let [result (a/<! finished-chan)]
        (log-info (assoc info :async-status (name result)))))))

Log an API response. Returns resonse, possibly modified (i.e., core.async channels will be wrapped); this value should be passed to the normal respond function.

(defn- logged-response
  [{{:keys [body], :as response} :response, :as info}]
  (condp instance? body
    ManyToManyChannel (log-core-async-response info)
    StreamingResponse (log-streaming-response info)
    (log-info info))

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Middleware | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Actual middleware. Determines whether request should be logged, and, if so, creates the info dictionary and hands off to functions above.

(defsetting health-check-logging-enabled
  (deferred-tru "Whether to log health check requests from session middleware.")
  :type       :boolean
  :default    true
  :visibility :internal
  :export?    false)

The set of URIs that should not be logged.

(defn- logging-disabled-uris
  (cond-> #{"/api/util/logs"}
    (not (health-check-logging-enabled)) (conj "/api/health")))
(defn- should-log-request? [{:keys [uri], :as request}]
  ;; don't log calls to /health or /util/logs because they clutter up the logs (especially the window in admin) with
  ;; useless lines
  (and (request/api-call? request)
       (not ((logging-disabled-uris) uri))))

Logs info about request such as status code, number of DB calls, and time taken to complete.

(defn log-api-call
  (fn [request respond raise]
    (if-not (should-log-request? request)
      ;; non-API call or health or logs call, don't log it
      (handler request respond raise)
      ;; API call, log info about it
      (t2/with-call-count [call-count-fn]
        (sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/capturing-diagnostic-info [diag-info-fn]
          (let [info           {:request       request
                                :start-time    (u/start-timer)
                                :call-count-fn call-count-fn
                                :diag-info-fn  diag-info-fn
                                :log-context   {:metabase-user-id api/*current-user-id*}}
                response->info (fn [response]
                                 (assoc info :response response))
                respond        (comp respond logged-response response->info)]
            (handler request respond raise)))))))