Ring middleware for logging API requests/responses. | (ns metabase.server.middleware.log (:require [clojure.core.async :as a] [clojure.string :as str] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.db :as mdb] [metabase.driver.sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic :as sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic] [metabase.models.setting :refer [defsetting]] [metabase.request.core :as request] [metabase.server.instance :as server] [metabase.server.streaming-response :as streaming-response] [metabase.server.streaming-response.thread-pool :as thread-pool] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.async :as async.u] [metabase.util.i18n :refer [deferred-tru]] [metabase.util.log :as log] [toucan2.core :as t2]) (:import (clojure.core.async.impl.channels ManyToManyChannel) (com.mchange.v2.c3p0 PoolBackedDataSource) (metabase.server.streaming_response StreamingResponse) (org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread QueuedThreadPool))) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) | |
To simplify passing large amounts of arguments around most functions in this namespace take an "info" map that looks like
This map is created in | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Getting & Formatting Request/Response Info | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
These functions take parts of the info map and convert it into formatted strings. | |
(defn- format-status-info [{:keys [async-status] {:keys [request-method uri] :or {request-method :XXX}} :request {:keys [status]} :response}] (str (format "%s %s %d" (u/upper-case-en (name request-method)) uri status) (when async-status (format " [ASYNC: %s]" async-status)))) | |
(defn- format-performance-info [{:keys [start-time call-count-fn _diag-info-fn] :or {start-time (u/start-timer) call-count-fn (constantly -1)}}] (let [elapsed-time (u/since-ms start-time) db-calls (call-count-fn)] (format "%.0fms (%s DB calls)" elapsed-time db-calls))) | |
(defn- stats [diag-info-fn] (str (when-let [^PoolBackedDataSource pool (let [data-source (mdb/data-source)] (when (instance? PoolBackedDataSource data-source) data-source))] (format "App DB connections: %s/%s" (.getNumBusyConnectionsAllUsers pool) (.getNumConnectionsAllUsers pool))) " " (when-let [^QueuedThreadPool pool (some-> (server/instance) .getThreadPool)] (format "Jetty threads: %s/%s (%s idle, %s queued)" (.getBusyThreads pool) (.getMaxThreads pool) (.getIdleThreads pool) (.getQueueSize pool))) " " (format "(%s total active threads)" (Thread/activeCount)) " " (format "Queries in flight: %s" (thread-pool/active-thread-count)) " " (format "(%s queued)" (thread-pool/queued-thread-count)) (when diag-info-fn (when-let [diag-info (not-empty (diag-info-fn))] (format "; %s DB %s connections: %d/%d (%d threads blocked)" (some-> diag-info ::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/driver name) (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/database-id diag-info) (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/active-connections diag-info) (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/total-connections diag-info) (::sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/threads-waiting diag-info)))))) | |
(defn- format-threads-info [{:keys [diag-info-fn]} {:keys [include-stats?]}] (when include-stats? (stats diag-info-fn))) | |
(defn- format-error-info [{{:keys [body]} :response} {:keys [error?]}] (when (and error? (or (string? body) (coll? body))) (str "\n" (u/pprint-to-str body)))) | |
(defn- format-log-context [{:keys [log-context]} _] (pr-str log-context)) | |
(defn- format-info [info opts] (str/join " " (filter some? [(format-status-info info) (format-performance-info info) (format-threads-info info opts) (format-log-context info opts) (format-error-info info opts)]))) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Logging the Info | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
| |
| (def ^:private log-options [{:status-pred #(>= % 500) :error? true :color 'red :log-fn #(log/error %) :include-stats? false} {:status-pred #(>= % 403) :error? true :color 'red :log-fn #(log/warn %) :include-stats? false} {:status-pred #(>= % 400) :error? true :color 'red :log-fn #(log/debug %) :include-stats? false} {:status-pred (constantly true) :error? false :color 'green :log-fn #(log/debug %) :include-stats? true}]) |
(defn- log-info [{{:keys [status] :or {status -1}} :response, :as info}] (try (let [{:keys [color log-fn] :or {color :default-color log-fn identity} :as opts} (some #(when ((:status-pred %) status) %) log-options)] (log-fn (u/format-color color (format-info info opts)))) (catch Throwable e (log/error e "Error logging API request")))) | |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Async Logging | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
These functions call | |
For async responses that return a | (defn- log-core-async-response [{{chan :body, :as _response} :response, :as info}] {:pre [(async.u/promise-chan? chan)]} ;; [async] wait for the pipe to close the canceled/finished channel and log the API response (a/go (let [result (a/<! chan)] (log-info (assoc info :async-status (if (nil? result) "canceled" "completed")))))) |
(defn- log-streaming-response [{{streaming-response :body, :as _response} :response, :as info}] ;; [async] wait for the streaming response to be canceled/finished channel and log the API response (let [finished-chan (streaming-response/finished-chan streaming-response)] (a/go (let [result (a/<! finished-chan)] (log-info (assoc info :async-status (name result))))))) | |
Log an API response. Returns resonse, possibly modified (i.e., core.async channels will be wrapped); this value
should be passed to the normal | (defn- logged-response [{{:keys [body], :as response} :response, :as info}] (condp instance? body ManyToManyChannel (log-core-async-response info) StreamingResponse (log-streaming-response info) (log-info info)) response) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Middleware | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
Actual middleware. Determines whether request should be logged, and, if so, creates the info dictionary and hands off to functions above. | |
(defsetting health-check-logging-enabled (deferred-tru "Whether to log health check requests from session middleware.") :type :boolean :default true :visibility :internal :export? false) | |
The set of URIs that should not be logged. | (defn- logging-disabled-uris [] (cond-> #{"/api/util/logs"} (not (health-check-logging-enabled)) (conj "/api/health"))) |
(defn- should-log-request? [{:keys [uri], :as request}] ;; don't log calls to /health or /util/logs because they clutter up the logs (especially the window in admin) with ;; useless lines (and (request/api-call? request) (not ((logging-disabled-uris) uri)))) | |
Logs info about request such as status code, number of DB calls, and time taken to complete. | (defn log-api-call [handler] (fn [request respond raise] (if-not (should-log-request? request) ;; non-API call or health or logs call, don't log it (handler request respond raise) ;; API call, log info about it (t2/with-call-count [call-count-fn] (sql-jdbc.execute.diagnostic/capturing-diagnostic-info [diag-info-fn] (let [info {:request request :start-time (u/start-timer) :call-count-fn call-count-fn :diag-info-fn diag-info-fn :log-context {:metabase-user-id api/*current-user-id*}} response->info (fn [response] (assoc info :response response)) respond (comp respond logged-response response->info)] (handler request respond raise))))))) |