NOT the API namespace for the search module!! See [[]] instead. | (ns (:require [ :as analytics] [ :as search.engines.appdb] [ :as search.config] [ :as search.engine] [ :as search.impl] [ :as search.legacy] [ :as search.ingestion] [ :as search.spec] [ :as search.util] [metabase.util.log :as log] [potemkin :as p])) |
(comment ;; Make sure to import all the engine implementations. In future this can happen automatically, as per drivers. ;; ;; TODO -- maybe engine loading should be moved to [[]] instead search.engine/keep-me search.engines.appdb/keep-me search.legacy/keep-me search.config/keep-me search.impl/keep-me) | |
(p/import-vars [search.config SearchableModel] [search.engine model-set] [search.impl search ;; We could avoid exposing this by wrapping `query-model-set` and `search` with it. search-context] [search.ingestion bulk-ingest! get-next-batch!] [search.spec define-spec]) | |
(defmethod analytics/known-labels :metabase-search/index [_] (for [model (keys (search.spec/specifications))] {:model model})) | |
(defmethod analytics/known-labels :metabase-search/engine-default [_] (analytics/known-labels :metabase-search/engine-active)) | |
(defmethod analytics/known-labels :metabase-search/engine-active [_] (for [e (search.engine/known-engines)] {:engine (name e)})) | |
(defmethod analytics/initial-value :metabase-search/engine-default [_ {:keys [engine]}] (if (= engine (name (search.impl/default-engine))) 1 0)) | |
(defmethod analytics/initial-value :metabase-search/engine-active [_ {:keys [engine]}] (if (search.engine/supported-engine? (keyword "search.engine" engine)) 1 0)) | |
Does this instance support a search index, of any sort? | (defn supports-index? [] (seq (search.engine/active-engines))) |
Ensure there is an index ready to be populated. | (defn init-index! [& {:as opts}] ;; If there are multiple indexes, return the peak inserted for each type. In practice, they should all be the same. (reduce (partial merge-with max) nil (for [e (search.engine/active-engines)] (search.engine/init! e opts)))) |
Populate a new index, and make it active. Simultaneously updates the current index. | (defn reindex! [& {:as opts}] ;; If there are multiple indexes, return the peak inserted for each type. In practice, they should all be the same. (try (reduce (partial merge-with max) nil (for [e (search.engine/active-engines)] (search.engine/reindex! e opts))) (catch Throwable e (log/fatal e "Error reindexing search indexes.")))) |
Stop tracking the current indexes. Used when resetting the appdb. | (defn reset-tracking! [] (doseq [e (search.engine/active-engines)] (search.engine/reset-tracking! e))) |
Given a new or updated instance, put all the corresponding search entries if needed in the queue. | (defn update! [instance & [always?]] (when (supports-index?) (when-let [updates (->> (search.spec/search-models-to-update instance always?) (remove (comp search.util/impossible-condition? second)) seq)] ;; We need to delay execution to handle deletes, which alert us *before* updating the database. (search.ingestion/ingest-maybe-async! updates)))) |
Given a model and a list of model's ids, remove corresponding search entries. | (defn delete! [model ids] (doseq [e (search.engine/active-engines) search-model (->> (vals (search.spec/specifications)) (filter (comp #{model} :model)) (map :name))] (search.engine/delete! e search-model ids))) |